Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?

Obama owns $787 billion of it.

So where are you getting $6 trillion?

Simple subtraction.
That's why you're so confused.
Then explain it.

Show us all exactly what Obama spent $6 trillion on.

I just showed you where he spent $787 billion, so I gave you a head start.


He spent much, much more than $6 trillion.
$6.1 trillion is what he added to the debt.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

If you go to the above link and enter Jan 20, 2009 for the starting date and today for the
ending date, you can see how much has been added to the debt. You'll have to subtract.

Let me know if you're still confused. I'm always glad to help a stupid liberal like you.

Sounds to me like you're not doing much magical legislation. Time to kick up the magic fairy dust a notch.

Republicans are in charge of legislation.

Do try to keep up.
Harry Reid was curbstoning legislation sent him by Republicans, and you know it. Saying Republicans are in charge of legislation shows you are giving Harry the assist he needs to commit this petty media fraud you are spreading like manure being redistributed upon the minds of young scholars at Columbia University. :evil:
Simple subtraction.
That's why you're so confused.
Then explain it.

Show us all exactly what Obama spent $6 trillion on.

I just showed you where he spent $787 billion, so I gave you a head start.


He spent much, much more than $6 trillion.
$6.1 trillion is what he added to the debt.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

If you go to the above link and enter Jan 20, 2009 for the starting date and today for the
ending date, you can see how much has been added to the debt. You'll have to subtract.

Let me know if you're still confused. I'm always glad to help a stupid liberal like you.

That shows how much the debt has increased during that time - it doesn't show who or why, dumbass! :lol:

Bush left Obama with a maxed-out credit card, and the Republican House has been making minimum monthly payments.
Sounds to me like you're not doing much magical legislation. Time to kick up the magic fairy dust a notch.

Republicans are in charge of legislation.

Do try to keep up.
Harry Reid was curbstoning legislation sent him by Republicans, and you know it. Saying Republicans are in charge of legislation shows you are giving Harry the assist he needs to commit this petty media fraud you are spreading like manure being redistributed upon the minds of young scholars at Columbia University. :evil:

The the umpteenth time: the Senate does not introduce spending bills. Only the House does that.

Just like only the Senate holds hearing for nomination to the Supreme Court. Both houses do not do that.

It's called 'separation of powers'.
Then explain it.

Show us all exactly what Obama spent $6 trillion on.

I just showed you where he spent $787 billion, so I gave you a head start.


He spent much, much more than $6 trillion.
$6.1 trillion is what he added to the debt.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

If you go to the above link and enter Jan 20, 2009 for the starting date and today for the
ending date, you can see how much has been added to the debt. You'll have to subtract.

Let me know if you're still confused. I'm always glad to help a stupid liberal like you.

That shows how much the debt has increased during that time - it doesn't show who or why, dumbass! :lol:

Bush left Obama with a maxed-out credit card, and the Republican House has been making minimum monthly payments.

Maxed out credit card?
And yet, Obama managed to add $6.1 trillion.
More than Bush added in 8 years. Great job!
Are you moving the goalposts?

can you answer the question? Is there legislation that would create real jobs as opposed to make-work jobs? Anyone serious ought to be able to jump on that simple question.

Yes. There is enough road/bridge/tunnel infrastructure needed to last 50 years.

you do know that is exactly what Japan thought too and it had no impact whatsoever on their two lost decades. They built bridges to nowhere and everywhere and back again. Can you tell us why it didn't work?

Do you know the difference between a real job and make worlk job?? Please tell us?
Then explain it.

Show us all exactly what Obama spent $6 trillion on.

I just showed you where he spent $787 billion, so I gave you a head start.


He spent much, much more than $6 trillion.
$6.1 trillion is what he added to the debt.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

If you go to the above link and enter Jan 20, 2009 for the starting date and today for the
ending date, you can see how much has been added to the debt. You'll have to subtract.

Let me know if you're still confused. I'm always glad to help a stupid liberal like you.

