Durham report released

'To a degree', my ass!

Durham makes clear the 'Russian Collusion' hoax was started by Trump's political rival (HILLARY CLINTON) and the Mueller investigation NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN INITIATED!

The FBI knew before Mueller was ever appointed - Comey knew before his old mentor was appointed - it was all a criminal political hoax!

Publicly declaring 'Russian Collusion' was Hillary's hoax and that Durham just EXONERATED TRUMP by exposing THE LARGEST CRIMINAL POLITICAL SCANDAL IN US HISTORY must have been extremely painful for CNN and Jake Tapper...

Not painful enough!

Lost in the news is how the NY Times, who won a Pulitzer for intentionally writing lies, is now trying to hide silently in the corner, covered in shit and without any credibility on this story!

Every last partisan liberal MSM rag that reported how Trump was guilty of this now-officially proven hoax should have to publicly report they were wrong and apologize to President Trump!

Do families illegally separated by the Trump Admin who admitted they did that intentionally as a punishment
Try that in the form of a question. English preferred.
Trump repeated the motivation behind the family separation program. Saying that if parents knew they would have their children taken from them, they wouldn't try to cross the border with them.

Just like how Bull Connor would use firehoses and police dogs against lawful protesters, thinking if the protesters knew they would be attacked, they wouldn't try to protest.

Man the whistles went off as posters who have not been here for two months, and their socks, flooded In here this afternoon to try and save the drowning Dems.
'To a degree', my ass!

Durham makes clear the 'Russian Collusion' hoax was started by Trump's political rival (HILLARY CLINTON) and the Mueller investigation NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN INITIATED!

The FBI knew before Mueller was ever appointed - Comey knew before his old mentor was appointed - it was all a criminal political hoax!

Publicly declaring 'Russian Collusion' was Hillary's hoax and that Durham just EXONERATED TRUMP by exposing THE LARGEST CRIMINAL POLITICAL SCANDAL IN US HISTORY must have been extremely painful for CNN and Jake Tapper...

Not painful enough!

Lost in the news is how the NY Times, who won a Pulitzer for intentionally writing lies, is now trying to hide silently in the corner, covered in shit and without any credibility on this story!

Every last partisan liberal MSM rag that reported how Trump was guilty of this now-officially proven hoax should have to publicly report they were wrong and apologize to President Trump!

the people with brains knew this fucking 7 yrs ago...........lolololol...................some here still say trump is an agent of putin...BAWWWWWWHAHA
'To a degree', my ass!

Durham makes clear the 'Russian Collusion' hoax was started by Trump's political rival (HILLARY CLINTON) and the Mueller investigation NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN INITIATED!

The FBI knew before Mueller was ever appointed - Comey knew before his old mentor was appointed - it was all a criminal political hoax!

Publicly declaring 'Russian Collusion' was Hillary's hoax and that Durham just EXONERATED TRUMP by exposing THE LARGEST CRIMINAL POLITICAL SCANDAL IN US HISTORY must have been extremely painful for CNN and Jake Tapper...

Not painful enough!

Lost in the news is how the NY Times, who won a Pulitzer for intentionally writing lies, is now trying to hide silently in the corner, covered in shit and without any credibility on this story!

Every last partisan liberal MSM rag that reported how Trump was guilty of this now-officially proven hoax should have to publicly report they were wrong and apologize to President Trump!

Don't forget how Rachel Maddow on MSNBC became a household name by elaborately illustrating Trumps 'illegal' ties with Russia night after night after night. All unsupportable propaganda and flat out lies of course, but she'll never suffer any monetary or credibility consequences for it.
They made it up to try to influence an election. Then used their own creation to undermine him when they lost, set up an infrastrucuture to censor Americans based on their falsehood and rode it all the way through the last election.

They created a boogeyman, completely and inscrupulously dragged the country through a river of shit to 'investigate' something they made up- and the most astonishing part is how many people were utterly fooled into believing it to the point that they still do.


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