Economics 101

I suspect this is why people like Rshermr desire the failed liberal/socialist ideology. It absolves them of any responsibility. Sit back and let government do everything for you like an infant does with a parent. But just like an infant with a parent, it also robs the individual of a life of freedom and personal choice.

View attachment 86194

I think you don't quite understand "social liberals". For starters all those public works and the safety network require taxes. Paying taxes is a responsibility, so you can't arguie that "it absolves them of any responsibility"... as far as I know infants don't pay taxes to their parents.

I do like some of Hayek's ideas, although I am not sure if some of them are still relevant. For example: central planners not having enough information to take the right decision. I don't think that argument holds the same weight in the information age.

And yet, Hayek himself wrote :

"There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, (the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance) should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision."

F. A. Hayek on social insurance - PNHP's Official Blog

... not quite what one would expect from an Austrian , but... there it is.

Yes. The same goes for Adam Smith and many others, including Friedman for that matter, when one bothers to actually read them as opposed to running around spouting isolated slogans and memes out of context of what many of them meant. Ideologues don't like that, though, it defeats the whole point of being a mindless bot with comic book 'philosophies'.
I suspect this is why people like Rshermr desire the failed liberal/socialist ideology. It absolves them of any responsibility. Sit back and let government do everything for you like an infant does with a parent. But just like an infant with a parent, it also robs the individual of a life of freedom and personal choice.

View attachment 86194

I think you don't quite understand "social liberals". For starters all those public works and the safety network require taxes. Paying taxes is a responsibility, so you can't arguie that "it absolves them of any responsibility"... as far as I know infants don't pay taxes to their parents.

I do like some of Hayek's ideas, although I am not sure if some of them are still relevant. For example: central planners not having enough information to take the right decision. I don't think that argument holds the same weight in the information age.

And yet, Hayek himself wrote :

"There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, (the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance) should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision."

F. A. Hayek on social insurance - PNHP's Official Blog

... not quite what one would expect from an Austrian , but... there it is.

Yes. The same goes for Adam Smith and many others, including Friedman for that matter, when one bothers to actually read them as opposed to running around spouting isolated slogans and memes out of context of what many of them meant. Ideologues don't like that, though, it defeats the whole point of being a mindless bot with comic book 'philosophies'

Thing is, most of the strange and mindless posts that include slogans and memes that have no rationality behind them come from conservatives, mostly trolls and tools of the folks writing the con talking points and viral emails. Along with fox and over 100 well financed nut case conservative web sites, it is possible to never come up for air or rational thought.
Years ago, the far right wealthy benefactors needed to study why they lost so many elections and what to do about it. Six of the things they found were that, among the weak minded, they all wanted, included:
1. To be told what to believe, because studying the facts was too much work.
2. See that there was a group that believed something which they could also believe and be part of the group. Group think, for short.
3. Needed a villain. For them, the villain was "liberals" and "socialists", not as whom they were but as whom they defined them as by saying it over and over. .
4. Needed to repeat things over and over and over, and the weak minded would believe. Something simple like liberals were stupid and bad.
5. The weak minded, with new "knowledge", would think themselves to be superior and smart.
6. Those weak minded now believing themselves to be smart, needed to be angry. HATERS, as we call them today.
Those setting up the right wing drivel studied the nazi's, and the Soviet communists, and took their years of study on brainwashing the masses. And have been using that methodology since the early 1970's. And they know that about 20% or so of the population are subject to that brainwashing. And that they have the money to execute the plan, and have been doing so for decades. And they know the other side does not have the ability to establish such a campaign, lacking money and a population willing to be led by the nose.
Excuse the long winded response. I am an old guy who studied economics in and out of college, and began wondering about the right wing and it's coordinated efforts years ago. I then spent an a large slice of my time reading those that studied the phenomena from inside and outside, and what they learned. Nothing I say is my opinion, but rather from studies by others. So, I deserve no credit for what I say, only blame if I am wrong.
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I suspect this is why people like Rshermr desire the failed liberal/socialist ideology. It absolves them of any responsibility. Sit back and let government do everything for you like an infant does with a parent. But just like an infant with a parent, it also robs the individual of a life of freedom and personal choice.

