Educating Black Biracial Children

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Jesus' teachings are for all people, not just people who have the same skin tone as His when the Word was made flesh. Yikes. Talk about missing the point.
What does that have to do with showing this young lady that Jesus wasnt a white dude? I dont know about your point but my point is that white propaganda has fooled so many biracial kids into thinking less of themselves.
Jesus doesn't make anybody think less of themselves due to their skin color. Why do you? By your own admission, you only care about "your" people: black people. Nice racist propaganda you are teaching kids.
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Jesus' teachings are for all people, not just people who have the same skin tone as His when the Word was made flesh. Yikes. Talk about missing the point.
What does that have to do with showing this young lady that Jesus wasnt a white dude? I dont know about your point but my point is that white propaganda has fooled so many biracial kids into thinking less of themselves.
Jesus doesn't make anybody think less of themselves due to their skin color. Why do you? By your own admission, you only care about "your" people: black people. Nice racist propaganda you are teaching kids.

Jesus doesn't but whites have. There is nothing wrong with A teaching this girl about her heritage and history. Why can whites do this and it's OK but let someone black and it's a problem? Whites can teach their kids about a long haired white Jesus and they aren't bigots. Whites can teach their kids about all the great accomplishments of whites and they aren't just making things about color. There is no Jesus doesn't do this or that when whites are doing this. But let someone black even try and look at what we get.
Met one of my youngest daughters friends yesterday and I was really shocked. She is biracial child with a white mom. Unfortunately for her, the mom doesnt know who her father is. She is the youngest having 2 other sisters and a brother. All of them are white. I was wearing a shirt that really shook her world up.

The shirt says "Bronze skin and woolly hair. Thats all we're sayin"

She asked me what it meant and I told her it was from the Old Testament describing Jesus. She hesitated then said that means he was Black then right? I laughed and said "exactly". When I looked back in the mirror she had tears in her eyes. So I pulled over and asked her if she was ok and she broke down. After she got herself together she begin to ask me questions about all sorts of things that she had been told or led to believe simply because of her environment. Looks like I have a new student. I just wish that if white women chose to have Black biracial children they save those children some pain by being truthful with them and educating them correctly.

Blacks have bronze skin? Since when?

You do realize that Jesus wasn't even around when the Old Testament was written.

I have two multiracial grandchildren. They are white, black, Hispanic, Native American and Jewish.

They don't look anything alike despite having the same father. Both look like their grandfathers. The older looks like me and the younger looks like the other grandfather from Puerto Rico.

Why is this important?
According to the Bible, Jesus was around before the Old Testament was written and humans inhabited the Earth..

You have obviously never read the Bible.
You obviously never have either..

John 1:1-18

15 John beareth witness of him, and crieth out, saying: This was he of whom I spoke: He that shall come after me, is preferred before me: because he was before me.

16 And of his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

18 No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

The concept of the pre-existence of Christ is a central tenet of the doctrine of the Trinity. Trinitarian Christology explores the nature of Christ's pre-existence as the Divine hypostasis called the Logos or Word, described in the passage John 1:1–18, which begins:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

— John 1:1–3, New International Version
This "Word" is also called God the Son or the Second Person of the Trinity. Theologian Bernard Ramm noted that "It has been standard teaching in historic Christology that the Logos, the Son, existed before the incarnation. That the Son so existed before the incarnation has been called the pre-existence of Christ."[3]

Pre-existence of Christ - Wikipedia
Jesus' teachings are for all people, not just people who have the same skin tone as His when the Word was made flesh. Yikes. Talk about missing the point.
What does that have to do with showing this young lady that Jesus wasnt a white dude? I dont know about your point but my point is that white propaganda has fooled so many biracial kids into thinking less of themselves.
Jesus doesn't make anybody think less of themselves due to their skin color. Why do you? By your own admission, you only care about "your" people: black people. Nice racist propaganda you are teaching kids.
I said white propaganda not Jesus. White people lie all the time and I am helping her see through the copious amounts of lies whites have told her all her life.
Jesus' teachings are for all people, not just people who have the same skin tone as His when the Word was made flesh. Yikes. Talk about missing the point.
What does that have to do with showing this young lady that Jesus wasnt a white dude? I dont know about your point but my point is that white propaganda has fooled so many biracial kids into thinking less of themselves.
Jesus doesn't make anybody think less of themselves due to their skin color. Why do you? By your own admission, you only care about "your" people: black people. Nice racist propaganda you are teaching kids.

