Durham Explained

In late July, one of these scientists—who asked to be referred to as Tea Leaves, a pseudonym that would protect his relationship with the networks and banks that employ him . . .

Uhhhhh, "Tea Leaves" is a woman . . .

April Lorenzen is a registered Democrat and was tasked by Joffe with making a Trump connection from the data along with the researchers from Georgia Tech, where she has worked as a guest researcher since 2007.

Identified as "Originator-1" in the Durham indictment, she, like her colleague Joffe, is a key subject of the investigation and faces a host of legal issues, the sources close to the case said. Emails the investigators uncovered reveal that Lorenzen discussed "faking" Internet traffic with the Georgia Tech researchers, although the context of her remarks are unclear.

Prosecutors suggested Lorenzen was trying to create an “inference” of Trump-Russia communications from DNS data that wasn’t there.

Uhhhhh, "Tea Leaves" is a woman . . .

April Lorenzen is a registered Democrat and was tasked by Joffe with making a Trump connection from the data along with the researchers from Georgia Tech, where she has worked as a guest researcher since 2007.

Identified as "Originator-1" in the Durham indictment, she, like her colleague Joffe, is a key subject of the investigation and faces a host of legal issues, the sources close to the case said. Emails the investigators uncovered reveal that Lorenzen discussed "faking" Internet traffic with the Georgia Tech researchers, although the context of her remarks are unclear.

Prosecutors suggested Lorenzen was trying to create an “inference” of Trump-Russia communications from DNS data that wasn’t there.

Yes..Lorenzen is "Tea Leaves"

Newsflash...she was doing all this internet "sleuthing" LEGALLY. This was all public information
Durham isn't saying shit about Clinton.

He's vaguely tying Sussman to her in something that is not illegal.

Fusion GPS was kicked out of the FBI portal to NSA 702 data by Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers on April 18, 2016 . . . Within 10 days Fusion GPS was employed by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, in a deal brokered by a lawyer for Fusion GPS and the DNC and the Clinton campaign named Micheal Sussmann.

HRC had been in the business of mining derogatory info for years. She is not just somehow caught up with the "spying" accusations, she is the hub of the activity since 2014.

Joffe was an old HRC friend and his contract for the DNS resolution services at the EOP, which began in 2014 was thought to be Clinton's backdoor . . . It was also suspected to be the conduit for the security issues that forced Obama to move national security briefings to the SCIFs at the Pentagon and State Dept from the WH situation room in Oct of 2014.

The "Russia Hoax" was HRC's brainchild to divert attention and involve the FBI (and the CIA?) in a fabricated effort to discredit and then remove Trump. he actual investigations, Crossfire Hurricane and then Mueller, was the cover-up of the millions of illegal searches done by the FBI of NSA 702 databases (which really began in 2012, with the IRS targeting of conservative groups . . .

This didn't just begin in July of 2016, you have no idea what's coming . . .

Even if you think this is all bullshit, at least roll thru these links to at least put the idea in your head hat you really don't know shit about what Durham is doing and what your seditious Democrat heroes have done and will be indicted for.

Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers has been helping Durham:

Fusion GPS was kicked out of the FBI portal to NSA 702 data by Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers on April 18, 2016 . . . Within 10 days Fusion GPS was employed by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, in a deal brokered by a lawyer for Fusion GPS and the DNC and the Clinton campaign named Micheal Sussmann.

HRC had been in the business of mining derogatory info for years. She is not just somehow caught up with the "spying" accusations, she is the hub of the activity since 2014.

Joffe was an old HRC friend and his contract for the DNS resolution services at the EOP, which began in 2014 was thought to be Clinton's backdoor . . . It was also suspected to be the conduit for the security issues that forced Obama to move national security briefings to the SCIFs at the Pentagon and State Dept from the WH situation room in Oct of 2014.

