Economy 'adds' 120K, UE rate drops to 8.2%...March 2012

whats the matter Ed? you read my post on the previous gonna let the thread 'die'? :lol:
Yeah, I took the time to read your CBO link, which you obviously were too lazy to do.

Please pull a quote from your CBO link that says retirees are not counted as part of the CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONAL POPULATION, you know the denominator in the equation used to calculate the Labor Participation Rate!!!

You wont because you can't, you know you just made up a load of bullshit and as a CON$erviNutzi you are too dishonest to admit it!
The jobs situation got worse last month.

I know you America haters can't stand to hear any good news about this great country, but even the right-wing Gallup has the usually higher unadjusted UE rate at 8.2%.

And that fewer workers seeking work is pure bullshit. The workforce is dropping because of the Boomers retiring, not because people have given up on finding work. Which CON$ know well, they predicted the drop in the labor force when the Boomers retire as their rationalization for privatizing Social Security. If a Republican gets elected you can be sure that as the labor participation rate continues to get smaller, every CON$erviNutzi will make that very point!!!!!

You have over 100,000 Boomers retiring every month and other people replacing them which are not new jobs. So when you create 120,000 new jobs you actually have 220,000 people leaving the ranks of the unemployed.

Gallup Daily: U.S. Employment

I am sorry if reality intrudes and of course you go to the old stand by- they are all haters, boring, only in the new paradigm or new normal of reelection go go go does 100-K 200K jobs cause for celebration in this environment......please post the bls links that say- that retirees are still counted as would be participants in the LPR.... I would appreciate it and aside from that you nare suffering a critical thinking fail...I'll let you ponder that for a while....

2009- LPR 65.7

2012 63.8

oh and-

The myth of early retirement | Economic Policy Institute
Again, the America haters can't tolerate anything good about this great country, and when they can't counter the facts they simply create a Straw Man and attack that.

Now retirees are part of the out of the workforce group of the civilian noninstitutional population that the LPR is calculated from. They are part of the denominator in the equation. But you knew that already since you are a know-it-all.

Labor Force Characteristics (CPS)

Labor force

The labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed persons. The labor force participation rate is the labor force as a percent of the civilian noninstitutional population. Browse various labor force characteristics. Data also are available by demographic characteristics. See also Not in the labor force.

Not in the labor force

Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. This category includes retired persons, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work.

And as far as that myth of early retirement crap, whatever age the Boomers are retiring, they are retiring or leaving the workforce due to disability at over 100,000 per month according to the increase in SS claims. Remember, 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day, that's 300,000 per month. So that 100,000 is only 1/3 of the retirement age Boomers.
Table 2 page 78 shows in Dec 2010 there were 34,592,000 Retired workers and 8,205,000 Disabled workers.

Monthly Statistical Snapshot, February 2012
Table 1 beneficiaries 2011
Table 2 shows in Dec 2011 there were 35,599,000 Retired workers and 8,576,000 Disabled workers.

Do the math and you see that more than 1.37 million workers left the workforce in 2011 due to retirement and disability alone.

This from a site....

Hiring slowed dramatically in March, clouding optimism about the strength of the recovery.

Employers added 120,000 jobs in the month, the Labor Department reported Friday, falling far short of economists' expectations.

Print CommentObama battles job crisis

The U.S. lost 4.3 million jobs in President Obama's first 13 months in office. Track his progress since then.The number marked a significant slowdown in hiring from February, when the economy added 240,000 jobs.

"It's discouraging that job growth was half of what it had been the previous month," said Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project.

Job growth of around 120,000 is just about enough to keep up with population growth, and is therefore more like "treading water" than a major improvement, Owens said.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.2% as the labor force shrank by 164,000 workers, mostly due to white women leaving the job market.
Economists attributed part of the hiring slowdown to an unseasonably warm winter that boosted job growth in January and February. The Labor Department adjusts its data to account for seasonal trends, and the warm weather may have distorted those calculations.

March jobs report: Hiring slows, Unemployment falls to 8.2% - Apr. 6, 2012
I am sorry if reality intrudes and of course you go to the old stand by- they are all haters, boring, only in the new paradigm or new normal of reelection go go go does 100-K 200K jobs cause for celebration in this environment......please post the bls links that say- that retirees are still counted as would be participants in the LPR.... I would appreciate it and aside from that you nare suffering a critical thinking fail...I'll let you ponder that for a while....

2009- LPR 65.7

2012 63.8

oh and-

The myth of early retirement | Economic Policy Institute
Again, the America haters can't tolerate anything good about this great country, and when they can't counter the facts they simply create a Straw Man and attack that.