Jesus doesn't but whites have. There is nothing wrong with A teaching this girl about her heritage and history. Why can whites do this and it's OK but let someone black and it's a problem? Whites can teach their kids about a long haired white Jesus and they aren't bigots. Whites can teach their kids about all the great accomplishments of whites and they aren't just making things about color. There is no Jesus doesn't do this or that when whites are doing this. But let someone black even try and look at what we get.

If we're all fortunate enough to make it to heaven, Jesus will be like, why the F'' were you guys all preoccupied with what color I was and not focusing on how I told you to live?

Of course, I'm not quite as religious anymore as when I was very young, but I do remember and i know a lot of it shaped me in some respects. I have no idea what all white people think and are taught, because I'm only aware of some churches I went to personally.When I was a kid, I saw those picture books with a long haired white Jesus I wondered why he had long hair when guys didnt have their hair that way. It was never made a point to me by one preacher, pastor, sunday school teacher, my mother or anyone else that Jesus was white. I was told "these are just pictures in a book, NO one knows what he looked like" after coming to that understanding, it was pretty simple.. I never once associated my "whiteness" as having anything to do with Jesus. It was never the point. It was always about. are you sinning? what do you need to do to be a better person in the eyes of God and all that. Its not until recently that I have now been enlightened to learn that I was just practicing Racism the whole time.

If being black makes you closer to Jesus I guess thats a good thing, I guess thats your point right?
We had a pretty good session tonight. I showed her via the Table of Nations in the bible how the area whites call the middle east and Africa was populated by Black people. I also showed her how the descendants of Ham and Shem were often mistaken for each other. For example many Hebrews were mistaken for Egyptians when they were dressed as Egyptians.

"Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their father's flock. And the shepherds came and drove them away: but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock. And when they came to Reuel their father, he said, How is it that ye are come so soon to day? And they said, an Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds..." (Exodus 2:19).

FYI the Midianites were also Black people just darker.
Met one of my youngest daughters friends yesterday and I was really shocked. She is biracial child with a white mom. Unfortunately for her, the mom doesnt know who her father is. She is the youngest having 2 other sisters and a brother. All of them are white. I was wearing a shirt that really shook her world up.

The shirt says "Bronze skin and woolly hair. Thats all we're sayin"

She asked me what it meant and I told her it was from the Old Testament describing Jesus. She hesitated then said that means he was Black then right? I laughed and said "exactly". When I looked back in the mirror she had tears in her eyes. So I pulled over and asked her if she was ok and she broke down. After she got herself together she begin to ask me questions about all sorts of things that she had been told or led to believe simply because of her environment. Looks like I have a new student. I just wish that if white women chose to have Black biracial children they save those children some pain by being truthful with them and educating them correctly.

Blacks have bronze skin? Since when?

You do realize that Jesus wasn't even around when the Old Testament was written.

I have two multiracial grandchildren. They are white, black, Hispanic, Native American and Jewish.

They don't look anything alike despite having the same father. Both look like their grandfathers. The older looks like me and the younger looks like the other grandfather from Puerto Rico.

Why is this important?
According to the Bible, Jesus was around before the Old Testament was written and humans inhabited the Earth..

You have obviously never read the Bible.
You obviously never have either..

John 1:1-18

15 John beareth witness of him, and crieth out, saying: This was he of whom I spoke: He that shall come after me, is preferred before me: because he was before me.

16 And of his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

18 No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

The concept of the pre-existence of Christ is a central tenet of the doctrine of the Trinity. Trinitarian Christology explores the nature of Christ's pre-existence as the Divine hypostasis called the Logos or Word, described in the passage John 1:1–18, which begins:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

— John 1:1–3, New International Version
This "Word" is also called God the Son or the Second Person of the Trinity. Theologian Bernard Ramm noted that "It has been standard teaching in historic Christology that the Logos, the Son, existed before the incarnation. That the Son so existed before the incarnation has been called the pre-existence of Christ."[3]

Pre-existence of Christ - Wikipedia
Jesus' teachings are for all people, not just people who have the same skin tone as His when the Word was made flesh. Yikes. Talk about missing the point.
What does that have to do with showing this young lady that Jesus wasnt a white dude? I dont know about your point but my point is that white propaganda has fooled so many biracial kids into thinking less of themselves.
Jesus doesn't make anybody think less of themselves due to their skin color. Why do you? By your own admission, you only care about "your" people: black people. Nice racist propaganda you are teaching kids.

