Economics 101

I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.


The fortunes of Directors are published in magazines.
Now do some research and post something other than a vacuous question.
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.


The fortunes of Directors are published in magazines.
Now do some research and post something other than a vacuous question.

The fortunes of Directors are published in magazines.

I'm sure when you provide the data, and your explanation, we'll finally see your wisdom.
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.

You should read the article. It says nothing about gitting "some" of it back.
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.

So, here is the "and":
1. Huge recession.
2. Losses to all income classes were great.
3. During recovery income growth went 93% went to the wealthiest 1%.
4. Only 7% of recovery income growth went to the other 99%.
5. The income gap became much greater.

So, do you still have to say "and" because it is too complex for you to understand?

Is that outcome ok with you?

Do you see no problem with a larger income gap?
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.


Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever. There are thousands and thousands of MNC directors. No one is going to post all of their earnings, because it would be a several year long effort. Because, individually, no one really wants to see really long lists.
Now, having made that ignorant a request, perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Why would you think anyone would want to put it together?

Why, me boy, do you think you deserve all the work to do so?
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.

You should read the article. It says nothing about gitting "some" of it back.
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
So, here is the "and":
1. Huge recession.
2. Losses to all income classes were great.
3. During recovery income growth went 93% went to the wealthiest 1%.
4. Only 7% of recovery income growth went to the other 99%.
5. The income gap became much greater.

So, do you still have to say "and" because it is too complex for you to understand?

Is that outcome ok with you?

Do you see no problem with a larger income gap?

I read the article. I even read the "paper" it referenced. Both were stupid.

During recovery income growth went 93% went to the wealthiest 1%.

So what? Why only look at 2010? How about an update to cover 2010-2015?
Because that wouldn't give the same result.

Incomes are slow to recover. The market tanked and recovered faster.
Mean rich people own a lot of stock.

because it is too complex for you to understand?

Because it's a typical, simplistic, liberal take on a snapshot in time.

Do you see no problem with a larger income gap?

You want to reduce the income gap?
Seal the border and boot 12 million illegals.
That'll do wonders for incomes at the lower end.

As a result of the financial collapse and Great Recession, the top 1 percent absorbed nearly half of the total income loss from 2007 to 2009 (after adjusting for inflation and population growth), leaving the average income for this group over 36 percent ($520,000) lower than it was in 2007.

Incomes at the Top Rebounded in First Full Year of Recovery, New Analysis of Tax Data Shows | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

OMG! Rich people lost a lot of money before 2010!!!

Lose big.
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever. There are thousands and thousands of MNC directors. No one is going to post all of their earnings, because it would be a several year long effort. Because, individually, no one really wants to see really long lists.
Now, having made that ignorant a request, perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Why would you think anyone would want to put it together?

Why, me boy, do you think you deserve all the work to do so?

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever.

You are the expert on stupid. Derp!

perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Indeependent make a moronic claim about MNC Directors. If he wants to prove his claim, he'd better get going.
I'll be here, laughing at his idiocy.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever. There are thousands and thousands of MNC directors. No one is going to post all of their earnings, because it would be a several year long effort. Because, individually, no one really wants to see really long lists.
Now, having made that ignorant a request, perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Why would you think anyone would want to put it together?

Why, me boy, do you think you deserve all the work to do so?

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever.

You are the expert on stupid. Derp!

perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Indeependent make a moronic claim about MNC Directors. If he wants to prove his claim, he'd better get going.
I'll be here, laughing at his idiocy.
I read magazines whilst you inveterately post, "Prove it.".
How seriously can anybody with a brain take you when that's all you ever post?
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Not a rational representation of what happened. In fact, it is not factually true.

You should read the article. It says nothing about gitting "some" of it back.
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.

So, here is the "and":
1. Huge recession.
2. Losses to all income classes were great.
3. During recovery income growth went 93% went to the wealthiest 1%.
4. Only 7% of recovery income growth went to the other 99%.
5. The income gap became much greater.

So, do you still have to say "and" because it is too complex for you to understand?

Is that outcome ok with you?

Do you see no problem with a larger income gap?

