Duggar admits to porn addiction.. being ‘unfaithful’ to wife: ‘I've been the biggest hypocrite ever

Can't say I give a shit and can't figure out why anyone else would.

No one cares what shits you give. The point is this guy had the nerve to preach about immorality and had not one but two accounts paying someone to find a partner to cheat on his wife with.

"The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, I was hiding my own personal failings."
Unless someone is a total sociopath it's possible to know what is morally right even if they're not practicing it.

Would you rather have drug counseling from someone like Mr Rogers or somebody that has actually overcome drug addiction?
Mr Rogers!!! I don't want to be counseled by someone who FAILED!
I said "overcome", goofy
How do you know? He like to visit pedophiles island after all.

Tabloid bullshit.

Tabloid? ROFLMNAO!

It's common knowledge. Clinton is close friends with Jeff Epstein, notorious pedophile. Clinton's frequent visits to Pedophile Island is not even a debatable point.

If ya need a link, you can try this from NewsWeek...

Clinton up to his ass in Child Poon!
You are pathetic. No one with any brains at all believes this crap. Common knowledge? Seriously? What a fool you are.

It's common knowledge that what you are saying is truth is actually a whole lot of rightwing propaganda and lies that only fools who lack discernment and have poor critical thinking skills actually believe. Poor pathetic you.


The coolest thing about non-debatable points, is how the lowest common denominators LOVE to try and debate 'em.

Clinton's infamous reputation is littered with his desire for young women. A desire which inevitably comes with the need for younger and younger victims, where one is saddled with celebrity.
:cuckoo:You are truly pathetic.

OH! Well thank you.

Your Re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Seems like this may be on of the Duggar family companies

(SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CA) A new company, Porn-Again Productions, is making sure that Christ's message reaches even people believed to be lost to Satan by less tenacious Christian Ministries. Started by a group of evangelical Christian entrepreneurs, Porn-Again began marketing slick, sexually explicit adult entertainment two years ago -- with a difference. In each film, whether the star is being gang-banged in a sling by godless, yet hung, Muslims or simply getting popped in the eye with a money-shot from a Watchtower-spanking Jehovah's Witness at her doorstep, she always takes whatever happens to be in her mouth out long enough to talk about the Good News that Jesus died on the cross for the masturbating viewers' sins.

Whether based on an Old Testament story (The Garden of Eating), the New Testament (The Sermon on Mounting) or other literary works (War and Piece of Ass), each feature has most of its dialogue lifted directly from the pages of the Bible. In fact, the Almighty received a "Best Screenplay" Lucite dildo trophy at last year's Adult Video Awards for the prurient things He wrote for the DVD release Bath She-Male & David. "Some folks think that using the Lord's Word would make our movies more chaste than your run-of-the-mill gonzo porn flick," said Reverend (and stunt dick) Donald Doubledonger, "but those are only people who don't know their bible."

Indeed, Porn Again just finished a film called Oh, Ho! based on the exploits of Oholibah in Ezekiel.

"And she lusted after her lovers, whose penises were the size of donkeys and who came like horses!" Ezekiel 23:20

"Tell me that wasn't difficult to cast and still be true to God's Word," said director Brad Armstrong. "I mean, the Lord can sure write some hot trash, but He don't think about the fact that we can't just make these people out of dirt or ribs like He can. We got to go out in alleyways and Catholic schools and find these freaks!"
Yo, you sound like a gay boy? Did I nail it?

You must love this fag photo!
View attachment 47863

Youre too stupid to have fun mocking. Serious question. Did you graduate from H.S. and if so who fixed your grades?

Yo, I was Valedictorian of my Class, now can you tell me your accomplishment?

LOL. C'est impossible. Valedictoran of the 8th grade graduating class of Podunk Swamp, Arkansas? BTW, neither valedictorian nor class are proper nouns; therefore, we don't capitalize them, unless you are beginning a sentence. Capisce?

Valedictorian would also be capitalized if used as a title :)


And btw it would be a semi-colon after Class in his statement, not a comma.
Or could have just left out 'now'
Pornography addictions are very real. Unless you firmly are ethically/morally opposed to pornography, you'll never stop looking at it. As a Christian, I imagine he's morally opposed to it (addicts engage in behavior they find damaging and wrong). He will only get better if he admits it is a problem and on his own he can't stop viewing it.

Masturbation needs to go as well. If he wants to stop the habit/addiction
It would appear that the only people who really understand pornography addiction are those that never view it.

I'm a recovering porn/masturbation addict. So many nights I've woken from bed with a pounding urge to engage in that stuff. It's taken years of trying to move away from that stuff to only fail and relapse. I'll always be an addict but I've learned a lot over the years and I just never want to go back to it.

The peace you can reach where you no longer feel withdrawals or urges that consume your body to a point of relapse is one of the most beautiful things I've experienced in life.
If you have an "everyone looks at it, it's healthy to look at porn" attitude, then obviously you'd never feel compelled enough to abstain from it, discovering that you are addicted to it.

To stop viewing pornography you HAVE to be morally opposed to it. And even then, giving it up is often a long journey
It would appear that the only people who really understand pornography addiction are those that never view it.

I'm a recovering porn/masturbation addict. So many nights I've woken from bed with a pounding urge to engage in that stuff. It's taken years of trying to move away from that stuff to only fail and relapse. I'll always be an addict but I've learned a lot over the years and I just never want to go back to it.

The peace you can reach where you no longer feel withdrawals or urges that consume your body to a point of relapse is one of the most beautiful things I've experienced in life.

Dude... it's a base biological drive. There's quite literally no greater natural drive in the human body. Thus the reason that it is so critical to discipline one's self... . This isn't new or even remotely new. There is a reason that nearly every religion requires the devout discipline of sexual behavior... and we need look no farther than the puss filled rot of our own culture to see WHY.

These idiots who claim otherwise, are merely the lowest common denominators doing what is reasonably expected of them. There's a reason that they're known as scum. Scum does what it is designed to do and has no means to control itself.
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If you have an "everyone looks at it, it's healthy to look at porn" attitude, then obviously you'd never feel compelled enough to abstain from it, discovering that you are addicted to it.

To stop viewing pornography you HAVE to be morally opposed to it. And even then, giving it up is often a long journey

I'm not necessarily opposed to porn, I've just never liked it. In fact, listening to fake orgasms is really a turn off. But that's just me.
If you have an "everyone looks at it, it's healthy to look at porn" attitude, then obviously you'd never feel compelled enough to abstain from it, discovering that you are addicted to it.

To stop viewing pornography you HAVE to be morally opposed to it. And even then, giving it up is often a long journey

I'm not necessarily opposed to porn, I've just never liked it. In fact, listening to fake orgasms is really a turn off. But that's just me.
Going off your name I'm guessing you are a girl. I think reliance on porn/masturbation affects guys differently than girls.

Of course girls have sex drives, and masturbate, and look at porn, but I think guys feel it in a different way. So my comments in this thread should have been prefaced as my views on guys seeking recovery from pornography addictions
1. never heard of this guy till libs attacked him

2. i wish hillary barry and other libs were as honest....

Weren't you they one on the religious boards telling everyone you loved porn but were scared as a christer in going to hell?:laugh2:

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