Economics 101


Violent person attack in frustration at his liberal ignorance::

that's whats so wonderful about capitalism. If a guy is making a ton of money you are free to become a competitor with a lower price!!

Liberals want govt violence against Wall Street when they could simply compete against them and get their share of the tons of money!!!
Liberal policy never works. It always ends in poverty and misery...

Venezuela's Crisis Is the Latest Example of Why Socialism Doesn't Work
Are you saying that socialism must be mixed with capitalism as in the USA to work?

Do you know the definition of Socialism? The military, police and fire protection is NOT Socialism.

But Social Security, Medicaid and public education are socialism, as are public libraries, government owned roads, sewage treatment plants, and other infrastructure.
Liberal policy never works. It always ends in poverty and misery...

Venezuela's Crisis Is the Latest Example of Why Socialism Doesn't Work
Are you saying that socialism must be mixed with capitalism as in the USA to work?

Do you know the definition of Socialism? The military, police and fire protection is NOT Socialism.

But Social Security, Medicaid and public education are socialism, as are public libraries, government owned roads, sewage treatment plants, and other infrastructure.

Wrong. You don't know what Socialism is do you?

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods isowned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means ofproduction are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.
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Liberal policy never works. It always ends in poverty and misery...

Venezuela's Crisis Is the Latest Example of Why Socialism Doesn't Work
Are you saying that socialism must be mixed with capitalism as in the USA to work?

Do you know the definition of Socialism? The military, police and fire protection is NOT Socialism.

But Social Security, Medicaid and public education are socialism, as are public libraries, government owned roads, sewage treatment plants, and other infrastructure.
No....they are not. Why do liberals need everything explained to them? :eusa_doh:

First of all, the U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Healthcare, food, etc. are not one of them. Therefore, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. are 100% illegal.

Second, a public library is not socialism as it does not take from one to benefit another. Everyone can use that library. Same with roads. Furthermore, it is done at the local level where it is legal.

Just stop with your desperate attempts to justify the unjustifiable. Socialism doesn't work. It has never worked. Liberalism is an idiot, failed ideology. It's time liberals grow up and accept scientific fact.
But Social Security, Medicaid and public education are socialism, as are public libraries, government owned roads, sewage treatment plants, and other infrastructure.

Instead of a "funny" button, posts like these need an "ignorant" button... :eusa_doh:
Seems America has had socialistic programs as soon as the ink dried on the Constitution. Whatever socialism is.
Seems America has had socialistic programs as soon as the ink dried on the Constitution. Whatever socialism is.
Does this help?

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Liberal policy never works. It always ends in poverty and misery...

Venezuela's Crisis Is the Latest Example of Why Socialism Doesn't Work
Are you saying that socialism must be mixed with capitalism as in the USA to work?

Do you know the definition of Socialism? The military, police and fire protection is NOT Socialism.

But Social Security, Medicaid and public education are socialism, as are public libraries, government owned roads, sewage treatment plants, and other infrastructure.

Wrong. You don't know what Socialism is do you?

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods isowned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means ofproduction are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.

Socialism is not what you think it is, dork.

Democratic socialism does not control the means of production. It provides social services within a capitalist framework, eg education, healthcare, social security, and infrastructure.
Liberal policy never works. It always ends in poverty and misery...

Venezuela's Crisis Is the Latest Example of Why Socialism Doesn't Work
Are you saying that socialism must be mixed with capitalism as in the USA to work?

Do you know the definition of Socialism? The military, police and fire protection is NOT Socialism.

But Social Security, Medicaid and public education are socialism, as are public libraries, government owned roads, sewage treatment plants, and other infrastructure.

Wrong. You don't know what Socialism is do you?

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods isowned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means ofproduction are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.

Socialism is not what you think it is, dork.

Democratic socialism does not control the means of production. It provides social services within a capitalist framework, eg education, healthcare, social security, and infrastructure.
Typical liberal. Words have no meaning. Just make shit up as they go and redefine everything. Here is the definition again sweetie, whether you can accept it or not....

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Democratic socialism does not control the means of production. It provides social services within a capitalist framework, eg education, healthcare, social security, and infrastructure.

There is no such thing as "democratic socialism" goof-ball. All socialism is "democratic". If it's not, then it isn't socialism. It is communism.

At the end of the day, it is a failed ideology. All you people do is collapse nations and cause disease, famine, and poverty to spread like wild fire. You're idiot ideology collapsed Cuba. It collapsed the former U.S.S.R. It collapsed Cambodia. It collapsed Ethiopia.

It has never worked and it never will. If you want "social services" so badly, then your lazy ass should get up off of your couch and you provide them. How dare you attempt to force me to provide it for you in a free society. Stop being so greedy and lazy and you provide food, housing, education, etc. to the people you think need and/or deserve it.
Socialism is not what you think it is, dork.

Democratic socialism does not control the means of production. It provides social services within a capitalist framework, eg education, healthcare, social security, and infrastructure.

A little education for you - which you are desperately in need of...

