E-mails revel that Biden knew the vaccines were not working but then mandated them anyway


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

People were denied health care over this.

Joe is a criminal.
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People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

Joe is a criminal.

I just had a conversation with an acquaintance who's a nurse. They're preparing to write a book about the incredible number of hospital personnel who knew how phony and dangerous the jab was and set up a network of folks who were giving saline injections to each other and then faking the paperwork so that they wouldn't get fired. I guess this was pretty widespread -- medical professionals knew better!

Hope they'll be able to publish the book successfully some day.


I just had a conversation with an acquaintance who's a nurse. They're preparing to write a book about the incredible number of hospital personnel who knew how phony and dangerous the jab was and set up a network of folks who were giving saline injections to each other and then faking the paperwork so that they wouldn't get fired. I guess this was pretty widespread -- medical professionals knew better!

Hope they'll be able to publish the book successfully some day.

Let me know the title. I will search the Fiction section of the library.

People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

People were denied health care over this.

Joe is a criminal.
Criminal doesn't begin to describe the current state of the democratic party.
And let's not leave out the COWARDLY republican party.

We are being governed by a cabal of 🤡
The article mis-states the case. Just because there were "breakthough" infections doesn't mean that the VAX had no value. NOBODY claimed that they were 100% effective.''

Nobody lost his job because of the mandate. They lost their jobs because they were too hard-headed to take a reasonable step to protect themselves and those they came into contact with. The number of people who were actually harmed by the VAX was (and remains) microscopic.
The article mis-states the case. Just because there were "breakthough" infections doesn't mean that the VAX had no value. NOBODY claimed that they were 100% effective.''

Nobody lost his job because of the mandate. They lost their jobs because they were too hard-headed to take a reasonable step to protect themselves and those they came into contact with. The number of people who were actually harmed by the VAX was (and remains) microscopic.

Have you been hacked?
The article mis-states the case. Just because there were "breakthough" infections doesn't mean that the VAX had no value. NOBODY claimed that they were 100% effective.''

The VAX was a great platform in its time. I understand that many are still in service even though the line was discontinued in 2005.

I just now thought to check eBay to see what any example are going for. Found a couple later-model VAXstation units.

Nobody lost his job because of the mandate. They lost their jobs because they were too hard-headed to take a reasonable step to protect themselves and those they came into contact with.

It was protecting themselves from being forced to take a dangerous, experimental drug, that cost them their jobs.

It is difficult to believe that there are still so many people who are so damn stupid that they still believe the lies that this mRNA shit protected anyone from anything.
They were a great placebo though weren't they? After the bed wetters were convinced nanny gov't had her jack boot deep enough in everyone's asses that they could relax and pull their stupid little masks off we moved on to Ukraine and The Wuhan Flu is old news.

Epstein who?
It was protecting themselves from being forced to take a dangerous, experimental drug, that cost them their jobs.

It is difficult to believe that there are still so many people who are so damn stupid that they still believe the lies that this mRNA shit protected anyone from anything.
Only if you wore the mask out of actual fear COVID was coming to kill you. Otherwise it has no effect. Wearing the mask dutifully and haranguing those who resisted was what triggered the active agents that made the vaccine work with white cells.
The article mis-states the case. Just because there were "breakthough" infections doesn't mean that the VAX had no value. NOBODY claimed that they were 100% effective.''

Nobody lost his job because of the mandate. They lost their jobs because they were too hard-headed to take a reasonable step to protect themselves and those they came into contact with. The number of people who were actually harmed by the VAX was (and remains) microscopic.
Hah! In b4 the ambulance chaser class action lawsuits.

I just had a conversation with an acquaintance who's a nurse. They're preparing to write a book about the incredible number of hospital personnel who knew how phony and dangerous the jab was and set up a network of folks who were giving saline injections to each other and then faking the paperwork so that they wouldn't get fired. I guess this was pretty widespread -- medical professionals knew better!

Hope they'll be able to publish the book successfully some day.

Lots of nurses and doctors refused the jab and lost their jobs

They went from heroes during the Pandemic to villains overnight because they simply refused the jab for whatever reason.

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