D'Souza Humiliates a Libtard Self-Hating White Male Who Wants Racial Redistribution of Wealth


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It's hilarious. He wants recognition of the 'white privilege' bullshit to justify the redistribution of wealth through government programs to pay off white guilt to black Americans.

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It's hilarious. He wants recognition of the 'white privilege' bullshit to justify the redistribution of wealth through government programs to pay off white guilt to black Americans.

Actually I think D'Sousa tried to dodge an interesting question. My father was a veteran of WWll and the Korean War. The Canadian government was very generous in their benefits for veterans of my father's generation, land grants, mortgage assistance, education assistance for example. My father was a beneficiary of the last two and if still alive would be eligible for a veterans pension on top of the regular Canadian pension. Now I'm wondering, did the American government show the same gratitude to it's war veterans and did it do so regardless of race?
It's hilarious. He wants recognition of the 'white privilege' bullshit to justify the redistribution of wealth through government programs to pay off white guilt to black Americans.

Why did D'Sousa have to lie about what the student actually said and twist his words to mean something the student did't say, and didn't mean? Was D'sousa's belief so weak till he couldn't have an honest conversation? Typical right wing double talk and lies.
Actually I think D'Sousa tried to dodge an interesting question. My father was a veteran of WWll and the Korean War. The Canadian government was very generous in their benefits for veterans of my father's generation, land grants, mortgage assistance, education assistance for example. My father was a beneficiary of the last two and if still alive would be eligible for a veterans pension on top of the regular Canadian pension. Now I'm wondering, did the American government show the same gratitude to it's war veterans and did it do so regardless of race?

According to Wikipedia, it was not an official part of the law, and many blacks did benefit, it was mostly up north as in the South Jim Crow was accommodated and thus white officials tended to not cooperate in blacks getting due benefits.

African Americans and the G.I. Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The G.I. Bill aimed to help returning World War II veterans adjust to civilian life by providing them with a series of benefits, including low-cost mortgages, low-interest loans, and financial support to allow veterans to pursue an education.African Americans did not benefit from the provisions of the G. I. Bill nearly as much as European Americans. Although the G.I. Bill did not specifically advocate discrimination, the law would be interpreted differently for blacks than for whites. Historian Ira Katznelson argues that "the law was deliberately designed to accommodate Jim Crow".[1] Because the programs were directed by local, white officials, many veterans could not reap the benefits of the G.I. Bill. Of the 67,000 mortgages insured by the G.I. Bill, fewer than 100 were taken out by non-whites.[2]

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), because of its strong affiliation to the all-white[3] American Legion and VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), also became a formidable foe to many blacks in search of an education because it had the power to deny or grant the claims of black G.I.s. Additionally, banks and mortgage agencies refused loans to blacks, making the G.I. Bill even less effective for blacks.[4] Once they returned home after the war, blacks faced not only discrimination but also poverty, which confronted most blacks during the 1940s and 1950s and represented a barrier to harnessing the benefits of the G.I. Bill, as poverty made seeking an education problematic while labor and income were needed at home.

Gaining admission to universities was no easy task for blacks in southern states on the G.I. Bill. Southern universities had segregationist principles underlying their admissions policies, utilizing either official or unofficial quotas. Colleges accepting blacks in the South numbered just 100, both public and private, with segregation being legally mandated in many southern states. Those institutions were of lower quality, with 28 of them classified as sub-baccalaureate and only seven states offering postbaccalaureate training, with no accredit engineering or doctoral programs available for blacks. In addition, these institutions were all smaller than white or nonsegregated universities, often facing a lack of funding and resources.[5]

Damned Dhimmicrats, lol.
It's hilarious. He wants recognition of the 'white privilege' bullshit to justify the redistribution of wealth through government programs to pay off white guilt to black Americans.

Why did D'Sousa have to lie about what the student actually said and twist his words to mean something the student did't say, and didn't mean? Was D'sousa's belief so weak till he couldn't have an honest conversation? Typical right wing double talk and lies.

It would help if you would specify what you think the lie was, dude.
I wouldn't give a convicted felon the time of day, what are you creating an OP about D'Souza for?
Lol, D'Souza is a hero for telling the truth on Obama and his back ground, which is the only reason he got attacked by a corrupt Obama regime for retaliation.

If you dont like the thread go fuck yourself.
It's hilarious. He wants recognition of the 'white privilege' bullshit to justify the redistribution of wealth through government programs to pay off white guilt to black Americans.

Why did D'Sousa have to lie about what the student actually said and twist his words to mean something the student did't say, and didn't mean? Was D'sousa's belief so weak till he couldn't have an honest conversation? Typical right wing double talk and lies.

It would help if you would specify what you think the lie was, dude.

Starting at 6:10
Starting at 6:10
What lie? D'Souza was rephrasing what the kid was saying about 'white privilege' being 'illicit' or immoral and the kid agreed to the assertion.

The only lie is between your two ears.
No he didn't. He never agreed to illicit, yet the right wing hack kept using the word.
Listen again. the Kid agreed white privilege is immoral and illicit.

He agreed that illicit and immoral were synonyms. That's all.
lol, no he did not. You think the kid meant that white privilege is not immoral? roflmao

You're such a fucking liar.

Well, one of us is.
No he didn't. He never agreed to illicit, yet the right wing hack kept using the word.
Listen again. the Kid agreed white privilege is immoral and illicit.

