Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

"As a result of these trends, black men younger than 35 without a high school degree are now more likely in America to be imprisoned than employed in the labor market.
These disproportionate impacts extend to their children: As of 2009, 62 percent of black children under 17, whose parents had not completed high school, have had a parent in prison. The same was true for 17 percent of Hispanic children and 15 percent of white children (with similarly educated parents)."

The Land of the Free has more black men under 35 without a HS diploma in prison than in the workforce.

This has been building up over the last 40 years when millions of middle class jobs in the US were outsourced.

Jobs or Jails?

The meteoric, costly and unprecedented rise of incarceration in America

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gln1JwDUI64]Michelle Alexander, author of "The New Jim Crow" - 2013 George E. Kent Lecture - YouTube[/ame]
I've heard Michelle speak on Pacifica Radio, and she points out some uncomfortable truths about the Land of the Free:

"In the book Alexander deals primarily with the issue of the current mass levels of incarceration in the United States (with 5% of the world's population, the U.S. incarcerates 25% of the world's prisoners)[8] and what she perceives as societal repression of African-American men and, to a lesser degree, Latino men.

"She discusses the social consequences of various policies for people of color, as well as for the US population as a whole.[9]

"According to Alexander, the majority of young black men in large American cities are 'warehoused in prisons,' their labor no longer needed in the globalized economy."

Chomsky's made a similar point about capitalism being unable to produce enough good jobs for all who need one.

The New Jim Crow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would never want to be a K-12 teacher in a public school. That was a horrible thing to do to an old person. The kid should be expelled and put in reform school.
"As a result of these trends, black men younger than 35 without a high school degree are now more likely in America to be imprisoned than employed in the labor market.
These disproportionate impacts extend to their children: As of 2009, 62 percent of black children under 17, whose parents had not completed high school, have had a parent in prison. The same was true for 17 percent of Hispanic children and 15 percent of white children (with similarly educated parents)."

The Land of the Free has more black men under 35 without a HS diploma in prison than in the workforce.

This has been building up over the last 40 years when millions of middle class jobs in the US were outsourced.

Jobs or Jails?

The meteoric, costly and unprecedented rise of incarceration in America

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gln1JwDUI64]Michelle Alexander, author of "The New Jim Crow" - 2013 George E. Kent Lecture - YouTube[/ame]
I've heard Michelle speak on Pacifica Radio, and she points out some uncomfortable truths about the Land of the Free:

"In the book Alexander deals primarily with the issue of the current mass levels of incarceration in the United States (with 5% of the world's population, the U.S. incarcerates 25% of the world's prisoners)[8] and what she perceives as societal repression of African-American men and, to a lesser degree, Latino men.

"She discusses the social consequences of various policies for people of color, as well as for the US population as a whole.[9]

"According to Alexander, the majority of young black men in large American cities are 'warehoused in prisons,' their labor no longer needed in the globalized economy."

Chomsky's made a similar point about capitalism being unable to produce enough good jobs for all who need one.

The New Jim Crow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She is holding back in this video and in her book. She goes hard on some other things she has been involved in that is targeted for specifically a black audience. Uncomfortable truths are when you realize this was planned and started by Nixon and set fully in motion by Regan.
"As a result of these trends, black men younger than 35 without a high school degree are now more likely in America to be imprisoned than employed in the labor market.
These disproportionate impacts extend to their children: As of 2009, 62 percent of black children under 17, whose parents had not completed high school, have had a parent in prison. The same was true for 17 percent of Hispanic children and 15 percent of white children (with similarly educated parents)."

The Land of the Free has more black men under 35 without a HS diploma in prison than in the workforce.

This has been building up over the last 40 years when millions of middle class jobs in the US were outsourced.

Jobs or Jails?

The meteoric, costly and unprecedented rise of incarceration in America

It's disgraceful, and IMO you can lay it all at the feet of the Dimocrat party that has worked tirelessly to create government programs that end up ruining peoples personal initiatives to excel, and programs that give little reason for the classic family unit to remain an American mainstay.
Democrats have done their share along with Republicans to ship middle class jobs to China and India, fund prisons at the expense of schools, and ensure economic collapse for 90% of US workers. I don't see how we change that by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth.
I've heard Michelle speak on Pacifica Radio, and she points out some uncomfortable truths about the Land of the Free:

"In the book Alexander deals primarily with the issue of the current mass levels of incarceration in the United States (with 5% of the world's population, the U.S. incarcerates 25% of the world's prisoners)[8] and what she perceives as societal repression of African-American men and, to a lesser degree, Latino men.

