Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?

Only when the Fed begins the very tricky task of paring down its balance sheet and letting interest rates rise back to more normal levels will we be able to say the Great Recession is well and truly over.

Housing Makes a Comeback « Commentary Magazine

That's not going to happen. The Fed is all in with NO exit strategy. The comeback in housing is not due to the help of the Fed. The comeback in housing IS the Fed. Any increase in rates will crash this economy.
Not only has he lowered the debt -


Lie all you want OR

PROVE what you say.

1.4% per what, second? Hour? Month? It sure as hell isn't 1.4% over the course of a term...
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Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?


We have bridges falling down & 25% of them need to be replaced. Bush & the Republicans dramatically increased infrastructure spending. Obamacrats stole the infrastructure money & paid their voters to sit home on their ass & not fix infrastructure.



We can barrow at the lowest rates in 70 years but we are to fucking stupid to barrow & spend building the country & putting people to work. Waiting for infrastructure failure & rebuilding it after interest rates climb & unemployment falls is economic suicide. Failure to build infrastructure during a recession will destroy this country.


The Fed money printing is the only thing pushing up stock-markets & keeping the economy alive on life-support.

Our tax structure taxes workers at higher rates than the rich causing US workers to get fired & lower taxed foreigners get hired. Obamacrats failed to get people back to work.

The Total Un-Adjusted Employment to Population Ratio (LNU02300000) is shown on the chart in Red.
The Seasonally Adjusted Civilian Employment to Population Ratio (EMRATIO) is shown on the chart in Blue.

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Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?


We have bridges falling down & 25% of them need to be replaced. Bush & the Republicans dramatically increased infrastructure spending. Obamacrats stole the infrastructure money & paid their voters to sit home on their ass & not fix infrastructure.



We can barrow at the lowest rates in 70 years but we are to fucking stupid to barrow & spend building the country & putting people to work. Waiting for infrastructure failure & rebuilding it after interest rates climb & unemployment falls is economic suicide. Failure to build infrastructure during a recession will destroy this country.


Out tax structure taxes workers at higher rates than the rich causing US workers to get fired & lower taxed foreigners get hired. Obamacrats failed to get people back to work.

Fed money printing is the only thing pushing up stock-markets & keeping the economy alive on life-support.

The Total Un-Adjusted Employment to Population Ratio (LNU02300000) is shown on the chart in Red.
The Seasonally Adjusted Civilian Employment to Population Ratio (EMRATIO) is shown on the chart in Blue.

So Obama screams "It's the Republicans Fault" while he is having a big giv-a-mint party at the people's expense and taking money for the infrastructure projects he's lying he has no funds for and using it on his supporters. What a shell game he's playing with people's heads. People who've been fed Hate-conservatives pizza for 5 years swallow it until they realize he is being untruthful. Then all they remember is the party, so they just ignore the facts.

And the infotainment industry supports this Pollyanna view. It's the perfect conartist theme. And the stakes are huge.
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Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes


In spite of the GObP/teepubs working against the United States, President Obama's work FOR the working class is showing very real progress.

IMPEACH every worthless, traitorous pub congress person who has obstructed and filibustered against jobs and progress. Bring them up on charges. And, VOTE THE REPUBLICAN BASTARDS OUT.

No. Just how many jobs bills have Democrats passed? Who had his budget proposal rejected unanimously by both houses? How many times has the Democratically controlled senate rejected Republican job propsals?

Some people will just not do any research, will they TK?

For most families, their home is their biggest investment, so when housing prices are rising they feel richer. And people tend to increase spending when they’re feeling rich. That boosts the economy generally.

But while this is, certainly, good news, the economy is not yet booming by any means. Unemployment remains stubbornly high. The Federal Reserve continues to keep interest rates very low and is still injecting $85 billion a month into the economy by buying federal bonds and mortgaged-backed securities. Only when the Fed begins the very tricky task of paring down its balance sheet and letting interest rates rise back to more normal levels will we be able to say the Great Recession is well and truly over.

Housing Makes a Comeback « Commentary Magazine

Ahh, when we aren't coaxing unwitting people into taking risky subprime mortgages/loans, then our housing sector will make a comeback. If people haven't been noticing, these are the same exact conditions which caused the collapse five years ago.
Maybe you missed it, Obama was elected President, twice.
If he didn't like those things we're spending money on, he has some power to end them.
You probably whine when House Republicans vote to end Obamacare, but that's a sign they don't like it.
If Obama wanted to end Medicare D, he has a funny way of showing it.

The government usually runs a surplus in April.
Shit, if you doubled your IQ, you'd still be in the double digits.

Explain how he could end our Afghanistan engagement by the end of the week.

Explain how he could eliminate Medicare D by the end of the week.

He couldn't send legislation to Congress to repeal Medicare D?
He couldn't pull the troops out at a moments notice?

How did such a helpless guy get elected President twice?
Poor fella.

Harry Reid was curbstoning legislation sent him by Republicans, and you know it. Saying Republicans are in charge of legislation shows you are giving Harry the assist he needs to commit this petty media fraud you are spreading like manure being redistributed upon the minds of young scholars at Columbia University. :evil:

The the umpteenth time: the Senate does not introduce spending bills. Only the House does that.