That shows how much the debt has increased during that time - it doesn't show who or why, dumbass! :lol:

Bush left Obama with a maxed-out credit card, and the Republican House has been making minimum monthly payments.

How can you add $7 Trillion to a "Maxxed-out credit card"?????
He spent much, much more than $6 trillion.
$6.1 trillion is what he added to the debt.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

If you go to the above link and enter Jan 20, 2009 for the starting date and today for the
ending date, you can see how much has been added to the debt. You'll have to subtract.

Let me know if you're still confused. I'm always glad to help a stupid liberal like you.

That shows how much the debt has increased during that time - it doesn't show who or why, dumbass! :lol:

Bush left Obama with a maxed-out credit card, and the Republican House has been making minimum monthly payments.

Maxed out credit card?
And yet, Obama managed to add $6.1 trillion.
More than Bush added in 8 years. Great job!
You are either really stupid, or you are just playing stupid in order to troll.

Bush borrowed to pay for Medicare D. We still have Medicare D.

Bush borrowed to pay for the war against the Taliban and al Qaeda. We are still at war.

Bush borrowed to pay for the Iraq Quagmire. Obama ended that foreign policy disaster, and we are seeing savings from his action reducing the debt.

Bush borrowed to pay for tax cuts for the rich. They just ended, and that added revenue is decreasing the debt even faster.

In a report this week, the Congressional Budget Office said that the federal budget deficit in the last seven months of 2013 is $231 billion less than it was in the same period a year ago, mostly because the government is collecting far more tax revenue after the payroll tax cut and the Bush tax cuts for high income earners were allowed to expire.

For the month of April, the government actually ran a surplus of $112 billion. That's right, a surplus.

Smaller Deficit Could Push off Debt Fight - ABC News
can you answer the question? Is there legislation that would create real jobs as opposed to make-work jobs? Anyone serious ought to be able to jump on that simple question.

Yes. There is enough road/bridge/tunnel infrastructure needed to last 50 years.

you do know that is exactly what Japan thought too and it had no impact whatsoever on their two lost decades. They built bridges to nowhere and everywhere and back again. Can you tell us why it didn't work?

Do you know the difference between a real job and make worlk job?? Please tell us?
Not new projects. Fix existing infrastructure.
He spent much, much more than $6 trillion.
$6.1 trillion is what he added to the debt.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

If you go to the above link and enter Jan 20, 2009 for the starting date and today for the
ending date, you can see how much has been added to the debt. You'll have to subtract.

Let me know if you're still confused. I'm always glad to help a stupid liberal like you.

That shows how much the debt has increased during that time - it doesn't show who or why, dumbass! :lol:

Bush left Obama with a maxed-out credit card, and the Republican House has been making minimum monthly payments.

How can you add $7 Trillion to a "Maxxed-out credit card"?????
That's why we keep printing money. It's also because we, as the bank, can give them an unlimited credit line.

I was using the maxed-out analogy in the vain hope that you wingnuts would scratch two brain cells together.
That shows how much the debt has increased during that time - it doesn't show who or why, dumbass! :lol:

Bush left Obama with a maxed-out credit card, and the Republican House has been making minimum monthly payments.

How can you add $7 Trillion to a "Maxxed-out credit card"?????
That's why we keep printing money. It's also because we, as the bank, can give them an unlimited credit line.

I was using the maxed-out analogy in the vain hope that you wingnuts would scratch two brain cells together.

Bank of of our children

Obama added $4 trillion in 4 years


Obama unpatriotic
Last edited by a moderator:

Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?

With the stock market hitting new highs, some people have already forgotten about the Great Recession.

Recall 2009. Things looked pretty bleak economically.

But the outlook has changed dramatically in just 4 years. And it has been a boon for investors, as even the safest indices have yielded a 250% return (>25% annualized compound return:)


Additionally, unemployment and consumer confidence trends have reversed direction and are improving:


Since this coincides with President Obama’s first term, I asked the authors of “Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box,” (available on and which I reviewed in my October 11, 2012 column,) to capture their opinions on how much Americans should attribute the equity upturn, and improved economic prospects, to the President as we enter his second term.

