Dylan Mulvaney: love him or hate him, you have to admit..

I can't speak for mudwhistle, but in my case ... he makes me want to gag at the sight of him. That's followed by a sense of shame that I live in a world where lunatic queers are elevated to a place of celebration. At one time ... America pretended to be a moral nation, but the pretense has been utterly exposed. Mul-gay-he simply represents the sewer in which America has landed.
I didn't see this person, never saw the ad, didn't know the name until MAGA snowflakes forced me to. I couldn't give a flying fuck what these people do, or what's on a beer can. Because I'm confident in who I am, and don't need to vilify others to feel better about myself.

You, on the other hand, reveal your insecurities.
In the end, he is being used. Won't end well, trading everything on fifteen minutes of fame.
Most people are not so filled with hate for those not like them, so most will not give a shit.

Busch Stadium and the Cardinals have held a Christian night every year for the last 30 years and not one person protesting outside the gates.

They also had a Pride Night and same thing, people went to the game and had good time. None of them turned gay as far as I know.
Every home game, The Atlanta Braves have Timothy Miller come out during the 7th inning stretch to sing 'God Bless America'. I hate it, it doesn't belong in baseball, it's inappropriate. Am I going to boycott the Braves or Major League Baseball? FUCK NO!!!

Because I'm a real man. Not a whiny little bitch snowflake.
He is an incredibly bad product spokesperson. I know that Democrats are required to solemnly affirm that they believe that he is a real girl in every way and that any heterosexual Democrat is highly attracted to his girlish charms.
The dude is a guy, playing the acting part very well. 💰💰💰💰💲💲💲💲
I don't care.
Not a woman.
How many times have you seen the can with the face on it?

How many times have you seen the ad I am told exist?

I am willing to bet you have spent 1000 times more time talking about this person than you have had them in your face.
I looked for it while in a couple of different grocery stores yesterday. I was going to buy a 6 pack just as a fuck you to the whiny snowflakes and to support A-B, even though their beer tastes like salty water. It's not on my shelves.
Wrong again.
Nike, Budweiser and others - by using him in internet advertising, they legitimize him.
Nike used him to advertise women's sport bras, and others.
All of this legitimizes and projects this sick fuck as a representation of trans people.
He is an internet character the man created to get attention.
This has nothing to do with trans acceptance. Whatsoever.
How is this person not legitimate?
This person doesn't bother me one bit. There is not a hint of fagginess. Not like that Uber-Fag Cody Rigsby, who they play all the time in those commercials. Peloton? I can't remember. I tune him out when I can't reach the mute button. I have no issue with queers or trans. But faggity men - there's no reason for it. No reason for the lisp, the effeminate mannerisms. I know ex-Marines who are Gay. You'd never know it from their mannerisms or speech.
I looked for it while in a couple of different grocery stores yesterday. I was going to buy a 6 pack just as a fuck you to the whiny snowflakes and to support A-B, even though their beer tastes like salty water. It's not on my shelves.

It is not on anyone shelves and never was going to be. It was a commemorative can never meant for retail sale.

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