View attachment 86194

I think you don't quite understand "social liberals". For starters all those public works and the safety network require taxes. Paying taxes is a responsibility, so you can't arguie that "it absolves them of any responsibility"... as far as I know infants don't pay taxes to their parents.

I do like some of Hayek's ideas, although I am not sure if some of them are still relevant. For example: central planners not having enough information to take the right decision. I don't think that argument holds the same weight in the information age.

And yet, Hayek himself wrote :

"There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, (the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance) should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision."

F. A. Hayek on social insurance - PNHP's Official Blog

... not quite what one would expect from an Austrian , but... there it is.

Yes. The same goes for Adam Smith and many others, including Friedman for that matter, when one bothers to actually read them as opposed to running around spouting isolated slogans and memes out of context of what many of them meant. Ideologues don't like that, though, it defeats the whole point of being a mindless bot with comic book 'philosophies'

Thing is, most of the strange posts that include slogans and memes that have no rationality behind them come from conservatives, mostly trolls and tools of the folks writing the con talking points and viral emails. Along with fox and over 100 well financed nut case conservative web sites, it is possible to never come up for air or rational thought.
Years ago, the far right wealthy benefactors needed to study why they lost so many elections and what to do about it. Six of the things they found were that, among the weak minded, they all wanted, included:
1. To be told what to believe, because studying the facts was too much work.
2. See that there was a group that believed something which they could also believe and be part of the group. Group think, for short.
3. Needed a villain. For them, the villain was "liberals" and "socialists", not as whom they were but as whom they defined them as by saying it over and over. .
4. Needed to repeat things over and over and over, and the weak minded would believe. Something simple like liberals were stupid and bad.
5. The weak minded, with new "knowledge", would think themselves to be superior and smart.
6. Those weak minded now believing themselves to be smart, needed to be angry. HATERS, as we call them today.
Those setting up the right wing drivel studied the nazi's, and the russian communists, and took their years of study on brainwashing the masses. And have been using that methodology since the early 1970's. And they know that about 20 or so of the population are subject to that brainwashing. And that they have the money to execute the plan, and have been doing so for decades. And they know the other side does not have the ability to establish such a campaign, lacking money and a population willing to be led by the nose.
Excuse the long winded response. I am an old guy who studied economics in and out of college, and began wondering about the right wing and it's coordinated efforts years ago. I then spent an a large slice of my time reading those that studied the phenomena from inside and outside, and what they learned. Nothing I say is my opinion, but rather from studies by others. So, I deserve no credit for what I say, only blame if I am wrong.

I'm not any more fond of left wing ideologues than I am right wingers, but yeah, this post pretty much sums up right wing cranks, 'libertarians' especially; little of it reads as anything about real life economics, they're just some attempt at pasting a patina of pseudo-intellectual 'respectability' over mere sociopathic selfishness and class warfare.
I suspect this is why people like Rshermr desire the failed liberal/socialist ideology. It absolves them of any responsibility. Sit back and let government do everything for you like an infant does with a parent. But just like an infant with a parent, it also robs the individual of a life of freedom and personal choice.

View attachment 86194

I think you don't quite understand "social liberals". For starters all those public works and the safety network require taxes. Paying taxes is a responsibility, so you can't arguie that "it absolves them of any responsibility"... as far as I know infants don't pay taxes to their parents.

I do like some of Hayek's ideas, although I am not sure if some of them are still relevant. For example: central planners not having enough information to take the right decision. I don't think that argument holds the same weight in the information age.

And yet, Hayek himself wrote :

"There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, (the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance) should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision."

F. A. Hayek on social insurance - PNHP's Official Blog

... not quite what one would expect from an Austrian , but... there it is.

