East Europe to Germany: We Told You So


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
And still the left want a flood of Muslims (vetted like the 4 terrorist immigrants they have already let in) to come into America.

Leaders of Eastern European states opposed to Germany's open-door refugee policy have been quick to tell Germany 'we told you so' after the Cologne sexual assaults

Influential politicians across Eastern Europe have pointed to the Cologne attacks, in which men of Middle Eastern appearance allegedly sexually assaulted over a hundred women, as proof that Germany’s open-door refugee policy has been a mistake.

As Chancellor Angela Merkel seeks to reach a consensus on a quota system, whereby refugees would be divided up among European countries, the mood in Eastern Europe has now hardened against such proposals, with some governments saying they will refuse to take in young men.

The strongest criticism has come from Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico, who said in a television discussion that Migrants have become a ‘protected species’ in Germany, Spiegel Online reports.

The Polish government has also said that Germany has not taken the refugee influx seriously enough, adding that it doesn’t want to take young male asylum seekers in.

In Romania meanwhile, the influential ex-president Traian Basescu said that the Cologne attacks were proof that the Romanian government should join its Eastern European neighbours in opposing a quota system.

Slovakian premier Fico called for an emergency meeting of EU leaders in light of the Cologne attacks in order to discuss border controls, hindering migration and the development of parallel societies.

His country wouldn’t accept women being insulted in the streets, nor would it tolerate closed-off Muslim communities, Fico said.

‘Crisis of liberalism’

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in his weekly radio interview that it was proof of a crisis of liberalism that reporting of the sexual assaults in Cologne had been suppressed in Germany, adding that the press in Hungary is much freer than that in western Europe.

Orban added that Hungary is in the right on the refugee issue and that migration into Europe must be completely stopped.

Hungarian media went even further in its criticism of the German government
'We told you so,' Eastern Europe tells Germany
Only a Right Wing Revolution can save Western Europe now. Their Left Wing psychos have done so much awful damage. And no, Right Wing doesn't = 'Nazis.' But expect the Left to play that card for sure. They'll say & do anything to save their asses at this point.
Migration Can Slow, But Not Reverse Europe’s Demographic Crisis...

UN Report: Int’l. Migration Can Slow, But Not Reverse Europe’s Demographic Crisis
January 14, 2016 | International migration can slow, but not reverse Europe’s looming demographic crisis, according to a December report by the United Nations’ Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
“Europe added the second largest number of international migrants between 2000 and 2015 (20 million, or 1.3 million per year),” the UN report stated. Of those, 75 percent were between the ages of 20 and 64. But even with this large influx of working-age immigrants, “old-age dependency ratios are projected to increase from 26 to 48 per 100 in Europe” - compared to 38 per 100 in North America by 2050. “Because international migrants tend to include a larger proportion of working-age persons compared to the overall population, positive net migration can contribute to reducing old-age dependency ratios.

However, international migration cannot reverse, or halt, the long-term trend toward population ageing,” the UN report stated. “In Europe, the population would have declined during the period 2000-2015 in the absence of positive net migration,” it continued. “Although current migration levels will not be sufficient to compensate for the surplus of deaths over births, population decline would be more pronounced and would have started earlier under a scenario of zero net migration.”

A 2012 analysis by the Guttmacher Institute found that about a third of all pregnancies in Europe between 1995 and 2003 ended in abortion. Birth rates below the replacement level (2.1 children per woman) have created a demographic crisis in which a declining population of young workers is expected to support a growing number of elderly retirees. “In 2014, the EU population stood at 507 million people, of whom only 169 million (or 33.3%) were children or young people (aged under 30),” down from 40.6% in 1994, according to a 2015 report by EuroStat entitled Being Young in Europe Today.

The EuroStat report noted that singles (31.4%) and childless couples (24.7%) now comprise the majority of EU households (56.1%). “To get some idea of the speed of demographic change, there were 88.6 million children in the EU-27 in 1994, compared with 68.9 million elderly persons,” EuroStat reported. “By 2014 there were 93.9 million people in the EU-28 aged 65 or more, compared with 79.1 million children.” Because the number of European children has decreased, there will be a smaller cohort of European women to give birth in the future. EuroStat estimates that “by 2080, the number of children and young people in the EU-28 is likely to be 162.2 million, which is 7.8 million less than in 2013.” “Maintaining welfare systems, pension schemes and public healthcare systems is likely to pose a challenge, while the overall demand for such services is likely to increase due to the rising number of elderly people,” EuroStat concluded.

UN Report: Int’l. Migration Can Slow, But Not Reverse Europe’s Demographic Crisis
Only a Right Wing Revolution can save Western Europe now. Their Left Wing psychos have done so much awful damage. And no, Right Wing doesn't = 'Nazis.' But expect the Left to play that card for sure. They'll say & do anything to save their asses at this point.

The Right-Wing Revolution is happening this year darling, trust me on this.
Only a Right Wing Revolution can save Western Europe now. Their Left Wing psychos have done so much awful damage. And no, Right Wing doesn't = 'Nazis.' But expect the Left to play that card for sure. They'll say & do anything to save their asses at this point.

The Right-Wing Revolution is happening this year darling, trust me on this.

I hope so, but i'm not optimistic. The Left/Globalist Governments over there will likely declare them all 'Nazis' and have them arrested. They're scrambling to save their asses now. They know what they've done.

But hopefully the People will prevail and give them the boot. That being said, the awful damage done by the Left in Western Europe, is gonna be incredibly difficult to rapair. Those replacing them will be faced with almost impossible odds.

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