DRUDGE dropping Oct Surprise bomb on Obama right now!!!

Tucker Carlson 0UTS the liberal media, telling how they covered the truth about this video, which were prepared remarks from the Obama campaign in 2008- hiding the real RACIST TRASH that Obama spewed!!
Do these right wingers realize that Obama is talking about helping Iraqi War Veterans?

Maybe a little, but he's mostly talking about the lazy ghetto inner-city blacks that want everyones money. It isn't right that the rest of the country should have to help a ANY people that have put themselves in such a position.

It isn't my or the rich innovaters fault that they're poor. Not my fault that their children want to do drugs and have sex with every woman they run into.

Rdean, Shallow, Old rocks, etc. What do we do??? It isn't fair to transfer wealth.

I'll agree that we should of treated New orleans a little more fairly if we did in fact have a double standard.
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IMO, How do you think he got elected he did the same thing. Then the illegal aliens voting got him over the top! FORWARD TO COMMUNISM he's one big JackPieHole! He's the Liar In Chief!

He just spent the last 5 months in Ohio giving them and promising them everything. They say, "How Ohio goes so goes the nation."

At this rate -- with all these "bombshells" -- It'll be Nov 1st before the media intends to discuss any SERIOUS issues.

Meanwhile, no jobs are gonna magically appear, no end to wracking up a bigger debt, we've worn out our welcome in Afghan and our kids are getting fatter and stupider.. We don't deserve to own a nuclear equipped military.. Embarrassing..
Ummm..........not good news for Mr Obama:D:D

Right now on DRUDGE front and center..................

Obama and Poverty - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic

If you had gone to any street corner in Chicago or Baton Rouge or Hampton you would have found the same young men and women without hope, without miracles, and without a sense of destiny other than life on the edge the edge of the law, the edge of the economy, the edge of family structures and communities.

Those “quiet riots” that take place every day are born from the same place as the fires and the destruction and the police decked out in riot gear and the deaths. They happen when a sense of disconnect settles in and hope dissipates. Despair takes hold and young people all across this country look at the way the world is and believe that things are never going to get any better. You tell yourself, my school will always be second rate. You tell yourself, there will never be a good job waiting for me to excel at. You tell yourself, I will never be able to afford a place that I can be proud of and call my home. That despair quietly simmers and makes it impossible to build strong communities and neighborhoods. And then one afternoon a jury says, “Not guilty” or a hurricane hits New Orleans and that despair is revealed for the world to see.

Much of what we saw on our television screens 15 years ago was Los Angeles expressing a lingering, ongoing, pervasive legacy-a tragic legacy out of the tragic history this country has never fully come to terms with. This is not to excuse the violence of bashing in a man’s head or destroying someone’s store and their life’s work. That kind of violence is inexcusable and self-defeating. It does, however, describe the reality of many communities around this country.

And it made me think about our cities and communities all around this country, how not only do we still have scars from that riot and the “quiet riots” that happen every day-but how in too many places we haven’t even taken the bullet out.

Look at what happened in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast when Katrina hit. People ask me whether I thought race was the reason the response was so slow. I said, “No. This Administration was colorblind in its incompetence.” But everyone here knows the disaster and the poverty happened long before that hurricane hit. All the hurricane did was make bare what we ignore each and every day which is that there are whole sets of communities that are impoverished, that don’t have meaningful opportunity, that don’t have hope and they are forgotten. This disaster was a powerful metaphor for what’s gone on for generations.
This country deserves to have a President who represents ALL OF AMERICA, not just parts of America based upon race! It's despicable that a race baiting HATER occupies the White House!
Obama and Poverty - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic

We can diminish poverty if we approach it in two ways: by taking mutual responsibility for each other as a society, and also by asking for some more individual responsibility to strengthen our families.

If we want to stop the cycle of poverty, then we need to start with our families.

We need to start supporting parents with young children. There is a pioneering Nurse-Family Partnership program right now that offers home visits by trained registered nurses to low-income mothers and mothers-to-be. They learn how to care for themselves before the baby is born and what to do after. It's common sense to reach out to a young mother. Teach her about changing the baby. Help her understand what all that crying means, and when to get vaccines and check-ups.

This program saves money. It raises healthy babies and creates better parents. It reduced childhood injuries and unintended pregnancies, increased father involvement and women’s employment, reduced use of welfare and food stamps, and increased children’s school readiness. And it produced more than $28,000 in net savings for every high-risk family enrolled in the program.
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All the libs who said that an incident from Romney's teenage years mattered immensely and were crucial to the campaign are now ranting that "2007" is freaking old.

Who are these "libs" that you're talking about?

Thread Now in Conspiracy-Theories

Here are the "libs" I counted. Feel free to audit my count if you so desire.:D

café au lait
JimH52 and

Obama and Poverty - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic

If you had gone to any street corner in Chicago or Baton Rouge or Hampton you would have found the same young men and women without hope, without miracles, and without a sense of destiny other than life on the edge the edge of the law, the edge of the economy, the edge of family structures and communities.