Yes. The same goes for Adam Smith and many others, including Friedman for that matter, when one bothers to actually read them as opposed to running around spouting isolated slogans and memes out of context of what many of them meant. Ideologues don't like that, though, it defeats the whole point of being a mindless bot with comic book 'philosophies'

Thing is, most of the strange posts that include slogans and memes that have no rationality behind them come from conservatives, mostly trolls and tools of the folks writing the con talking points and viral emails. Along with fox and over 100 well financed nut case conservative web sites, it is possible to never come up for air or rational thought.
Years ago, the far right wealthy benefactors needed to study why they lost so many elections and what to do about it. Six of the things they found were that, among the weak minded, they all wanted, included:
1. To be told what to believe, because studying the facts was too much work.
2. See that there was a group that believed something which they could also believe and be part of the group. Group think, for short.
3. Needed a villain. For them, the villain was "liberals" and "socialists", not as whom they were but as whom they defined them as by saying it over and over. .
4. Needed to repeat things over and over and over, and the weak minded would believe. Something simple like liberals were stupid and bad.
5. The weak minded, with new "knowledge", would think themselves to be superior and smart.
6. Those weak minded now believing themselves to be smart, needed to be angry. HATERS, as we call them today.
Those setting up the right wing drivel studied the nazi's, and the russian communists, and took their years of study on brainwashing the masses. And have been using that methodology since the early 1970's. And they know that about 20 or so of the population are subject to that brainwashing. And that they have the money to execute the plan, and have been doing so for decades. And they know the other side does not have the ability to establish such a campaign, lacking money and a population willing to be led by the nose.
Excuse the long winded response. I am an old guy who studied economics in and out of college, and began wondering about the right wing and it's coordinated efforts years ago. I then spent an a large slice of my time reading those that studied the phenomena from inside and outside, and what they learned. Nothing I say is my opinion, but rather from studies by others. So, I deserve no credit for what I say, only blame if I am wrong.

I'm not any more fond of left wing ideologues than I am right wingers, but yeah, this post pretty much sums up right wing cranks, 'libertarians' especially; little of it reads as anything about real life economics, they're just some attempt at pasting a patina of pseudo-intellectual 'respectability' over mere sociopathic selfishness and class warfare.

I agree completely. And libertarians are a particular interest for me, having decided long ago that the movement is simply a method for pushers of the concept to become rich.
Left wing agenda is still agenda. I always prefer truth. It is easier on you than trying to justify the "belief" of some other person based on their wants and needs.
The problem for left wing ideologues is they lack the finances and the audience of the right. Turns out the left wingers get pissed if they are lied to. Which is why there will never be a liberal version of fox. Liberals just will not listen.
I'm not any more fond of left wing ideologues than I am right wingers, but yeah, this post pretty much sums up right wing cranks, 'libertarians' especially; little of it reads as anything about real life economics, they're just some attempt at pasting a patina of pseudo-intellectual 'respectability' over mere sociopathic selfishness and class warfare.
It's always hilarious to listen to liberals deny reality. Forget about economists for a moment - history has taught us everything we need to know about what works and what doesn't. Everything that liberals desire and insist on was implemented in Cuba. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in the former U.S.S.R. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in Cambodia. It lead to total collapse. Hell, even Detroit (which had over 60 years of a Democrat mayor, a Democrat-controlled city council, and the biggest and most powerful unions in the world) collapsed and had to file for bankruptcy. Liberal economic policy is a failed ideology and anyone with an ounce of integrity would admit it.
I'm not any more fond of left wing ideologues than I am right wingers, but yeah, this post pretty much sums up right wing cranks, 'libertarians' especially; little of it reads as anything about real life economics, they're just some attempt at pasting a patina of pseudo-intellectual 'respectability' over mere sociopathic selfishness and class warfare.
It's always hilarious to listen to liberals deny reality. Forget about economists for a moment - history has taught us everything we need to know about what works and what doesn't. Everything that liberals desire and insist on was implemented in Cuba. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in the former U.S.S.R. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in Cambodia. It lead to total collapse. Hell, even Detroit (which had over 60 years of a Democrat mayor, a Democrat-controlled city council, and the biggest and most powerful unions in the world) collapsed and had to file for bankruptcy. Liberal economic policy is a failed ideology and anyone with an ounce of integrity would admit it.