The "Russia Hoax" was HRC's brainchild to divert attention and involve the FBI (and the CIA?) in a fabricated effort to discredit and then remove Trump. he actual investigations, Crossfire Hurricane and then Mueller, was the cover-up of the millions of illegal searches done by the FBI of NSA 702 databases (which really began in 2012, with the IRS targeting of conservative groups . . .

This didn't just begin in July of 2016, you have no idea what's coming . . .

Even if you think this is all bullshit, at least roll thru these links to at least put the idea in your head hat you really don't know shit about what Durham is doing and what your seditious Democrat heroes have done and will be indicted for.

Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers has been helping Durham:

That's some crazy ass claims there Abby. None of that has ZIP to do with what Durham is investigating or charging.

Who are you?
That's some crazy ass claims there Abby. None of that has ZIP to do with what Durham is investigating or charging.

Who are you?

Not claims, facts and facts that do not originate in the DOJ or from Durham but the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) and yes, it does have everything to do with what Durham is investigating.

The 702 spying is all laid out in two orders from the FISC; they demanded Obama's FBI stop the illegal searches in the first order; the FBI ignored the command.

The FISC examined fiscal year 2017 in a second order and found the FBI insead went into overdrive, doing over 3 million searches in the period of October of '16 to Sept of '17 . . .


Why do you need to know who I am? You should be looking at those links and looking for info about why the Carter Page FISA just had to get got . . . Finding out about Title I FISA's and the 18 month look-back and most important, the two-hop rule and how that could cretae an umbrella of quasi-legitmacy over the spying they were already doing.

If in the 18 months before the issuance of the warrant, (Oct 2016), Carter Page talked, texed and emailed 200 people, and then those 200 people talked, texted and emailed 200 people each . . . that means the FBI would have complete surveillance paper on 40,000 people, no doubt covering everyone they were already spying on.

That's why they needed the FISA's against Page, that's why they lied and forged to get it and keep it going four times. The FISC has ruled two of those warrants are invalid and the government has decided to not defend the validity of he other two.

Crossfire Hurricane and the Mueller investigation was the cover-up of the crimes the Obama/HRC Thugocray committed; that's what Durham is investigating.

It isn't a coincidence that Barr's announcement that the Durham administrative review was expanding and had become a criminal investigation, was the same time the second FISC order was released to the public. (wink, wink)


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yes, it does have everything to do with what Durham is investigating.
Well since Durham appears to be all over the place that could be true but it has nothing to do with the Sussman/Joffe/Alfabank nonsense that this thread is about,.

And who you are DOES matter.

You appear to be some form of operator...care to tell us for who?
Well since Durham appears to be all over the place that could be true but it has nothing to do with the Sussman/Joffe/Alfabank nonsense that this thread is about,.

See, this is the problem with people like you coming into this way late, only interested in it in the last couple months and then compounding your handicap with only reading the loopy-leftiest of lefty sites and commentary . . .

For people who have broad information sources (see I read the lefist crap too) and have been following this, that October 2019 period was important and important for a reason that no lefty defender of the Obama/HRC Trugocracy is even aware of, (the second FISC order).

That is also when Barr and Durham's trip around the world became public. Most important stop was in Italy, to gather up Misfud's phones and then stops all over, talking to the foreign intelligence services that helped Brennan/Clapper/Comey do their dirty work.

That y'all think Durham is just about Sussmann's misrepresentations is hilarious . . .

And who you are DOES matter.

It's not important. We are just characters on a screen here, no special deference is given (or should be) to claims of expertise or title. Each of us only has the information we provide and our argumentation to define us, and the only way to differentiate oneself from the idiots is with irrefutable information and strong argumentation presenting that info.

You appear to be some form of operator...care to tell us for who?


Are you a leftover OFA paid poster? You sure sound like it . . .
See, this is the problem with people like you coming into this way late, only interested in it in the last couple months and then compounding your handicap with only reading the loopy-leftiest of lefty sites and commentary . . .