Now retirees are part of the out of the workforce group of the civilian noninstitutional population that the LPR is calculated from. They are part of the denominator in the equation. But you knew that already since you are a know-it-all.

Labor Force Characteristics (CPS)

Labor force

The labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed persons. The labor force participation rate is the labor force as a percent of the civilian noninstitutional population. Browse various labor force characteristics. Data also are available by demographic characteristics. See also Not in the labor force.

Not in the labor force

Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. This category includes retired persons, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work.

And as far as that myth of early retirement crap, whatever age the Boomers are retiring, they are retiring or leaving the workforce due to disability at over 100,000 per month according to the increase in SS claims. Remember, 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day, that's 300,000 per month. So that 100,000 is only 1/3 of the retirement age Boomers.
Table 2 page 78 shows in Dec 2010 there were 34,592,000 Retired workers and 8,205,000 Disabled workers.

Monthly Statistical Snapshot, February 2012
Table 1 beneficiaries 2011
Table 2 shows in Dec 2011 there were 35,599,000 Retired workers and 8,576,000 Disabled workers.

Do the math and you see that more than 1.37 million workers left the workforce in 2011 due to retirement and disability alone.

This from a site....

Hiring slowed dramatically in March, clouding optimism about the strength of the recovery.

Employers added 120,000 jobs in the month, the Labor Department reported Friday, falling far short of economists' expectations.

Print CommentObama battles job crisis

The U.S. lost 4.3 million jobs in President Obama's first 13 months in office. Track his progress since then.The number marked a significant slowdown in hiring from February, when the economy added 240,000 jobs.

"It's discouraging that job growth was half of what it had been the previous month," said Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project.

Job growth of around 120,000 is just about enough to keep up with population growth, and is therefore more like "treading water" than a major improvement, Owens said.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.2% as the labor force shrank by 164,000 workers, mostly due to white women leaving the job market.
Economists attributed part of the hiring slowdown to an unseasonably warm winter that boosted job growth in January and February. The Labor Department adjusts its data to account for seasonal trends, and the warm weather may have distorted those calculations.

March jobs report: Hiring slows, Unemployment falls to 8.2% - Apr. 6, 2012

yup.....I posted the same info from wapo in the thread, its a no go with ed, you see that fucks up his red pill un-reality numbers and hey you can be 76 and collecting SS for 10 years but you're still in the lpr labor force pool...;)
I am sorry if reality intrudes and of course you go to the old stand by- they are all haters, boring, only in the new paradigm or new normal of reelection go go go does 100-K 200K jobs cause for celebration in this environment......please post the bls links that say- that retirees are still counted as would be participants in the LPR.... I would appreciate it and aside from that you nare suffering a critical thinking fail...I'll let you ponder that for a while....

2009- LPR 65.7

2012 63.8

oh and-

The myth of early retirement | Economic Policy Institute
Again, the America haters can't tolerate anything good about this great country, and when they can't counter the facts they simply create a Straw Man and attack that.

Now retirees are part of the out of the workforce group of the civilian noninstitutional population that the LPR is calculated from. They are part of the denominator in the equation. But you knew that already since you are a know-it-all.

Labor Force Characteristics (CPS)

Labor force

The labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed persons. The labor force participation rate is the labor force as a percent of the civilian noninstitutional population. Browse various labor force characteristics. Data also are available by demographic characteristics. See also Not in the labor force.

Not in the labor force

Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. This category includes retired persons, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work.

And as far as that myth of early retirement crap, whatever age the Boomers are retiring, they are retiring or leaving the workforce due to disability at over 100,000 per month according to the increase in SS claims. Remember, 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day, that's 300,000 per month. So that 100,000 is only 1/3 of the retirement age Boomers.
Table 2 page 78 shows in Dec 2010 there were 34,592,000 Retired workers and 8,205,000 Disabled workers.

Monthly Statistical Snapshot, February 2012
Table 1 beneficiaries 2011
Table 2 shows in Dec 2011 there were 35,599,000 Retired workers and 8,576,000 Disabled workers.

Do the math and you see that more than 1.37 million workers left the workforce in 2011 due to retirement and disability alone.

This from a site....

Hiring slowed dramatically in March, clouding optimism about the strength of the recovery.

Employers added 120,000 jobs in the month, the Labor Department reported Friday, falling far short of economists' expectations.

Print CommentObama battles job crisis

The U.S. lost 4.3 million jobs in President Obama's first 13 months in office. Track his progress since then.The number marked a significant slowdown in hiring from February, when the economy added 240,000 jobs.

"It's discouraging that job growth was half of what it had been the previous month," said Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project.

