Edward Snowden May Be Polarizing, but His Take on the Classified Documents Scandal Is Hilarious


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Edward Snowden May Be Polarizing, but His Take on the Classified Documents Scandal Is Hilarious​

24 Jan 2023 ~~ By Bonchie

Edward Snowden, who leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency in 2013, has been one of the most polarizing people in politics over the last decade. Ask a libertarian, and they’ll tell you he’s a hero for exposing a range of government surveillance programs, some of which pushed or violated constitutional boundaries. Ask someone of a more hawkish leaning and they’ll tell you he got Americans killed and is a traitor to his former country.
I tend to be one of the squishes who falls somewhere in the middle. I think calling him a whistleblower is a stretch given there were existent protocols he didn’t follow, instead choosing to criminally leak the information he had obtained, handing it to America’s enemies in the process. On the other hand, the things he exposed were important and may have never seen the light of day had he not taken the path he did. So yeah, I’m not really any closer to having a black-and-white, definitive opinion on the man as many others do. Life is full of gray areas.
What I do know, though, is that his response to Joe Biden’s (and now Mike Pence’s) classified documents scandal is pretty hilarious. It also happens to be correct in regard to the law.

Unfortunately for other Americans, including military members, the rules aren’t applied equally to mere normals. You may remember the case of Kristian Saucier, a Navy sailor who took pictures of his tour on a nuclear submarine, not realizing he was breaking the law because the sub’s systems were classified. Though his actions were clearly an innocent mistake, he received a year in prison for his troubles. I guess he’s a sucker for not breaking the law while being a former vice president.
I’m pretty much where Snowden is on this, whatever one may think of him personally. I’m sick of the two-tiered justice system, and I’d like to see the law enforced no matter who ends up in the crosshairs. If that means Biden and Pence get popped given they lacked declassification authority, then so be it. With that said, do I trust the current DOJ to keep to such unbiased standards? I think you can guess the answer to that.

The 45th President excluded, It was only classified because it was something they were doing ILLEGALLY spying on us without due cause/process.
I've long condemned our two tiered justice system and yes, this is just another in a long line of examples. None of the major players will get held accountable while they would come down hard on others.
I wonder if Flopper can read this?

Screen Shot 2023-01-25 at 3.28.49 AM.png
Unfortunately for other Americans, including military members, the rules aren’t applied equally to mere normals. You may remember the case of Kristian Saucier, a Navy sailor who took pictures of his tour on a nuclear submarine, not realizing he was breaking the law because the sub’s systems were classified. Though his actions were clearly an innocent mistake, he received a year in prison for his troubles. I guess he’s a sucker for not breaking the law while being a former vice president.

Actually, Saucier knew what he was doing was illegal and admitted as such at his sentencing.

Saucier's lawyers acknowledged that the two cases were different: Saucier admitted knowing that what he was doing was illegal.[10] Judge Underhill rejected this argument as weak, but sentenced Saucier to one year in prison (rather than the five to seven years under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines) because he determined Saucier to be "fundamentally...a good person" who had done a "beyond stupid" act.[5]

The 45th President excluded, It was only classified because it was something they were doing ILLEGALLY spying on us without due cause/process.

Nope, Trump is getting indicted because he is a treasonous little Nazi who pissed the FBI off too many times.
And a jury of DC residents are going to send him to the big house.

Pence and Biden simply had a clerk pack documents in the wrong box on moving day.

Any sensible person can see the difference.

Edward Snowden May Be Polarizing, but His Take on the Classified Documents Scandal Is Hilarious​

24 Jan 2023 ~~ By Bonchie

Edward Snowden, who leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency in 2013, has been one of the most polarizing people in politics over the last decade. Ask a libertarian, and they’ll tell you he’s a hero for exposing a range of government surveillance programs, some of which pushed or violated constitutional boundaries. Ask someone of a more hawkish leaning and they’ll tell you he got Americans killed and is a traitor to his former country.
I tend to be one of the squishes who falls somewhere in the middle. I think calling him a whistleblower is a stretch given there were existent protocols he didn’t follow, instead choosing to criminally leak the information he had obtained, handing it to America’s enemies in the process. On the other hand, the things he exposed were important and may have never seen the light of day had he not taken the path he did. So yeah, I’m not really any closer to having a black-and-white, definitive opinion on the man as many others do. Life is full of gray areas.
What I do know, though, is that his response to Joe Biden’s (and now Mike Pence’s) classified documents scandal is pretty hilarious. It also happens to be correct in regard to the law.