Just like only the Senate holds hearing for nomination to the Supreme Court. Both houses do not do that.

It's called 'separation of powers'.
That's not what you said. You said, "Republicans are in charge of legislation." Republicans have put bills on Harry Reid's in box. Harry Reid slips them away and never pulls them out again. Stop blaming Republicans for everything Harry Reid tables.

It was a lot easier when it was Booooooooooooooosh, wasn't it, Mr. Synthaholic.
Show me a bill that the Republicans have sent from the House that Reid rejected and I will show you some dumbass poison pill included in that bill that would make it a non-starter.

Do you understand what I'm saying?
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes

With the stock market hitting new highs, some people have already forgotten about the Great Recession.

Recall 2009. Things looked pretty bleak economically.

But the outlook has changed dramatically in just 4 years. And it has been a boon for investors, as even the safest indices have yielded a 250% return (>25% annualized compound return:)

In spite of the GObP/teepubs working against the United States, President Obama's work FOR the working class is showing very real progress.

IMPEACH every worthless, traitorous pub congress person who has obstructed and filibustered against jobs and progress. Bring them up on charges. And, VOTE THE REPUBLICAN BASTARDS OUT.

No. Just how many jobs bills have Democrats passed? Who had his budget proposal rejected unanimously by both houses? How many times has the Democratically controlled senate rejected Republican job propsals?

How many times?

With links, please.
pubs add to the debt while Obama gets it down to $800billion.

Jobs on the rise, economy growing and the idiot rw's lie about it. Gullible fools gladly chop off their own children's future if it would hurt that uppity nigra in the White House.

How did the right get this stupid?

Oh, and I saw where this was rebutted:


The debt is 16.7 trillion. W added 5 trillion and O has added 6 trillion.
pubs add to the debt while Obama gets it down to $800billion.

Jobs on the rise, economy growing and the idiot rw's lie about it. Gullible fools gladly chop off their own children's future if it would hurt that uppity nigra in the White House.

How did the right get this stupid?

Oh, and I saw where this was rebutted:


I'm pretty sure the debt is more than $800 billion.
The deficit is down to $800 billion, from somewhere around $1.7 trillion.
you do know that is exactly what Japan thought too and it had no impact whatsoever on their two lost decades. They built bridges to nowhere and everywhere and back again. Can you tell us why it didn't work?

Do you know the difference between a real job and make-work job?? Please tell us?
Not new projects. Fix existing infrastructure.

notice how you could not answer the question and had to change the subject? Are you still a liberal now that you see you can't answer basic questions??

fixing existing infrastructure for 50 years or building new infrastructure
for 50 years is make-work. Apple, Google, Facebook, Oracle, HP, Intel, provide real sustainable work!! See the difference? If not ask questions and learn

Again, "Do you know the difference between a real job that helps the economy grow and a make-work job that does not?? Please tell us?

I didn't change the subject. You were comparing jobs bills with Japanese bridges to nowhere. We do not need useless projects when there are so many existing needs:

2013 ReportCard on America's Infrastructure | Bridges
Over two hundred million trips are taken daily across deficient bridges in the nation’s 102 largest metropolitan regions. In total, one in nine of the nation’s bridges are rated as structurally deficient, while the average age of the nation’s 607,380 bridges is currently 42 years. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that to eliminate the nation’s bridge deficient backlog by 2028, we would need to invest $20.5 billion annually, while only $12.8 billion is being spent currently. The challenge for federal, state, and local governments is to increase bridge investments by $8 billion annually to address the identified $76 billion in needs for deficient bridges across the United States.


Structurally Deficient US Bridges - Business Insider


25% of U.S. Bridges Deficient or Obsolete | News | Today's Trucking
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?


We have bridges falling down & 25% of them need to be replaced. Bush & the Republicans dramatically increased infrastructure spending. Obamacrats stole the infrastructure money & paid their voters to sit home on their ass & not fix infrastructure.

WTF are you talking about?

What did Obama steal? If you mean the stimulus:

Republican hypocrites vote no on stimulus but take money and credit for 'good policy'

There are a bunch of examples of Republicans who voted against the stimulus, yet stood there and posed with giant checks, bragging about how they were bringing money home to their districts.

And Bush & Republicans spent on infrastructure? Don't you mean they borrowed money from China to improve infrastructure, helping to add to the debt that you wingnuts scream about?

Because we sure didn't have the money for it.
The the umpteenth time: the Senate does not introduce spending bills. Only the House does that.

Just like only the Senate holds hearing for nomination to the Supreme Court. Both houses do not do that.

It's called 'separation of powers'.
That's not what you said. You said, "Republicans are in charge of legislation." Republicans have put bills on Harry Reid's in box. Harry Reid slips them away and never pulls them out again. Stop blaming Republicans for everything Harry Reid tables.

It was a lot easier when it was Booooooooooooooosh, wasn't it, Mr. Synthaholic.
Show me a bill that the Republicans have sent from the House that Reid rejected and I will show you some dumbass poison pill included in that bill that would make it a non-starter.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

What difference does it make???


See, we're learning from dear leader's fantastic appointees.
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