Durham report released

How Barr’s Quest to Find Flaws in the Russia Inquiry Unraveled
The review by John Durham at one point veered into a criminal investigation related to Donald Trump himself, even as it failed to find wrongdoing in the origins of the Russia inquiry.
By wrong doing, are you referring to creating an investigation based on rumors and manufactured 'evidence', paid for by HRC and DNC?

This never happened.

First, our investigation found that the Russian government interfered in our election in sweeping and systematic fashion.

Second, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government in its election interference activities. We did not address collusion, which is not a legal term; rather we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy, and there was not.

Bon Appétit MSM

Like they give a damn. The end justifies ANY MEANS where Trump is concerned. IT'S TIME TO BECOME UNGOVERNABLE...
The Democrat Russian Collusion Conspiracy is a worse political scandal than Watergate, but the Left will never admit it.
So is the Biden Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme, but leftists will continue to ignore it - and celebrate the Trump was found liable of sexual abuse based on one woman’s say-so and no evidence whatsoever.
Like they give a damn. The end justifies ANY MEANS where Trump is concerned. IT'S TIME TO BECOME UNGOVERNABLE...
I believe the ends justifies the means is a Marxist slogan, which is who we are fighting against to save our country.
Every last partisan liberal MSM rag that reported how Trump was guilty of this now-officially proven hoax should have to publicly report they were wrong and apologize to President Trump!
And pay billions in fines for lying to the American public. What's good for Fox and Alex Jones is good for the other lying pieces of shit. It is time for the msm to once again become the voice of the people and their defense against an autocratic government.
Okay. So what?

If the FBI thinks they can get away with lying to a FISA court with impunity and evidently they can. Because the only one charged blatantly falsified evidence put before the court, all the others in the chain of command walked away scot free. What the fuck is wrong with this picture?

And if they can get away with it in a court where strict scrutiny is supposed to be the order of the day, what the hell do you think they could get away with if they decided to go after you?

I just hope Carter Page sues the crap out of them.

First, our investigation found that the Russian government interfered in our election in sweeping and systematic fashion.

Second, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government in its election interference activities. We did not address collusion, which is not a legal term; rather we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy, and there was not.

I'm not going to let you move the goalposts. You said:

Do you remember the look on her face when the Mueller probe said it found nothing of Trump and Russia?
So what?... so Trump was right all along and the media should give back all of the Pulitzers they received for phony fake news stories...
So What?... they meddled in an American national election and if it were against a democrat candidate and president you wouldn't be asking so what... would you?....

It also means that once again, a big nothingburger for the GOP. There was an obvious conspiracy by the government to nail a president to the cross with fabricated lies they knew were false created by his political opponents, but no harm no foul, business as usual. Three minor people indicted, two found innocent, one given a slap on the wrist and some community service, but no laws broken because they are above the law, and all the same players go on, the agencies go on unscathed to do it all over again the next time another "Trump" comes along.

Recommendation by Durham: a few minor corrective actions on paper for show and pretty much this will all just be buried under the carpet. They tried to destroy a president to effect a political coup and walk free. But if you made the slightest callous threat against Biden, they would break down your door and drag you off to federal prison and be served the maximum possible punishment just like the J6-ers.

House Republicans Fail To Find Any Evidence Wrongdoing By President Biden In Floundering Biden Probe.

May 10, 2023

Press Release

Oversight Committee Democrats Release New Memo Exposing Republicans’ Misrepresentations of Unverified SARs
Washington, D.C. (May 10, 2023)—Today, Rep. Jamie Raskin, Ranking Member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, issued the following statement after Committee Republicans released cherry-picked bank records and mischaracterized information about Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) to distract from their failure to find any evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden:

“Once again Chairman Comer has failed to provide factual evidence to support his wild accusations about the President. He continues to bombard the public with innuendo, misrepresentations, and outright lies, recycling baseless claims from stories that were debunked years ago. Unable to implicate the President directly, Committee Republicans have resorted to using cherry-picked bank records, misrepresentations about confidential and unverified bank reports known as SARs, and baseless conspiracy theories to attack the President’s family, including his grandchildren. As Republicans use their oversight powers to advance this tiresome and aging smear campaign, they refuse to honor their public commitment to investigate former President Trump and former senior White House advisor, Jared Kushner, their hundreds of LLCs, and the billions of dollars they collected directly from autocratic and corrupt foreign governments. If they’re in search of presidential corruption by foreign powers, the undisputed champion is their own guy.”

No evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden. None. Nothing. No wrongdoing.

There is no informant. There is no evidence. None.
'To a degree', my ass!

Durham makes clear the 'Russian Collusion' hoax was started by Trump's political rival (HILLARY CLINTON) and the Mueller investigation NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN INITIATED!

The FBI knew before Mueller was ever appointed - Comey knew before his old mentor was appointed - it was all a criminal political hoax!

Publicly declaring 'Russian Collusion' was Hillary's hoax and that Durham just EXONERATED TRUMP by exposing THE LARGEST CRIMINAL POLITICAL SCANDAL IN US HISTORY must have been extremely painful for CNN and Jake Tapper...

Not painful enough!

Lost in the news is how the NY Times, who won a Pulitzer for intentionally writing lies, is now trying to hide silently in the corner, covered in shit and without any credibility on this story!

Every last partisan liberal MSM rag that reported how Trump was guilty of this now-officially proven hoax should have to publicly report they were wrong and apologize to President Trump!

Mueller Lite!

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