I love comedy posts. Keep em coming. If I run into anybody who resembles any of those straw men here I'll send them around.
I'm not any more fond of left wing ideologues than I am right wingers, but yeah, this post pretty much sums up right wing cranks, 'libertarians' especially; little of it reads as anything about real life economics, they're just some attempt at pasting a patina of pseudo-intellectual 'respectability' over mere sociopathic selfishness and class warfare.
It's always hilarious to listen to liberals deny reality. Forget about economists for a moment - history has taught us everything we need to know about what works and what doesn't. Everything that liberals desire and insist on was implemented in Cuba. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in the former U.S.S.R. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in Cambodia. It lead to total collapse. Hell, even Detroit (which had over 60 years of a Democrat mayor, a Democrat-controlled city council, and the biggest and most powerful unions in the world) collapsed and had to file for bankruptcy. Liberal economic policy is a failed ideology and anyone with an ounce of integrity would admit it.

You sound really confused. You are putting in the same place very different economic and political regimes.
I can see why you want to draw some comparision between Cuba and the USSR both of which were communist dictatorships ( Cuba still is ) . But putting Detroit in the same basket? Detroit is a city, within a free market economy working in a fully mature democratic regime and arguably de-industrialization, automation and competition had a larger role in the crash than you might expect.
Detroit failed not because of unions ( which are the norm for large companies in Germany ), but because industry moved elsewhere and other companies could provide cars at better prices. Sory, market and industry crashes are part of the normal operation of capitalism, which is something I've been saying all along the thread : capitalism is not stable. The challenge is how we cope with such inestability, once again, those jobs are gone. People will have to retool their skills and find jobs in other sectors, but as I said , those changes require a lot of time.
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I'm not any more fond of left wing ideologues than I am right wingers, but yeah, this post pretty much sums up right wing cranks, 'libertarians' especially; little of it reads as anything about real life economics, they're just some attempt at pasting a patina of pseudo-intellectual 'respectability' over mere sociopathic selfishness and class warfare.
It's always hilarious to listen to liberals deny reality. Forget about economists for a moment - history has taught us everything we need to know about what works and what doesn't. Everything that liberals desire and insist on was implemented in Cuba. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in the former U.S.S.R. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in Cambodia. It lead to total collapse. Hell, even Detroit (which had over 60 years of a Democrat mayor, a Democrat-controlled city council, and the biggest and most powerful unions in the world) collapsed and had to file for bankruptcy. Liberal economic policy is a failed ideology and anyone with an ounce of integrity would admit it.

I love comedy posts. Keep em coming. If I run into anybody who resembles any of those straw men here I'll send them around.
Yeah....keep denying reality. It's such a bright strategy.
I'm not any more fond of left wing ideologues than I am right wingers, but yeah, this post pretty much sums up right wing cranks, 'libertarians' especially; little of it reads as anything about real life economics, they're just some attempt at pasting a patina of pseudo-intellectual 'respectability' over mere sociopathic selfishness and class warfare.
It's always hilarious to listen to liberals deny reality. Forget about economists for a moment - history has taught us everything we need to know about what works and what doesn't. Everything that liberals desire and insist on was implemented in Cuba. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in the former U.S.S.R. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in Cambodia. It lead to total collapse. Hell, even Detroit (which had over 60 years of a Democrat mayor, a Democrat-controlled city council, and the biggest and most powerful unions in the world) collapsed and had to file for bankruptcy. Liberal economic policy is a failed ideology and anyone with an ounce of integrity would admit it.

I love comedy posts. Keep em coming. If I run into anybody who resembles any of those straw men here I'll send them around.
Yeah....keep denying reality. It's such a bright strategy.

Lol like you have some idea about 'reality'... Funny stuff.
Detroit failed not because of unions ( which are the norm for large companies in Germany ), but because industry moved elsewhere and other companies could provide cars at better prices.
I literally fell out of my chair laughing at this little gem. Why could "other companies provide cars at better prices"? Because they didn't have Detroit's costly unions and Detroit's devastating taxes.
Lol like you have some idea about 'reality'... Funny stuff.
You can't dispute one thing I said. Did Detroit not file for bankruptcy cupcake? Did Cuba not go from a prosperous nation into perpetual poverty genius?

You're not even attempting to dispute what was said because you know you can't.
Lol like you have some idea about 'reality'... Funny stuff.
You can't dispute one thing I said. Did Detroit not file for bankruptcy cupcake? Did Cuba not go from a prosperous nation into perpetual poverty genius?