Those “quiet riots” that take place every day are born from the same place as the fires and the destruction and the police decked out in riot gear and the deaths. They happen when a sense of disconnect settles in and hope dissipates. Despair takes hold and young people all across this country look at the way the world is and believe that things are never going to get any better. You tell yourself, my school will always be second rate. You tell yourself, there will never be a good job waiting for me to excel at. You tell yourself, I will never be able to afford a place that I can be proud of and call my home. That despair quietly simmers and makes it impossible to build strong communities and neighborhoods. And then one afternoon a jury says, “Not guilty” or a hurricane hits New Orleans and that despair is revealed for the world to see.

Much of what we saw on our television screens 15 years ago was Los Angeles expressing a lingering, ongoing, pervasive legacy-a tragic legacy out of the tragic history this country has never fully come to terms with. This is not to excuse the violence of bashing in a man’s head or destroying someone’s store and their life’s work. That kind of violence is inexcusable and self-defeating. It does, however, describe the reality of many communities around this country.

And it made me think about our cities and communities all around this country, how not only do we still have scars from that riot and the “quiet riots” that happen every day-but how in too many places we haven’t even taken the bullet out.

Look at what happened in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast when Katrina hit. People ask me whether I thought race was the reason the response was so slow. I said, “No. This Administration was colorblind in its incompetence.” But everyone here knows the disaster and the poverty happened long before that hurricane hit. All the hurricane did was make bare what we ignore each and every day which is that there are whole sets of communities that are impoverished, that don’t have meaningful opportunity, that don’t have hope and they are forgotten. This disaster was a powerful metaphor for what’s gone on for generations.

Open your mind for a minute old rocks and think. This is the same problem with the entire black world from Africa, Haiti and the black community within our country. Like I said many of their problems are their own.

They always defend their own kind no matter what they do...King attacked the cop. What should the cop of done???
Obama and Poverty - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic

We can diminish poverty if we approach it in two ways: by taking mutual responsibility for each other as a society, and also by asking for some more individual responsibility to strengthen our families.

If we want to stop the cycle of poverty, then we need to start with our families.

We need to start supporting parents with young children. There is a pioneering Nurse-Family Partnership program right now that offers home visits by trained registered nurses to low-income mothers and mothers-to-be. They learn how to care for themselves before the baby is born and what to do after. It's common sense to reach out to a young mother. Teach her about changing the baby. Help her understand what all that crying means, and when to get vaccines and check-ups.

This program saves money. It raises healthy babies and creates better parents. It reduced childhood injuries and unintended pregnancies, increased father involvement and women’s employment, reduced use of welfare and food stamps, and increased children’s school readiness. And it produced more than $28,000 in net savings for every high-risk family enrolled in the program.

Some good ideas there. Nothing should replace a father as the black male must be taught better.

Nothing can replace a good up bringing.
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Picture Mitt Romney at a White Separatist Event giving a speech on how black America drags down White America .. to build only in White American where it's needed.. First off, NO ONE SEPARATES AMERICA.. except RACE WHORES like Sharpton and now Obama.. I'm glad the truth came out!! America needs to see this RACIST for who he really is.
Even if you think what is shown in this video is no big deal...don't you find it at least troubling that the mainstream media - at the height of the 2008 Jeremiah Wright controversy when Barack Obama was swearing up and down that he hadn't been to church in ages, never really heard Wright say anything too shocking, certainly wasn't swayed or influenced by Wright's stranger opinions, etc...chose FOR US to never see this video to decide for ourselves? The video would have OBVIOUSLY been relevant to that discussion...but the media said, "nah...lets not show it." Why? The only rational explanation is that the media, predominantly left-leaning and Obama-supporting, knew that it could be severely damaging and hid it from us. And for ALL OF US, not to see that as deeply troubling is...well...deeply troubling.

He clearly slipped up and went off message...against his own observations that he wrote about in his book:

I learned to slip back and forth between my black and white worlds. One of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied; they were relieved -- such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

We saw a rare view of Obama revealing his angry and bitter side. Even libs, if they were able to take a moment and attempt to view the video in an unbiased manner, would admit that at the very least it's a fascinating case study in environmental projection.

We always see the true Obama when he goes off-prompter. No wonder he's totus dependent.
So Romney's behavior from 30 years ago is relevant but Obama's words from 5 years ago are not?

That makes PERFECT sense... Carry on.
This country deserves to have a President who represents ALL OF AMERICA, not just parts of America based upon race! It's despicable that a race baiting HATER occupies the White House!

You start a race-baiting thread and call the President a race-baiter.:clap2:

The FOX is strong in you.
This makes them unwilling to work hard.

And the problem even extends to elementary school, in one of the best charter school programs in the country. A new study by researchers at Western Michigan reports that 40 percent of 6th to 8th grade black boys in the Knowledge Is Power Program charter schools (KIPP) drop out before completing the program. One dropout every 26 seconds is ticking time bomb for blacks « Brand Newz

One dropout every 26 seconds is ticking time bomb for blacks « Brand Newz

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