E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

I think we can all agree that Jean Carroll is a gold digging whore. And Trump's ego is retarded. She lies, he lies and we decide which lie they're going to believe, based on lies we're told by them both and the MSM.
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Trump is going to ante up the 83 million. He has to post that as bond when he appeals. So he's going to give up the money.
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I am not responsible for you inability to post clearly.

Now, let’s see if together we can hone your communication skills a little, failed human.


Please advise me where is said that the plaintiff’s lawyer did anything wrong.


What would that have to do with the question at hand?

Plaintiffs lawyers try their cases. They’re supposed to.

That doesn’t mean that Trump got a fair trial.

So, with that in mind, please put your attempted question in the form of a coherent question.

Or don’t . I don’t much care. 👍
Wouldn't it save you some typing to just say "I was wrong"?

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