Durham Explained

They had to counter the Reports of Reams of Classified Data that Trumpybear apparently ate and flushed down the toilet with something special. Only Hillary would do. I can only imagine the images of the crowds chanting "LOCK HER UP" that danced through the Neanderthal Neo-GOP skulls when they read the Faux story.
Maggie Haberman is a straight up liar.

Actually, your meme illustrates how the media continues to remain afraid of durhams report. They're very scared, hence the silence.
You would think Durham would have something more than this twattery after all this time
Cute try.

What more do you want? What President Trump had been saying is 100% true. The Clinton cabal paid a tech company to SPY ON the Trump campaign in Trump Towers and later in the WHITE HOUSE?

Are you serious or just terribly desperate?

Cute try.

What more do you want? What President Trump had been saying is 100% true. The Clinton cabal paid a tech company to SPY ON the Trump campaign in Trump Towers and later in the WHITE HOUSE?

Are you serious or just terribly desperate?

That's NOT what Durham said

Checkered Past of FBI Cyber Contractor Who 'Spied' on Trump​

Long before FBI computer contractor and Clinton operative Rodney L. Joffe allegedly trolled Internet traffic for dirt on President Trump, he mined direct-marketing contact lists for the names and addresses of unwitting Americans to target in a promotional scam involving a grandfather clock.

Joffe’s checkered past now has national security ramifications after the South African-born computer expert was outed as a key player in Special Counsel John Durham’s ongoing Russiagate probe. To date he has not been charged with a crime. But in a September indictment of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, and a court filing last week, Durham has suggested that Joffe (identified as “Tech Executive-1”) was at the center of an effort to monitor President Trump’s communications and then share the information with Clinton associates.

Former prosecutor and assistant FBI director Chris Swecker said the credibility issues that cropped up from Joffe’s early career raise questions about how he managed to pass an FBI personal background check and obtain the government’s highest security clearances and win several bids for sensitive federal contracts despite his checkered past, although he noted that such background checks were often ridiculed in the bureau as “a joke.” In addition, the federal mail-order probe involving Joffe’s companies might not have raised serious red flags since the case was opened decades earlier and was settled without any charges or judgments against Joffe.

The FBI declined comment.

Checkered Past of FBI Cyber Contractor Who 'Spied' on Trump

In particular, they found evidence of unusual volumes of traffic between servers associated with the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, as well as evidence of (rare in the US) Russian-made smartphones near the White House.
Lol. Sure they did ... unusual volumes according to whom? Set up.
So you didn't read it, just as I said you wouldn't.

Gee, what a surprise.

See post 38, monkey.

The OP is accurate. Sorry, tard. Your propagandists have lied to you. Again. For the umpteen thousandth time.

One has to wonder at the level of retardation it takes for a rube to keep going back to be lied to again and again and again. Over and over and over and over.

Yes you are a pathetic, piss drinking, uneducated, gullible, RACIST, rube asshole. Noting your pathetic ass can’t even offer any proof to back up YOUR claim of bullshit. Sorry asswipe, you’ve had your lies of the last 5+ years blown up in your face. Now reduced to crying and lying. Now take your racist ass and crawl back under your rock loser. Enjoy the coming indictments.
Yes you are a pathetic, piss drinking, uneducated, gullible, RACIST, rube asshole. Noting your pathetic ass can’t even offer any proof to back up YOUR claim of bullshit. Sorry asswipe, you’ve had your lies of the last 5+ years blown up in your face. Now reduced to crying and lying. Now take your racist ass and crawl back under your rock loser. Enjoy the coming indictments.


"The coming indictments." Isn't that precious. :lol:
Fusion GPS was kicked out of the FBI portal to NSA 702 data by Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers on April 18, 2016 . . . Within 10 days Fusion GPS was employed by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, in a deal brokered by a lawyer for Fusion GPS and the DNC and the Clinton campaign named Micheal Sussmann.

HRC had been in the business of mining derogatory info for years. She is not just somehow caught up with the "spying" accusations, she is the hub of the activity since 2014.

Joffe was an old HRC friend and his contract for the DNS resolution services at the EOP, which began in 2014 was thought to be Clinton's backdoor . . . It was also suspected to be the conduit for the security issues that forced Obama to move national security briefings to the SCIFs at the Pentagon and State Dept from the WH situation room in Oct of 2014.

The "Russia Hoax" was HRC's brainchild to divert attention and involve the FBI (and the CIA?) in a fabricated effort to discredit and then remove Trump. he actual investigations, Crossfire Hurricane and then Mueller, was the cover-up of the millions of illegal searches done by the FBI of NSA 702 databases (which really began in 2012, with the IRS targeting of conservative groups . . .

This didn't just begin in July of 2016, you have no idea what's coming . . .

Even if you think this is all bullshit, at least roll thru these links to at least put the idea in your head hat you really don't know shit about what Durham is doing and what your seditious Democrat heroes have done and will be indicted for.

Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers has been helping Durham:

This is the direction.

The lefty's will be in for a bigger surprise soon.

Funny how they've gone off the mark over one, tip of the iceberg indictment.

Fasten your seatbelts, lefty media suckboys.
Lol. Sure they did ... unusual volumes according to whom? Set up.
The Alfa Bank results “have been validated and are reproducible. The findings of the researchers were true then and remain true today; reports that these findings were innocuous or a hoax are simply wrong,” said Jody Westby and Mark Rasch, lawyers for David Dagon, a Georgia Institute of Technology data scientist and one of the researchers whom the indictment discussed but did not name.
Fat lady hasn't sung yet, Dude.

Can we hold you to that?

I've been waiting for YEARS for the promised Durham indictments of Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice the rubes were all splooging on themselves over.

I've been waiting for YEARS for the promised Durham indictments of Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice the rubes were all splooging on themselves over.



"The coming indictments." Isn't that precious. :lol:

You said coming indictments....no mention of who you posted now.

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