Unfortunately for other Americans, including military members, the rules aren’t applied equally to mere normals. You may remember the case of Kristian Saucier, a Navy sailor who took pictures of his tour on a nuclear submarine, not realizing he was breaking the law because the sub’s systems were classified. Though his actions were clearly an innocent mistake, he received a year in prison for his troubles. I guess he’s a sucker for not breaking the law while being a former vice president.
I’m pretty much where Snowden is on this, whatever one may think of him personally. I’m sick of the two-tiered justice system, and I’d like to see the law enforced no matter who ends up in the crosshairs. If that means Biden and Pence get popped given they lacked declassification authority, then so be it. With that said, do I trust the current DOJ to keep to such unbiased standards? I think you can guess the answer to that.

The 45th President excluded, It was only classified because it was something they were doing ILLEGALLY spying on us without due cause/process.

"The Espionage Act" wont apply to either Biden or Trump.

Trump wont face "a Mishandling classified information" charge. They want to get Trump on "obstruction", but they wont unless they can prove that he was keeping these documents for nefarious purposes, otherwise no one is going to get "obstruction" to stick when Trump can just say "i believed these were mine so we fought them in court". That isnt obstruction.

. They wont get Biden on "Obstruction,", but they could get him on "mishandling classified information", for obvious reasons. His documents were as mishandled as documents can be mishandled. Regardless, Biden wont ever spend a day in jail for documents. If those documents lead investigators to other crimes, then thats a different story. Something tells me the Biden's have committed an ungodly amount of crime.
Trump wont face "a Mishandling classified information" charge. They want to get Trump on "obstruction", but they wont unless they can prove that he was keeping these documents for nefarious purposes, otherwise no one is going to get "obstruction" to stick when Trump can just say "i believed these were mine so we fought them in court". That isnt obstruction.

Trump knew damned well that he didn't have a right to those documents after he was thrown out of office, which is why they are going to nail his Nazi ass to the wall.

. They wont get Biden on "Obstruction,", but they could get him on "mishandling classified information", for obvious reasons. His documents were as mishandled as documents can be mishandled. Regardless, Biden wont ever spend a day in jail for documents. If those documents lead investigators to other crimes, then thats a different story. Something tells me the Biden's have committed an ungodly amount of crime.
Now that Pence has been caught doing the same thing Biden did, we can expect the whining about Biden being the victim of an inept GS10 packing stuff in the wrong box to taper off.

Here's the problem you have. Any such cases would be heard by a DC Jury. They'll happily convict Trump but not Biden.
Did you guys learn nothing from the Durhman bullshit cases?

My guess. Hur will find whatever GS10 packed the wrong documents in the wrong box, and that person will get a reprimand or lose her job.
Trump knew damned well that he didn't have a right to those documents after he was thrown out of office, which is why they are going to nail his Nazi ass to the wall.

Now that Pence has been caught doing the same thing Biden did, we can expect the whining about Biden being the victim of an inept GS10 packing stuff in the wrong box to taper off.

Here's the problem you have. Any such cases would be heard by a DC Jury. They'll happily convict Trump but not Biden.
Did you guys learn nothing from the Durhman bullshit cases?

My guess. Hur will find whatever GS10 packed the wrong documents in the wrong box, and that person will get a reprimand or lose her job.
How could Trump know that without the courts making a decision? They were in a legal battle to keep them, just like many presidents before Trump.
How could Trump know that without the courts making a decision? They were in a legal battle to keep them, just like many presidents before Trump.

Previous presidents turned documents over to a presidential library to be sorted by appropriate government personnel trained in such matters, in cooperation with the National Archives.

Trump was notorious for violating the Presidential Records Act even when he was president, including tearing up documents that needed to be retained. The horror stories of staffers having to fish documents out of the toilet so they weren't in violation of the law.

But for the record, getting Trump on this is like getting Al Capone on income Tax evasion. I'd love to get this fucker for all the shit he did that was far worse, but I'll settle for this as long as he dies in jail.
One thing this whole debacle has done is shown why it was so easy for Snowden to do what he did. There is literally no accountability of classified materials at that level. It just seems to be a free for all.
Actually, Saucier knew what he was doing was illegal and admitted as such at his sentencing.
Pence and Biden simply had a clerk pack documents in the wrong box on moving day.