Jesus doesn't but whites have. There is nothing wrong with A teaching this girl about her heritage and history. Why can whites do this and it's OK but let someone black and it's a problem? Whites can teach their kids about a long haired white Jesus and they aren't bigots. Whites can teach their kids about all the great accomplishments of whites and they aren't just making things about color. There is no Jesus doesn't do this or that when whites are doing this. But let someone black even try and look at what we get.

If we're all fortunate enough to make it to heaven, Jesus will be like, why the F'' were you guys all preoccupied with what color I was and not focusing on how I told you to live?

Of course, I'm not quite as religious anymore as when I was very young, but I do remember and i know a lot of it shaped me in some respects. I have no idea what all white people think and are taught, because I'm only aware of some churches I went to personally.When I was a kid, I saw those picture books with a long haired white Jesus I wondered why he had long hair when guys didnt have their hair that way. It was never made a point to me by one preacher, pastor, sunday school teacher, my mother or anyone else that Jesus was white. I was told "these are just pictures in a book, NO one knows what he looked like" after coming to that understanding, it was pretty simple.. I never once associated my "whiteness" as having anything to do with Jesus. It was never the point. It was always about. are you sinning? what do you need to do to be a better person in the eyes of God and all that. Its not until recently that I have now been enlightened to learn that I was just practicing Racism the whole time.

If being black makes you closer to Jesus I guess thats a good thing, I guess thats your point right?

Why don't you try telling that to the white people here?
Met one of my youngest daughters friends yesterday and I was really shocked. She is biracial child with a white mom. Unfortunately for her, the mom doesnt know who her father is. She is the youngest having 2 other sisters and a brother. All of them are white. I was wearing a shirt that really shook her world up.

The shirt says "Bronze skin and woolly hair. Thats all we're sayin"

She asked me what it meant and I told her it was from the Old Testament describing Jesus. She hesitated then said that means he was Black then right? I laughed and said "exactly". When I looked back in the mirror she had tears in her eyes. So I pulled over and asked her if she was ok and she broke down. After she got herself together she begin to ask me questions about all sorts of things that she had been told or led to believe simply because of her environment. Looks like I have a new student. I just wish that if white women chose to have Black biracial children they save those children some pain by being truthful with them and educating them correctly.

Blacks have bronze skin? Since when?

You do realize that Jesus wasn't even around when the Old Testament was written.

I have two multiracial grandchildren. They are white, black, Hispanic, Native American and Jewish.

They don't look anything alike despite having the same father. Both look like their grandfathers. The older looks like me and the younger looks like the other grandfather from Puerto Rico.

Why is this important?
According to the Bible, Jesus was around before the Old Testament was written and humans inhabited the Earth..

You have obviously never read the Bible.
You obviously never have either..

John 1:1-18

15 John beareth witness of him, and crieth out, saying: This was he of whom I spoke: He that shall come after me, is preferred before me: because he was before me.

16 And of his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

18 No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

The concept of the pre-existence of Christ is a central tenet of the doctrine of the Trinity. Trinitarian Christology explores the nature of Christ's pre-existence as the Divine hypostasis called the Logos or Word, described in the passage John 1:1–18, which begins:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

— John 1:1–3, New International Version
This "Word" is also called God the Son or the Second Person of the Trinity. Theologian Bernard Ramm noted that "It has been standard teaching in historic Christology that the Logos, the Son, existed before the incarnation. That the Son so existed before the incarnation has been called the pre-existence of Christ."[3]

Pre-existence of Christ - Wikipedia
Jesus' teachings are for all people, not just people who have the same skin tone as His when the Word was made flesh. Yikes. Talk about missing the point.
What does that have to do with showing this young lady that Jesus wasnt a white dude? I dont know about your point but my point is that white propaganda has fooled so many biracial kids into thinking less of themselves.
Jesus doesn't make anybody think less of themselves due to their skin color. Why do you? By your own admission, you only care about "your" people: black people. Nice racist propaganda you are teaching kids.

Jesus doesn't but whites have. There is nothing wrong with A teaching this girl about her heritage and history. Why can whites do this and it's OK but let someone black and it's a problem? Whites can teach their kids about a long haired white Jesus and they aren't bigots. Whites can teach their kids about all the great accomplishments of whites and they aren't just making things about color. There is no Jesus doesn't do this or that when whites are doing this. But let someone black even try and look at what we get.

If we're all fortunate enough to make it to heaven, Jesus will be like, why the F'' were you guys all preoccupied with what color I was and not focusing on how I told you to live?