I read the article. I even read the "paper" it referenced. Both were stupid.
But you are a tool. Of course you would say that. But the article is well referenced and a properly done study. So, you want to tell us all what you believe was stupid about it?

During recovery income growth went 93% went to the wealthiest 1%.

So what? Why only look at 2010? How about an update to cover 2010-2015?
Because that wouldn't give the same result.
Because the article was done in 2012, me boy. Always hard to forecast the future.

Incomes are slow to recover. The market tanked and recovered faster.
Mean rich people own a lot of stock.
So, one would expect that the rest of the income groups recovered later? Got it. We will look at your article and see what it shows!!

because it is too complex for you to understand?

Because it's a typical, simplistic, liberal take on a snapshot in time.
So it is too complex for you. Others more well respected on the subject feel the article is quite well done. And, since the Great Republican Recession of 2008, seven years have passed. And still, me boy, the lower 99% have not recovered. And, last I knew, 7 years is not a snapshot in time.

Do you see no problem with a larger income gap?

You want to reduce the income gap?
Seal the border and boot 12 million illegals.
As soon as you tell us how to pay for it and build it, but it will do no good. Just shows that you are either ignorant or simply a con tool. My money is on the later.
Did you think that the Mexican gov was going to pay for it?
Can you show a case where such a wall has ever worked, me boy?

As a result of the financial collapse and Great Recession, the top 1 percent absorbed nearly half of the total income loss from 2007 to 2009 (after adjusting for inflation and population growth), leaving the average income for this group over 36 percent ($520,000) lower than it was in 2007.

Incomes at the Top Rebounded in First Full Year of Recovery, New Analysis of Tax Data Shows | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

OMG! Rich people lost a lot of money before 2010!!!
Stupid statement. We all know that. Did you think that sentence was profound?
Lose big.
Stupid statement again! Because, as rational people have noticed, the other 99% lost big, but did not win big.

Lets see what the article you link says:
"the Piketty-Saez data, two-thirds of the nation’s total income gains (adjusted for inflation and population growth[4]) in the economic expansion from 2002 to 2007 flowed to the top 1 percent of U.S. households; the top 1 percent held a larger share of income in 2007 than at any time since 1928. From 2002 to 2007, the real (inflation-adjusted) income of the top 1 percent of households grew more than ten times faster than the income of the bottom 90 percent of households.[5] "
So, you forgot to mention that the top 1% already owned the largest share of income since before the great depression. How did you miss that?
Growth at the Top Driven by Growth at the Very Top
The share of total before-tax income going to the top 1 percent of households has been rising since the late 1970s, and in the past decade it has climbed to levels last seen in the 1920s. This is mostly because of the rising share of before-tax income going to the top households within the top 1 percent.
To illustrate the lopsided growth at the top of the income scale, the chart below separates income groups within the top 1 percent of the distribution. The top 1 percent in 2010 had incomes above $350,000 and saw average income growth of nearly 12 percent from 2009 to 2010. As the chart shows, growth for households in the “bottom half” of the top 1 percent was significantly lower than growth for the multimillionaires at the very top of the income distribution.


As a result of the financial collapse and Great Recession, the top 1 percent absorbed nearly half of the total income loss from 2007 to 2009 (after adjusting for inflation and population growth), leaving the average income for this group over 36 percent ($520,000) lower than it was in 2007. While this share of the total income loss is substantial, it is less than this group’s share of the loss in the collapse at the start of the decade. Moreover, the top 1 percent had a higher average income and a larger share of total income in 2009 than in 2002.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever. There are thousands and thousands of MNC directors. No one is going to post all of their earnings, because it would be a several year long effort. Because, individually, no one really wants to see really long lists.
Now, having made that ignorant a request, perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Why would you think anyone would want to put it together?

Why, me boy, do you think you deserve all the work to do so?

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever.

You are the expert on stupid. Derp!

perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Indeependent make a moronic claim about MNC Directors. If he wants to prove his claim, he'd better get going.
I'll be here, laughing at his idiocy.
I read magazines whilst you inveterately post, "Prove it.".
How seriously can anybody with a brain take you when that's all you ever post?

I read magazines whilst you inveterately post, "Prove it.".