Most likely Saucier admitting guilt was part of a sentencing deal.

So Biden and Pence had classified documents carelessly keep in their government offices? Otherwise how would a clerk mistakenly pack a classified document?
Most likely Saucier admitting guilt was part of a sentencing deal.

Or that he knew that claiming he had not idea taking a panoramic view of the control room of a nuclear submarine at 4 AM in the morning would violate clearly posted rules.

The man was an E-6 with a high level security clearance. I was an E-6 with a low level security clearance, and I knew what I wasn't allowed to take photographs of. I couldn't take pictures inside the Arms Vault that I was one of the three people in the unit who knew the combination.

So Biden and Pence had classified documents carelessly keep in their government offices? Otherwise how would a clerk mistakenly pack a classified document?

Hardly carelessly, as the White House and Naval Observatory are two of the most highly guarded facilities in the world.

Mistakes happen. Particularly if you are sorting through thousands of documents in a very short time. This isn't like your home banker box, dude.
Snowden released classified documents and defected to Russia. Now he's a Russian citizen. He's a traitor, plain and simple. It would be hilarious if Putin decided that he was no longer of value and sent him to get killed in Ukraine.
Previous presidents turned documents over to a presidential library to be sorted by appropriate government personnel trained in such matters, in cooperation with the National Archives.

Trump was notorious for violating the Presidential Records Act even when he was president, including tearing up documents that needed to be retained. The horror stories of staffers having to fish documents out of the toilet so they weren't in violation of the law.

But for the record, getting Trump on this is like getting Al Capone on income Tax evasion. I'd love to get this fucker for all the shit he did that was far worse, but I'll settle for this as long as he dies in jail.
No, every president has kept documents. For example, Bush signed an executive order to keep his. Obama spent 30 mil to keep his.
They'll happily convict Trump but not Biden. . Did you guys learn nothing from the Durhman bullshit cases?
Yes. We learned the deep state can attack and silence virtually anyone it chooses. After all, the devil is ubiquitous.
We learned that Hillary, Lois Lerner, Swalwell, and the infamous Russian collusion gang can get away with murder and not ever have to worry about a thing.
We learned that lefty voters will never admit to being wrong because reputation and ego are far more critical to them than truth or justice.
My views : Deep State = Shadow Government

Don't try to be against the Deep State. Or else you'll soon end up just like Lennon, Assange, Snowden & Manning.

Yeah, Just keep your lips sealed! 🙈🙉🙊🔇


Long before Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning were being castigated for blowing the whistle on the government’s war crimes and the National Security Agency’s abuse of its surveillance powers, it was Lennon who was being singled out for daring to speak truth to power about the government’s warmongering, his phone calls monitored and data files illegally collected on his activities and associations.

For a while, at least, Lennon became enemy number one in the eyes of the U.S. government.

Years after Lennon’s assassination it would be revealed that the FBI had collected 281 pages of files on him, including song lyrics. J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI at the time, directed the agency to spy on the musician. There were also various written orders calling on government agents to frame Lennon for a drug bust. “The FBI’s files on Lennon … read like the writings of a paranoid goody-two-shoes,” observed reporter Jonathan Curiel.

John Lennon vs. the Deep State: One Man Against the 'Monster' - Antiwar.com Blog – John Lennon vs. the Deep State: One Man Against the 'Monster' - Antiwar.com Blog
Well, then Trump should have followed the process they did for declassification, instead of just sneaking out with a truckload of documents and then claiming he didn't have them.
Trump used lawyers. No one can explain why the DOJ raided his home while they were still in negotiations. The speculation was that they did it because there was an imminent threat, like nuclear secrets. Remember? If that was the case they would have already charged Trump, so why did they raid him? No one has an answer.
Trump used lawyers. No one can explain why the DOJ raided his home while they were still in negotiations.

Sure they can. Trump wasn't entitled to the documents and wasn't returning them. Hence, the raid.

If that was the case they would have already charged Trump, so why did they raid him? No one has an answer.
Actually, it takes months to build a criminal case, particularly when involving an ex-president.

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