Of course, I'm not quite as religious anymore as when I was very young, but I do remember and i know a lot of it shaped me in some respects. I have no idea what all white people think and are taught, because I'm only aware of some churches I went to personally.When I was a kid, I saw those picture books with a long haired white Jesus I wondered why he had long hair when guys didnt have their hair that way. It was never made a point to me by one preacher, pastor, sunday school teacher, my mother or anyone else that Jesus was white. I was told "these are just pictures in a book, NO one knows what he looked like" after coming to that understanding, it was pretty simple.. I never once associated my "whiteness" as having anything to do with Jesus. It was never the point. It was always about. are you sinning? what do you need to do to be a better person in the eyes of God and all that. Its not until recently that I have now been enlightened to learn that I was just practicing Racism the whole time.

If being black makes you closer to Jesus I guess thats a good thing, I guess thats your point right?

Why don't you try telling that to the white people here?

People that try to make a point of Saying Jesus was white are def wrong to do so, if people really want to follow the bible it has to be a universal thing otherwise it means nothing. its only common sense his skin would have been darker, at the very least because they were always in the sun, theres no way he would have had pasty white skin,... but again, all these images and portraits never should have been made that big a deal of in the first place
Blacks have bronze skin? Since when?

You do realize that Jesus wasn't even around when the Old Testament was written.

I have two multiracial grandchildren. They are white, black, Hispanic, Native American and Jewish.

They don't look anything alike despite having the same father. Both look like their grandfathers. The older looks like me and the younger looks like the other grandfather from Puerto Rico.

Why is this important?
According to the Bible, Jesus was around before the Old Testament was written and humans inhabited the Earth..

You have obviously never read the Bible.
You obviously never have either..

John 1:1-18

15 John beareth witness of him, and crieth out, saying: This was he of whom I spoke: He that shall come after me, is preferred before me: because he was before me.

16 And of his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

18 No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

The concept of the pre-existence of Christ is a central tenet of the doctrine of the Trinity. Trinitarian Christology explores the nature of Christ's pre-existence as the Divine hypostasis called the Logos or Word, described in the passage John 1:1–18, which begins:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

— John 1:1–3, New International Version
This "Word" is also called God the Son or the Second Person of the Trinity. Theologian Bernard Ramm noted that "It has been standard teaching in historic Christology that the Logos, the Son, existed before the incarnation. That the Son so existed before the incarnation has been called the pre-existence of Christ."[3]

Pre-existence of Christ - Wikipedia
What does that have to do with showing this young lady that Jesus wasnt a white dude? I dont know about your point but my point is that white propaganda has fooled so many biracial kids into thinking less of themselves.
Jesus doesn't make anybody think less of themselves due to their skin color. Why do you? By your own admission, you only care about "your" people: black people. Nice racist propaganda you are teaching kids.

Jesus doesn't but whites have. There is nothing wrong with A teaching this girl about her heritage and history. Why can whites do this and it's OK but let someone black and it's a problem? Whites can teach their kids about a long haired white Jesus and they aren't bigots. Whites can teach their kids about all the great accomplishments of whites and they aren't just making things about color. There is no Jesus doesn't do this or that when whites are doing this. But let someone black even try and look at what we get.

If we're all fortunate enough to make it to heaven, Jesus will be like, why the F'' were you guys all preoccupied with what color I was and not focusing on how I told you to live?

Of course, I'm not quite as religious anymore as when I was very young, but I do remember and i know a lot of it shaped me in some respects. I have no idea what all white people think and are taught, because I'm only aware of some churches I went to personally.When I was a kid, I saw those picture books with a long haired white Jesus I wondered why he had long hair when guys didnt have their hair that way. It was never made a point to me by one preacher, pastor, sunday school teacher, my mother or anyone else that Jesus was white. I was told "these are just pictures in a book, NO one knows what he looked like" after coming to that understanding, it was pretty simple.. I never once associated my "whiteness" as having anything to do with Jesus. It was never the point. It was always about. are you sinning? what do you need to do to be a better person in the eyes of God and all that. Its not until recently that I have now been enlightened to learn that I was just practicing Racism the whole time.

If being black makes you closer to Jesus I guess thats a good thing, I guess thats your point right?

Why don't you try telling that to the white people here?