"She discusses the social consequences of various policies for people of color, as well as for the US population as a whole.[9]

"According to Alexander, the majority of young black men in large American cities are 'warehoused in prisons,' their labor no longer needed in the globalized economy."

Chomsky's made a similar point about capitalism being unable to produce enough good jobs for all who need one.

The New Jim Crow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She is holding back in this video and in her book. She goes hard on some other things she has been involved in that is targeted for specifically a black audience. Uncomfortable truths are when you realize this was planned and started by Nixon and set fully in motion by Regan.
I'm listening to her video now and thinking back over the past forty years. You're absolutely correct, IMHO, a few visionaries saw what was coming after Japan and Germany recovered from WWII. Starting in the 70s, if not earlier, we simply redesigned Jim Crow to compensate for the upcoming US job shortage. Some of the old prejudices simply don't know when it's time to die; they have to be torn out by their roots and burned like a cross.
I would never want to be a K-12 teacher in a public school. That was a horrible thing to do to an old person. The kid should be expelled and put in reform school.

There are no 'reform schools'. Whatever can be done to provide support--that is the sort of reform that is needed. Then if an individual chooses not to accept what is provided--I don't know.

There's nothing funny about any of this.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmoT-i3lQzk]Palm Beach Lakes High School Teacher, Student Fight Caught On Camera - YouTube[/ame]
I've heard Michelle speak on Pacifica Radio, and she points out some uncomfortable truths about the Land of the Free:

"In the book Alexander deals primarily with the issue of the current mass levels of incarceration in the United States (with 5% of the world's population, the U.S. incarcerates 25% of the world's prisoners)[8] and what she perceives as societal repression of African-American men and, to a lesser degree, Latino men.

"She discusses the social consequences of various policies for people of color, as well as for the US population as a whole.[9]

"According to Alexander, the majority of young black men in large American cities are 'warehoused in prisons,' their labor no longer needed in the globalized economy."

Chomsky's made a similar point about capitalism being unable to produce enough good jobs for all who need one.

The New Jim Crow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She is holding back in this video and in her book. She goes hard on some other things she has been involved in that is targeted for specifically a black audience. Uncomfortable truths are when you realize this was planned and started by Nixon and set fully in motion by Regan.
I'm listening to her video now and thinking back over the past forty years. You're absolutely correct, IMHO, a few visionaries saw what was coming after Japan and Germany recovered from WWII. Starting in the 70s, if not earlier, we simply redesigned Jim Crow to compensate for the upcoming US job shortage. Some of the old prejudices simply don't know when it's time to die; they have to be torn out by their roots and burned like a cross.

Nixon pretty much said it with this statement:

In one entry, Mr. Haldeman, referring to the President as "P," said: "P emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to.
There are no 'reform schools'. Whatever can be done to provide support--that is the sort of reform that is needed. Then if an individual chooses not to accept what is provided--I don't know.

There's nothing funny about any of this.

Reform School is the name people use for Juvenile Detention.

The idea that you want to provide "support" in which the child would have the choice and not lock the kid up just saddens me. Hope nothing like this ever happens to an elderly person in your family, and if it does, I hope the punishment is more than making "support" available to the criminal if they are willing to "accept" it.

This would probably make sense as a thread of its own.

I'm not sure how the imaginative opinion of Charlotte and Harriet Childress about white men is relative in a thread about an elderly white female teacher being attacked by a 300+ lb black male teenager.

Pretty relative when the incident turns into a race issue. Save your opinion for the people that did that first then talk to me about it. Like I have said before white people have no room to talk about anyone until they get their stuff straight.


Oh so you're buying into the racial angle.

I assumed you were brighter than that.
She is holding back in this video and in her book. She goes hard on some other things she has been involved in that is targeted for specifically a black audience. Uncomfortable truths are when you realize this was planned and started by Nixon and set fully in motion by Regan.
I'm listening to her video now and thinking back over the past forty years. You're absolutely correct, IMHO, a few visionaries saw what was coming after Japan and Germany recovered from WWII. Starting in the 70s, if not earlier, we simply redesigned Jim Crow to compensate for the upcoming US job shortage. Some of the old prejudices simply don't know when it's time to die; they have to be torn out by their roots and burned like a cross.

Nixon pretty much said it with this statement:

In one entry, Mr. Haldeman, referring to the President as "P," said: "P emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to.
Dick started the War on Drugs:

"War on Drugs is an American term commonly applied to a campaign of prohibition of drugs, military aid, and military intervention, with the stated aim being to define and reduce the illegal drug trade.[5][6]

"This initiative includes a set of drug policies that are intended to discourage the production, distribution, and consumption of what participating governments and the UN define as illegal psychoactive drugs.

