Economy wise Donald Trump was the best president of the 21st-century, people need to stop putting politics before country.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
By no means am I claiming Mr. Trump is 100% responsible for giving us a great economy. That was the work of the American people combined with solid leader ship.

For all of the complaining people do with Mr. Trump whether it’s his taxes, his personal life, his in your face attitude..,, the price of a home was astronomically lower under Mr. Trump. Again, this is really critically important. I am not saying Mr. Trump was solely responsible for this, but it is simply a fact we had a much much better economy under trump. And it makes the blood of Americans boil that the price of homes are so astronomically high now along with high interest rates.

Hopefully things will get better within a few years instead of 20 years down the road … if we have to wait 20 years for reasonable home prices it will ruin the lives of so many Americans in their primes…many Americans across the country who are married, and have kids currently living in tiny little dump apartments. Yeah that’s America for you today.

Not even mentioning the social issues. President Biden supporting men going into the women’s bathroom. radical change for the worse in America with the BLM extremism in the last few years… we can all just even not talk about that, and simply concentrate on the astronomical price of a home in this country.
GDP growth when the virus hit was only 2.3%. Look it up. That's not a great economy.

And that was WITH TRILLIONS in help from the Fed (he begged for EVEN MORE) and HUGE spending.

The fact that he says something doesn't make it true. Especially him. Of all people.
GDP growth when the virus hit was only 2.3%. Look it up. That's not a great economy.

And that was WITH TRILLIONS in help from the Fed (he begged for EVEN MORE) and HUGE spending.

The fact that he says something doesn't make it true. Especially him. Of all people.
The price of an average home in this country was around 250,000 under Trump now it is over 400,000. That’s not Trump saying anything that’s the fax.

Again, I’m not saying Mr. Trump was solely responsible for this, but that is one of the greatest indicators of a reasonable economy….. we don’t have it today it’s horrendous. The middle class has been hit hard.
The price of an average home in this country was around 250,000 now it is over 400,000. That’s not Trump saying anything that’s the fax.

Again, I’m not saying Mr. Trump was solely responsible for this, but that is one of the greatest indicators of a reasonable economy….. we don’t have it today it’s horrendous. The middle class has been hit hard.
You said the economy. Increases in real estate prices are not the economy, they are simply a reflection of supply and demand.

The economy was decent, but it came at a huge cost. Huge.
You said the economy. Increases in real estate prices are not the economy, they are simply a reflection of supply and demand.

The economy was decent, but it came at a huge cost. Huge.

Real estate is a part of the basic economy. Basic economic needs, people buy and sell homes. They live in their homes are paying for the mortgage how they pay for their mortgage contributes to our economy and what they can spend on food prices and what not.

I mean, it really doesn’t matter. The American people are struggling and their blood is boiling. They see a home they want to get it under trump It was astronomically less in price, and the interest rates were less 2% compared to 7%. Folks cannot afford a house today. They’re living in some tiny commie style apartment.

The one thing I might give to you is maybe Trump could’ve done better preventing the lockdowns and Republicans perhaps could’ve done better there. That was one of the greatest crimes in history. People will say “oh it was a worldwide virus.”

Simply put American never had to go along with that fake virus and the lockdowns. The trillions of dollars in stimulus money handed out helping to wreck are economy. A man made wrecking ball destroying our economy. The great majority of people who died died from the rushed vaccine. We already know this from the numbers givin out on the PBD podcast recently.
Real estate is a part of the basic economy. Basic economic needs, people buy and sell homes. They live in their homes are paying for the mortgage how they pay for their mortgage contributes to our economy and what they can spend on food prices and what not.

I mean, it really doesn’t matter. The American people are struggling and their blood is boiling. They see a home they want to get it under trump It was astronomically less in price, and the interest rates were less 2% compared to 7%. Folks cannot afford a house today. They’re living in some tiny commie style apartment.

The one thing I might give to you is maybe Trump could’ve done better preventing the lockdowns and Republicans perhaps could’ve done better there. That was one of the greatest crimes in history. People will say “oh it was a worldwide virus.”

Simply put American never had to go along with that fake virus and the lockdowns. The trillions of dollars in stimulus money handed out helping to wreck are economy. A man made wrecking ball destroying our economy. The great majority of people who died died from the rushed vaccine. We already know this from the numbers givin out on the PBD podcast recently.
Again, the economy under Trump was decent, not great. And it came at a significant price. No matter what he claims. What happened regarding the virus has nothing to do with that. 2.3% with trillions in stimulus (it's currently 5.2%, incidentally). That's just a fact.

