Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

White people also need to stop molesting animals before they talk about Black people.

Most Outrageous Bestiality Cases Photo Gallery - * - Crime Library

North Carolina soldier Ruben Chance James Fox and his wife, Amber Nicole Fox, were arrested September 16, 2013, for bestiality, conspiracy and disseminating obscene materials after police intercepted a video posted online by the Fort Bragg soldier of his wife having sex with their two mixed-breed dogs.

Stay out of my bedroom, what I do with my sheep and kangaroo's is none of your business.

Polygamy and Beastiality.....

This would probably make sense as a thread of its own.

I'm not sure how the imaginative opinion of Charlotte and Harriet Childress about white men is relative in a thread about an elderly white female teacher being attacked by a 300+ lb black male teenager.

Pretty relative when the incident turns into a race issue. Save your opinion for the people that did that first then talk to me about it. Like I have said before white people have no room to talk about anyone until they get their stuff straight.


Oh so you're buying into the racial angle.

I assumed you were brighter than that.

With the OP its always a racial angle. You cant shame me by calling me dull. :lol:
It's disgraceful, and IMO you can lay it all at the feet of the Dimocrat party that has worked tirelessly to create government programs that end up ruining peoples personal initiatives to excel, and programs that give little reason for the classic family unit to remain an American mainstay.

Sorry but Nixon establilshed the DEA and the original war on drugs. Regan followed him up by declaring the most damaging war on drugs roughly 2 years before crack mysteriously starting appearing in Black and Latino neighborhoods.

Yeah the Repubs got them addicted, and that's what causes black men to either be in jail, or out on the streets with 3-5 baby mothers who are collecting welfare.

What I'm getting at is when you try and save people with government programs it destroys their self-worth, and their drive to be a responsible parent and work hard for their family and community. The family unit began to fall apart, especially in the black community when Johnson's Great Society programs got in full swing. From that point on it's been a downward spiral.

The Repubs and whoever else that was in on it set up the circumstances knowing that people struggling will try to self medicate. You follow that up with harsher sentences for crack vs cocaine and stricter policing you get the incarceration rate we presently have. Think more than one level deep and ask yourself is it just coincidence the prison population grew among Blacks and Latinos after civil rights or was it just a way to control them? A new Jim Crow?
Blaming White men for your failures, this why blacks are seen as just boys
I'm listening to her video now and thinking back over the past forty years. You're absolutely correct, IMHO, a few visionaries saw what was coming after Japan and Germany recovered from WWII. Starting in the 70s, if not earlier, we simply redesigned Jim Crow to compensate for the upcoming US job shortage. Some of the old prejudices simply don't know when it's time to die; they have to be torn out by their roots and burned like a cross.

Nixon pretty much said it with this statement:

And Lyndon Johnson:

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ
Lyndon Johnson, The N Word, and the Concept of the Democrat Plantation | Common Sense Conspiracy

Sounds like Johnson was saying to pacify them, not lock them up. Your response fails to address what the Repubs set in motion.
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I don't hate blacks, I understand why you folks behave the way you do
Inbreeding makes a race of people look alike
I'm not a CNA and who knows or cares what you say you do.

Why are you trying to make this about just you and me?

Facts are White men have advanced society far beyond the dreams of your monkey people
I'm not a CNA and who knows or cares what you say you do.

Why are you trying to make this about just you and me?

Facts are White men have advanced society far beyond the dreams of your monkey people

The reason I ask is because if whites were advanced none of them would be on welfare or do any of the things that would be considered inferior right? How is it possible that whites are advanced when they only built on the knowledge given to them by Black people?
The reason I ask is because if whites were advanced none of them would be on welfare or do any of the things that would be considered inferior right? How is it possible that whites are advanced when they only built on the knowledge given to them by Black people?
The Whites on welfare must be the ones listening to the knowledge given to them by Black people.
The reason I ask is because if whites were advanced none of them would be on welfare or do any of the things that would be considered inferior right? How is it possible that whites are advanced when they only built on the knowledge given to them by Black people?
The Whites on welfare must be the ones listening to the knowledge given to them by Black people.

:lol: Whites made up welfare for whites. They never listened to Black people after they thought they had learned everything.

We taught white people how to write. We taught them how to build Greece. Why do you think Greece is the first European country on record? Egypt had been around longer than any European country to this day. You guys were behind and benefited from Africans voluntarily teaching you the ropes.

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