Of course I can ... and ...

You're not even attempting to dispute what was said because you know you can't.

... you are absolutely right, I'm not even attempting to play " I Touched You Last!!!!" with a ranting moron who only has the same old tropes and memes your ilk have been spouting for going two decades on message boards. You aren't any kind of challenge, and you're too ignorant to know you aren't.
I can see why you want to draw some comparision between Cuba and the USSR both of which were communist dictatorships ( Cuba still is ) . But putting Detroit in the same basket?
Detroit followed the same playbook as Cuba, the U.S.S.R., etc. Modern day liberalism is no difference from socialism which is no difference from communism, which is no different from fascism. It's all the same playbook - centralized control and distribution of a small portion split among the large masses. Here is world-renowned economist Friedrich Hayak more than 60 years ago observing what you still haven't figured out because you prefer ideology over reality:

“fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace”

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek on iBooks
You're not even attempting to dispute what was said because you know you can't.
... you are absolutely right, I'm not even attempting to play " I Touched You Last!!!!" with a ranting moron who only has the same old tropes and memes your ilk have been spouting for going two decades on message boards. You aren't any kind of challenge, and you're too ignorant to know you aren't.
Bwahahaha! You keep responding so you are playing "Got You Last". In fact - that's all you're doing because you can't dispute what was said. Everything I stated was 100% fact. Detroit has had over 60 years of Dumbocrat control and they did file bankruptcy.
Detroit failed not because of unions ( which are the norm for large companies in Germany ), but because industry moved elsewhere and other companies could provide cars at better prices.
I literally fell out of my chair laughing at this little gem. Why could "other companies provide cars at better prices"? Because they didn't have Detroit's costly unions and Detroit's devastating taxes.

Did you notice the part where I said that unions were the norm in large companies?
How do you imagine unions are not a problem in Germany?

So, I'll have to resort to that center of left wigh propaganda ... the forbes magazine

"against all mainstream wisdom of the neo-liberals. We have strong unions, we have strong social security systems, we have high wages. So, if I believed what the neo-liberals are arguing, we would have to be bankrupt, but apparently this is not the case. Despite high wages . . . despite our possibility to influence companies, the economy is working well in Germany."

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much

There you go patriot...
I can see why you want to draw some comparision between Cuba and the USSR both of which were communist dictatorships ( Cuba still is ) . But putting Detroit in the same basket?
Detroit followed the same playbook as Cuba, the U.S.S.R., etc. Modern day liberalism is no difference from socialism which is no difference from communism, which is no different from fascism. It's all the same playbook - centralized control and distribution of a small portion split among the large masses. Here is world-renowned economist Friedrich Hayak more than 60 years ago observing what you still haven't figured out because you prefer ideology over reality:

“fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace”

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek on iBooks

No one is advocating for a fully centrally planned dictatorship. Look back at my posts. Indeed there is talk about having a safety net to get a minimum level of living and education ( which even Hayek was in favour of ) and using the government to offset the inherent instability and ineqality of capitalism.
In my view capitalism is like a savage horse: sure, it is fast ( a lot faster than going on foot) , but you should put some restraints on it or face the consequences.

oh, and correct they Hayak typo ... it hurts my eyes.
Detroit failed not because of unions ( which are the norm for large companies in Germany ), but because industry moved elsewhere and other companies could provide cars at better prices.
I literally fell out of my chair laughing at this little gem. Why could "other companies provide cars at better prices"? Because they didn't have Detroit's costly unions and Detroit's devastating taxes.

Did you notice the part where I said that unions were the norm in large companies?
How do you imagine unions are not a problem in Germany?

So, I'll have to resort to that center of left wigh propaganda ... the forbes magazine

"against all mainstream wisdom of the neo-liberals. We have strong unions, we have strong social security systems, we have high wages. So, if I believed what the neo-liberals are arguing, we would have to be bankrupt, but apparently this is not the case. Despite high wages . . . despite our possibility to influence companies, the economy is working well in Germany."

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much

There you go patriot...
Hey genius - BMW and Mercedes are high end automobiles. The low end of their line is generally in the $50k and the median is around $70k. Detroit does not compete with them. At all. You're comparing apples & oranges. Detroit lost out to Toyota, Honda, Nissan, etc.

