E-mails revel that Biden knew the vaccines were not working but then mandated them anyway

I think the emails are pretty damning as Joe kept saying get the shot and you cannot spread COVID. But that is not the same thing as "the vaccine is not working". Had the OP just been accurate in the title this could have been a worthwhile discussion.
Looks like we've lost the capacity for normal, constructive discourse. Topics are now introduced with silly hyperbole or other distortions and go right into the shitter as a result. If we want to address an issue, we have to be honest and accurate in defining it.

Biden said that kind of thing many times, among other dumb things on other topics, and it's cringeworthy. It's intellectual laziness, partisan bullshit, or both. Not to mention the fact that it makes for an easy target. I don't understand politicians.
Biden stands in front of a camera and constantly tells lies, constantly, to the country and the world. His vice president does, his press secretary does, the whole administration does. Why wouldn't he lie about this also?

I might have only been a nurse and only been one four years but I learned enough about how medicines, immunology, how vaccines worked and so on to know this was a bad idea from the get go.

I never got one. I told my wife and my grandma and my dad not to get them and explained why but they did it anyway. Luckily they only got the first round and decided they wouldn't get anymore. I eventually got through to them though.

My work was debating on mandating it, they never did though. I swiped some blank cards sitting on the counter at a pharmacy in the grocery store. The boss and I spent an hour doctoring them, making copies on card stock and we're sharing them with others. If anyone ever asked we could say "I have a card that says I got the vaccine" which was not a lie.

What a surprise. A democrat doing the wrong thing for his country and its citizens.

Don't forget, they did it in the name of money, power and control. Nothing else.
Looks like we've lost the capacity for normal, constructive discourse. Topics are now introduced with silly hyperbole or other distortions and go right into the shitter as a result. If we want to address an issue, we have to be honest and accurate in defining it.

Biden said that kind of thing many times, among other dumb things on other topics, and it's cringeworthy. It's intellectual laziness, partisan bullshit, or both. Not to mention the fact that it makes for an easy target. I don't understand politicians.
Do you understand Fauci saying you don't need masks, and then later saying they were vital in fighting Covid?

When confronted with this later on, he said he lied to save masks for health care professionals.

But once you lie, and admit to lying, your credibility is gone forever. He should have stepped down at that exact moment.

Arrogant pricks like Fauci don't understand this as people were losing their livelihoods based on his recommendations and edicts.

Fauci also lied about the possibility that Covid came from a Chinese lab, and further lied that he had connections to funding the lab

Fauci is by all counts a criminal.
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Tell us more about…
Vaccines don’t work
Elections are stolen
Climate change is a hoax
COVID is no worse than the common cold

Conservatism alternate facts
Covid vaccine doesn't work.
The election was stolen.
Everything predicted about climate change hasn't occurred. We should've been dead by 2020.
Covid has a 99% survival rate.
Looks like we've lost the capacity for normal, constructive discourse. Topics are now introduced with silly hyperbole or other distortions and go right into the shitter as a result. If we want to address an issue, we have to be honest and accurate in defining it.

Biden said that kind of thing many times, among other dumb things on other topics, and it's cringeworthy. It's intellectual laziness, partisan bullshit, or both. Not to mention the fact that it makes for an easy target. I don't understand politicians.
Joe would kill millions of Americans to save his hide. And I am being nice.
What is the point of making a thread if you are just going to lie in the title of it?
What lie?

If the vaccine does not prevent infection then why force people to take it pretending it does?

In addition, why is it people were forced to take it as Fauci and his government goons ignored people dying from it?

For example, in Europe the vaccine was banned to be given to young men because it was causing medical problems that were killing them.

This was all based on science, yet the idiots running the US government not only failed to do the same, they forced young men to take such vaccines or forfeit their jobs and/or education.

Again, the Biden administration is a criminal one.

People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

People were denied health care over this.

Joe is a criminal.

Of course he knew along with the FDA, CDC, pharmas but there was big money to be had. Few million dead from taking the injection.....meh.

Good article on how Fauci helped fund the Covid outbreak and then tried to destroy people who attempted to expose it.
What lie?

If the vaccine does not prevent infection then why force people to take it pretending it does?

The lie is "the vaccines were not working"

Not spreading infection was only a small part of the purpose of the vaccine. To say it did not work due to that one thing, would be a lie.

For example, in Europe the vaccine was banned to be given to young men because it was causing medical problems that were killing them.

See, either you do not read your own links or you are just very dishonest. One version of the vaccine was no longer being offered to young people. Not all the vaccines, just one brand.

This was all based on science, yet the idiots running the US government not only failed to do the same, they forced young men to take such vaccines or forfeit their jobs and/or education.

I was, and still am, against the government forcing people to get the vaccine. We could likely have a good discussion on it if you could stop with the lies/over the top hyperbole
There are still people taking this deadly injection after all the data coming out?

A tad over 13 billion doses have been given.

There is no widespread damage from it being done or there would be millions dead from it.
Democrats work for the CCP.

It wasn't long ago they were all here calling anyone who said Covid19 came from a lab a "conspiracy theorist".

Democrats here were also calling people who said the vax would need boosters, "conspiracy theorist".
The lie is "the vaccines were not working"

Not spreading infection was only a small part of the purpose of the vaccine. To say it did not work due to that one thing, would be a lie.

See, either you do not read your own links or you are just very dishonest. One version of the vaccine was no longer being offered to young people. Not all the vaccines, just one brand.

I was, and still am, against the government forcing people to get the vaccine. We could likely have a good discussion on it if you could stop with the lies/over the top hyperbole
So if a vaccine does not prevent the spread, how can you say with certainty it helps in anyway?

You can't That is pure speculation.

Moreover, how can Biden become President and then say the Pandemic is over?

Such BS.
Democrats work for the CCP.

It wasn't long ago they were all here calling anyone who said Covid19 came from a lab a "conspiracy theorist".

Democrats here were also calling people who said the vax would need boosters, "conspiracy theorist".
I would say both parties are bought off by the CCP, along with the drug cartels

Many in the GOP were forcing the same BS.

Notice how the GOP failed to also secure the border when they had full control of government as well.

We have no representation.

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