He agreed that illicit and immoral were synonyms. That's all.
lol, no he did not. You think the kid meant that white privilege is not immoral? roflmao

You're such a fucking liar.

Well, one of us is.
I am quite comfortable with the judgement of anyone that watches the video to know that you are a lying fool.
Actually I think D'Sousa tried to dodge an interesting question. My father was a veteran of WWll and the Korean War. The Canadian government was very generous in their benefits for veterans of my father's generation, land grants, mortgage assistance, education assistance for example. My father was a beneficiary of the last two and if still alive would be eligible for a veterans pension on top of the regular Canadian pension. Now I'm wondering, did the American government show the same gratitude to it's war veterans and did it do so regardless of race?

According to Wikipedia, it was not an official part of the law, and many blacks did benefit, it was mostly up north as in the South Jim Crow was accommodated and thus white officials tended to not cooperate in blacks getting due benefits.

African Americans and the G.I. Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The G.I. Bill aimed to help returning World War II veterans adjust to civilian life by providing them with a series of benefits, including low-cost mortgages, low-interest loans, and financial support to allow veterans to pursue an education.African Americans did not benefit from the provisions of the G. I. Bill nearly as much as European Americans. Although the G.I. Bill did not specifically advocate discrimination, the law would be interpreted differently for blacks than for whites. Historian Ira Katznelson argues that "the law was deliberately designed to accommodate Jim Crow".[1] Because the programs were directed by local, white officials, many veterans could not reap the benefits of the G.I. Bill. Of the 67,000 mortgages insured by the G.I. Bill, fewer than 100 were taken out by non-whites.[2]

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), because of its strong affiliation to the all-white[3] American Legion and VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), also became a formidable foe to many blacks in search of an education because it had the power to deny or grant the claims of black G.I.s. Additionally, banks and mortgage agencies refused loans to blacks, making the G.I. Bill even less effective for blacks.[4] Once they returned home after the war, blacks faced not only discrimination but also poverty, which confronted most blacks during the 1940s and 1950s and represented a barrier to harnessing the benefits of the G.I. Bill, as poverty made seeking an education problematic while labor and income were needed at home.

Gaining admission to universities was no easy task for blacks in southern states on the G.I. Bill. Southern universities had segregationist principles underlying their admissions policies, utilizing either official or unofficial quotas. Colleges accepting blacks in the South numbered just 100, both public and private, with segregation being legally mandated in many southern states. Those institutions were of lower quality, with 28 of them classified as sub-baccalaureate and only seven states offering postbaccalaureate training, with no accredit engineering or doctoral programs available for blacks. In addition, these institutions were all smaller than white or nonsegregated universities, often facing a lack of funding and resources.[5]

Damned Dhimmicrats, lol.

P.S. I wasn't going to drag this out, I'm almost sick of arguing about this shit. I guess I just can't help it. I told you that my dad and his generation of veterans were treated generously by the Canadian government. I didn't add the obvious corollary to that, my generation in turn benefitted greatly from that generosity also. We were better educated because our veteran fathers could afford it. We often inherited the farms or homes our fathers could afford because of the grants or low interest mortgages that made those affordable for vets. Some of us took over the family business that low interest loans made possible for the vets. A large percentage of the veterans were actually bumped up to the middle class because of the generosity (and hard work of course). Most of us weren't born with a silver spoon in our mouths but looking back we should be grateful to our fathers, not just for the sacrifice and hardships they endured in those wars but also for the benefits we received even though we had not sacrificed or endured hardships. All this was good. It was good for us and it was good for the country which was made wealthier and stronger because of a healthy middle class. Reading that wiki article it seems that the US government was equally generous to it's veterans, especially if they were white. Reading that article it seems that many, if not most of the children of black veterans missed out on a lot of the benefits we received just because our fathers had been veterans. I propose to you that that aggregate loss to a generation of black Americans is not the only reason but just one of a series of injustices over centuries that has cost America deeply not just in wealth, adding to the gulf between rich and poor, but in peace of mind and the satisfaction of a more peaceful society, or as your founders put it, a more perfect union. That's why I don't scoff at that young man bringing up the subject to D'Souza. No, I scoff at D'souza for trying to deflect the conversation to the realpolitik of the British empire and wherever else he tried to take it, as if this particular injustice could be diluted out into an unaccountable fuzzy mist of history. I'll tell you a secret, I don't like D'Souza. He's a parasitic opportunist who's been sucking at the rewarding teat of American conservatism and Christianity for decades. And, damn me, he's one immigrant America could have done without. And besides that he's a felon! There, now you can hoist me on my own liberal petard.
It's hilarious. He wants recognition of the 'white privilege' bullshit to justify the redistribution of wealth through government programs to pay off white guilt to black Americans.
D'Sousa is a convicted felon and should not be allowed to vote because of his criminal nature..
D'Sousa is a convicted felon and should not be allowed to vote because of his criminal nature..
D'Souza is just one more conservative targeted by the Obama Chicago Machine White House and demonstrates their abuse of power.

That you chortle over it is bad karma for you, doofus.
D'Sousa is a convicted felon and should not be allowed to vote because of his criminal nature..
D'Souza is just one more conservative targeted by the Obama Chicago Machine White House and demonstrates their abuse of power.

That you chortle over it is bad karma for you, doofus.
what a cry baby ..he is a punk a little bitch and a convicted criminal;

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