Ecology vs. Environmentalism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. The successes of the environmental movement has been, largely, due to blurring the line between ‘ecology’ and ‘environmentalism.’ Not only are the two not synonymous, but only one of the two espouses the belief in the fundamental American principles of private property and limited government.

2. The environmental movement originated as a negative reaction to American’s rapid transformation by European colonizers and later became the ideological home for critics of industrialization. They mourned the loss of wilderness, and viewed those responsible as opponents of nature.

3. Radical environmentalism is incompatible with a free society based on the principles of life, liberty and property. Michael Crichton describes the religious nature of environmentalism:
“What you see is a perfect 21st-century mapping of traditional Judeo-Christian dogma and myths. For example, there is an initial Eden, a Paradise, a state of innocence and unity in nature; there is a fall from grace into a state of pollution as a result of eating from the tree of knowledge, and, as a result of our actions, there is a judgment day coming. We all are energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek deliverance, which now is called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment, just as organic food is its Communion."
Conservative Utopia : Environmentalism as Religion Run Amok by Michael Crichton

a. Environmentalists seek to return mankind to a more natural, ‘sustainable’ condition. And they elevate this compulsion to a lofty position that the violation or annihilation of individual freedoms is deemed an acceptable cost.
b. We must all be hunter-gatherers, in harmony with the environment!

4. So, what would that goal look like? What is it that the enviro-wackos envision for all of us? Here is a taste:

“Neither poverty nor its vices can arise when an entire society has a common stake in the Earth and what it offers. Land can neither be sold nor inherited; goods are produced co-operatively and for collective use;

and private ownership, if present at all, is confined to personal and
household goods. Although this may seem like a utopian fantasy to us,
such was the norm for ninety-five percent of the time anatomically
modern Homo sapiens have existed.

Moreover, accumulation of property leads inexorably to ecological unsustainability. From the evolutionary perspective, capitalism is a deviant economic system and
agrarian, urban, and industrial societies culturally deviant.

The culture of extinction has forgotten to keep the ratio of population to resources
low, to underutilize nature’s affordances deliberately and to eschew
maximum effort in favour of enjoyment. Hunter-gatherers’ supposed
poverty, it turns out, is a deliberate, rational quality-of-life choice.” On the Importance of Paul Shepard?s Call for Post-Historic Primitivism and Paleolithic Counter-Revolution against Modernity | Bender | Trumpeter

5. Now, before one dismisses the above as ‘just one nutty professor,’ that was exactly how John Holdren was dismissed thirty years ago. Today is the Obama choice and current director of the United States Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP)
The accomplishment of the above would require the slaughter of hundreds of millions of people, forced abortions, involuntary sterilization, mandatory limits on family size, world government and other measures that Holdren actually wrote were necessary. Obama Adviser's Green Manifesto: Americans Will Be Better Off When They Work, Produce and Earn Less | Conservative News, Views & Books

a. "Obama's Science Czar Wrote Book Advocating Forced Abortions, Sterilizing Ehrlich, Paul R., Anne H. Ehrlich and John P. Holdren; Ecoscience:*... - White House
Americans By Poisoning Our Drinking Water "

So, let’s remember that ecology and environmentalism are not the same…do not make the mistake of believing that a desire for clean air and water requires an alliance with these atavistic psycopaths.

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