E-mails revel that Biden knew the vaccines were not working but then mandated them anyway

Do you honestly believe that information would be allowed to get out, let alone shown in the media? Anything negative about these 'vaccines' is suppressed and wiped, or ridiculed as conspiracy. It's just a coincidence that you can google and find nothing but articles calling people who try to say anything negative as 'anti vaxers', it's a coincidence that big pharma were protected with immunity from any harm. If they're so safe, why did big pharma need immunity or to withhold data for this generation's lifetime. If they're so safe, let's remove their immunity and let's release every scintilla of data the pharm's have about them.

If the vaccine is as bad as claimed they could not keep it from getting out
If the vaccine is as bad as claimed they could not keep it from getting out

My aren't we the naive one today. They successfully trashed a sitting president for years with a lie and every 'media' outlet perpetrated their lies over and over ad nauseum. And you think they don't control what you get to see and hear every day, and what they can't control they mass smear as being a 'conspiracy'.

People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

People were denied health care over this.

Joe is a criminal.
Xiden lied people died.
"You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," Biden said on July 21, 2021. One year later, he did.

People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

People were denied health care over this.

Joe is a criminal.

Wow, that makes this statement even more evil, considering it came six moths later:

Wow, that makes this statement even more evil, considering it came six moths later:

View attachment 797529
Lying to us about Covid, which he does and did with impunity, sure beats him talking about his hairy legs wanting children to jump on his lap to stroke his legs and calling the black children roaches, which is completely racist

But I digress.

Thank God the media is on his side and refuses to talk about such things.
My aren't we the naive one today. They successfully trashed a sitting president for years with a lie and every 'media' outlet perpetrated their lies over and over ad nauseum. And you think they don't control what you get to see and hear every day, and what they can't control they mass smear as being a 'conspiracy'.

Yet here we are, talking freely about anything we like

People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

People were denied health care over this.

Joe is a criminal.
Did the vaccines have scientifically tested efficacy rates? Yes or no

People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

People were denied health care over this.

Joe is a criminal.
The man is the personification of dog manure.
Did the vaccines have scientifically tested efficacy rates? Yes or no
The vaccines were rushed into circulation aside from the normal process.

And, as I've said, we have repeatedly been lied to by the vary sources what would show the vaccines to be safe.

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