Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

One example I posted---inner city area--3 kids walking to school--2 others held a gun to one boy's head.

The 2 are 'criminals'--the 3 others--just have to try to live in that sort of environment.

The issue is 'crime'--anyone who chooses that. Others do not---sometimes it isn't clear to me---not knowing every poster's views---what is being said.

That is what I am against---crime. Color of skin doesn't matter. No way to say this in each and every post. The back and forth of 'You are a Liberal'--'You are a Conservative'--I hate you---makes posting difficult. fwiw.
One example I posted---inner city area--3 kids walking to school--2 others held a gun to one boy's head.

The 2 are 'criminals'--the 3 others--just have to try to live in that sort of environment.

The issue is 'crime'--anyone who chooses that. Others do not---sometimes it isn't clear to me---not knowing every poster's views---what is being said.

That is what I am against---crime. Color of skin doesn't matter. No way to say this in each and every post. The back and forth of 'You are a Liberal'--'You are a Conservative'--I hate you---makes posting difficult. fwiw.

Yep, though it is concerning that so my black students are involved in these incidents. When I was at the site on the bus incident and the showed the kids involved, my son was watching with me and he said "Am I seriously looking at a line of up all black kids?" 8 kids, all black responsible for that. It didn't look like that bus had anyone but black kids, what's up with that?

My family has melted, we have blacks, asians, etc. So when we see a group of people involved in a crime and they are all the same color? What the heck is wrong with them? Seriously, don't they have any friends or family who aren't their color?

I would really like to see some people post incidents like this with multiraces, not just blacks.

Remember the thread on segregated schools? I think if you are going to a school that is multiracial, you will learn more and be influenced better by those around you. Perhaps if those kids on the bus had gone to a multiracial school, or if the bus had been multiracial, it never would have happened? I don't know, just a thought. Seems to me is that if all you do is hang around with people exactly like you, you're more likely to get into trouble as you'll have more influence on them.
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One example I posted---inner city area--3 kids walking to school--2 others held a gun to one boy's head.

The 2 are 'criminals'--the 3 others--just have to try to live in that sort of environment.

The issue is 'crime'--anyone who chooses that. Others do not---sometimes it isn't clear to me---not knowing every poster's views---what is being said.

That is what I am against---crime. Color of skin doesn't matter. No way to say this in each and every post. The back and forth of 'You are a Liberal'--'You are a Conservative'--I hate you---makes posting difficult. fwiw.

Yep, though it is concerning that so my black students are involved in these incidents. When I was at the site on the bus incident and the showed the kids involved, my son was watching with me and he said "Am I seriously looking at a line of up all black kids?" 8 kids, all black responsible for that. It didn't look like that bus had anyone but black kids, what's up with that?

My family has melted, we have blacks, asians, etc. So when we see a group of people involved in a crime and they are all the same color? What the heck is wrong with them? Seriously, don't they have any friends or family who aren't their color?

I would really like to see some people post incidents like this with multiraces, not just blacks.

Remember the thread on segregated schools? I think if you are going to a school that is multiracial, you will learn more and be influenced better by those around you. Perhaps if those kids on the bus had gone to a multiracial school, or if the bus had been multiracial, it never would have happened? I don't know, just a thought.

probably won't happen--just how schools are now. I think about things like this, too. What are the answers? What?

Charter schools --maybe? That sort of works in my area. There is a proposal for a new charter school--science and technology--a new city was created a few years ago--mainly a very affluent area which extends to one of the most multicultural areas in the city. I hope they get a chance to do this. Something has got to work ---shouldn't have to be so hard for kids.

I would go home and cry almost every night that I taught in the inner city. So many 'innocent' kids---just needed more than they got. Still cry sometimes. Cannot really stand to hear all that is said about lower income kids--sometimes. My personal problem.

Not to be able to 'help'--it hurts. I thought the world had ended the day one of my coworkers, minister's wife, said--'I wouldn't let 'that' put its feet under my table'--student in a Children's Home--no family, no nothing---serious problems. No one at the table said anything---I was an outsider---not from the area---perceived to be 'Very Liberal'---just never brought up to have such beliefs. No political issues involved.
One example I posted---inner city area--3 kids walking to school--2 others held a gun to one boy's head.

The 2 are 'criminals'--the 3 others--just have to try to live in that sort of environment.

The issue is 'crime'--anyone who chooses that. Others do not---sometimes it isn't clear to me---not knowing every poster's views---what is being said.

That is what I am against---crime. Color of skin doesn't matter. No way to say this in each and every post. The back and forth of 'You are a Liberal'--'You are a Conservative'--I hate you---makes posting difficult. fwiw.

