E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

Well it's interesting to see the left's bitterness and immature victory lapping. Not surprising given their puny under-developed brains.
Trump bragged about assaulting women on Howard Stern..15 hours of it. He thought it made him a cool guy.
We all know that's a lie. Even if it were true that he "assaulted" some women, that doesn't prove he assaulted this woman. There was absolutely no evidence that he did.
Every time there is a finding against Dear Leader, every time he is ordered to pay civil damages, every time he is indicted, every time a court rules against him his supporters have to add another dozen or more individuals to the list of those involved in this massive conspiracy against him. Another dozen or so people who have broken the law "to get him." Hundreds if not thousands of people are now on that list...and they have to keep adding to it instead of just admitting the Orange Rapist is just a shitty human being.
progs will stop at nothing to get Trump. They are the only ones who have broken any laws, not Trump.

The jury said trump was liable for sexual aasault. This was a civil case, they could not convict trump of rape because that is a criminal charge. Finding him liable was as far as they could go.

But the judge stated that what trump did fit the definition of rape. So trump raped Carroll.
Besides the pile of things you have been called out for getting wrong?

This is weak sealioning.
Nobody has said what I got wrong, they just say “you’re wrong” and then fail to make any argument.

Nobody has explained to me how it’s trumps fault that her reputation got damaged because SHE made an allegation againsnt him, that he denies.

Nobody has explained what reputation she has that she needs 11 million to repair it.

Nobody has explained why she is entitled to compensation that is 40 times her current total net worth.

Please, I’m all ears. Don’t just say “you’re wrong” and then don’t give reasons as to why.

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