Dylan Roof

Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!
Aww, Trump will probably pardon him. He'll get out in 5 years or so.
Nah, our new president isn't a douche who pardons criminals. He was elected specifically because he is NOT like Obama.
Correction: He doesn't pardon criminals who look like Obama's son if he had one. He would be more likely to pardon criminals who look like YOU, especially those accused of killing Black people.
That made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

you will see more of that the closer it gets to 1/20/17
miketx "Misinterpreting criminals"? Are you one of those bleeding heart types who thinks that they "can't help it" when they commit crimes?

Either way, I have zero sympathy for pretty much any criminals - the only exception of note would be an aside in that I don't think pot should be illegal, but it is for whatever reason and as such that's how it is. There is always a choice in everything we do, if you choose to kill or steal I'll make zero "exceptions" for whatever your personal issues are - and especially in America where there are so many /legal/ options available for one to choose to do the "right" thing.
miketx "Misinterpreting criminals"? Are you one of those bleeding heart types who thinks that they "can't help it" when they commit crimes?

Either way, I have zero sympathy for pretty much any criminals - the only exception of note would be an aside in that I don't think pot should be illegal, but it is for whatever reason and as such that's how it is. There is always a choice in everything we do, if you choose to kill or steal I'll make zero "exceptions" for whatever your personal issues are - and especially in America where there are so many /legal/ options available for one to choose to do the "right" thing.

No, I was referring to your comment about putting more criminals to death. It sounded like you were thinking that would deter crime. In some cases it does, but you don't understand criminals. In many many many cases, they simply don't think they will get caught. Here is the mindset they have and it is well documented in the prison work place.

Here you go:

I won't get caught
If I get caught they will drop the charges
If they don't drop the charges I'll get a suspended sentence
If I don't get a suspended sentence I'll get probation.
If I don't get probation, I'll be out on 6 months
If I don't get out in six months I'll get parole
miketx I completely disagree with your assessment that capitol punishment is not a deterrent. I also find it interesting that everything you brought up is actually a direct result of bleeding hearts interference and being soft on crime.

Even so, that doesn't change the fact that I want absolutely nothing to do with paying for criminals in jail in the slightest. I say kill em and remove the problem from society.
miketx I completely disagree with your assessment that capitol punishment is not a deterrent. I also find it interesting that everything you brought up is actually a direct result of bleeding hearts interference and being soft on crime.

Even so, that doesn't change the fact that I want absolutely nothing to do with paying for criminals in jail in the slightest. I say kill em and remove the problem from society.
Ok, I'll just give up here. I didn't say it was a not a deterrent, I said many times the criminals doesn't think he'll get caught, and I provided a documented mindset they have.
miketx I completely disagree with your assessment that capitol punishment is not a deterrent. I also find it interesting that everything you brought up is actually a direct result of bleeding hearts interference and being soft on crime.

Even so, that doesn't change the fact that I want absolutely nothing to do with paying for criminals in jail in the slightest. I say kill em and remove the problem from society.

as it sits capital punishment is not a deterrent

that does not mean we should not execute those that have it coming
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
You're disgusting. And wherever you work I hope it isn't in a place where people of color or Jews have to spend their money or put their lives on the line. What ever you do for a living, I'm sure the people around you know what kind of racist fiend you are. If you are a cop,they need to report you before you kill an innocent person, if you haven't already. If you are in he medical field, I pray that those who know you won't let you get near a non White patient. If you work in a restaurant, you should be closely monitored to make sure you don't put something in the food or drink of non White customers. But we know that won't happen because most White people don't care about what people like you think or do.Many are probably harboring the same predilections themselves.
I run a HUGE oven as my full time job and on the side I run a lampshade business and soap making business :D
That isn't funny,especially coming from a racist Hitler clone like YOU! I din't think you'd have the balls to reveal your workplace...your kind work their evil best on unsuspecting victims who are clueless to your nefarious intentions. How many minorities have you killed clandestinely?
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!
Aww, Trump will probably pardon him. He'll get out in 5 years or so.
Nah, our new president isn't a douche who pardons criminals. He was elected specifically because he is NOT like Obama.
Correction: He doesn't pardon criminals who look like Obama's son if he had one. He would be more likely to pardon criminals who look like YOU, especially those accused of killing Black people.
That made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Read it again, and fire up that other brain cell. You'll get it eventually.
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