Interview with Bob Deitrick, co-Author “Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box” (BBBB):

Q- Bob, how much credit should Americans give President Obama for today’s improved equity values?

BBBB – Our research reviewed American economic performance since President Roosevelt installed the first Federal Reserve Board Chairman – Republican Marriner Eccles. We observed that even though there are multiple impacts on the economy, it was clear that policy decisions within each administration, from FDR forward, made a clear difference on performance. And relatively quickly.

Presidents universally take credit when the economy does well (such as Reagan,) and choose to blame other factors when the economy does poorly (such as Carter.) But there was a clear pattern, and link, between policy and financial market performance.
Although we hear almost no one in the Obama administration taking credit for record index highs, they should. Because the President deserves attention for how well this economy has done during his leadership.

The auto rescue plan has worked. American car manufacturers are still dominant and employing millions directly and in supplier companies. Wall Street reform has been painful but it has re-instated faith amongst investors. The markets are far more predictable than they were four years ago, as VIX numbers demonstrate greater faith and less risk.

Even for small investors, such as those limited to their 401(k) or IRA investments, the average annual compound return on stocks under President Obama has been more than 24% since the lows of March, 2009. This is a better result than either Clinton, Reagan or FDR – who were the prior winners in our book.

Q- Bob, what policies do you think were most important toward achieving today’s new highs?

BBBB – Firstly, let’s review just how bad things were in 2009. In 2000 America was completing the longest bull market in history. But by the end of President Bush’s tenure the country had witnessed 2 stock market crashes, and the DJIA had fallen 58%. This was the second worst market decline in history (exceeded only by the Great Depression,) and hence the term “Great Recession” was born.

In 2000, at the end of Clinton’s administration, the Consumer Confidence Index was at a record high 140. By January, 2009 this index had fallen to an historic low of 25.3. Comparatively, when Reagan took office at the end of the economically weak Carter years the Confidence Index was still at 74.4! Today this measure of how people feel about the country is still nowhere near 2000 levels, but it is almost 3 times better than 4 years ago.

Significantly, in 2000 America had a budget surplus. By 2009 surpluses were long gone and the country was racking up historic deficits as taxes were cut while simultaneously outlays for defense skyrocketed to cover costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, banks were on the edge of failing due to unregulated real estate speculation and massive derivative losses.

Today the Congressional Budget Office is reporting a $200B decrease in the deficit almost entirely due to increased revenue from a growing economy and higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans. The deficit is now only 4% of the GDP, down from over 10% at the end of Bush’s administration – and projections are for it to be only 2% by 2015 (before Obama leaves office.) America’s “debt problem” seems largely solved, and almost all due to growth rather than austerity.

We can largely thank a fairer tax code, improved regulation and consistent SEC enforcement. Also, major strides in health care reform – something no other President has accomplished – has given American’s more faith in their future, and an increased willingness to invest.

What a joke...but then look who posted it...
That shows how much the debt has increased during that time - it doesn't show who or why, dumbass! :lol:

Bush left Obama with a maxed-out credit card, and the Republican House has been making minimum monthly payments.

Maxed out credit card?
And yet, Obama managed to add $6.1 trillion.
More than Bush added in 8 years. Great job!
You are either really stupid, or you are just playing stupid in order to troll.

Bush borrowed to pay for Medicare D. We still have Medicare D.

Bush borrowed to pay for the war against the Taliban and al Qaeda. We are still at war.

Bush borrowed to pay for the Iraq Quagmire. Obama ended that foreign policy disaster, and we are seeing savings from his action reducing the debt.

Bush borrowed to pay for tax cuts for the rich. They just ended, and that added revenue is decreasing the debt even faster.

In a report this week, the Congressional Budget Office said that the federal budget deficit in the last seven months of 2013 is $231 billion less than it was in the same period a year ago, mostly because the government is collecting far more tax revenue after the payroll tax cut and the Bush tax cuts for high income earners were allowed to expire.

For the month of April, the government actually ran a surplus of $112 billion. That's right, a surplus.