You made a goofy claim about MNC directors and you want me to post proof? Durr.
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Not a rational representation of what happened. In fact, it is not factually true.

You should read the article. It says nothing about gitting "some" of it back.
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.

So, here is the "and":
1. Huge recession.
2. Losses to all income classes were great.
3. During recovery income growth went 93% went to the wealthiest 1%.
4. Only 7% of recovery income growth went to the other 99%.
5. The income gap became much greater.

So, do you still have to say "and" because it is too complex for you to understand?

Is that outcome ok with you?

Do you see no problem with a larger income gap?

I read the article. I even read the "paper" it referenced. Both were stupid.
But you are a tool. Of course you would say that. But the article is well referenced and a properly done study. So, you want to tell us all what you believe was stupid about it?

During recovery income growth went 93% went to the wealthiest 1%.

So what? Why only look at 2010? How about an update to cover 2010-2015?
Because that wouldn't give the same result.
Because the article was done in 2012, me boy. Always hard to forecast the future.

Incomes are slow to recover. The market tanked and recovered faster.
Mean rich people own a lot of stock.
So, one would expect that the rest of the income groups recovered later? Got it. We will look at your article and see what it shows!!

because it is too complex for you to understand?

Because it's a typical, simplistic, liberal take on a snapshot in time.
So it is too complex for you. Others more well respected on the subject feel the article is quite well done. And, since the Great Republican Recession of 2008, seven years have passed. And still, me boy, the lower 99% have not recovered. And, last I knew, 7 years is not a snapshot in time.

Do you see no problem with a larger income gap?

You want to reduce the income gap?
Seal the border and boot 12 million illegals.
As soon as you tell us how to pay for it and build it, but it will do no good. Just shows that you are either ignorant or simply a con tool. My money is on the later.
Did you think that the Mexican gov was going to pay for it?
Can you show a case where such a wall has ever worked, me boy?

As a result of the financial collapse and Great Recession, the top 1 percent absorbed nearly half of the total income loss from 2007 to 2009 (after adjusting for inflation and population growth), leaving the average income for this group over 36 percent ($520,000) lower than it was in 2007.

Incomes at the Top Rebounded in First Full Year of Recovery, New Analysis of Tax Data Shows | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

OMG! Rich people lost a lot of money before 2010!!!
Stupid statement. We all know that. Did you think that sentence was profound?
Lose big.
Stupid statement again! Because, as rational people have noticed, the other 99% lost big, but did not win big.

Lets see what the article you link says:
"the Piketty-Saez data, two-thirds of the nation’s total income gains (adjusted for inflation and population growth[4]) in the economic expansion from 2002 to 2007 flowed to the top 1 percent of U.S. households; the top 1 percent held a larger share of income in 2007 than at any time since 1928. From 2002 to 2007, the real (inflation-adjusted) income of the top 1 percent of households grew more than ten times faster than the income of the bottom 90 percent of households.[5] "
So, you forgot to mention that the top 1% already owned the largest share of income since before the great depression. How did you miss that?
Growth at the Top Driven by Growth at the Very Top
The share of total before-tax income going to the top 1 percent of households has been rising since the late 1970s, and in the past decade it has climbed to levels last seen in the 1920s. This is mostly because of the rising share of before-tax income going to the top households within the top 1 percent.
To illustrate the lopsided growth at the top of the income scale, the chart below separates income groups within the top 1 percent of the distribution. The top 1 percent in 2010 had incomes above $350,000 and saw average income growth of nearly 12 percent from 2009 to 2010. As the chart shows, growth for households in the “bottom half” of the top 1 percent was significantly lower than growth for the multimillionaires at the very top of the income distribution.


As a result of the financial collapse and Great Recession, the top 1 percent absorbed nearly half of the total income loss from 2007 to 2009 (after adjusting for inflation and population growth), leaving the average income for this group over 36 percent ($520,000) lower than it was in 2007. While this share of the total income loss is substantial, it is less than this group’s share of the loss in the collapse at the start of the decade. Moreover, the top 1 percent had a higher average income and a larger share of total income in 2009 than in 2002. [/QUOTE]

Because the article was done in 2012, me boy. Always hard to forecast the future.