Socialism is not what you think it is, dork.

Democratic socialism does not control the means of production. It provides social services within a capitalist framework, eg education, healthcare, social security, and infrastructure.

A little education for you - which you are desperately in need of...

View attachment 79607

You are talking, me boy, about ayn rand, who had no credentials of any kind. Just an author, talking about a socio economic system that never existed, and never will. Dipshit.
Socialism is not what you think it is, dork.

Democratic socialism does not control the means of production. It provides social services within a capitalist framework, eg education, healthcare, social security, and infrastructure.

A little education for you - which you are desperately in need of...

View attachment 79607

You are talking, me boy, about ayn rand, who had no credentials of any kind. Just an author, talking about a socio economic system that never existed, and never will. Dipshit.
Her "credentials" was that she lived in the communist Soviet Union and knows communism when she sees it. Meanwhile, you don't even have those "credentials". You have none. Zip. Zero. Just ignorant, uninformed opinion.
Seems America has had socialistic programs as soon as the ink dried on the Constitution. Whatever socialism is.
Does this help?

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Actually, that is
Liberal policy never works. It always ends in poverty and misery...
SORRY, the fact that you are stupid does not make it seem that we should overlook your drivel. Here is a quick lesson for you, dipshit: And you would have to argue with the people of the Scandinavian nations, who experts and the population itself believe themselves to be the furthest away from misery and poverty as you can find. What you are defining is the results of a Libertarian nation. Except, of course, there are none.

1. There are no "pure" economic systems. No Laissez Fair economic systems, no pure capitalism, no pure socialist systems, no communist systems, and certainly no Libertarian systems. But there are nations considered to be Democratic Socialist. The US is capitalist with many socialist components.
Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordiic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden). This includes a combination of free market capitalism with a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level.

Although there are significant differences among the Nordic countries, they all share some common traits. These include support for a "universalist" welfare state aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy and promotingsocial mobility; a corporatist system involving a tripartite arrangement where representatives of labor and employers negotiate wages and labor market policy mediated by the government;[6] and a commitment to widespread private ownership, free markets and free trade.[7]

Each of the Nordic countries has its own economic and social models, sometimes with large differences from its neighbours.[8] According to sociologist Lane Kenworthy, in the context of the Nordic model, "social democracy" refers to a set of policies for promoting economic security and opportunity within the framework of capitalism rather than a system to replace capitalism."

.Nordic model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, being a congenital idiot as you are does not make what you say rational to others. Social Democratic systems exist and are successful. One could make the argument that that is what the US is. But certainly the Scandanavian nations

Just stop with your desperate attempts to justify the unjustifiable. Socialism doesn't work. It has never worked. Liberalism is an idiot, failed ideology. It's time liberals grow up and accept scientific fact.
Socialism is not what you think it is, dork.

Democratic socialism does not control the means of production. It provides social services within a capitalist framework, eg education, healthcare, social security, and infrastructure.

A little education for you - which you are desperately in need of...

View attachment 79607

You are talking, me boy, about ayn rand, who had no credentials of any kind. Just an author, talking about a socio economic system that never existed, and never will. Dipshit.
Her "credentials" was that she lived in the communist Soviet Union and knows communism when she sees it. Meanwhile, you don't even have those "credentials". You have none. Zip. Zero. Just ignorant, uninformed opinion.

Glad to see you know that. Ayn Rand, like several million others, lived in a communist nation. As almost everyone knows. Came here, and wrote a book. About an economic and Social system that has never ever worked, and never will. She, like millions of others, know communism much better than you or I. But her books were fictions. There were and have never been successful Libertarian nations. All the attempts failed, and the people did indeed live in abject poverty and misery. So, she had credentials to talk about the soviet economic system, which was a bad attempt at communism. And which failed.
But she made up Libertarianism, for weak minded minds like yours. Because for decades and decades, it has never, ever worked.

Now, as to credentials, I do have some. But thanks for trying. My bet is that your highest education was high school. Diid you graduate, me boy?
I look at anyone who thinks Libertarianism is a viable system as an obvious idiot. Because, me boy, hard as you may try, you will find only failures. Try Somalia, dipshit.
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Liberal policy never works. It always ends in poverty and misery...

Venezuela's Crisis Is the Latest Example of Why Socialism Doesn't Work
Are you saying that socialism must be mixed with capitalism as in the USA to work?

Do you know the definition of Socialism? The military, police and fire protection is NOT Socialism.

But Social Security, Medicaid and public education are socialism, as are public libraries, government owned roads, sewage treatment plants, and other infrastructure.
No....they are not. Why do liberals need everything explained to them? :eusa_doh:

First of all, the U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Healthcare, food, etc. are not one of them. Therefore, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. are 100% illegal.

Are you serious, or are you simply trying to prove you are a toad. You forgot all of the amendments. Jesus, me boy. Were you born stupid, or have you been working at it. Have you ever wondered why, if Social Security, for instance, was not illegal, the Supreme Court disagrees with you? Proof again you are an idiot.

