E-mails revel that Biden knew the vaccines were not working but then mandated them anyway

Lots of nurses and doctors refused the jab and lost their jobs

They went from heroes during the Pandemic to villains overnight because they simply refused the jab for whatever reason.
Probably because of what they were seeing happening. I remember a lot of teachers got fired, too.


People lost their jobs over this.

People took the jab and died from it over this.

People were denied health care over this.

Joe is a criminal.

What is the point of making a thread if you are just going to lie in the title of it?
What part of the vaccine doesn't work, that you don't understand?

His demographic is trying to reduce the global population. Trying in Ukraine. Trying with Murderous Fraud Vax.

All of his demographic has a "vax card" but precisely NONE got the shot.

And virtually ALL of the VAX MANDATING MASS MURDERERS are his demographic and their bought and paid for UNCLE TOMs
What is the point of our constitution , if any national emergency can have the powers that be throw it under the bus GG ?

Did our FF's install some snooze button ?

It was very disappointing the way 95% of the churches caved.

If they hadn't, most likely they would have been bastions of herd immunity, if you think about it.
What is the point of our constitution , if any national emergency can have the powers that be throw it under the bus GG ?

Did our FF's install some snooze button ?


Tis a good question as it has happened many times in our history.
Then they believe it, then they spread it online, then THOSE people spread it further, and on and on.

That's largely how we got here.

I think the emails are pretty damning as Joe kept saying get the shot and you cannot spread COVID. But that is not the same thing as "the vaccine is not working". Had the OP just been accurate in the title this could have been a worthwhile discussion.

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