Yep, though it is concerning that so my black students are involved in these incidents. When I was at the site on the bus incident and the showed the kids involved, my son was watching with me and he said "Am I seriously looking at a line of up all black kids?" 8 kids, all black responsible for that. It didn't look like that bus had anyone but black kids, what's up with that?

My family has melted, we have blacks, asians, etc. So when we see a group of people involved in a crime and they are all the same color? What the heck is wrong with them? Seriously, don't they have any friends or family who aren't their color?

I would really like to see some people post incidents like this with multiraces, not just blacks.

Remember the thread on segregated schools? I think if you are going to a school that is multiracial, you will learn more and be influenced better by those around you. Perhaps if those kids on the bus had gone to a multiracial school, or if the bus had been multiracial, it never would have happened? I don't know, just a thought.

probably won't happen--just how schools are now. I think about things like this, too. What are the answers? What?

Charter schools --maybe? That sort of works in my area. There is a proposal for a new charter school--science and technology--a new city was created a few years ago--mainly a very affluent area which extends to one of the most multicultural areas in the city. I hope they get a chance to do this. Something has got to work ---shouldn't have to be so hard for kids.

I would go home and cry almost every night that I taught in the inner city. So many 'innocent' kids---just needed more than they got. Still cry sometimes. Cannot really stand to hear all that is said about lower income kids--sometimes. My personal problem.

Not to be able to 'help'--it hurts. I thought the world had ended the day one of my coworkers, minister's wife, said--'I wouldn't let 'that' put its feet under my table'--student in a Children's Home--no family, no nothing---serious problems. No one at the table said anything---I was an outsider---not from the area---perceived to be 'Very Liberal'---just never brought up to have such beliefs. No political issues involved.

I blame single mothers. I know, but I do. I watched 20/20 one night where they'd followed a class of inner city kids from New York. They interviewed them in 4th grade and then when they were 20, the went looking for them. Some were in jail, some had disappeared, many of the girls were single moms already. There were 2 in the class that were successful. Strangely enough, the same 2 who in fourth grade had both parents in the home. When they asked the class what they though was the most important thing to becoming successful, it was unanimous, even the single moms said "having a father in the home."
Yep, though it is concerning that so my black students are involved in these incidents. When I was at the site on the bus incident and the showed the kids involved, my son was watching with me and he said "Am I seriously looking at a line of up all black kids?" 8 kids, all black responsible for that. It didn't look like that bus had anyone but black kids, what's up with that?

My family has melted, we have blacks, asians, etc. So when we see a group of people involved in a crime and they are all the same color? What the heck is wrong with them? Seriously, don't they have any friends or family who aren't their color?

I would really like to see some people post incidents like this with multiraces, not just blacks.

Remember the thread on segregated schools? I think if you are going to a school that is multiracial, you will learn more and be influenced better by those around you. Perhaps if those kids on the bus had gone to a multiracial school, or if the bus had been multiracial, it never would have happened? I don't know, just a thought.

probably won't happen--just how schools are now. I think about things like this, too. What are the answers? What?

Charter schools --maybe? That sort of works in my area. There is a proposal for a new charter school--science and technology--a new city was created a few years ago--mainly a very affluent area which extends to one of the most multicultural areas in the city. I hope they get a chance to do this. Something has got to work ---shouldn't have to be so hard for kids.

I would go home and cry almost every night that I taught in the inner city. So many 'innocent' kids---just needed more than they got. Still cry sometimes. Cannot really stand to hear all that is said about lower income kids--sometimes. My personal problem.

Not to be able to 'help'--it hurts. I thought the world had ended the day one of my coworkers, minister's wife, said--'I wouldn't let 'that' put its feet under my table'--student in a Children's Home--no family, no nothing---serious problems. No one at the table said anything---I was an outsider---not from the area---perceived to be 'Very Liberal'---just never brought up to have such beliefs. No political issues involved.

I blame single mothers. I know, but I do. I watched 20/20 one night where they'd followed a class of inner city kids from New York. They interviewed them in 4th grade and then when they were 20, the went looking for them. Some were in jail, some had disappeared, many of the girls were single moms already. There were 2 in the class that were successful. Strangely enough, the same 2 who in fourth grade had both parents in the home. When they asked the class what they though was the most important thing to becoming successful, it was unanimous, even the single moms said "having a father in the home."

I'm pretty much beyond blaming. Things happen. What can be said.

difficult for me to discuss these things. If there were $$$$$---more could be done. But there isn't and it is sad.
probably won't happen--just how schools are now. I think about things like this, too. What are the answers? What?

Charter schools --maybe? That sort of works in my area. There is a proposal for a new charter school--science and technology--a new city was created a few years ago--mainly a very affluent area which extends to one of the most multicultural areas in the city. I hope they get a chance to do this. Something has got to work ---shouldn't have to be so hard for kids.