Second, a public library is not socialism as it does not take from one to benefit another. Everyone can use that library. Same with roads. Furthermore, it is done at the local level where it is legal.
So, you are suggesting it is LOCAL socialism. Did you have a point?

Just stop with your desperate attempts to justify the unjustifiable. Socialism doesn't work. Actually, it does indeed work. It has never worked. Liberalism is an idiot,Liberalism is a way of thinking. Not an ideology. Libertarianism is an ideology, and a failed one. failed ideology. It's time liberals grow up and accept scientific fact.
Here are a few Democratic Socialist Nations, for you review. And please, you should not get pissy with me. I am helping you. Get pissy with the people who have been lying to you.

"The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism orNordic social democracy) refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries(Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden)."

Now, if you were capable of it, you could look at the internet and find another 40 or so.
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Are you serious, or are you simply trying to prove you are a toad. You forgot all of the amendments. Jesus, me boy. Were you born stupid, or have you been working at it. Have you ever wondered why, if Social Security, for instance, was not illegal, the Supreme Court disagrees with you? Proof again you are an idiot.

No, stupid....I don't wonder at all. The Supreme Court does is not stacked with 9 justices dedicated to upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution as it was intended to be. Instead, idiots like Obama stacked it with political activists such as Sonja Sotomayor and Elana Kagen.

It speaks volumes that you can't dispute my factual claim. If all you can say is "why does the Supreme Court disagree with you", then you have no leg to stand on at all. The U.S. Constitution dictates how the government functions - not the Supreme Court. Show me what article and section in the U.S. Constitution the federal government is authorized to provide Social Security, Medicare, etc.

You are so astoundingly ignorant of the most basic fundamentals of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. government that you are actually shocked when someone speaks the truth to you. You are a Dumbocrat master's dream. Completely ignorant, totally blind, and fiercely obedient to their false narrative.
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Actually, it does indeed work. Liberalism is a way of thinking. Not an ideology.

Bwahahahahahaha! Liberalism is (and I quote) "a way of thinking" but it is not (and I quote again) "an ideology"?!? Clearly someone doesn't know the meaning of the word "ideology". :lmao:

1. a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Seriously "me boy" you really are the dumbest person to ever post on USMB. And that is saying a ton. What are ideas? Just another way of saying "thinking".

And now that I've provided basic definitions for you, back to the issue at hand. Liberalism doesn't work. It has never worked. It has been a spectacular failure all over the world. Liberalism collapsed Cuba. Liberalism collapsed the former U.S.S.R. (they subsequently turned to capitalism to save themselves). Liberalism collapsed Cambodia. Liberalism collapsed Greece. Liberalism collapsed Ethiopia. We could go on and on and on. It's an ignorant and failed ideology. Game over, "me boy".
Second, a public library is not socialism as it does not take from one to benefit another. Everyone can use that library. Same with roads. Furthermore, it is done at the local level where it is legal.

So, you are suggesting it is LOCAL socialism. Did you have a point?

The fact that you actually need this explained to you yet again is unbelievable. There are two points to be made here - both of which I have already made. Both of which are very simple. And both of which you have been incapable of grasping for some reason. Here they are yet again:

The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Anything beyond those 18 specific powers is 100% illegal for the federal government to involve themselves in. It is unacceptable for our federal government (or any level of government for that matter) to engage in illegal behavior.

A library and a road is not socialism. It does not take from me and give to you. The road is not yours. I have as much access to that road and that library as you do or as my neighbor does. But when the federal government takes my money and buys food with it that they then give to unemployable people like you, and you eat that food, that is socialism. I labored - you benefited.
Here are a few Democratic Socialist Nations, for you review. And please, you should not get pissy with me. I am helping you. Get pissy with the people who have been lying to you.

"The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism orNordic social democracy) refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries(Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden)."

Now, if you were capable of it, you could look at the internet and find another 40 or so.

I don't need to "review" them. I can promise you that I know about them than you ever will. For instance, I know that everything you point to about those nations is 100% false. I know that you people also pointed to Greece for these same "success stories" only to watch the nation completely collapse. Over the past 5 years, they have experienced horrific riots. One the past year, the banks were shut down and people were allowed to pull $70 per week to live off of. I know that England is currently trying to decentralize their single payer, government-run healthcare system because it is collapsing their nation.

And I know the single most important thing that you are far too stupid to realize - that while libtards such as yourself point to all of these other nations as bastions of liberal utopia, not one of you assholes ever denounce your U.S. citizenships and go live in these nations. Meanwhile, people from all over the world (including these nations) risk their lives to make it to the U.S.

You lose. But thank for playing.
Socialism is not what you think it is, dork.

Democratic socialism does not control the means of production. It provides social services within a capitalist framework, eg education, healthcare, social security, and infrastructure.

A little education for you - which you are desperately in need of...

View attachment 79607

Ayn Rand believes in greed and selfishness which she seeks to justify by vilifying the poor. Anyone who reads her has wasted their time.

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