Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

well said. Sounds like the students at that school are a challenging group. Arbitrarily choose which rules to follow?
The students we saw in that classroom are acclimated to a culture which is effectively separate from that of the dominant outer society. Many of them are destined to end up in prison and/or a life of dependency on welfare and/or petty crime.

I had such an experience first hand. I would imagine things like this go on with the regular teacher---which is why they went on with a substitute. and so much more that might need to be addressed at this school. best not to speculate.

It really annoyed me that NONE of the students said or did anything to intervene or get help. Nope, they were all too busy taping it on their phones. If I was the mother of any of those students, they would lose their cell phones for not having used it appropriately. IE, call for help.
Everyday there are many stories of black males beating, raping and robbing little old white ladies.

She should have never been put into that classroom.
Everyday there are many stories of black males beating, raping and robbing little old white ladies.

She should have never been put into that classroom.
I don't know you have to highlight little old white ladies, as there is certainly enough to highlight crime by black males across-the-board. There will be those that insist these problems are not racial, but the preponderance of crimes from one race cannot help but be so.

Regardless of the intentions of the OP, saying that there is a racial problem is not racist.
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Yeah. So?

Ah so you dont have a problem with little old ladies getting beat on. Gotcha.

I don't see the point in crying about it, or turning it into a racial thing.
Can you show us any examples of groups of Caucasian or Asian students behaving in the manner seen in the video? If not, then it clearly is a "racial thing." Mainly because many other examples of Black on White assaultive behavior are readily documentable and recently have been presented in this forum.
Ah so you dont have a problem with little old ladies getting beat on. Gotcha.

I don't see the point in crying about it, or turning it into a racial thing.
Can you show us any examples of groups of Caucasian or Asian students behaving in the manner seen in the video? If not, then it clearly is a "racial thing." Mainly because many other examples of Black on White assaultive behavior are readily documentable and recently have been presented in this forum.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqZvMz2tmc4]13 Year Old Girl Fights Male Teacher In Oakland Middle School! - YouTube[/ame]


What a pussy! That white teacher got his ass whooped by a 13 yr old girl!


She popped him in the face and he picked up a student desk and tried to hit her with it but she just pushed it aside and came at him again. Hahaha. What a loser.
Thats no girl, unless you mean girlilla.

That heffa had to be at least 200 pounds, and when one of these reach's adulthood they can be 350 to 400 pounds.

Not many people can take on a full sized negro female


What a pussy! That white teacher got his ass whooped by a 13 yr old girl!


She popped him in the face and he picked up a student desk and tried to hit her with it but she just pushed it aside and came at him again. Hahaha. What a loser.
That White teacher got his ass whipped by a 13 year-old Black girl. It is very unlikely, virtually impossible in fact, a White girl could have done that.


What a pussy! That white teacher got his ass whooped by a 13 yr old girl!


She popped him in the face and he picked up a student desk and tried to hit her with it but she just pushed it aside and came at him again. Hahaha. What a loser.

From what I could tell, he was using the desk as a shield. He's not allowed to hit the student.
Ah so you dont have a problem with little old ladies getting beat on. Gotcha.

I don't see the point in crying about it, or turning it into a racial thing.
Can you show us any examples of groups of Caucasian or Asian students behaving in the manner seen in the video? If not, then it clearly is a "racial thing." Mainly because many other examples of Black on White assaultive behavior are readily documentable and recently have been presented in this forum.

I already posted one in the thread. Stop pretending you didnt see it.
"As a result of these trends, black men younger than 35 without a high school degree are now more likely in America to be imprisoned than employed in the labor market.
These disproportionate impacts extend to their children: As of 2009, 62 percent of black children under 17, whose parents had not completed high school, have had a parent in prison. The same was true for 17 percent of Hispanic children and 15 percent of white children (with similarly educated parents)."

The Land of the Free has more black men under 35 without a HS diploma in prison than in the workforce.

This has been building up over the last 40 years when millions of middle class jobs in the US were outsourced.

Jobs or Jails?

The meteoric, costly and unprecedented rise of incarceration in America
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4ogjJ5q-wE]'I will kill the f out of you' Student's death threats to professor in evolution class - YouTube[/ame]

I am totally confused. When my son, after being terribly bullied in class said, "now I know why things like Columbine happen!" The cops were called, they threatened expulsion, but look at this girl? Why the heck aren't the cops called on her?
Maybe a four minute response time isn't reasonable?
I'm wondering if the second young woman was a student in the Evolution class or just looking for a ticket to YouTube?

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