Smaller Deficit Could Push off Debt Fight - ABC News

Maybe you missed it, Obama was elected President, twice.
If he didn't like those things we're spending money on, he has some power to end them.
You probably whine when House Republicans vote to end Obamacare, but that's a sign they don't like it.
If Obama wanted to end Medicare D, he has a funny way of showing it.

The government usually runs a surplus in April.
Shit, if you doubled your IQ, you'd still be in the double digits.

Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?

With the stock market hitting new highs, some people have already forgotten about the Great Recession.

Recall 2009. Things looked pretty bleak economically.

But the outlook has changed dramatically in just 4 years. And it has been a boon for investors, as even the safest indices have yielded a 250% return (>25% annualized compound return:)


Additionally, unemployment and consumer confidence trends have reversed direction and are improving:


Since this coincides with President Obama’s first term, I asked the authors of “Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box,” (available on and which I reviewed in my October 11, 2012 column,) to capture their opinions on how much Americans should attribute the equity upturn, and improved economic prospects, to the President as we enter his second term.

Interview with Bob Deitrick, co-Author “Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box” (BBBB):

Q- Bob, how much credit should Americans give President Obama for today’s improved equity values?

BBBB – Our research reviewed American economic performance since President Roosevelt installed the first Federal Reserve Board Chairman – Republican Marriner Eccles. We observed that even though there are multiple impacts on the economy, it was clear that policy decisions within each administration, from FDR forward, made a clear difference on performance. And relatively quickly.

Presidents universally take credit when the economy does well (such as Reagan,) and choose to blame other factors when the economy does poorly (such as Carter.) But there was a clear pattern, and link, between policy and financial market performance.
Although we hear almost no one in the Obama administration taking credit for record index highs, they should. Because the President deserves attention for how well this economy has done during his leadership.

The auto rescue plan has worked. American car manufacturers are still dominant and employing millions directly and in supplier companies. Wall Street reform has been painful but it has re-instated faith amongst investors. The markets are far more predictable than they were four years ago, as VIX numbers demonstrate greater faith and less risk.

Even for small investors, such as those limited to their 401(k) or IRA investments, the average annual compound return on stocks under President Obama has been more than 24% since the lows of March, 2009. This is a better result than either Clinton, Reagan or FDR – who were the prior winners in our book.

Q- Bob, what policies do you think were most important toward achieving today’s new highs?

BBBB – Firstly, let’s review just how bad things were in 2009. In 2000 America was completing the longest bull market in history. But by the end of President Bush’s tenure the country had witnessed 2 stock market crashes, and the DJIA had fallen 58%. This was the second worst market decline in history (exceeded only by the Great Depression,) and hence the term “Great Recession” was born.

In 2000, at the end of Clinton’s administration, the Consumer Confidence Index was at a record high 140. By January, 2009 this index had fallen to an historic low of 25.3. Comparatively, when Reagan took office at the end of the economically weak Carter years the Confidence Index was still at 74.4! Today this measure of how people feel about the country is still nowhere near 2000 levels, but it is almost 3 times better than 4 years ago.

Significantly, in 2000 America had a budget surplus. By 2009 surpluses were long gone and the country was racking up historic deficits as taxes were cut while simultaneously outlays for defense skyrocketed to cover costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, banks were on the edge of failing due to unregulated real estate speculation and massive derivative losses.

Today the Congressional Budget Office is reporting a $200B decrease in the deficit almost entirely due to increased revenue from a growing economy and higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans. The deficit is now only 4% of the GDP, down from over 10% at the end of Bush’s administration – and projections are for it to be only 2% by 2015 (before Obama leaves office.) America’s “debt problem” seems largely solved, and almost all due to growth rather than austerity.

We can largely thank a fairer tax code, improved regulation and consistent SEC enforcement. Also, major strides in health care reform – something no other President has accomplished – has given American’s more faith in their future, and an increased willingness to invest.

What a joke...but then look who posted it...

Yes. It's hard to take seriously.

What do they know about business?

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