For people who have broad information sources (see I read the lefist crap too) and have been following this, that October 2019 period was important and important for a reason that no lefty defender of the Obama/HRC Trugocracy is even aware of, (the second FISC order).

That is also when Barr and Durham's trip around the world became public. Most important stop was in Italy, to gather up Misfud's phones and then stops all over, talking to the foreign intelligence services that helped Brennan/Clapper/Comey do their dirty work.

That y'all think Durham is just about Sussmann's misrepresentations is hilarious . . .

It's not important. We are just characters on a screen here, no special deference is given (or should be) to claims of expertise or title. Each of us only has the information we provide and our argumentation to define us, and the only way to differentiate oneself from the idiots is with irrefutable information and strong argumentation presenting that info.


Are you a leftover OFA paid poster? You sure sound like it . . .
As far as anyone can tell nothing came from that weird Barr/Durham trip to Italy.

And so far...all Durham is talking about...after YEARS of investigation ... is the motivation behind looking at the Alfabank stuff way back before Trump was president

So again...who are you?
Les not kid anybody. You don’t understand a single word of Durham’s report, being the piss drinking, gullible, low education retard that Dems love. Your whole bullsuit story is being torn down around you and you can’t do anything but lie and cry. You will do nothing but continue to lie and repeat whatever your Dim masters tell you to.
So you didn't read it, just as I said you wouldn't.

Gee, what a surprise.

See post 38, monkey.

The OP is accurate. Sorry, tard. Your propagandists have lied to you. Again. For the umpteen thousandth time.

One has to wonder at the level of retardation it takes for a rube to keep going back to be lied to again and again and again. Over and over and over and over.

As far as anyone can tell nothing came from that weird Barr/Durham trip to Italy.

We know they took possession of Misfud's Blackberry's. Yes, you are correct, "as far as anyone knows [publicly]" . . .

And so far...all Durham is talking about...after YEARS of investigation ... is the motivation behind looking at the Alfabank stuff way back before Trump was president

Are you forgetting Clinesmith, who forged a CIA email that facilitated the now invalid Page FISA?

And then there are the announcements that his investigation has expanded to post-election, even post inauguration activity of DOJ/FBI and others, (did you look at the FoxNews link in the previous post), even to individuals outside the USA.

So again...who are you?

That will come later.
Any day now...


USMB - The champagne has gone flat, the cake is stale, but the tards are still wearing their party hats, waiting for the signal that will never come.

"I haven't gone to the bathroom in eighteen months", one creduloid who is literally full of shit stated. "I'm worried the indictment will come down while I'm taking a dump and I'll miss my chance to be the first to post about it."

As they talk in excited tones in their huddled groups, the eyes of the lonely chumps are constantly darting to their propaganda news sites, hoping against hope that today is finally the day.

"I heard an anonymous inside source has said an FBI agent said a judge has just signed a Tase on Sight (TOS) order for Hillary Clinton!", one dupe titters excitedly. "It's happening! It's finally happening!"

But, it isn't happening. It is never happening. And as the sun rises after another long lonely night's vigil and heartbreak, the saps wander blearily-eyed toward the nearest Dunkin Donuts with free wifi to recharge their pathetic souls with black coffee and day old crullers.

"It's being signed right now. I just know it, " one mutters to another as he checks his phone's signal strength.
We know they took possession of Misfud's Blackberry's. Yes, you are correct, "as far as anyone knows [publicly]" . . .

Are you forgetting Clinesmith, who forged a CIA email that facilitated the now invalid Page FISA?

And then there are the announcements that his investigation has expanded to post-election, even post inauguration activity of DOJ/FBI and others, (did you look at the FoxNews link in the previous post), even to individuals outside the USA.

You would think Durham would have something more than this twattery after all this time
You would think Durham would have something more than tis twattery after all this time
I'm still waiting for the Durham indictments of Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice the rubes were all splooging on themselves over.

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