Durham Explained

Yes the indictment. Not what Kash Patel told you it said

In fact I've known about the Alfabank story for years
so you’ve known for years the clinton campaign was hacking the trump campaign and even after the won the transition team to push the russian hoax? wow
so you’ve known for years the clinton campaign was hacking the trump campaign and even after the won the transition team to push the russian hoax? wow
Let me fill you in retard.

Internet "sleuths" noticed weird activity to and from a server located in Trump Tower. DNS "pings". This is publicly accessible information and ONLY indicates where internet activity originates from and where it terminates.

This particular server was "talking to" almost exclusively...a Russian Bank. 87% of it's traffic was with Alfabank. The remaining 13% was with some medical insurance firm in like Minnesota or somewhere.

Kinda unusual no? This became a story bank then. I can point you to Slate article from back then that describes it in detail if you care enough.

Sussman apparently became aware of this and notified the FBI.

Durham claims that Sussman lied about doing so BECAUSE he was trying to help Clinton's campaign. Sussman says he notified them because he thought they should be made aware of something so unusual involving a Russian Bank .

That remains to be seen but there was no "infiltration" or accessing of servers or accessing of e-mails

The other part of this story (Joffe) concerns a company that was doing cyber protection for the OBAMA White House (the EOP nonsense...dated yea...2016)

So...you feel better now?
An FBI follow up seems to have shown nothing nefarious but it remains to be seen hpw thorough that was.

The Trump folks claimed that server was used as an mass advertising e-mail deal.
All you tards who have swallowed Fox News' piss about Durham's report can read it for yourselves here: DocumentCloud

Or here: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/21208256/john-durham-sussmann-filing-21122.pdf

Everything the topic starter posted is accurate.

Let's not kid ourselves. We all know none of you will read it since it is longer than a tweet.

You will continue to parrot the horseshit you are fed by your propagandists.
Les not kid anybody. You don’t understand a single word of Durham’s report, being the piss drinking, gullible, low education retard that Dems love. Your whole bullsuit story is being torn down around you and you can’t do anything but lie and cry. You will do nothing but continue to lie and repeat whatever your Dim masters tell you to.
Yep, all the Durham propaganda has been thoroughly debunked. Durham is truly a NaziCon asshole! He needs to retract these conspiracy theories. Also, I think AG Garland needs to look into it.
Another scared little lefturd tries to smear Durham. News flash dummy, it isn’t working. Enjoy the indictments still to come.
Funny for you to fathom that not everyone watches Fox for a daily dose of right wing propoganda?
what I don't "fathom" is how you think people buy your lies about claiming to know everything Fox does while at the same time claiming you don't watch Fox, Fuckwit.
In late July, one of these scientists—who asked to be referred to as Tea Leaves, a pseudonym that would protect his relationship with the networks and banks that employ him to sift their data—found what looked like malware emanating from Russia. The destination domain had Trump in its name, which of course attracted Tea Leaves’ attention. But his discovery of the data was pure happenstance—a surprising needle in a large haystack of DNS lookups on his screen. “I have an outlier here that connects to Russia in a strange way,” he wrote in his notes. He couldn’t quite figure it out at first. But what he saw was a bank in Moscow that kept irregularly pinging a server registered to the Trump Organization on Fifth Avenue.
More data was needed, so he began carefully keeping logs of the Trump server’s DNS activity. As he collected the logs, he would circulate them in periodic batches to colleagues in the cybersecurity world. Six of them began scrutinizing them for clues.
what I don't "fathom" is how you think people buy your lies about claiming to know everything Fox does while at the same time claiming you don't watch Fox, Fuckwit.
How about explaining to me what Fox actually does & prove me wrong, Einstien?

You seem to be genuinly concerned with the reputation of Fox News Inc., so here you go.....
So, should we just speculate on why that was?
Seems like that's what you're doing.
Wasn't all the Benghazi nonsense just speculation? You didn't investigate it. I think asking why there were direct lines from Trump to Russia is valid, don't you? He told YOU, as a Republican trying to decide who to vote for in the 2016 primaries, that he had no business whatsoever with Russia. Are you fine with him lying to you?

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