People that try to make a point of Saying Jesus was white are def wrong to do so, if people really want to follow the bible it has to be a universal thing otherwise it means nothing. its only common sense his skin would have been darker, at the very least because they were always in the sun, theres no way he would have had pasty white skin,... but again, all these images and portraits never should have been made that big a deal of in the first place
Images are always a big deal and especially when those images are mixed with religion and forced to be consumed by an enslaved populace. When you and your oppressor pray to the same god how can god answer the prayers of both?
Met one of my youngest daughters friends yesterday and I was really shocked. She is biracial child with a white mom. Unfortunately for her, the mom doesnt know who her father is. She is the youngest having 2 other sisters and a brother. All of them are white. I was wearing a shirt that really shook her world up.

The shirt says "Bronze skin and woolly hair. Thats all we're sayin"

She asked me what it meant and I told her it was from the Old Testament describing Jesus. She hesitated then said that means he was Black then right? I laughed and said "exactly". When I looked back in the mirror she had tears in her eyes. So I pulled over and asked her if she was ok and she broke down. After she got herself together she begin to ask me questions about all sorts of things that she had been told or led to believe simply because of her environment. Looks like I have a new student. I just wish that if white women chose to have Black biracial children they save those children some pain by being truthful with them and educating them correctly.
you don't know what 'bronze' is and you don't know what 'hair like lambs wool' is either.

repeating complete ignorant assumptions as fact, to a child...
Blacks have bronze skin? Since when?

You do realize that Jesus wasn't even around when the Old Testament was written.

I have two multiracial grandchildren. They are white, black, Hispanic, Native American and Jewish.

They don't look anything alike despite having the same father. Both look like their grandfathers. The older looks like me and the younger looks like the other grandfather from Puerto Rico.

Why is this important?
According to the Bible, Jesus was around before the Old Testament was written and humans inhabited the Earth..

You have obviously never read the Bible.
You obviously never have either..

John 1:1-18

15 John beareth witness of him, and crieth out, saying: This was he of whom I spoke: He that shall come after me, is preferred before me: because he was before me.

16 And of his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

18 No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

The concept of the pre-existence of Christ is a central tenet of the doctrine of the Trinity. Trinitarian Christology explores the nature of Christ's pre-existence as the Divine hypostasis called the Logos or Word, described in the passage John 1:1–18, which begins:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

— John 1:1–3, New International Version
This "Word" is also called God the Son or the Second Person of the Trinity. Theologian Bernard Ramm noted that "It has been standard teaching in historic Christology that the Logos, the Son, existed before the incarnation. That the Son so existed before the incarnation has been called the pre-existence of Christ."[3]

Pre-existence of Christ - Wikipedia
What does that have to do with showing this young lady that Jesus wasnt a white dude? I dont know about your point but my point is that white propaganda has fooled so many biracial kids into thinking less of themselves.
Jesus doesn't make anybody think less of themselves due to their skin color. Why do you? By your own admission, you only care about "your" people: black people. Nice racist propaganda you are teaching kids.

Jesus doesn't but whites have. There is nothing wrong with A teaching this girl about her heritage and history. Why can whites do this and it's OK but let someone black and it's a problem? Whites can teach their kids about a long haired white Jesus and they aren't bigots. Whites can teach their kids about all the great accomplishments of whites and they aren't just making things about color. There is no Jesus doesn't do this or that when whites are doing this. But let someone black even try and look at what we get.

If we're all fortunate enough to make it to heaven, Jesus will be like, why the F'' were you guys all preoccupied with what color I was and not focusing on how I told you to live?

Of course, I'm not quite as religious anymore as when I was very young, but I do remember and i know a lot of it shaped me in some respects. I have no idea what all white people think and are taught, because I'm only aware of some churches I went to personally.When I was a kid, I saw those picture books with a long haired white Jesus I wondered why he had long hair when guys didnt have their hair that way. It was never made a point to me by one preacher, pastor, sunday school teacher, my mother or anyone else that Jesus was white. I was told "these are just pictures in a book, NO one knows what he looked like" after coming to that understanding, it was pretty simple.. I never once associated my "whiteness" as having anything to do with Jesus. It was never the point. It was always about. are you sinning? what do you need to do to be a better person in the eyes of God and all that. Its not until recently that I have now been enlightened to learn that I was just practicing Racism the whole time.

If being black makes you closer to Jesus I guess thats a good thing, I guess thats your point right?

Why don't you try telling that to the white people here?