You're right, authors never go back and update their work. Derp!

Of course in this case, if he did it here, people would see he was a whiny, low info lib.

And, since the Great Republican Recession of 2008, seven years have passed. And still, me boy, the lower 99% have not recovered.

Barack hasn't fixed things yet? LOL!

As soon as you tell us how to pay for it and build it, but it will do no good.

How to pay for it? Shit, the money we'll save on education, criminal justice and unpaid medical expenses will pay for it in a year or two.

Can you show a case where such a wall has ever worked

Can't do worse than Obama's current open-door policy.
Now if we start deporting the illegal aliens already here, fewer will try to sneak past a wall.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever. There are thousands and thousands of MNC directors. No one is going to post all of their earnings, because it would be a several year long effort. Because, individually, no one really wants to see really long lists.
Now, having made that ignorant a request, perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Why would you think anyone would want to put it together?

Why, me boy, do you think you deserve all the work to do so?

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever.

You are the expert on stupid. Derp!
Having read years of posts made by you, a con tool, you are correct. I am an expert on you. Who has proved himself to be stupid.

perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Indeependent make a moronic claim about MNC Directors. If he wants to prove his claim, he'd better get going.
I'll be here, laughing at his idiocy.

Watch the laughing, dipshit. It is a common trait of congenital idiots.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever. There are thousands and thousands of MNC directors. No one is going to post all of their earnings, because it would be a several year long effort. Because, individually, no one really wants to see really long lists.
Now, having made that ignorant a request, perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Why would you think anyone would want to put it together?

Why, me boy, do you think you deserve all the work to do so?

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever.

You are the expert on stupid. Derp!
Having read years of posts made by you, a con tool, you are correct. I am an expert on you. Who has proved himself to be stupid.

perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Indeependent make a moronic claim about MNC Directors. If he wants to prove his claim, he'd better get going.
I'll be here, laughing at his idiocy.

Watch the laughing, dipshit. It is a common trait of congenital idiots.

He's an idiot, but I have no proof it's congenital.
What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever. There are thousands and thousands of MNC directors. No one is going to post all of their earnings, because it would be a several year long effort. Because, individually, no one really wants to see really long lists.
Now, having made that ignorant a request, perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Why would you think anyone would want to put it together?

Why, me boy, do you think you deserve all the work to do so?

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever.

You are the expert on stupid. Derp!
Having read years of posts made by you, a con tool, you are correct. I am an expert on you. Who has proved himself to be stupid.

perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Indeependent make a moronic claim about MNC Directors. If he wants to prove his claim, he'd better get going.
I'll be here, laughing at his idiocy.

Watch the laughing, dipshit. It is a common trait of congenital idiots.

He's an idiot, but I have no proof it's congenital.

Ah, but if you would learn how to read these posts, you would understand I was talking about you. And in your case, I was just trying to be kind. Cause if it is congenital, it is not your fault.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever. There are thousands and thousands of MNC directors. No one is going to post all of their earnings, because it would be a several year long effort. Because, individually, no one really wants to see really long lists.
Now, having made that ignorant a request, perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Why would you think anyone would want to put it together?

Why, me boy, do you think you deserve all the work to do so?

Hopefully, you know that your post is among the stupidest ever.

You are the expert on stupid. Derp!
Having read years of posts made by you, a con tool, you are correct. I am an expert on you. Who has proved himself to be stupid.

perhaps you can tell us why you would want someone to put the answer together for you?

Indeependent make a moronic claim about MNC Directors. If he wants to prove his claim, he'd better get going.
I'll be here, laughing at his idiocy.

Watch the laughing, dipshit. It is a common trait of congenital idiots.

He's an idiot, but I have no proof it's congenital.

Ah, but if you would learn how to read these posts, you would understand I was talking about you. And in your case, I was just trying to be kind. Cause if it is congenital, it is not your fault.

Well, you're an idiot too, so you've got that going for you.
I asked for a list of Directors who lost big in the 2008 crash and got NO REPLY.
The fact is that Directors have huge storage "houses" of wealth; they can outlast those below them and are worth more today than they would have been worth had there been no crash.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.