The inflationary spike was later, and it was (largely) the result of over 10 years of stimulus coupled with collapsed global supply chains coming out of the lockdowns, plus the Fed's abject failure to address it soon enough. But that was AFTER.

Pick a topic, but the two are separate.
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Any economic positives we have right now are due to the obscene amount of money we have pumped into it. We're like an unemployed bum driving a Cadillac he bought with a bad check. He might look like he's doing good but he's really just a penniless bum driving a Cadillac that is way beyond his means. Joe Biden's administration has been a total economic failure for many reasons. Our unsecured border, our insane spending and our refusal to enforce laws are a few of the main drivers pushing our economy down. Biden has done everything wrong so far. MAGA.
By no means am I claiming Mr. Trump is 100% responsible for giving us a great economy. That was the work of the American people combined with solid leader ship.

For all of the complaining people do with Mr. Trump whether it’s his taxes, his personal life, his in your face attitude..,, the price of a home was astronomically lower under Mr. Trump. Again, this is really critically important. I am not saying Mr. Trump was solely responsible for this, but it is simply a fact we had a much much better economy under trump. And it makes the blood of Americans boil that the price of homes are so astronomically high now along with high interest rates.

Actually, a few things.

Trump didn't create a good economy, he inherited one from Obama, and he still managed to fuck it up.

Homes were expensive under Trump, too... mostly because NO ONE IS BUILDING THEM! New Home construction dropped after the 2008 housing crash and is still struggling to recover. That number did not improve signifigantly under Trump, but it has jumped under Biden DESPITE higher interest rates.

Any economic positives we have right now are due to the obscene amount of money we have pumped into it. We're like an unemployed bum driving a Cadillac he bought with a bad check. He might look like he's doing good but he's really just a penniless bum driving a Cadillac that is way beyond his means. Joe Biden's administration has been a total economic failure for many reasons. Our unsecured border, our insane spending and our refusal to enforce laws are a few of the main drivers pushing our economy down. Biden has done everything wrong so far. MAGA.


Unemployment at 3.9%
Inflation is down to 3.0%
14 million new jobs created (compared to the 5 million job loss for Trump)
Dow is at 36,000.

Unemployment at 3.9%
Inflation is down to 3.0%
14 million new jobs created (compared to the 5 million job loss for Trump)
Dow is at 36,000.
Inflation is 3 percent down from Trump’s four years or vs. Biden’s first couple of years?
Day after day for three years: they will be fed, housed etc.
Nov. 30, 2023 8:05 pm. Money don’t grow on trees.

According to Fox News reporter Bill Melugin, there were over 9,400 encounters with illegal aliens at the US southern border in the last 24 hours.

Of those, over 5,800 were released into the United States, according to CBP sources who spoke to Bill Melugin.

Many of the encounters were in Tucson, Arizona where about 3,000 illegals were caught entering the country.
The price of an average home in this country was around 250,000 under Trump now it is over 400,000. That’s not Trump saying anything that’s the fax.

Why do people like you lie about things that are so easy to prove are a lie.

When Trump took over the price was 313,000 not 250,000.
Doesn't matter. Point was Biden got it down without triggering a recession like Reagan did
It most certainly matters. Your policies shoot up to “hyperinflation” levels and people still experience layoffs and higher living expenses vs. a recession and flat inflation?

How can you be proud about getting it down when your policies took it to unnecessary levels in the first place? Inflation is inevitable after a period of flat prices and low cost of money. A President should be focus on lowering it from the onset. Biden did the opposite.
By no means am I claiming Mr. Trump is 100% responsible for giving us a great economy
Good thing because it was President Obama who gave him an economy that was hitting on all cylinders after the huge recession he was handed in 2009. Despite the contentious GOP who successfully and purposefully hamstrung the recovery. The first time a crisis hit, the Dirty Don couldn't handle it, and like GWB had to hand off another troubled economy for the Democrats to fix.
By no means am I claiming Mr. Trump is 100% responsible for giving us a great economy. That was the work of the American people combined with solid leader ship.

For all of the complaining people do with Mr. Trump whether it’s his taxes, his personal life, his in your face attitude..,, the price of a home was astronomically lower under Mr. Trump. Again, this is really critically important. I am not saying Mr. Trump was solely responsible for this, but it is simply a fact we had a much much better economy under trump. And it makes the blood of Americans boil that the price of homes are so astronomically high now along with high interest rates.

