E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

Trump makes those unproven millions look like peanuts, plus, he went against his oath to the constitution, took classified documents, refused to give them back when asked, not to mention, his attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 election, leading to an attack on our Capital, threatening lawmakers, including his own Vice President, because Pence would not go against his constitutional duties.

Why is there zero witnesses or zero surveillance videos as this occurred in public ??
I did look, and all I came up with was, because he denied her claims and called her a liar, it caused damage to her reputation and garnered threats. None of which is his fault. He never asked her to make this allegation, she did that on her own, and when he goes on a rant saying she’s crazy and lying…well, what do you expect when someone out of the blue starts trying to damage you by making allegations?

Why is there zero witnesses or zero surveillance videos as this occurred in public ??

Why did she wait 35 years to tell anyone ??

Then he should have got better legal representation than the parking company attorney he got, and put up a better defense in both cases. Both juries decided what they did based on what was presented to them. And if Trump hadn't continued to say/post what he did between the two trials and during the second one, the amount would almost certainly have been way less than the $83.3M.

And what randos like us post here on political bulletin boards is irrelevant. Tough, innit?
Translation: you have no explanation. Not one of you have given an explanation other than “that’s just the way it is”…
False. This ground has already been tread in the thread. This sealioning won't work on me.

This is a childish game. You're trying to poke holes in what posters say or know, while yourself knowing less than nothing about the trial.

To waste time and derail.
Then he should have got better legal representation than the parking company attorney he got, and put up a better defense in both cases. Both juries decided what they did based on what was presented to them. And if Trump hadn't continued to say/post what he did between the two trials and during the second one, the amount would almost certainly have been way less than the $83.3M.

And what randos like us post here on political bulletin boards is irrelevant. Tough, innit?

Because he did not get a fair trial in Jew York
Yup. ONe of the crucial facts that will lead to this nonsense being reversed on appeal.
False. That is not how appeals work. What happened was that she was allowed to modify her lawsuit, which is perfectly fine.

In the end, the judgment she got was that Trump is liable for forcible sexual assault. And that was the first lawsuit. This is the second.

That isn't getting overturned.
Why is there zero witnesses or zero surveillance videos as this occurred in public ??
You would have to research that in the actual trial, last spring. This was not a retrial, only damages to be assessed and applied, phase.
83.3 million. 65 million in punative damages. Trump needs to learn how to shut his fat mouth.
Chicks without ethics all over our nation are trying today to figure out how they can take some rich guy they once knew to court and walk away as one of the richest people in our nation. I image at least a dozen that once met Trump are busy making up stories today.

The object will be to sue Trump out of his fortune and of course keep the rich, the famous and the politicians who abused Epstein’s underaged girls protected by keeping all the evidence and tapes hidden.
Chicks without ethics all over our nation are trying today to figure out how they can take some rich guy they once knew to court and walk away as one of the richest people in our nation. I image at least a dozen that once met Trump are busy making up stories today.

The object will be to sue Trump out of his fortune and of course keep the rich, the famous and the politicians who abused Epstein’s underaged girls protected by keeping all the evidence and tapes hidden.
Let's review:

The orange slob is the REAL victim, here.

That's cultism for ya!
You would have to research that in the actual trial, last spring. This was not a retrial, only damages to be assessed and applied, phase.

Zero evidence!!

It was a Soviet show trial to destroy his image and wealth ! A classic Jewish shakedown
You would have to research that in the actual trial, last spring. This was not a retrial, only damages to be assessed and applied, phase.
This was an entirely separate and new trial. And it was a slam dunk, as it was assumed as fact from day one in this trial that Trump sexually assaulted her and defamed her in the past.

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