Dylan Roof

Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

One young white boy dying for his sins, will not change the hearts and minds of those out to harm simply based on the color of one's skin. I talk a lot of shit about whites, but I have never harmed a person of any color, simply out of hatred. What we as a nation must do, is come to terms with diversity, accept it and move on. We can still have our bias, I know I certainly will, but that is btwn me and God and the haters I attack here. But never do I go beyond words. Actions are what makes us the animals this young man, the black teens and so on have done.
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
You should go with him!
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
Being a Christian, those victims in the church were of a kindred spirit with me. Roof was not.
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.

It's a start, so what will happen to the Chicago 4 that beat and tortured a disabled white kid? Where the F is the Rev, AG, and President?
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
You should go with him!
Keep being a cuck,you are nothing but a fake pro white nationalist.....
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
Being a Christian, those victims in the church were of a kindred spirit with me. Roof was not.
Obviously the Jew has done their job then. Great empires were built because people of the same race stood together and built them. Christianity has DESTROYED the white race and turned it into a pathetic whimpering former shell of itself to love their enemy and turn the other cheek when they murder them en mass. The jew has done a wonderful job of making people loyal to a spook in the sky and not their own people.....just disgusting.
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.

Poor little cuck. Can't even shake enough brain cells loose to come up with a coherent response.
I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.

It does seem hypocritical doesn't it. To me him staying alive is actually more of a hardship. For multiple reasons.
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
You're disgusting. And wherever you work I hope it isn't in a place where people of color or Jews have to spend their money or put their lives on the line. What ever you do for a living, I'm sure the people around you know what kind of racist fiend you are. If you are a cop,they need to report you before you kill an innocent person, if you haven't already. If you are in he medical field, I pray that those who know you won't let you get near a non White patient. If you work in a restaurant, you should be closely monitored to make sure you don't put something in the food or drink of non White customers. But we know that won't happen because most White people don't care about what people like you think or do.Many are probably harboring the same predilections themselves.
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
You're disgusting. And wherever you work I hope it isn't in a place where people of color or Jews have to spend their money or put their lives on the line. What ever you do for a living, I'm sure the people around you know what kind of racist fiend you are. If you are a cop,they need to report you before you kill an innocent person, if you haven't already. If you are in he medical field, I pray that those who know you won't let you get near a non White patient. If you work in a restaurant, you should be closely monitored to make sure you don't put something in the food or drink of non White customers. But we know that won't happen because most White people don't care about what people like you think or do.Many are probably harboring the same predilections themselves.
I run a HUGE oven as my full time job and on the side I run a lampshade business and soap making business :D
These threads have a way of bringing out the total and absolute lunacy of the dim bats.
I'd be keen to see more death penalties handed out as criminal incarcerations are not only impacting America's bottom line, but not sending out a strong enough message. 3 hots and a cot + tv, work outs, and so forth just ain't cutting it. I say we kill more of em and see how serious the dirt bags are about committing their crimes.
I'd be keen to see more death penalties handed out as criminal incarcerations are not only impacting America's bottom line, but not sending out a strong enough message. 3 hots and a cot + tv, work outs, and so forth just ain't cutting it. I say we kill more of em and see how serious the dirt bags are about committing their crimes.
The problem with many is that they don't think they will get caught...
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

One young white boy dying for his sins, will not change the hearts and minds of those out to harm simply based on the color of one's skin. I talk a lot of shit about whites, but I have never harmed a person of any color, simply out of hatred. What we as a nation must do, is come to terms with diversity, accept it and move on. We can still have our bias, I know I certainly will, but that is btwn me and God and the haters I attack here. But never do I go beyond words. Actions are what makes us the animals this young man, the black teens and so on have done.
How many times do you want to kill Roof?
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!
Aww, Trump will probably pardon him. He'll get out in 5 years or so.
Nah, our new president isn't a douche who pardons criminals. He was elected specifically because he is NOT like Obama.
Correction: He doesn't pardon criminals who look like Obama's son if he had one. He would be more likely to pardon criminals who look like YOU, especially those accused of killing Black people.
That made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

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