People that try to make a point of Saying Jesus was white are def wrong to do so, if people really want to follow the bible it has to be a universal thing otherwise it means nothing. its only common sense his skin would have been darker, at the very least because they were always in the sun, theres no way he would have had pasty white skin,... but again, all these images and portraits never should have been made that big a deal of in the first place

as a kid and young adult------I had LOTS OF FRECKLES on my face -----especially in the summer. Otherwise my skin is milky white-----freckles go away in old age-----replaced by wrinkles and damaged joints. If you actually read the bible---you will find that the actual lines make a clear COMMENT on persons who are cushite in complexion. Jesus was from the GALILEE----those people are actually described clearly as being -----what we call "white"-----sometimes even having hair the color of sand (that means blondish)----There is some writing somewhere describing David (the sling shot guy) as having reddish hair------and some freckles from the sun (like me)
Met one of my youngest daughters friends yesterday and I was really shocked. She is biracial child with a white mom. Unfortunately for her, the mom doesnt know who her father is. She is the youngest having 2 other sisters and a brother. All of them are white. I was wearing a shirt that really shook her world up.

The shirt says "Bronze skin and woolly hair. Thats all we're sayin"

She asked me what it meant and I told her it was from the Old Testament describing Jesus. She hesitated then said that means he was Black then right? I laughed and said "exactly". When I looked back in the mirror she had tears in her eyes. So I pulled over and asked her if she was ok and she broke down. After she got herself together she begin to ask me questions about all sorts of things that she had been told or led to believe simply because of her environment. Looks like I have a new student. I just wish that if white women chose to have Black biracial children they save those children some pain by being truthful with them and educating them correctly.
you don't know what 'bronze' is and you don't know what 'hair like lambs wool' is either.

repeating complete ignorant assumptions as fact, to a child...

Lambs have curly hair-------so do I
Met one of my youngest daughters friends yesterday and I was really shocked. She is biracial child with a white mom. Unfortunately for her, the mom doesnt know who her father is. She is the youngest having 2 other sisters and a brother. All of them are white. I was wearing a shirt that really shook her world up.

The shirt says "Bronze skin and woolly hair. Thats all we're sayin"

She asked me what it meant and I told her it was from the Old Testament describing Jesus. She hesitated then said that means he was Black then right? I laughed and said "exactly". When I looked back in the mirror she had tears in her eyes. So I pulled over and asked her if she was ok and she broke down. After she got herself together she begin to ask me questions about all sorts of things that she had been told or led to believe simply because of her environment. Looks like I have a new student. I just wish that if white women chose to have Black biracial children they save those children some pain by being truthful with them and educating them correctly.
you don't know what 'bronze' is and you don't know what 'hair like lambs wool' is either.

repeating complete ignorant assumptions as fact, to a child...
I posted pics of both. Sorry you dont agree but the young lady is showing a great boost in self esteem. Her self confidence is way more important than your erroneous opinion.
Met one of my youngest daughters friends yesterday and I was really shocked. She is biracial child with a white mom. Unfortunately for her, the mom doesnt know who her father is. She is the youngest having 2 other sisters and a brother. All of them are white. I was wearing a shirt that really shook her world up.

The shirt says "Bronze skin and woolly hair. Thats all we're sayin"

She asked me what it meant and I told her it was from the Old Testament describing Jesus. She hesitated then said that means he was Black then right? I laughed and said "exactly". When I looked back in the mirror she had tears in her eyes. So I pulled over and asked her if she was ok and she broke down. After she got herself together she begin to ask me questions about all sorts of things that she had been told or led to believe simply because of her environment. Looks like I have a new student. I just wish that if white women chose to have Black biracial children they save those children some pain by being truthful with them and educating them correctly.
you don't know what 'bronze' is and you don't know what 'hair like lambs wool' is either.

repeating complete ignorant assumptions as fact, to a child...

It's called a Jewfro

According to the Bible, Jesus was around before the Old Testament was written and humans inhabited the Earth..

You have obviously never read the Bible.
You obviously never have either..

John 1:1-18

15 John beareth witness of him, and crieth out, saying: This was he of whom I spoke: He that shall come after me, is preferred before me: because he was before me.

16 And of his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

18 No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

The concept of the pre-existence of Christ is a central tenet of the doctrine of the Trinity. Trinitarian Christology explores the nature of Christ's pre-existence as the Divine hypostasis called the Logos or Word, described in the passage John 1:1–18, which begins:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

— John 1:1–3, New International Version
This "Word" is also called God the Son or the Second Person of the Trinity. Theologian Bernard Ramm noted that "It has been standard teaching in historic Christology that the Logos, the Son, existed before the incarnation. That the Son so existed before the incarnation has been called the pre-existence of Christ."[3]

Pre-existence of Christ - Wikipedia
Jesus doesn't make anybody think less of themselves due to their skin color. Why do you? By your own admission, you only care about "your" people: black people. Nice racist propaganda you are teaching kids.