I would go home and cry almost every night that I taught in the inner city. So many 'innocent' kids---just needed more than they got. Still cry sometimes. Cannot really stand to hear all that is said about lower income kids--sometimes. My personal problem.

Not to be able to 'help'--it hurts. I thought the world had ended the day one of my coworkers, minister's wife, said--'I wouldn't let 'that' put its feet under my table'--student in a Children's Home--no family, no nothing---serious problems. No one at the table said anything---I was an outsider---not from the area---perceived to be 'Very Liberal'---just never brought up to have such beliefs. No political issues involved.

I blame single mothers. I know, but I do. I watched 20/20 one night where they'd followed a class of inner city kids from New York. They interviewed them in 4th grade and then when they were 20, the went looking for them. Some were in jail, some had disappeared, many of the girls were single moms already. There were 2 in the class that were successful. Strangely enough, the same 2 who in fourth grade had both parents in the home. When they asked the class what they though was the most important thing to becoming successful, it was unanimous, even the single moms said "having a father in the home."

I'm pretty much beyond blaming. Things happen. What can be said.

difficult for me to discuss these things. If there were $$$$$---more could be done. But there isn't and it is sad.

While I pretty much agree with all you've been saying here, I disagree that throwing more money at the problem will solve it. We've been "upping the ante" for years and years and if anything, the problems have gotten worse. Throwing money is too simple a solution that has proven ineffective and expensive. There is no simple solution to what we see happening all around us.
I blame single mothers. I know, but I do. I watched 20/20 one night where they'd followed a class of inner city kids from New York. They interviewed them in 4th grade and then when they were 20, the went looking for them. Some were in jail, some had disappeared, many of the girls were single moms already. There were 2 in the class that were successful. Strangely enough, the same 2 who in fourth grade had both parents in the home. When they asked the class what they though was the most important thing to becoming successful, it was unanimous, even the single moms said "having a father in the home."

I'm pretty much beyond blaming. Things happen. What can be said.

difficult for me to discuss these things. If there were $$$$$---more could be done. But there isn't and it is sad.

While I pretty much agree with all you've been saying here, I disagree that throwing more money at the problem will solve it. We've been "upping the ante" for years and years and if anything, the problems have gotten worse. Throwing money is too simple a solution that has proven ineffective and expensive. There is no simple solution to what we see happening all around us.

'How the money is used'--it would take a 'Renaissance/Reformation' to fix things the way I would like. A dreamer I guess.

Really and truly--a child from a lower income family --in a small setting---with technology available and other resources could/can learn so much. Small groups---but that cannot happen or doesn't very often.
I'm pretty much beyond blaming. Things happen. What can be said.

difficult for me to discuss these things. If there were $$$$$---more could be done. But there isn't and it is sad.

While I pretty much agree with all you've been saying here, I disagree that throwing more money at the problem will solve it. We've been "upping the ante" for years and years and if anything, the problems have gotten worse. Throwing money is too simple a solution that has proven ineffective and expensive. There is no simple solution to what we see happening all around us.

'How the money is used'--it would take a 'Renaissance/Reformation' to fix things the way I would like. A dreamer I guess.

Really and truly--a child from a lower income family --in a small setting---with technology available and other resources could/can learn so much. Small groups---but that cannot happen or doesn't very often.

Again, it's the home environment that makes all the difference. You can be poor and still get a good education. You can be poor and still know better than to beat up your teachers or throw rocks out the bus window. Being poor isn't and excuse. I never did any such things and I was in 4th grade before I had a dress that belonged to me before it belonged to anybody else. (yes, dresses were required for girls back then.)
While I pretty much agree with all you've been saying here, I disagree that throwing more money at the problem will solve it. We've been "upping the ante" for years and years and if anything, the problems have gotten worse. Throwing money is too simple a solution that has proven ineffective and expensive. There is no simple solution to what we see happening all around us.

'How the money is used'--it would take a 'Renaissance/Reformation' to fix things the way I would like. A dreamer I guess.

Really and truly--a child from a lower income family --in a small setting---with technology available and other resources could/can learn so much. Small groups---but that cannot happen or doesn't very often.

Again, it's the home environment that makes all the difference. You can be poor and still get a good education. You can be poor and still know better than to beat up your teachers or throw rocks out the bus window. Being poor isn't and excuse. I never did any such things and I was in 4th grade before I had a dress that belonged to me before it belonged to anybody else. (yes, dresses were required for girls back then.)

true. the school wanted to sell cookies--teachers were to encourage students to do this.

One of my students told me--'I really can't do this because the drug dealers have the money and my grandmother doesn't want me to go over there.'

