E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

It was a room full of Liberals that decided this. Maybe she will get cervical cancer being that old and not being able to spend the money. and they call that karma :)

Being passed age 70, Ms. Caroll no longer has to worry about cervical cancer.

Why is it that members of the Trump Cult continue to wish death on others? As with all of Donald Trump’s “problems”, he brought it all on himself by lying about her and defaming her and then he wouldn’t shut up about it.

Every time Donald Trump goes around, shooting off his mouth about what he’s gotten away with. Somebody comes out and says you haven’t gotten away with it yet and then he cries that his prosecution is unfair.

Donald Trump has gone around all of his adult life bragging about all of the illegal shit he gets away with. He brags about all the politicians he bribed. He even bragged about all the women he assaulted.

Now that Trump is being taken to court for all of the things that he bragged about doing, it’s “unfair” and he’s being “persecuted”.

What a fucking whiner!
Well if I knew I could get almost 100 million dollars and was a women I might just go around looking for some rich guy who would molest or rape me. Or perhaps I would just make up a story decades after the incident happened.
Or maybe not everyone is as classless and unethical as you apparently are..?

Trump has made you terminally cynical.

Are you also the kind of guy that would ram your fingers up a woman's vagina without consent?
That doesn’t mean that Trump got a fair trial.
Don't forget....intheButtAgain likes to play attorney online and in the mirror of his mother's vanity whenever she let's him play dress up.

Trump got as fair a trial as one would expect considering he couldn't even show up to his own (first) trial to defend himself against sexual assault charges.
What kind of (probably) guilty POS can't even attend, much less testify at, his own trial for sexual assault?
That was strike one with his jury.
Then consider the ineptness and combative ridiculousness of Alina Habba in court.
Having to be admonished and corrected repeatedly by Judge Kaplan over even the most basic procedural rules of the court right up to the closing arguments.
Strike two for the jurors.
Then when you factor in Trump's own petulant, pouty, whiny bullshit in regard to the case....
And yet you provide no evidence of rape, no evidence that she brought of rape, all you have is “get trump…gotta get trump!!! No matter the cost!!!!”

If she can’t prove rape happened, then this is all on her. SHE was the one who decided to start all of this, not him.
What’s truly disturbing – but not surprising – is the right’s pathetic, desperate efforts to defend Trump with deflections and lies when the facts and truth clearly prove Trump raped and defamed Ms. Carroll.
Well if I knew I could get almost 100 million dollars and was a women I might just go around looking for some rich guy who would molest or rape me. Or perhaps I would just make up a story decades after the incident happened.

She would not have gotten nearly $100 million if Trump hadn't been a classless asshole who publically lied about her and trashed her reputation.

That's where your life plan falls apart. It's dependent on your attacker being a very wealthy public figure who is dumb enough to publically admit he rapes women but you're not his "type". Trump has said more than once he sexually assaults women he finds attractive but has denied ever attacking any of the more than 20 women who have come forward and confirmed that he did in fact sexually assault them, and in some cases, succeeded in beating and/or raping them. Two of those women received millions, and one of those two was married to him. The rest got nothing but a very bad memory.

Very few rapists are dumb enough to give interviews and depositions saying yes they rape women, but you're not pretty enough.
She claimed Trump raped her (penis in vagina rape). She testified Trump raped her (penis in vagina rape). Jury found that Trump did not rape her (penis in vagina rape)

For obvious reasons, you don't want to admit the jury found she was lying when she claimed Trump raped her (penis in vagina rape)

I think those word are completely irrelevant to Ms. Carroll's claim that Trump raped her (penis in vagina rape) and the jury didn't believe her (since saying that she lied upsets you so terribly).

OBVIOUS REASON is that jury finding evidence insufficient, does not mean jury found that plaintiff was lying. You want to belive that they thought she lied and you do, it's as simple as that.

Jury DID find Trump is liable for Sexual Assault, liable for lying about Caroll and viciously defaming her. There is no way in hell they would come to that determination if they thought Caroll is lying.
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  • Fact
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OBVIOUS REASON is jury finding evidence insufficient, does not mean jury found that plaintiff was lying.
The only evidence of rape she presented was her testimony, her word. They didn't believe her (nice way of saying they found she was lying). Simple as that.

You want to belive that they thought she lied and you do, it's as simple as that.

Jury DID find Trump is liable for Sexual Assault, liable for lying about Caroll and viciously defaming her. There is no way in hell they would come to that determination if they thought Caroll is lying.
Sure they could have. They hated Trump and wanted to stick it to him
  • Funny
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The only evidence of rape she presented was her testimony, her word. They didn't believe her (nice way of saying they found she was lying). Simple as that.

Sure they could have. They hated Trump and wanted to stick it to him
The only evidence of rape she presented was her testimony, her word. They didn't believe her (nice way of saying they found she was lying). Simple as that.

Sure they could have. They hated Trump and wanted to stick it to him

You are seriously going to claim that they ALL hated Trump enough to find him liable of Sexual Assualt...but didn't hate him enough to find him liable for Rape?

Seriously? :laugh:
You are seriously going to claim that they ALL hated Trump enough to find him liable of Sexual Assualt...but didn't hate him enough to find him liable for Rape?

Seriously? :laugh:
Absolutely serious. Finding Trump might have grabbed her ass is light years from believing her ridiculous story that he literally raped her in a department store, in the middle of the day in Manhattan.
As if the entire jury would have found Trump sexually assaulted Carroll, despite concluding, as Rawley insists, that she lied about being raped. The pretzel logic that Trumpies engage in, to convince themselves/others that Trump is innocent of everything that he's been found guilty of, and/or charged with, is amazing. Such faith beggars belief...

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