Jesus doesn't but whites have. There is nothing wrong with A teaching this girl about her heritage and history. Why can whites do this and it's OK but let someone black and it's a problem? Whites can teach their kids about a long haired white Jesus and they aren't bigots. Whites can teach their kids about all the great accomplishments of whites and they aren't just making things about color. There is no Jesus doesn't do this or that when whites are doing this. But let someone black even try and look at what we get.

If we're all fortunate enough to make it to heaven, Jesus will be like, why the F'' were you guys all preoccupied with what color I was and not focusing on how I told you to live?

Of course, I'm not quite as religious anymore as when I was very young, but I do remember and i know a lot of it shaped me in some respects. I have no idea what all white people think and are taught, because I'm only aware of some churches I went to personally.When I was a kid, I saw those picture books with a long haired white Jesus I wondered why he had long hair when guys didnt have their hair that way. It was never made a point to me by one preacher, pastor, sunday school teacher, my mother or anyone else that Jesus was white. I was told "these are just pictures in a book, NO one knows what he looked like" after coming to that understanding, it was pretty simple.. I never once associated my "whiteness" as having anything to do with Jesus. It was never the point. It was always about. are you sinning? what do you need to do to be a better person in the eyes of God and all that. Its not until recently that I have now been enlightened to learn that I was just practicing Racism the whole time.

If being black makes you closer to Jesus I guess thats a good thing, I guess thats your point right?

Why don't you try telling that to the white people here?

People that try to make a point of Saying Jesus was white are def wrong to do so, if people really want to follow the bible it has to be a universal thing otherwise it means nothing. its only common sense his skin would have been darker, at the very least because they were always in the sun, theres no way he would have had pasty white skin,... but again, all these images and portraits never should have been made that big a deal of in the first place
Images are always a big deal and especially when those images are mixed with religion and forced to be consumed by an enslaved populace. When you and your oppressor pray to the same god how can god answer the prayers of both?

All I can say is, it's more about God than it is about us. if you believe in god that is, I have no idea. I think god looks at us all a little differently than we would look at each other, though it is human nature to be the favored one. A black man may see every white man as an oppressor but God may not. and who's to say whos prayers are answered or not? I think with God it would be a case by case basis, he wouldnt have our limitations I do believe.
You have obviously never read the Bible.
You obviously never have either..

John 1:1-18

15 John beareth witness of him, and crieth out, saying: This was he of whom I spoke: He that shall come after me, is preferred before me: because he was before me.

16 And of his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

18 No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

The concept of the pre-existence of Christ is a central tenet of the doctrine of the Trinity. Trinitarian Christology explores the nature of Christ's pre-existence as the Divine hypostasis called the Logos or Word, described in the passage John 1:1–18, which begins:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

— John 1:1–3, New International Version
This "Word" is also called God the Son or the Second Person of the Trinity. Theologian Bernard Ramm noted that "It has been standard teaching in historic Christology that the Logos, the Son, existed before the incarnation. That the Son so existed before the incarnation has been called the pre-existence of Christ."[3]

Pre-existence of Christ - Wikipedia
Jesus doesn't but whites have. There is nothing wrong with A teaching this girl about her heritage and history. Why can whites do this and it's OK but let someone black and it's a problem? Whites can teach their kids about a long haired white Jesus and they aren't bigots. Whites can teach their kids about all the great accomplishments of whites and they aren't just making things about color. There is no Jesus doesn't do this or that when whites are doing this. But let someone black even try and look at what we get.

If we're all fortunate enough to make it to heaven, Jesus will be like, why the F'' were you guys all preoccupied with what color I was and not focusing on how I told you to live?

Of course, I'm not quite as religious anymore as when I was very young, but I do remember and i know a lot of it shaped me in some respects. I have no idea what all white people think and are taught, because I'm only aware of some churches I went to personally.When I was a kid, I saw those picture books with a long haired white Jesus I wondered why he had long hair when guys didnt have their hair that way. It was never made a point to me by one preacher, pastor, sunday school teacher, my mother or anyone else that Jesus was white. I was told "these are just pictures in a book, NO one knows what he looked like" after coming to that understanding, it was pretty simple.. I never once associated my "whiteness" as having anything to do with Jesus. It was never the point. It was always about. are you sinning? what do you need to do to be a better person in the eyes of God and all that. Its not until recently that I have now been enlightened to learn that I was just practicing Racism the whole time.