I told him not to worry. Gave him a hug.

Lots of stories---people were trying--all I can say. not much hope for any kind of a future. just gave up by maybe 11 or 12.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

You insist this kind of wanton, assaultive, anti-social behavior is universal in the public school system and is common to all races. Until you can provide the same kind of evidence we've all seen in this thread to prove such behavior is not confined predominately to Blacks I suggest you either are fabricating or fantasizing.

I can tell you for certain that up until the 1960s no one would have believed this kind of behavior would ever be commonplace in public schools. All three of our daughters attended public schools in Brooklyn and I never heard of anything like this utterly uncivilized behavior taking place there or anywhere else. The fact it is taking place now is irrefutable evidence of the decline of American society via the inevitable dumbing down of future generations.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 brought about a massive migration of impoverished, illiterate Southern Blacks to all major Northern cities, most of whom were immediately enrolled on welfare. At the same time integration of the public schools and the school busing program flooded the public school system with Black students, most of whom were illiterate or semi-literate and whose general behavior was alien to the environment. This imposed an insurmountable burden on teachers and produced an unexpected cultural phenomenon.

I have seen a few examples of White kids ("wiggers") having adopted Black behavioral and speech characteristics and dressing habits (hoodies, sagging pants, etc.) If these exceptions are what you mean by "it isn't just Black kids" who are behaving this way, it's obvious you are seeking to justify the unjustifiable.
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I debated with myself about adding this link. fwiw

Inner city school--all involved are African American--teacher lost it---shouldn't have---students had clearly been pushing her buttons.

ethnicity is not the real issue---lack of respect for authority to me is the real issue.

'she wasn't a good teacher'--should have been able to control the students--yeah, well--sometimes it cannot be done.

and it can happen in any school---yes, it can.

Teacher's expletive-laden rant to students caught on camera | www.ajc.com

I don't have any answers--all I know that is 'being disrespectful' was not accepted at one point in time. If that is a clue to solving 'the problem'.

Teacher's expletive-laden rant to students caught on camera | www.ajc.com
Bottom line, just because the kid is black and the teacher is white doesn't give the kid a free pass to do what he did.
Bottom line, just because the kid is black and the teacher is white doesn't give the kid a free pass to do what he did.

referencing the OP?

in the link I posted--the teacher and students were all African American---

still--'no respect for authority'--that is clear to me.

muddying the waters still further--true for all kinds and colors. where it begins and ends--and that takes us back to the home. and the home---any number of reasons why things don't go as they should there----infinite--absolutely infinite.

and 'what can be done'-----sometimes one thing will work and sometimes another--I do not have an answer.

Been there----done that. Then one day--after I had done all I could--I was told to 'leave'.

'Bad teacher'---that was said--everything was said. on and on and on.

the things that go on today--not just 'in school' --in life in general--difficult to accept--that is all I know.
Bottom line, just because the kid is black and the teacher is white doesn't give the kid a free pass to do what he did.
Unfortunately it seems a significant percentage of these assaultive Black kids disagree with what you've said. They seem to think they are part of a crusade of revenge for slavery and Jim Crow, the most recent and expansive manifestation of which is the so-called "knockout game."
I see this is still a stormfromt type site. Oh..the evil black people.

I like twi'leks. Their species come in red, blue, green, orange, yellow, brown, tan, purple, pink, white, and grey, and none of them are racist against each other like all you c*nts.
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She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

You insist this kind of wanton, assaultive, anti-social behavior is universal in the public school system and is common to all races. Until you can provide the same kind of evidence we've all seen in this thread to prove such behavior is not confined predominately to Blacks I suggest you either are fabricating or fantasizing.

I can tell you for certain that up until the 1960s no one would have believed this kind of behavior would ever be commonplace in public schools. All three of our daughters attended public schools in Brooklyn and I never heard of anything like this utterly uncivilized behavior taking place there or anywhere else. The fact it is taking place now is irrefutable evidence of the decline of American society via the inevitable dumbing down of future generations.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 brought about a massive migration of impoverished, illiterate Southern Blacks to all major Northern cities, most of whom were immediately enrolled on welfare. At the same time integration of the public schools and the school busing program flooded the public school system with Black students, most of whom were illiterate or semi-literate and whose general behavior was alien to the environment. This imposed an insurmountable burden on teachers and produced an unexpected cultural phenomenon.

I have seen a few examples of White kids ("wiggers") having adopted Black behavioral and speech characteristics and dressing habits (hoodies, sagging pants, etc.) If these exceptions are what you mean by "it isn't just Black kids" who are behaving this way, it's obvious you are seeking to justify the unjustifiable.

I agree that this is a symptom of the decline of America but I don't agree that it's because of integration.

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