ejaculation is murder

The OP from the beginning was spoof, and the far rightwing pervs above fell for it hook, line, and penis. What a laughable crew. :)
Jake the Joke, after 9 months of being here , I am still waiting for you to post something of relevance. If you ever took a sabbatical from here, any midget could fill your size 7 shoes.

would anyone notice if he left?

I barely notice that he is even here...he tries to chime in on things I write about so I "punt" him and he scurries off to some other thread....at least we know he has SOME sense....not much but he does have some self-preservation instincts.
You can't win ever in a regular debate on the Board, and so I will not give you any respect in a one on one debate.

You don't deserve it. When you do, I will let you know.

Dale Smith cries and cries when I destroy his silly points, then he pretends he does not notice.
You can't win ever in a regular debate on the Board, and so I will not give you any respect in a one on one debate.

You don't deserve it. When you do, I will let you know.

Dale Smith cries and cries when I destroy his silly points, then he pretends he does not notice.

"Dale Smith cries and cries when I destroy his silly points, then he pretends he does not notice"

Then you woke up and had to deal with reality....you have never bothered to refute anything I claim.....posting "Uhhh-uh" is not a debating point...well, I guess it is if you are a leftard. You couldn't go "toe to toe" with me on any issue of relevance we disagree on. It's obvious that you don't do much reading and I bet that you have a poster of Richard/Rachael Maddow prominantly displayed in your humble shack.......
“Life begins BEFORE conception. This is why the Catholics do not believe in birth control,” said Rachel Stratt, pro-life activist. “God made men’s semen for a purpose, and you can just “waste” that purpose by gratifying yourself whenever you want to. Every time you do, you are literally killing thousands of babies! Ejaculation is murder and every sperm cell is a life!”

Stratt and her group of protesters are calling for a law that will make ejaculating for self gratification illegal in every state across the country. “Millions upon millions of innocent lives are wasted every day while men have lustful thoughts or watch those sick p*rnos on P*rnHub. We have got to put a stop to this as a human race. Save the sperm, save the children!”
FALSE: Pro-Lifers Declare Every Sperm Is Sacred
The OP is based squarely on a filthy desperate lie.
We are not talking about only have sex to get babies. As long as the babies come regularly, the fucker bunnies are getting all the sex they can.

And I gather now that the church handbook is not nearly as nosy into the sex lives of married folks. I guess they should not boink anyone else, but that would be about it.

In theory, once a woman is pregnant, sex would just be wasting a man's seed.

Sex is fun and couples should have as much as they like with their mate, even if they are not ready for children. Play in bed, or where ever.

PS. for women in their second or later trimester, mission is not the best position. Who ever though up the idea that was the only right way to have sex? What is right, is what makes both feel good.
30+ years of marriage, 3 children (1 miscarriage), that means we could only have had sex 4 times???


After our second, dr told us we should not try to have another child.

"Sorry, not tonight, the church tells us we can't have sex unless it is to get pregnant".

Sex is a natural, pleasurable and healthy part of life. Enjoy.

Religion is fear mongering. Not what Jesus taught

What church other than Orthodox Catholics tell you to only have sex to get pregnant ?
Mormons, next question?
You bonehead. Ask the Mormons here. The halls of USMB are rocking with laughter. Those folks are like fucker bunnies.
No need Jake, I grew up Mormon they are or were extremely anti birth control.
The attitude is have all the sex you want as long as you make babies.
And masturbation was the work of Satan .
My ward had a scout troop and the scout master insisted that if we were to receive merit badges, we hand to memorize the section of the handbook concerning masturbation.
Here's an excerpt
1960's Boy Scout Handbook on masturbation.
So I can't get the answers on USMB?
The problem with pro-life people, other than their moral underpinnings are based upon supernatural tripe, is that you cannot have sex purely for pro-creation and have monogamy, at least not historically. It other times you were supposed to get the wife pregnant and do it lots of times because of the high death rate. When the wife got knocked up the husband would go screw someone else. Any man of means would have mistresses. The lower tier people would fuck whores. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with this. It was the way of the world at one time.

But now, you just cannot be getting the little lady knocked up all the time. There are too many people in the world and kids are expensive.

So if you want every baby to be born and every sperm to not go to waste, then we need to be able to spread our seed. Otherwise, we need to be able to abort.
This post is full of more false talking points its not funny.there are many many pro life people that base out opinions with common sense,religion has nothing to do with it.when we as humans destroy our children for convenience, we are in deep trouble
The OP from the beginning was spoof, and the far rightwing pervs above fell for it hook, line, and penis. What a laughable crew. :)

So you admit to trolling? Isn't that against the TOS?

Lol! Can make this crap up?
Spoofing is not trolling, and you were hooked.

Was not hocked, the only post I made was calling it what it was. You were had and that was that. No spin it the way you want, we all know the truth.

Jakey was had by a fake story. Great job Cletus!
The OP from the beginning was spoof, and the far rightwing pervs above fell for it hook, line, and penis. What a laughable crew. :)

So you admit to trolling? Isn't that against the TOS?

Lol! Can make this crap up?
Spoofing is not trolling, and you were hooked.

your entire life is a spoof, so is your intelligence....

Pretty funny Nimrod got punked and now the loser is trying to save face.
Set up a punk and they all fell into it.

Just like corn chumming wild turkey: they all come running.


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