I am not surprised by this sentence and even though his crime was monsterous, I still don't support the death penalty.
Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
You're disgusting. And wherever you work I hope it isn't in a place where people of color or Jews have to spend their money or put their lives on the line. What ever you do for a living, I'm sure the people around you know what kind of racist fiend you are. If you are a cop,they need to report you before you kill an innocent person, if you haven't already. If you are in he medical field, I pray that those who know you won't let you get near a non White patient. If you work in a restaurant, you should be closely monitored to make sure you don't put something in the food or drink of non White customers. But we know that won't happen because most White people don't care about what people like you think or do.Many are probably harboring the same predilections themselves.
I run a HUGE oven as my full time job and on the side I run a lampshade business and soap making business :D
That isn't funny,especially coming from a racist Hitler clone like YOU! I din't think you'd have the balls to reveal your workplace...your kind work their evil best on unsuspecting victims who are clueless to your nefarious intentions. How many minorities have you killed clandestinely?
LOL I am self employed. I don't even put where I work on facebook or twitter or anywhere else. Oh and I have killed 6,000,000 Jews and 1,488 other nonwhites. :D
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!

Kid was brainwashed and treated with no love.

If you treat a dog that way, eventually it will viciously attack you and bite you.

Good he deserved it someone who murders nine people in a church is not going to be rehabilitated in my opinion.

They should simply drop Roof off on Mack Ave. in Detroit, wearing his orange jumpsuit.

So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
You're disgusting. And wherever you work I hope it isn't in a place where people of color or Jews have to spend their money or put their lives on the line. What ever you do for a living, I'm sure the people around you know what kind of racist fiend you are. If you are a cop,they need to report you before you kill an innocent person, if you haven't already. If you are in he medical field, I pray that those who know you won't let you get near a non White patient. If you work in a restaurant, you should be closely monitored to make sure you don't put something in the food or drink of non White customers. But we know that won't happen because most White people don't care about what people like you think or do.Many are probably harboring the same predilections themselves.
I run a HUGE oven as my full time job and on the side I run a lampshade business and soap making business :D
That isn't funny,especially coming from a racist Hitler clone like YOU! I din't think you'd have the balls to reveal your workplace...your kind work their evil best on unsuspecting victims who are clueless to your nefarious intentions. How many minorities have you killed clandestinely?
LOL I am self employed. I don't even put where I work on facebook or twitter or anywhere else. Oh and I have killed 6,000,000 Jews and 1,488 other nonwhites. :D

Self employed, eh???? yeah right. Beautician by day and alley sniper by night in the ghetto ..,RIGHT....?
So many cuckservatives its disgusting. Roof is a soldier in a war and he took out 9 of the enemy. I prefer he had taken out 9 of the enemy still able to reproduce but what he did shined a light on white genocide and black on white racist crime. He will be a martyr and always a hero. Its what happens living in a DARK area of the country you see the constant black on white hate crimes and NOTHING is done about it and you either LEAVE for whiter pastures or you snap and act out against it. I appreciate his sacrifice,I will make sure he keeps his books full with cash and a constant stream of letters and cards and well wishes. You PATHETIC cucks are more worried he killed 9 "christians" than the fact he killed 9 of the enemy,his selfless act has shined a light on black on white hate crime and awakened hopefully THOUSANDS of young people who are critical enough to do their own research instead of taking the media's bullshit lies for truth.
You're disgusting. And wherever you work I hope it isn't in a place where people of color or Jews have to spend their money or put their lives on the line. What ever you do for a living, I'm sure the people around you know what kind of racist fiend you are. If you are a cop,they need to report you before you kill an innocent person, if you haven't already. If you are in he medical field, I pray that those who know you won't let you get near a non White patient. If you work in a restaurant, you should be closely monitored to make sure you don't put something in the food or drink of non White customers. But we know that won't happen because most White people don't care about what people like you think or do.Many are probably harboring the same predilections themselves.
I run a HUGE oven as my full time job and on the side I run a lampshade business and soap making business :D
That isn't funny,especially coming from a racist Hitler clone like YOU! I din't think you'd have the balls to reveal your workplace...your kind work their evil best on unsuspecting victims who are clueless to your nefarious intentions. How many minorities have you killed clandestinely?
LOL I am self employed. I don't even put where I work on facebook or twitter or anywhere else. Oh and I have killed 6,000,000 Jews and 1,488 other nonwhites. :D

Self employed, eh???? yeah right. Beautician by day and alley sniper by night in the ghetto ..,RIGHT....?
Well they go hand in hand ya know.....I beautify my country by doing the dirty work :D
The judge officially sentenced D.S.Roof to death today.