Job growth of around 120,000 is just about enough to keep up with population growth, and is therefore more like "treading water" than a major improvement, Owens said.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.2% as the labor force shrank by 164,000 workers, mostly due to white women leaving the job market.
Economists attributed part of the hiring slowdown to an unseasonably warm winter that boosted job growth in January and February. The Labor Department adjusts its data to account for seasonal trends, and the warm weather may have distorted those calculations.

March jobs report: Hiring slows, Unemployment falls to 8.2% - Apr. 6, 2012
And does your source give a reason for "white women" leaving the workforce? Well sort of:

Why are white women leaving? Unfortunately, it's impossible to tell from the Labor Department's data. Reasons could include going back to school, retiring, staying home to take care of family or having a disability.
Shock of all shocks, some Boomers are white women!!!!
Last edited:
they are leaving to become "White Hispanic" ....
Again, the America haters can't tolerate anything good about this great country, and when they can't counter the facts they simply create a Straw Man and attack that.

Now retirees are part of the out of the workforce group of the civilian noninstitutional population that the LPR is calculated from. They are part of the denominator in the equation. But you knew that already since you are a know-it-all.

Labor Force Characteristics (CPS)

Labor force

The labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed persons. The labor force participation rate is the labor force as a percent of the civilian noninstitutional population. Browse various labor force characteristics. Data also are available by demographic characteristics. See also Not in the labor force.

Not in the labor force

Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. This category includes retired persons, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work.

And as far as that myth of early retirement crap, whatever age the Boomers are retiring, they are retiring or leaving the workforce due to disability at over 100,000 per month according to the increase in SS claims. Remember, 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day, that's 300,000 per month. So that 100,000 is only 1/3 of the retirement age Boomers.
Table 2 page 78 shows in Dec 2010 there were 34,592,000 Retired workers and 8,205,000 Disabled workers.

Monthly Statistical Snapshot, February 2012
Table 1 beneficiaries 2011
Table 2 shows in Dec 2011 there were 35,599,000 Retired workers and 8,576,000 Disabled workers.

Do the math and you see that more than 1.37 million workers left the workforce in 2011 due to retirement and disability alone.

This from a site....

Hiring slowed dramatically in March, clouding optimism about the strength of the recovery.

Employers added 120,000 jobs in the month, the Labor Department reported Friday, falling far short of economists' expectations.

Print CommentObama battles job crisis

The U.S. lost 4.3 million jobs in President Obama's first 13 months in office. Track his progress since then.The number marked a significant slowdown in hiring from February, when the economy added 240,000 jobs.

"It's discouraging that job growth was half of what it had been the previous month," said Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project.

Job growth of around 120,000 is just about enough to keep up with population growth, and is therefore more like "treading water" than a major improvement, Owens said.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.2% as the labor force shrank by 164,000 workers, mostly due to white women leaving the job market.
Economists attributed part of the hiring slowdown to an unseasonably warm winter that boosted job growth in January and February. The Labor Department adjusts its data to account for seasonal trends, and the warm weather may have distorted those calculations.

March jobs report: Hiring slows, Unemployment falls to 8.2% - Apr. 6, 2012

yup.....I posted the same info from wapo in the thread, its a no go with ed, you see that fucks up his red pill un-reality numbers and hey you can be 76 and collecting SS for 10 years but you're still in the lpr labor force pool...;)
Once CON$ sink their teeth into a lie they never let go. They are the pit bulls of politics.

As has been repeatedly been pointed out to you, complete with the BLS links YOU demanded, retired workers are part of the civilian noninstitutional population in the LPR calculation, the denominator of the equation. The labor force pool is the numerator.

Again, it makes my day when pompous condescending know-it-alls play dumb.
Thank you! :rofl::lmao:
Shock of all shocks, some Boomers are white women!!!!

I put the information out there moron.

If this shocks you, then I guess I'd like to know why ?

But, it does not say they are all retiring which has been your spin line up to this point.

And other women are not leaving why ?
It's going to take a long time. Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. Their policies have redistributed the wealth from the middle class to the top 1%. It will take decades to recover from their awful polices. As long as they get voted into office, we will move backwards.
Shock of all shocks, some Boomers are white women!!!!

I put the information out there moron.

If this shocks you, then I guess I'd like to know why ?

But, it does not say they are all retiring which has been your spin line up to this point.

And other women are not leaving why ?
Correction, you put PART of the information out there, deceiver. Carefully edited truth is exactly what you CON$ condemned NBC for doing, and here you are doing it yourself.

The best way to lie is tell just enough truth and then shut up.
- Ed the Cynic.
Shock of all shocks, some Boomers are white women!!!!

I put the information out there moron.

If this shocks you, then I guess I'd like to know why ?

But, it does not say they are all retiring which has been your spin line up to this point.

