E-mails revel that Biden knew the vaccines were not working but then mandated them anyway

A tad over 13 billion doses have been given.

There is no widespread damage from it being done or there would be millions dead from it.
So if a vaccine does not prevent the spread, how can you say with certainty it helps in anyway?

You can't That is pure speculation.

They can determine if those with the vaccine have more mild cases and do not stay sick/infectious as long.

No different than they do with the annual flu shot.

Moreover, how can Biden become President and then say the Pandemic is over?

Not sure how the two are related. One came much later than the other

People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

People were denied health care over this.

Joe is a criminal.
I really, really hate the term "breakthrough" infections. It is so 100% misleading. It implies that the vaccine actually does prevent transmission but that there are some "breakthrough" infections. The fact is that 100% of the vaccinated, same as the unvaccinated, will get the virus if exposed to enough of it. There is actually no such thing as a "breakthrough" infection because all infections are breakthrough infections. The vaccines don't even stop one person from being infected if that person is exposed to enough of the virus, no different than an unvaccinated person.
The article mis-states the case. Just because there were "breakthough" infections doesn't mean that the VAX had no value. NOBODY claimed that they were 100% effective.''

Nobody lost his job because of the mandate. They lost their jobs because they were too hard-headed to take a reasonable step to protect themselves and those they came into contact with. The number of people who were actually harmed by the VAX was (and remains) microscopic.

There were no "breakthrough" infections.

They were simply Covid cases in people that had taken the shot.

The shot had little to no affect.
Covid had little to no effect unless one had 3 to 4 comorbidities.

People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

People were denied health care over this.

Joe is a criminal.
Now that the Hunter hysteria fever has broken because........well.......misdemeanors........is this what's next? Cuz it's important for right wing nutters to always have some new red meat.
Out of the 13 billion doses given, how many people have suffered more than mild side effects?
That’s your position? So it doesn’t matter that the vax doesn’t prevent infection, transmission, or death from covid, just whether it caused any side effects. Lol.
That’s your position? So it doesn’t matter that the vax doesn’t prevent infection, transmission, or death from covid, just whether it caused any side effects. Lol.

I am good that the vaccine reduced the severity of cases, reduced the time people were sick and that they were infectious.
I really, really hate the term "breakthrough" infections. It is so 100% misleading. It implies that the vaccine actually does prevent transmission but that there are some "breakthrough" infections. The fact is that 100% of the vaccinated, same as the unvaccinated, will get the virus if exposed to enough of it. There is actually no such thing as a "breakthrough" infection because all infections are breakthrough infections. The vaccines don't even stop one person from being infected if that person is exposed to enough of the virus, no different than an unvaccinated person.

What's humorous about the "breakthrough" infections is that when they happen, Pfizer has a drug for that, called "Paxlovid" and if you listen to the commercials for it, they admit that this drug, like the jab, is EXPERIMENTAL!

Can anyone say Nuremberg 2.0?

Already received two…my Doctor advised it
I’m not stupid

Funny, because the doctors I know, especially the cardiologists, decided not to get booster shots themselves after learning that they were lied to by the larger medical community which they had previously trusted. In the case of the cardiologists, they made the informed decision themselves from real world patient experiences.
They can determine if those with the vaccine have more mild cases and do not stay sick/infectious as long.

No different than they do with the annual flu shot.

Not sure how the two are related. One came much later than the other
You don't know how the two are related?


We have been lied to by the powers that be, including government and the media

On top of it, they have censored the public regarding the issue, some of which later proved to be accurate.

Then you provide us with information from the same people trying to argue a defense, ignoring the mountain of evidence that shows the Covid jab is not equivalent to the flu shot because it is simply more dangerous to take.
Out of the 13 billion doses given, how many people have suffered more than mild side effects?

Do you honestly believe that information would be allowed to get out, let alone shown in the media? Anything negative about these 'vaccines' is suppressed and wiped, or ridiculed as conspiracy. It's just a coincidence that you can google and find nothing but articles calling people who try to say anything negative as 'anti vaxers', it's a coincidence that big pharma were protected with immunity from any harm. If they're so safe, why did big pharma need immunity or to withhold data for this generation's lifetime. If they're so safe, let's remove their immunity and let's release every scintilla of data the pharm's have about them.

What's humorous about the "breakthrough" infections is that when they happen, Pfizer has a drug for that, called "Paxlovid" and if you listen to the commercials for it, they admit that this drug, like the jab, is EXPERIMENTAL!

Can anyone say Nuremberg 2.0?

I remember seeing commercials on TV for getting the vaccine not too many months ago. What struck me is you have these commercials for medicines plastered all over TV which list all of the myriad of side effects including deaths but the vaccine commercials didn't even list one side effect. None. Zero. Nodda. The vaccine ads later showed in fine print that they were paid for by Pfizer, the very same company who advertises medicines which can have all of these side effects and possible deaths. But not for the vaccines, they must be safe as all hell.
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Funny, because the doctors I know, especially the cardiologists, decided not to get booster shots themselves after learning that they were lied to by the larger medical community which they had previously trusted. In the case of the cardiologists, they made the informed decision themselves from real world patient experiences.
My wife’s cardiologist insisted she be vaccinated
The lie is "the vaccines were not working"

Not spreading infection was only a small part of the purpose of the vaccine. To say it did not work due to that one thing, would be a lie.

See, either you do not read your own links or you are just very dishonest. One version of the vaccine was no longer being offered to young people. Not all the vaccines, just one brand.

I was, and still am, against the government forcing people to get the vaccine. We could likely have a good discussion on it if you could stop with the lies/over the top hyperbole

No, a vaccine is given to prevent disease. The conventional in the past have done just that and that was the big sell on this new mRNA injection BUT it didn't work and people continued to get sick from the virus after being injected SO the goal posts were moved to......"it won't prevent infection but it will keep you out of the hospital", lol.............but then people were being hospitalized after being injected SO the narrative went to" it won't keep you from being infected or out of the hospital but it will keep you from dying".... but then people were falling over like flies after being injected.

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