If being black makes you closer to Jesus I guess thats a good thing, I guess thats your point right?

Why don't you try telling that to the white people here?

People that try to make a point of Saying Jesus was white are def wrong to do so, if people really want to follow the bible it has to be a universal thing otherwise it means nothing. its only common sense his skin would have been darker, at the very least because they were always in the sun, theres no way he would have had pasty white skin,... but again, all these images and portraits never should have been made that big a deal of in the first place
Images are always a big deal and especially when those images are mixed with religion and forced to be consumed by an enslaved populace. When you and your oppressor pray to the same god how can god answer the prayers of both?

All I can say is, it's more about God than it is about us. if you believe in god that is, I have no idea. I think god looks at us all a little differently than we would look at each other, though it is human nature to be the favored one. A black man may see every white man as an oppressor but God may not. and who's to say whos prayers are answered or not? I think with God it would be a case by case basis, he wouldnt have our limitations I do believe.
Yeah but youre still not addressing the effect white lies have had on the minds of Blacks forbidden to practice their own religions but made to worship a white god.
According to the Bible, Jesus was around before the Old Testament was written and humans inhabited the Earth..

You have obviously never read the Bible.
You obviously never have either..

John 1:1-18

15 John beareth witness of him, and crieth out, saying: This was he of whom I spoke: He that shall come after me, is preferred before me: because he was before me.

16 And of his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

18 No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

The concept of the pre-existence of Christ is a central tenet of the doctrine of the Trinity. Trinitarian Christology explores the nature of Christ's pre-existence as the Divine hypostasis called the Logos or Word, described in the passage John 1:1–18, which begins:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

— John 1:1–3, New International Version
This "Word" is also called God the Son or the Second Person of the Trinity. Theologian Bernard Ramm noted that "It has been standard teaching in historic Christology that the Logos, the Son, existed before the incarnation. That the Son so existed before the incarnation has been called the pre-existence of Christ."[3]

Pre-existence of Christ - Wikipedia
Jesus doesn't make anybody think less of themselves due to their skin color. Why do you? By your own admission, you only care about "your" people: black people. Nice racist propaganda you are teaching kids.

Jesus doesn't but whites have. There is nothing wrong with A teaching this girl about her heritage and history. Why can whites do this and it's OK but let someone black and it's a problem? Whites can teach their kids about a long haired white Jesus and they aren't bigots. Whites can teach their kids about all the great accomplishments of whites and they aren't just making things about color. There is no Jesus doesn't do this or that when whites are doing this. But let someone black even try and look at what we get.

If we're all fortunate enough to make it to heaven, Jesus will be like, why the F'' were you guys all preoccupied with what color I was and not focusing on how I told you to live?

Of course, I'm not quite as religious anymore as when I was very young, but I do remember and i know a lot of it shaped me in some respects. I have no idea what all white people think and are taught, because I'm only aware of some churches I went to personally.When I was a kid, I saw those picture books with a long haired white Jesus I wondered why he had long hair when guys didnt have their hair that way. It was never made a point to me by one preacher, pastor, sunday school teacher, my mother or anyone else that Jesus was white. I was told "these are just pictures in a book, NO one knows what he looked like" after coming to that understanding, it was pretty simple.. I never once associated my "whiteness" as having anything to do with Jesus. It was never the point. It was always about. are you sinning? what do you need to do to be a better person in the eyes of God and all that. Its not until recently that I have now been enlightened to learn that I was just practicing Racism the whole time.

If being black makes you closer to Jesus I guess thats a good thing, I guess thats your point right?

Why don't you try telling that to the white people here?

People that try to make a point of Saying Jesus was white are def wrong to do so, if people really want to follow the bible it has to be a universal thing otherwise it means nothing. its only common sense his skin would have been darker, at the very least because they were always in the sun, theres no way he would have had pasty white skin,... but again, all these images and portraits never should have been made that big a deal of in the first place
Images are always a big deal and especially when those images are mixed with religion and forced to be consumed by an enslaved populace. When you and your oppressor pray to the same god how can god answer the prayers of both?

Yeah, I think having pictures of christ at all may have been a bad idea. It definately is not in any scripture to do so, it says quite the opposite about graven images meant to worship
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