Hopefully things will get better within a few years instead of 20 years down the road … if we have to wait 20 years for reasonable home prices it will ruin the lives of so many Americans in their primes…many Americans across the country who are married, and have kids currently living in tiny little dump apartments. Yeah that’s America for you today.

Not even mentioning the social issues. President Biden supporting men going into the women’s bathroom. radical change for the worse in America with the BLM extremism in the last few years… we can all just even not talk about that, and simply concentrate on the astronomical price of a home in this country.
You do not understand, there is not going to be 20 years down the road like you think. This isnt the typical Buy the Dip because the market always bounces back,,,,THIS IS TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE WEST! All of the leftist retards will realize that they were used by the FBI just like they used the Hippies to bring about their own destruction and the public will hunt them down. If you are a young person, U R FUXKED PERIOD unless u r a member of a protected group. We will start seeing Universities close as AI and no more Degree will be required by corporations to get a job. The American Dream is over, THE DEEP STATE IS MAKING THEIR 200 YEAR OLD MOVE NOW.
The price of an average home in this country was around 250,000 under Trump now it is over 400,000. That’s not Trump saying anything that’s the fax.

Again, I’m not saying Mr. Trump was solely responsible for this, but that is one of the greatest indicators of a reasonable economy….. we don’t have it today it’s horrendous. The middle class has been hit hard.
Your data is wildly off.

Median house sale price was $310k when Trump took office.

Half of the increase your blaming on Biden occurred in 2020, before he took office.

It’s also a super weird data point to talk about as it refers to the economy.

People don’t just buy houses, they own them. Rising house prices also reflects rising personal wealth.
It most certainly matters. Your policies shoot up to “hyperinflation” levels and people still experience layoffs and higher living expenses vs. a recession and flat inflation?

Except... um... we aren't really seeing massive layoffs. We are seeing 10 million unfilled positions because companies can't find people.

How can you be proud about getting it down when your policies took it to unnecessary levels in the first place? Inflation is inevitable after a period of flat prices and low cost of money. A President should be focus on lowering it from the onset. Biden did the opposite.

A few points, although talking to you is pointless.

What is driving inflation?

1) International commodity markets - Covid shut down production all over the world, while consumer demand went up when all these folks had nothing to do all day but shop online. When people got back into it, there was not enough supply to meet demand, hence prices went up. I ordered a new couch in August 2021. I didn't get it delivered until November, and by that point, I had moved.

2) Labor shortages - Here's the reality of the next decade. 360,000 Baby Boomers are retiring every month, and there aren't enough Zoomers to replace them. (It also sucks that Zoomers have little experience and terrible work ethics.) I had one HR professional complain to me that these Zoomers would ask for ridiculous amounts of money for entry level jobs, and would end up getting them. Eventually, that was going to be reflected in inflation.

3) Stimulus - Is a factor, but you guys claim that Biden's is bad while Trump's was good, when they were both addressing the same problem, helping families sidelined by Covid Layoffs and economic losses. We'd have had a much worse recession if these things hadn't happened.
Why do people like you lie about things that are so easy to prove are a lie.

When Trump took over the price was 313,000 not 250,000.
Seems to me that housing prices going down is actually bad economic news.
Except... um... we aren't really seeing massive layoffs. We are seeing 10 million unfilled positions because companies can't find people.

A few points, although talking to you is pointless.

What is driving inflation?

1) International commodity markets - Covid shut down production all over the world, while consumer demand went up when all these folks had nothing to do all day but shop online. When people got back into it, there was not enough supply to meet demand, hence prices went up. I ordered a new couch in August 2021. I didn't get it delivered until November, and by that point, I had moved.

2) Labor shortages - Here's the reality of the next decade. 360,000 Baby Boomers are retiring every month, and there aren't enough Zoomers to replace them. (It also sucks that Zoomers have little experience and terrible work ethics.) I had one HR professional complain to me that these Zoomers would ask for ridiculous amounts of money for entry level jobs, and would end up getting them. Eventually, that was going to be reflected in inflation.

3) Stimulus - Is a factor, but you guys claim that Biden's is bad while Trump's was good, when they were both addressing the same problem, helping families sidelined by Covid Layoffs and economic losses. We'd have had a much worse recession if these things hadn't happened.
What you sited drives inflation. What I sited-Democrat response to inflation- exacerbated inflation.

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