Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

I debated with myself about adding this link. fwiw

Inner city school--all involved are African American--teacher lost it---shouldn't have---students had clearly been pushing her buttons.

ethnicity is not the real issue---lack of respect for authority to me is the real issue.

'she wasn't a good teacher'--should have been able to control the students--yeah, well--sometimes it cannot be done.

and it can happen in any school---yes, it can.

Teacher's expletive-laden rant to students caught on camera | www.ajc.com

I don't have any answers--all I know that is 'being disrespectful' was not accepted at one point in time. If that is a clue to solving 'the problem'.

Teacher's expletive-laden rant to students caught on camera | www.ajc.com

Once upon a time, when you got in trouble at school, you got in trouble at home. Nowadays, when you get in trouble at school, the teacher gets in trouble as well. There's something massively wrong there. I couldn't teach in the public schools today for any amount of money.
I can't imagine why people don't want their kids going to school with blacks.:eek:

It's nuts. When someone is down, you stop beating on him. Only a bully or a coward would keep hitting someone when they are down.

Of course the school suspended her son, because the school is run by idiots who have a no tolerance policy. It doesn't matter if you are on the receiving end of a fight, you were in a fight and therefore must be punished. There ought to be a law that you have to have common sense before you can go into the education field.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS39xlPtbrs]Two girls attacked at McDonalds. Media calls it a "prank." - YouTube[/ame]

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