And other women are not leaving why ?
Correction, you put PART of the information out there, deceiver. Carefully edited truth is exactly what you CON$ condemned NBC for doing, and here you are doing it yourself.

The best way to lie is tell just enough truth and then shut up.
- Ed the Cynic.

More smoke.....

I quote the first part of the article....your claims and spin are not supported by anything in particular.


What value is there in that ?
It's going to take a long time. Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. Their policies have redistributed the wealth from the middle class to the top 1%. It will take decades to recover from their awful polices. As long as they get voted into office, we will move backwards.

More spin and articles of faith. The dems had the congress in 2006 and jobs are still going to China.

Does that mean you won't be voting for Obama or will you just admit you are a partisan hack ?
I put the information out there moron.

If this shocks you, then I guess I'd like to know why ?

But, it does not say they are all retiring which has been your spin line up to this point.

And other women are not leaving why ?
Correction, you put PART of the information out there, deceiver. Carefully edited truth is exactly what you CON$ condemned NBC for doing, and here you are doing it yourself.

The best way to lie is tell just enough truth and then shut up.
- Ed the Cynic.

More smoke.....

I quote the first part of the article....your claims and spin are not supported by anything in particular.


What value is there in that ?
And you left out the very important information relating to why white women are leaving the workforce that your article linked to. How convenient!
It's going to take a long time. Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. Their policies have redistributed the wealth from the middle class to the top 1%. It will take decades to recover from their awful polices. As long as they get voted into office, we will move backwards.

More spin and articles of faith. The dems had the congress in 2006 and jobs are still going to China.

Does that mean you won't be voting for Obama or will you just admit you are a partisan hack ?
More CON$ervoFascist lies and bullshit. The GOP controlled BOTH houses of Congress in 2006!!!!!
Correction, you put PART of the information out there, deceiver. Carefully edited truth is exactly what you CON$ condemned NBC for doing, and here you are doing it yourself.

The best way to lie is tell just enough truth and then shut up.
- Ed the Cynic.

More smoke.....

I quote the first part of the article....your claims and spin are not supported by anything in particular.


What value is there in that ?
And you left out the very important information relating to why white women are leaving the workforce that your article linked to. How convenient!

Take a deep breath after you pull your head out of your ass.

I also quoted how the warm weather may have skewed the numbers.

I pointed out a demographic you were not spinning with.

It reveals you for what you are.
It's going to take a long time. Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. Their policies have redistributed the wealth from the middle class to the top 1%. It will take decades to recover from their awful polices. As long as they get voted into office, we will move backwards.

More spin and articles of faith. The dems had the congress in 2006 and jobs are still going to China.

Does that mean you won't be voting for Obama or will you just admit you are a partisan hack ?
More CON$ervoFascist lies and bullshit. The GOP controlled BOTH houses of Congress in 2006!!!!!

Thanks for pointing that out. The won control of both houses in 2006 and took over in 2007.

Since 2007, the Dems have held the senate. They held the house from 2007 until 2010. And they still hold the WH....

And jobs are still going to China.


More smoke.....

I quote the first part of the article....your claims and spin are not supported by anything in particular.


What value is there in that ?
And you left out the very important information relating to why white women are leaving the workforce that your article linked to. How convenient!

Take a deep breath after you pull your head out of your ass.

I also quoted how the warm weather may have skewed the numbers.

I pointed out a demographic you were not spinning with.

It reveals you for what you are.
That's rich, warm weather influenced white women Boomers to retire. That's how CON$ would answer you. :badgrin:

CON$ will blindly accept any rationalization to deny an improving economy until an improving economy can no longer be denied.
....Then they will take credit for the improvement!

Even the right-wing Gallup's UNADJUSTED numbers, that CON$ swore were the only accurate UE numbers when they were higher than the BLS numbers, have UE at 8.2%

Gallup Daily: U.S. Employment
That's rich, warm weather influenced white women Boomers to retire. That's how CON$ would answer you. :badgrin:

CON$ will blindly accept any rationalization to deny an improving economy until an improving economy can no longer be denied.
....Then they will take credit for the improvement!

Even the right-wing Gallup's UNADJUSTED numbers, that CON$ swore were the only accurate UE numbers when they were higher than the BLS numbers, have UE at 8.2%

Gallup Daily: U.S. Employment

Well since you are using a failed argument to support a proceeding point, we can only figure you need more wet straw to put on the fire so the smoke is even more thick.

Jackasses need every hope they can get that their Hope and Change BS artist will find something to run on come this fall. Right now he's doing nothing but everything he said he would not do back in 2008. And you whine about Rush ?

The numbers are the numbers Ed....aren't you the one who claims to be a physicist ?

Can't be....I know several of them and they tend to be pretty smart.

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