Dylan Mulvaney: love him or hate him, you have to admit..

Why are you participating in the his thread if you want to pretend you don't know who he is?
I didn't know who Dylan Maloney was. All I knew was that a trans had triggered the MAGA snowflakes. Since I don't give a shit about these things I didn't care who it was, what their name was, or even if it was a trans male or female. Only the rightwing is obsessed with homosexuality.
This is just the Dims rubbing it in our faces.
It illustrates the depths of which the left hates America and the people that made it a decent place to live.

I'd prefer right now to live in Germany, but I hear they aren't doing well after all of the refugees invaded.
How does this trans person directly affect your life?
You're quite the dumbass.
And Demwit #1 emerges (or a brief moment) from under his rock; gives us his best face (as seen below); then retracts back under his favorite stone as the sunlight causes him to squint.


Above is a rare photo of a slack-jawed-yokel. Habitat? Darkness and stupidity.
How does this trans person directly affect your life?
Because one of you decided to shoot 6 Christians dead 40 miles from my home, now I have to worry about you trying to turn me into a criminal for owning a gun.
You're using your mass-murders to attack us in the Tennessee House claiming that we're racists because you found yourselves a couple of fake Jessie Jacksons.
How does this trans person directly affect your life?
I can't speak for mudwhistle, but in my case ... he makes me want to gag at the sight of him. That's followed by a sense of shame that I live in a world where lunatic queers are elevated to a place of celebration. At one time ... America pretended to be a moral nation, but the pretense has been utterly exposed. Mul-gay-he simply represents the sewer in which America has landed.
I can't speak for mudwhistle, but in my case ... he makes me want to gag at the sight of him.

Yet you all cannot quit talking about him.

If not for this forum I would not have even known they existed or that the single offending can of beer existed.
The person that triggered a few million MAGAs with a single beer can
A few million normal people don't buy into the transfad and don't want it anywhere near the products they buy. In the same exact way, if Bud Light would have made a "Celebration of Christianity" can - the left would have lost their minds. Most definitely there would be protests outside of the company gates.
Yet you all cannot quit talking about him.

If not for this forum I would not have even known they existed or that the single offending can of beer existed.
At least you're calling "him" a "him." That's a step in the right direction.

Dylan Mulvaney: love him or hate him, you have to admit....that using deluded perverts to sell your product is the newest trend in marketing.​

A few million normal people don't buy into the transfad and don't want it anywhere near the products they buy. In the same exact way, if Bud Light would have made a "Celebration of Christianity" can - the left would have lost their minds. Most definitely there would be protests outside of the company gates.

Most people are not so filled with hate for those not like them, so most will not give a shit.

Busch Stadium and the Cardinals have held a Christian night every year for the last 30 years and not one person protesting outside the gates.

They also had a Pride Night and same thing, people went to the game and had good time. None of them turned gay as far as I know.
Most people are not so filled with hate for those not like them, so most will not give a shit.

Busch Stadium and the Cardinals have held a Christian night every year for the last 30 years and not one person protesting outside the gates.

They also had a Pride Night and same thing, people went to the game and had good time. None of them turned gay as far as I know.
Most people don't want the fake transfad insanity thrown in their face.
Dylan Mulvaney does not represent transgenders to normal people.
He makes a parody of who trans people are. I live in a town FULL of LGBQT folks. They don't act like this fruitcake psycho who makes short films acting like a 6 year old little girl.
What trans person, trying to be accepted in society wants someone like his nut who made up a parodical trans character who is so over the top and absurd?
Most people don't want the fake transfad insanity thrown in their face.

How many times have you seen the can with the face on it?

How many times have you seen the ad I am told exist?

I am willing to bet you have spent 1000 times more time talking about this person than you have had them in your face.
How many times have you seen the can with the face on it?

How many times have you seen the ad I am told exist?

I am willing to bet you have spent 1000 times more time talking about this person than you have had them in your face.
Wrong again.
Nike, Budweiser and others - by using him in internet advertising, they legitimize him.
Nike used him to advertise women's sport bras, and others.
All of this legitimizes and projects this sick fuck as a representation of trans people.
He is an internet character the man created to get attention.
This has nothing to do with trans acceptance. Whatsoever.
He is an incredibly bad product spokesperson. I know that Democrats are required to solemnly affirm that they believe that he is a real girl in every way and that any heterosexual Democrat is highly attracted to his girlish charms.

But the product he promotes is gathering dust on millions of shelves if the retailers havent simply thrown it away.
he is a freak. but he has the right to be a freak and enjoy his so called girlhood. but I am not buying any bud light or any other anheuser- busch beer.
Because one of you decided to shoot 6 Christians dead 40 miles from my home, now I have to worry about you trying to turn me into a criminal for owning a gun.
You're using your mass-murders to attack us in the Tennessee House claiming that we're racists because you found yourselves a couple of fake Jessie Jacksons.
So, you hate all young White men now, too?

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