Drug companies again in the bag for Obamacare


VIP Member
Mar 16, 2010
They always have been. It's the individual getting screwed here.

Drug industry preparing pro-reform ads – Anti-abortion groups mount final
By: CHRIS FRATES on March 16, 2010 @ 6:09 AM
It's Tuesday. "Ain't too proud to Pulse." (h/t: LP)

COMING SOON – The drug industry, which has held off running ads until officials sign off on the final reconciliation bill, is growing more comfortable with the emerging legislation and is preparing a substantial pro-reform ad buy in 43 Democratic districts, according to a senior industry source. The amount and timing of the buy have not yet been set and hinge largely on action in the House. Still, the development is a substantial step forward from Monday morning, when industry officials, coming off a tough weekend of negotiating with Democratic staffers, said there were no ads in the works. The movement should also help appease the White House, which has been leaning on the industry to provide Democrats air cover, according to industry sources.

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