Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

You are a racist. I know it bothers you for me to know that. Thats why i pegged you as a convict. Remember?

Doesn't bother me at all. Like I said, you haven't been right about anything yet.

You pegged me as a convict, wrongly I might add, because I admitted to being incarcerated 30 some odd years ago. And you are too stupid to understand that the word "convict" implies that I'm serving a sentence in prison, which I'm not. You are also too stupid to understand the meaning of the expunging of records and being granted a pardon. Both of which was granted to me by Texas Governor White.

So no, your ignorance doesn't bother me in the slightest.

It must bother you. You keep denying it convict.

There is nothing to deny. You are wrong. It's that simple.
Really. "Black kid pushes white teacher". "13 yr old black girl bullies full grown white man."

How bout "white kids shoot up the school". How many times has that happened?
That is a relevant question.

While those three (so far) episodes of psychopathic mass homicide by White students are fundamentally different from the emerging epidemic of assaultive behavior by ghetto-oriented Black adolescents I believe both examples of extreme anti-social conduct have a common root, which is the appalling lack of discipline in the schools.

In all three examples of individual White students who exploded into retributive homicidal violence the common provocation was bullying and harassment at school. This kind of misconduct will naturally occur in most large groups of adolescents whose behavior is not effectively controlled by methodically and consistently administered discipline. And having attended Catholic school I have good cause to understand what I'm saying.

In the example of the Black students we've seen in the videos posted in this thread, this kind of utterly wanton, intractable group misconduct is the result of ghetto orientation combined with the absolute lack of effective discipline in the schools.

So while the two separate kinds of anti-social behavior are categorically dissimilar both derive from a common cause. The lack of effective discipline.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.
Color has nothing to do with it. Had the video been concocted with animated characters, the behavior of the student would still be CRIMINAL! She was shoved so hard her feet left the ground and she landed flat on her back on the floor.

"This kind of thing happens" is about as silly an excuse as can be made up.

You take offense that the scenario represented a black on white crime. I take offense that you excuse the throwing of an old lady to the ground by a young man twice her size.

The little bastard ought to be in jail awaiting trial as an adult!
Color has nothing to do with it.[...]
Color (race) has everything to do with the plainly obvious, casually contemptuous lack of respect for the teacher's authority and for civilized standards of behavior seen in this example. What we see happening in that video is typical ghetto street behavior -- the ready resort to physical violence in resisting legitimate, valid authority, and the imminently riotous support by an undisciplined mob.

Can you present a similar example of such behavior by Caucasian or Asian students?
Color has nothing to do with it.[...]
Color (race) has everything to do with the plainly obvious, casually contemptuous lack of respect for the teacher's authority and for civilized standards of behavior seen in this example. What we see happening in that video is typical ghetto street behavior -- the ready resort to physical violence in resisting legitimate, valid authority, and the imminently riotous support by an undisciplined mob.

Can you present a similar example of such behavior by Caucasian or Asian students?

Is that what bothers you? Is that what you are afraid of? "Ghetto street behavior"? That behavior is a fusion of "minority" culture, gang culture, and criminal culture. None of which are meant for the types of people who choose to interpret the world as you do. Let those who choose to embrace those types of cultures embrace them. You can go ahead and embrace a more indoctrinating, law-worshipping, self-restrictive, unquestioningly obedient, boring culture if you choose.
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She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

Are you serious? If a white kid pushed an elderly black woman like that you leftist would have been marching in the streets!

My grandmother looked around that woman's age when she was accidentally bumped into by my cousin and feel down and shattered her hip. She had surgery after surgery to fix it and she was never the same.

The COWARD violently tossed that woman to the floor and he could have seriously injured her. It should be battery to an elderly victim.
read Acelpas and Tanks posts...I kind of wish they'd just get their own message board.

I agree they are two of the boards most recognized racist.

You and Tank are the 2 most recognized racists. Dont be mad that I make you confront how silly you both sound. Well actually you Tank and a host of other simians.

You are 10 fold worse of a racist! It's not even close between you and tank!
I agree they are two of the boards most recognized racist.

You and Tank are the 2 most recognized racists. Dont be mad that I make you confront how silly you both sound. Well actually you Tank and a host of other simians.

You are 10 fold worse of a racist! It's not even close between you and tank!

Yeah, Asclepias is probably the single most racist person here. I heard him claim the other day that he can do anything better than a white person can, if he put his mind to it. Talk about delusional racism. :lol:
Color has nothing to do with it.[...]
Color (race) has everything to do with the plainly obvious, casually contemptuous lack of respect for the teacher's authority and for civilized standards of behavior seen in this example. What we see happening in that video is typical ghetto street behavior -- the ready resort to physical violence in resisting legitimate, valid authority, and the imminently riotous support by an undisciplined mob.

Can you present a similar example of such behavior by Caucasian or Asian students?

Is that what bothers you? Is that what you are afraid of? "Ghetto street behavior"? That behavior is a fusion of "minority" culture, gang culture, and criminal culture. None of which are meant for the types of people who choose to interpret the world as you do. Let those who choose to embrace those types of cultures embrace them. You can go ahead and embrace a more indoctrinating, law-worshipping, self-restrictive, unquestioningly obedient, boring culture if you choose.
And therein lies the tale.
What is sad is that I could post many videos or story's just like this everyday,

Thanks for the attention
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

Regardless of the animal's race, it needs to be collared and beaten into submission. No, really, just expel that pig. There is no place in a public education institution for animals like that.
The old lady should have smacked the ape. Those obese ones cannot take a punch and leak all over the place.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.
If i'm the racist, why are you the one getting so upset that the kid is black?

They were just stating facts. You are one. The thread title is a lie. And she wasn't knocked out. This is a bad incident. But as I said to SS, when you're such a well known racist nothing you say is taken seriously. Not even if there is a valid point. If I had posted this it would be getting a completely different response.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

Disgusting is a 6'3" over 300 pound 16 year old male getting physical with a 66 year old woman who was much smaller. He should be thrown in jail. If he'll do that to a teacher in school imagine how much of a danger he is on the street.
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She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

Disgusting is a 6'3" over 300 point 16 year old getting physical with a 66 year old woman who was much smaller. He should be thrown in jail. If he'll do that to a teacher in school imagine how much of a danger he is on the street.


??If the policy was no cell phones in class or turn off the cell phones---what is his issue?

No one has the right to 'make' him follow a rule? Dangerous sort of attitude.

Had to have happened before.
What is sad is that I could post many videos or story's just like this everyday,

Thanks for the attention
Teachers are taking a lot of abuse, too. We need to face the facts: education is a tool for those who want to learn. We're equipping juvenile criminals to do horrible things, and it's not right to the people driving by a schoolbus only to have a brick-sized rock coming through their windows. And we're spending billions of dollars to enable them by providing schoolbus cover.

Privatize education with no tolerance for delinquency. Put it on the family to fix it. It's not "everybody's" problem. It's the family's problem to crank out people to fit in society. The more you do for criminals, the more they take advantage of you. Stop the abuse of taxpayer money by ingrates. If they choose not to fit into the bus and act civilized, why throw billions of dollars at a problem that just grows more and more insidious until they are in the custody of the justice department?

Tell me, how fair is the justice department lately to the people who are footing the bill for society's following of so many "Wrong Way" street signs?

Quit picking pockets of taxpayers to support delinquency foisted on society by schoolbus maliciousness by future convicts whose incarceration cannot come soon enough.

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