The Fed's carry out their executions fairly fast, within a couple of years, unlike the states which take decades.

Roof's execution will likely be a lot like McVeigh's.

Roof will be defiant most likely.

Roof is why somebody else should be armed in every church class everywhere.

God does not watch over you -- God is deist not theist.

You gotta watch over your own azz with your own gun.
miketx I completely disagree with your assessment that capitol punishment is not a deterrent. I also find it interesting that everything you brought up is actually a direct result of bleeding hearts interference and being soft on crime.

Even so, that doesn't change the fact that I want absolutely nothing to do with paying for criminals in jail in the slightest. I say kill em and remove the problem from society.
Grammar note:

"Capitol" is the rotunda where the legislature meets.

"Capital" refers to your head being chopped off.

You used the wrong word.
Being a Christian, those victims in the church were of a kindred spirit with me. Roof was not.
The Jews who the Nazi's gassed were your kindred spirits too.

God is not theist. He/She/They is/are deist.

You gotta protect your own azz with your own gun. This includes at church.
Grammar note:

"Capitol" is the rotunda where the legislature meets.

"Capital" refers to your head being chopped off.

You used the wrong word.

Right you are. I'll take a ruler slap on the hand for not catching it >.<

I'm afraid I was laughing far to hard at CNN being pwned this morning to be on point - tis a long standing dislike, possibly even bordering on hatred if I could feel such a thing heh
Got the death penalty! And, he deserved it!
Aww, Trump will probably pardon him. He'll get out in 5 years or so.
Nah, our new president isn't a douche who pardons criminals. He was elected specifically because he is NOT like Obama.
Correction: He doesn't pardon criminals who look like Obama's son if he had one. He would be more likely to pardon criminals who look like YOU, especially those accused of killing Black people.
Obama has released over a thousand criminals. Trump hasnt released even one. Reality is not on your side.
Obama has released nonviolent offenders, the majority who should not have been imprisoned anyway.

Not true. He has released MANY violent offenders. Here's the list, along with their offenses. Many, many illegal firearms offenses.

Pardons Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2016) | PARDON | Department of Justice
Aww, Trump will probably pardon him. He'll get out in 5 years or so.
Nah, our new president isn't a douche who pardons criminals. He was elected specifically because he is NOT like Obama.
Correction: He doesn't pardon criminals who look like Obama's son if he had one. He would be more likely to pardon criminals who look like YOU, especially those accused of killing Black people.
Obama has released over a thousand criminals. Trump hasnt released even one. Reality is not on your side.
Obama has released nonviolent offenders, the majority who should not have been imprisoned anyway.

Not true. He has released MANY violent offenders. Here's the list, along with their offenses. Many, many illegal firearms offenses.

Pardons Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2016) | PARDON | Department of Justice

Wrong! no murderers, rapists, robbers, burglars or child molesters were pardoned. Having a gun or transferring one to a felon is not a violent offense. And after a quick review I saw ONE involuntary manslaughter on the pardon list.That does imply violence but I'd have to know the circumstances before I comment on it. I trust that Obama took the circumstances under careful consideration before he signed the pardon. You Konservatives are bold with your damn lies. You post a list and then lie about what is ON that kist. That is unconscionable.
Nah, our new president isn't a douche who pardons criminals. He was elected specifically because he is NOT like Obama.
Correction: He doesn't pardon criminals who look like Obama's son if he had one. He would be more likely to pardon criminals who look like YOU, especially those accused of killing Black people.
Obama has released over a thousand criminals. Trump hasnt released even one. Reality is not on your side.
Obama has released nonviolent offenders, the majority who should not have been imprisoned anyway.

Not true. He has released MANY violent offenders. Here's the list, along with their offenses. Many, many illegal firearms offenses.

Pardons Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2016) | PARDON | Department of Justice

Wrong! no murderers, rapists, robbers, burglars or child molesters were pardoned. Having a gun or transferring one to a felon is not a violent offense. And after a quick review I saw ONE involuntary manslaughter on the pardon list.That does imply violence but I'd have to know the circumstances before I comment on it. I trust that Obama took the circumstances under careful consideration before he signed the pardon. You Konservatives are bold with your damn lies. You post a list and then lie about what is ON that kist. That is unconscionable.

How the fuck do you know. They were violent drug dealers using guns to commit their violent crimes so fuck you you and your ignorant partisan fucking bullshit.

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