So yeah - Gernany can afford to pay their BMW assembly line workers $67 per hour in total compensation when they are charging $90k per automobile. Let me know when you want to have a discussion rooted in reality. I'll make my self available.
I'm not any more fond of left wing ideologues than I am right wingers, but yeah, this post pretty much sums up right wing cranks, 'libertarians' especially; little of it reads as anything about real life economics, they're just some attempt at pasting a patina of pseudo-intellectual 'respectability' over mere sociopathic selfishness and class warfare.
It's always hilarious to listen to liberals deny reality. Forget about economists for a moment - history has taught us everything we need to know about what works and what doesn't. Everything that liberals desire and insist on was implemented in Cuba. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in the former U.S.S.R. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in Cambodia. It lead to total collapse. Hell, even Detroit (which had over 60 years of a Democrat mayor, a Democrat-controlled city council, and the biggest and most powerful unions in the world) collapsed and had to file for bankruptcy. Liberal economic policy is a failed ideology and anyone with an ounce of integrity would admit it.

I love comedy posts. Keep em coming. If I run into anybody who resembles any of those straw men here I'll send them around.
Yeah....keep denying reality. It's such a bright strategy.

Lol like you have some idea about 'reality'... Funny stuff.

His source for his "reality" is the bat shit crazy con web sites and "think" tanks. Poor boy has never seen a reality he liked or agreed with.
I can see why you want to draw some comparision between Cuba and the USSR both of which were communist dictatorships ( Cuba still is ) . But putting Detroit in the same basket?
Detroit followed the same playbook as Cuba, the U.S.S.R., etc. Modern day liberalism is no difference from socialism which is no difference from communism, which is no different from fascism. It's all the same playbook - centralized control and distribution of a small portion split among the large masses. Here is world-renowned economist Friedrich Hayak more than 60 years ago observing what you still haven't figured out because you prefer ideology over reality:

“fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace”

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek on iBooks

No one is advocating for a fully centrally planned dictatorship. Look back at my posts. Indeed there is talk about having a safety net to get a minimum level of living and education ( which even Hayek was in favour of ) and using the government to offset the inherent instability and ineqality of capitalism.
In my view capitalism is like a savage horse: sure, it is fast ( a lot faster than going on foot) , but you should put some restraints on it or face the consequences.

oh, and correct they Hayak typo ... it hurts my eyes.
Actually - almost a 100% of your cohorts are advocating exactly that. We already have an ungodly amount of illegal and unconstitutional regulations. We have nothing close to a "free market". We can't decide what to pay our own employees, we can't decide whether or not we want to offer benefits, we can't decide who to hire - it literally never ends. About the only thing a business owner can decide is what they want their logo to look like and I'm sure the Dumbocrats are working on controlling that as we speak.
I'm not any more fond of left wing ideologues than I am right wingers, but yeah, this post pretty much sums up right wing cranks, 'libertarians' especially; little of it reads as anything about real life economics, they're just some attempt at pasting a patina of pseudo-intellectual 'respectability' over mere sociopathic selfishness and class warfare.
It's always hilarious to listen to liberals deny reality. Forget about economists for a moment - history has taught us everything we need to know about what works and what doesn't. Everything that liberals desire and insist on was implemented in Cuba. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in the former U.S.S.R. It lead to total collapse. It was implemented in Cambodia. It lead to total collapse. Hell, even Detroit (which had over 60 years of a Democrat mayor, a Democrat-controlled city council, and the biggest and most powerful unions in the world) collapsed and had to file for bankruptcy. Liberal economic policy is a failed ideology and anyone with an ounce of integrity would admit it.

I love comedy posts. Keep em coming. If I run into anybody who resembles any of those straw men here I'll send them around.
Yeah....keep denying reality. It's such a bright strategy.

Lol like you have some idea about 'reality'... Funny stuff.

His source for his "reality" is the bat shit crazy con web sites and "think" tanks. Poor boy has never seen a reality he liked or agreed with.
Says the Australian who lives with aborigines, mooches off society like a parasite, and never ran a company in his life.

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