The fortunes of Directors are published in magazines.
Now do some research and post something other than a vacuous question.

Pay for directors at Standard & Poor’s 500 Index companies rose to a record average of $251,000 last year, the sixth straight year of increased compensation since federal rules began requiring disclosure.

Board Director Pay Hits Record $251,000 for 250 Hours

Masters of the Universe.....making so little? LOL!
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.


The fortunes of Directors are published in magazines.
Now do some research and post something other than a vacuous question.

Pay for directors at Standard & Poor’s 500 Index companies rose to a record average of $251,000 last year, the sixth straight year of increased compensation since federal rules began requiring disclosure.

Board Director Pay Hits Record $251,000 for 250 Hours

Masters of the Universe.....making so little? LOL!
Old saying on Wall Street that I'm am SURE you are FULLY aware of...
Don't give me your paycheck, give me your BONUS.
Not to mention your PERKS.

Try again.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened

Good article. Suspect you have seen it. But nearly zero cons have.

What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.


The fortunes of Directors are published in magazines.
Now do some research and post something other than a vacuous question.

Pay for directors at Standard & Poor’s 500 Index companies rose to a record average of $251,000 last year, the sixth straight year of increased compensation since federal rules began requiring disclosure.

Board Director Pay Hits Record $251,000 for 250 Hours

Masters of the Universe.....making so little? LOL!
Old saying on Wall Street that I'm am SURE you are FULLY aware of...
Don't give me your paycheck, give me your BONUS.
Not to mention your PERKS.

Try again.

Forget the paychecks and the bonuses, they can see 6 months into the future. Derp!
What a stupid claim.
The rich lost more when the market tanked, they got some of it back when the market recovered.
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.


The fortunes of Directors are published in magazines.
Now do some research and post something other than a vacuous question.

Pay for directors at Standard & Poor’s 500 Index companies rose to a record average of $251,000 last year, the sixth straight year of increased compensation since federal rules began requiring disclosure.

Board Director Pay Hits Record $251,000 for 250 Hours

Masters of the Universe.....making so little? LOL!
Old saying on Wall Street that I'm am SURE you are FULLY aware of...
Don't give me your paycheck, give me your BONUS.
Not to mention your PERKS.

Try again.

Forget the paychecks and the bonuses, they can see 6 months into the future. Derp!
I forgot that they behave at all those Banquets and BBQs and don't discuss business and Insider Information.
<SARCASM>Maybe that's why they don't all layoff thousands of employees at the same time, etc...</SARCASM>

By the way, posting "Derp" simply means you have nothing, and it's rather boring.
Old saying on Wall Street that I'm am SURE you are FULLY aware of...
Don't give me your paycheck, give me your BONUS.
Not to mention your PERKS.

Try again.

that's whats so wonderful about capitalism. If a guy is making a ton of money you are free to become a competitor with a lower price!!

Liberals want govt violence against Wall Street when they could simply compete against them and get there share of the tons of money!!!
Post 756 for the Retarded amongst us.
Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.
They've destroyed over 98% of the American public and continue to off-shore and business visa us to death.

Tell me how poor the MNC Directors are now.

Tell me which ones made money in the crash, how much they made and how you know.


The fortunes of Directors are published in magazines.
Now do some research and post something other than a vacuous question.

Pay for directors at Standard & Poor’s 500 Index companies rose to a record average of $251,000 last year, the sixth straight year of increased compensation since federal rules began requiring disclosure.

Board Director Pay Hits Record $251,000 for 250 Hours

Masters of the Universe.....making so little? LOL!
Old saying on Wall Street that I'm am SURE you are FULLY aware of...
Don't give me your paycheck, give me your BONUS.
Not to mention your PERKS.

Try again.

Forget the paychecks and the bonuses, they can see 6 months into the future. Derp!
I forgot that they behave at all those Banquets and BBQs and don't discuss business and Insider Information.
<SARCASM>Maybe that's why they don't all layoff thousands of employees at the same time, etc...</SARCASM>

By the way, posting "Derp" simply means you have nothing, and it's rather boring.


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