"The term was popularized by the media shortly after a press conference given on June 18, 1971, by United States President Richard Nixon—the day after publication of a special message from President Nixon to the Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control—during which he declared drug abuse 'public enemy number one'".

He and Reagan flipped the South from Blue to Red, reinventing the Republican Party by creating a permanent under-caste cycling in and out of prison with no other options.

War on Drugs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are no 'reform schools'. Whatever can be done to provide support--that is the sort of reform that is needed. Then if an individual chooses not to accept what is provided--I don't know.

There's nothing funny about any of this.

Reform School is the name people use for Juvenile Detention.

The idea that you want to provide "support" in which the child would have the choice and not lock the kid up just saddens me. Hope nothing like this ever happens to an elderly person in your family, and if it does, I hope the punishment is more than making "support" available to the criminal if they are willing to "accept" it.

ok--If you had read my previous posts this would make more sense.

This happened to me---I taught in an inner city. There is nothing that can be said on a message board and particularly not in this thread that will make any difference.

Yes---the problems exist---ad infinitum. sigh---When the attitudes are 'hard'--I don't know what it will take to improve education.

This sort of behavior is unacceptable--I will say that again. Tired of explaining myself.
"As a result of these trends, black men younger than 35 without a high school degree are now more likely in America to be imprisoned than employed in the labor market.
These disproportionate impacts extend to their children: As of 2009, 62 percent of black children under 17, whose parents had not completed high school, have had a parent in prison. The same was true for 17 percent of Hispanic children and 15 percent of white children (with similarly educated parents)."

The Land of the Free has more black men under 35 without a HS diploma in prison than in the workforce.

This has been building up over the last 40 years when millions of middle class jobs in the US were outsourced.

Jobs or Jails?

The meteoric, costly and unprecedented rise of incarceration in America

It's disgraceful, and IMO you can lay it all at the feet of the Dimocrat party that has worked tirelessly to create government programs that end up ruining peoples personal initiatives to excel, and programs that give little reason for the classic family unit to remain an American mainstay.

Sorry but Nixon establilshed the DEA and the original war on drugs. Regan followed him up by declaring the most damaging war on drugs roughly 2 years before crack mysteriously starting appearing in Black and Latino neighborhoods.

Yeah the Repubs got them addicted, and that's what causes black men to either be in jail, or out on the streets with 3-5 baby mothers who are collecting welfare.

What I'm getting at is when you try and save people with government programs it destroys their self-worth, and their drive to be a responsible parent and work hard for their family and community. The family unit began to fall apart, especially in the black community when Johnson's Great Society programs got in full swing. From that point on it's been a downward spiral.
Really. "Black kid pushes white teacher". "13 yr old black girl bullies full grown white man."

How bout "white kids shoot up the school". How many times has that happened?

Too many. One is too many.

Mental illness ? Response from being bullied ? Who knows, and there's never an excuse for it anyway.

Thing is though, while those events are truly sickening, they don't happen on a daily basis like punks and bullies acting out every day against their peers, and showing complete disrespect for teachers and authority,
White people also need to stop molesting animals before they talk about Black people.

Most Outrageous Bestiality Cases Photo Gallery - * - Crime Library

North Carolina soldier Ruben Chance James Fox and his wife, Amber Nicole Fox, were arrested September 16, 2013, for bestiality, conspiracy and disseminating obscene materials after police intercepted a video posted online by the Fort Bragg soldier of his wife having sex with their two mixed-breed dogs.

Stay out of my bedroom, what I do with my sheep and kangaroo's is none of your business.
She is holding back in this video and in her book. She goes hard on some other things she has been involved in that is targeted for specifically a black audience. Uncomfortable truths are when you realize this was planned and started by Nixon and set fully in motion by Regan.
I'm listening to her video now and thinking back over the past forty years. You're absolutely correct, IMHO, a few visionaries saw what was coming after Japan and Germany recovered from WWII. Starting in the 70s, if not earlier, we simply redesigned Jim Crow to compensate for the upcoming US job shortage. Some of the old prejudices simply don't know when it's time to die; they have to be torn out by their roots and burned like a cross.

Nixon pretty much said it with this statement:

In one entry, Mr. Haldeman, referring to the President as "P," said: "P emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to.

And Lyndon Johnson:

“I’ll have those ni****s voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ
Lyndon Johnson, The N Word, and the Concept of the Democrat Plantation | Common Sense Conspiracy

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