“Drop and Roll” — How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump

We KNOW the election is being stolen.
Of course you do - as a matter of unquestioned divine revelation, not of objective, empirical truth.

Have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit, and compose yourself.

The cult that worships Cry Baby Trump is incapable of accepting that the majority of Americans who did not vote for their deity in 2016, and have disapproved of him relentlessly since then in poll after poll, would vote him out of office when finally given the opportunity.

Mindless devotion is emotional, not rational.

For rational folks, the sentiment expressed by the 80 million Americans on November 3 is entirely consistent.

Logic dictates that they do not fantasize about vast conspiracies coordinated by governors, secretaries of state, and other election officials throughout the land, especially after vigorous, impartial audits and recounts affirm the reality, and, repeatedly, expert legal representation fails to contrive any credible evidence to the contrary.

The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of.

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A preponderance of evidence equals proof in a court of law. They Repubs are putting our mountains of eveidence & it keeps coming in.
All the Dems have is denial there is any such thing as election or voter fraud & "fact checking" from the same MSM allies who have helped them perpetrate said fraud
I suggest supporting the ability to allow voters to VERIFY their own votes after the fact. Something that cannot be currently done.
More & more is coming out everyday. The floodgates will be opened soon and only the most delusional proglodyte will be able to deny the truth. They attempted a historic fraud and got caught because it was just too big to hide.
Once the wall of lies starts to crumble around them, they will go ballistic & start attacking. Again.
Be prepared to defend yourselves if you live in lefty territory. It won't last long but it will be chaos & violence
Then why don’t Republicans bring their “A game“ to court?

Because they know their “A game” is based on lies
Kangaroo court evidence will only get you the support of Trumpybears Banana Republicans. You already had that.

If Don "the Great Loser" had any real evidence it would have already been presented in a real court.
Drop and Roll”

How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump (Video)

They can’t tell me they held back on only the 90% for Biden inner cities. If anything, it’s the rural 95% Trump districts that would be expected to be late reporting.
Can't believe I got up, turned on USMB and the same nut balls still have their heads on fire because Biden won.
you twats hope for a venezuelan style supreme court propping up your loser god. that's WINNING
The SCOTUS needs to intervene since several States are failing miserably in the election and post-election process.
waaaah, waaaah. my favorite asshole did not win a democratic election. the courts must do something about it. waaah waaah waaah. twat
Your only hope is an appeal to heaven. If God is not done with America, and with Donald Trump, president Trump will prevail.

If people will humble themselves and pray to God, He will delay His hand of wrath which is most assuredly coming. We are nearing the end times, and at some point The Time of The Gentiles is over, and the focus of the End times focuses on Israel and The Time of Jacob's Trouble.

Repent, pray for God's mercy, and pray for The Republic, and President Donald J Trump
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
We will get justice or revenge. Let the democrats choose which we will have.
go fuk a confederate flag
Don't worry little Demon, Daddy Satan is coming for you, and your Messiah The AntiChrist can't wait to stamp his 666 tattoo right between your eyes.

Then you get to enjoy watching The World be torn apart and the 21 Judgments rain down from heaven on your pathetic evil ass.

Then the return of Christ and judgment day and you all get thrown in to Hell for your lies, deceit, and treachery, and treason.

My advice to you is to repent. The world is temporary and your soul is eternal. "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
We will get justice or revenge. Let the democrats choose which we will have.
go fuk a confederate flag
Don't worry little Demon, Daddy Satan is coming for you, and your Messiah The AntiChrist can't wait to stamp his 666 tattoo right between your eyes.

Then you get to enjoy watching The World be torn apart and the 21 Judgments rain down from heaven on your pathetic evil ass.

Then the return of Christ and judgment day and you all get thrown in to Hell for your lies, deceit, and treachery, and treasons.

silly me

i totally forgot you are a deranged wacko!

another testament to the goodness of liberals....you are allowed a computer with access to the internet in your padded cell!

no conservative would ever allow that
you twats hope for a venezuelan style supreme court propping up your loser god. that's WINNING
The SCOTUS needs to intervene since several States are failing miserably in the election and post-election process.
waaaah, waaaah. my favorite asshole did not win a democratic election. the courts must do something about it. waaah waaah waaah. twat
Lots of anger, not much logic just like in 2016.
you twats hope for a venezuelan style supreme court propping up your loser god. that's WINNING
The SCOTUS needs to intervene since several States are failing miserably in the election and post-election process.
waaaah, waaaah. my favorite asshole did not win a democratic election. the courts must do something about it. waaah waaah waaah. twat
Lots of anger, not much logic just like in 2016.
yeah. i remember all the queefing about 3 million illegal votes in california. same shit.
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
We will get justice or revenge. Let the democrats choose which we will have.
Have fun in prison tough guy
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
They will, if there is no proof. It doesn't even matter if it's true or not... There has to be proof. No proof... Got nothing. I will not support shit without proof. There are a lot of people like me.
A preponderance of evidence equals proof in a court of law. They Repubs are putting our mountains of eveidence & it keeps coming in.
All the Dems have is denial there is any such thing as election or voter fraud & "fact checking" from the same MSM allies who have helped them perpetrate said fraud
Frivolous lawsuits.

Can you show us some of this evidence?

Please keep in mind voting irregularities happen in every election. But the number of irregularities doesn’t amount to enough that trump has a leg to stand on.

I don’t think that matters to you putin supporters.

Because American republicans who support trump are no different than Russians who love putin

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