Economy is Great: Do Not Believe Leftist Lies

I'm not going to believe the liberals lies. They're goal is to make Trump a one term president.
contracting is not "really really great" you dumb bitch. Contracting is bad.

If anyone is a bitch here its you. I may be a woman, but you are definitely a punk ass BITCH

Unemployment is perfect, the economy is booming, and you are a liar.

it wasn't the left that was lying on the economy.

The Left lies about the economy and everything else everyday. Stop watching fake news.

Last month, the Trump administration set another good record regarding black unemployment. It set a record low of 5.9% back in May 2018. August's rate beat that with a 5.5% rate, lowest in US history. Adding to that, Trump's record-setting highest median income ($61,400/yr), Democrats will have a hard time trying to tackle Trump in 2020, on the economy. For the stuff that really matters to American workers, no president has ever had better numbers. Perhaps that's why Democrat candidates are talking about just about every subject you could think of, other than the economy.

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE

Andy Puzder: August jobs report showed a strong economy — and that's very bad for Democrats
Andy Puzder: August jobs report showed a strong economy — and that's very bad for Democrats
In another thread someone said:

The economy is not as great as the President claims, however it’s not as bad as his detractors are saying. Our two parties will play both sides of this as campaign rhetoric. Whoever sells the better narrative wins...

Perhaps, but some facts cannot be denied, such as unemployment numbers are the lowest in 50 years
In another thread someone said:

The economy is not as great as the President claims, however it’s not as bad as his detractors are saying. Our two parties will play both sides of this as campaign rhetoric. Whoever sells the better narrative wins...

Perhaps, but some facts cannot be denied, such as unemployment numbers are the lowest in 50 years
neither can the Debt, and these are the Best of Tax Cut Economics times.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
neither can the Debt, and these are the Best of Tax Cut Economics times.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

I do not deny that. I am on my way to work so I cannot elaborate now, but I will bookmark this and elaborate later why I think the Dem,s are still the villains on that topic. I can tell you now, it the difference between spending stuff you have to spend on vs. stuff you DONT have to spend on
neither can the Debt, and these are the Best of Tax Cut Economics times.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

I do not deny that. I am on my way to work so I cannot elaborate now, but I will bookmark this and elaborate later why I think the Dem,s are still the villains on that topic. I can tell you now, it the difference between spending stuff you have to spend on vs. stuff you DONT have to spend on
The Richest get Richer and the People pay for it?

Sounds like socialized wealth redistribution on a national basis, to some on the left.
A record 158 million Americans working. The women’s labor force participation rate is at an all-time high. African-American unemployment rate is at an all-time low. There simply isn’t any legitimate way for the left to spin these economic numbers. It’s actually 157 and change, but it’s close, we rounded it up, 158 million Americans working.

Over 6.3 million jobs created since Trump was elected. Over half of them have gone to women. That’s right, my friends. The women’s workforce participation just hit the highest level in 20 years — two decades for those of you in Rio Linda. And black unemployment, African-American unemployment, minority unemployment at its lowest recorded level ever, five and a half percent. The Democrats hardest hit.

You would think everybody would be thrilled. The Democrats should be thrilled at this, right? The African-Americans, their number one constituency. You’d think that they would be happy things are so rosy. But no, my friends, the Democrats are not thrilled. The Democrats said that tax cuts would crash the economy. They said that tax cuts would only help the uber rich. But here we are

Spectacular Jobs News, Democrats Hardest Hit
A record 158 million Americans working. The women’s labor force participation rate is at an all-time high. African-American unemployment rate is at an all-time low. There simply isn’t any legitimate way for the left to spin these economic numbers. It’s actually 157 and change, but it’s close, we rounded it up, 158 million Americans working.

Over 6.3 million jobs created since Trump was elected. Over half of them have gone to women. That’s right, my friends. The women’s workforce participation just hit the highest level in 20 years — two decades for those of you in Rio Linda. And black unemployment, African-American unemployment, minority unemployment at its lowest recorded level ever, five and a half percent. The Democrats hardest hit.

You would think everybody would be thrilled. The Democrats should be thrilled at this, right? The African-Americans, their number one constituency. You’d think that they would be happy things are so rosy. But no, my friends, the Democrats are not thrilled. The Democrats said that tax cuts would crash the economy. They said that tax cuts would only help the uber rich. But here we are

Spectacular Jobs News, Democrats Hardest Hit
Oh, please. The right tells us there's 96 million people who are not working...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

... and they tell us the "real" unemployment rate is about 40%! :ack-1:
A record 158 million Americans working. The women’s labor force participation rate is at an all-time high. African-American unemployment rate is at an all-time low. There simply isn’t any legitimate way for the left to spin these economic numbers. It’s actually 157 and change, but it’s close, we rounded it up, 158 million Americans working.

Over 6.3 million jobs created since Trump was elected. Over half of them have gone to women. That’s right, my friends. The women’s workforce participation just hit the highest level in 20 years — two decades for those of you in Rio Linda. And black unemployment, African-American unemployment, minority unemployment at its lowest recorded level ever, five and a half percent. The Democrats hardest hit.

You would think everybody would be thrilled. The Democrats should be thrilled at this, right? The African-Americans, their number one constituency. You’d think that they would be happy things are so rosy. But no, my friends, the Democrats are not thrilled. The Democrats said that tax cuts would crash the economy. They said that tax cuts would only help the uber rich. But here we are

Spectacular Jobs News, Democrats Hardest Hit
Oh, please. The right tells us there's 96 million people who are not working...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

... and they tell us the "real" unemployment rate is about 40%! :ack-1:
some metrics i saw a few months ago showed it around as bad as historical recessionary times; and, this is the Best, tax cut economics can do.
Oh, please. The right tells us there's 96 million people who are not working...

So what. We STILL have record unemployment, the lowest in 50 years. And what was stated is true:

A record 158 million Americans working. The women’s labor force participation rate is at an all-time high. African-American unemployment rate is at an all-time low. There simply isn’t any legitimate way for the left to spin these economic numbers. It’s actually 157 and change, but it’s close, we rounded it up, 158 million Americans working.

Over 6.3 million jobs created since Trump was elected. Over half of them have gone to women. That’s right, my friends. The women’s workforce participation just hit the highest level in 20 years — two decades for those of you in Rio Linda. And black unemployment, African-American unemployment, minority unemployment at its lowest recorded level ever, five and a half percent. The Democrats hardest hit.

You would think everybody would be thrilled. The Democrats should be thrilled at this, right? The African-Americans, their number one constituency. You’d think that they would be happy things are so rosy. But no, my friends, the Democrats are not thrilled. The Democrats said that tax cuts would crash the economy. They said that tax cuts would only help the uber rich. But here we are

some metrics i saw a few months ago showed it around as bad as historical recessionary times; and, this is the Best, tax cut economics can do.

Thats just a stupid lie not even worth the effort to refute

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