Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

She meant it wasn't worth it for the substitute teacher to force the issue. Subs are just baby sitters. Many are former teachers and take the job very seriously. The school policy is to take away cell phones. Students get very angry about that because it is personal property and the kids are highly attached to their phones. The student who was interviewed was suggesting the sub would have been better off 'picking her battles' rather than adhering to school policy. She could have told the student to turn it off and put it away, for example. She was dealing with a brutish kid much larger than herself and it wasn't a wise move. The girl who was interviewed was being quite intelligent and reasonable about the situation.

There was no excuse for the way the student acted. Quit trying to make believe there is one.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

She meant it wasn't worth it for the substitute teacher to force the issue. Subs are just baby sitters. Many are former teachers and take the job very seriously. The school policy is to take away cell phones. Students get very angry about that because it is personal property and the kids are highly attached to their phones. The student who was interviewed was suggesting the sub would have been better off 'picking her battles' rather than adhering to school policy. She could have told the student to turn it off and put it away, for example. She was dealing with a brutish kid much larger than herself and it wasn't a wise move. The girl who was interviewed was being quite intelligent and reasonable about the situation.

IDK if they get personal, rules are rules. "Brutish" kids or get a pass because they might look scary? Come on, that's ridiculous. The teacher was enforcing rules which are there to assure the student is learning in school and paying attention. Simple, the kids listen, not get a special pass because may be big, disabled, cheerleader, football player, etc. Rules need to be enforced evenly.

When one student sees the possible class bully being treated differently, it sends a message, rules are only enforced for some, the big, the elite, the popular, or whomever.
First, I never said it was acceptable. I said that there is a difference between being beaten and being shoved. If you guys can't see that, you need to go back to kindergarten. The use of the term beaten is hyperbole and is meant to make the incident look like something different than it is. I am not making excuses for anyone; I am pointing out reality instead of fiction.

Second, I brought up race because Tank is the board's resident major racist: he would not have posted this article if the kid had not been black. We all know that, though I'm sure all the other racists on this thread will protest that as you are all intellectually dishonest about your racism.

Third: Meathead: you and I have never had any 'talk.' We don't talk. You are on ignore. I read only the posts you post while you are stalking me. Boys, about a year ago, I made a comment suggesting Meathead couldn't get it up. Must have been true, because he has been so upset about it, he has stalked me for a year, constantly calling me names and pretending we have some sort of relationship. I am just trying to ignore the pathetic old bastard. It's not my fault I was correct about his sexual disfunction. But it is really, really pathetic to follow someone around this board so you can pretend there is some kind of relationship when all you are to me is a little ratty piece of shit who won't leave me alone. Go away. Crawl back in your hole.

I believe this student should be punished. I don't think it is okay at all, and I never suggested such a thing if you read my posts with intellectual honesty. What I object to is the obvious racism and describing this as a beating when it is not.

And I'm done with thread and all of you because it is obvious not a one of your will discuss this issue honesty, except Jeremiah.

Being shoved by a kid who is 6.2 and 325 pounds could inflict the same damage as someone being 'beaten' by a different kid.

She is 66, probably suffering from osteoporosis and could have broken a hip- a life threatening situation for older people.

If she hit her head on the way down, and suffered a great injury would it still be 'just shoved".

Kid was wrong and should be jailed. HE KNEW the RULES.

"Honesty" is actually looking at what could have happened when someone three times the size of the other attacks.

Given his size, he is probably on the football team-- many footballers are treated differently in school and get away with a ton, because they are footballers.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

She meant it wasn't worth it for the substitute teacher to force the issue. Subs are just baby sitters. Many are former teachers and take the job very seriously. The school policy is to take away cell phones. Students get very angry about that because it is personal property and the kids are highly attached to their phones. The student who was interviewed was suggesting the sub would have been better off 'picking her battles' rather than adhering to school policy. She could have told the student to turn it off and put it away, for example. She was dealing with a brutish kid much larger than herself and it wasn't a wise move. The girl who was interviewed was being quite intelligent and reasonable about the situation.
The teacher made the mistake of thinking she was dealing with civilized adolescents. She was a sub, probably unfamiliar with the category she was dealing with, and she acted in a manner which is consistent with the civilized standard.

Having attended Catholic school, where discipline is paramount and quite rigid, I can tell you discipline is essential for effectively educating adolescents. Without discipline there is no way the adolescents seen in these videos grow up to be anything but stereotypical semi-literate, ignorant, criminal ******* who will end up in prison? Better to encourage kicking their asses now rather than having to cage them later. They need to be imbued with fear of retaliation for misbehavior.

What you have said here indirectly but unmistakably shifts blame onto the teacher whose action was an attempt to passively instill discipline -- which ultimately is in that young man's interest. You're making excuses.
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Predators that disrespect authority are a menace to society.

LMFAO hahaha. F*** authority.

That video was fucked up. He just pushed her though, he didn't beat her down. Still though. They should charge him a fine and give him a misdemeanor. Maybe six months to a year of juvenile incarceration. His actions aren't felony worthy yet. But people been sent to jail for less. He should be more careful when being a "menace to society". You know. Carefully formulate and strategize his nefarious intentions and execute them in a fashion that won't attract law enforcement. That was too sloppy. He should be punished more for being a poor criminal than for pushing the old lady.


If that was my grandma I would f***ing ruin his life

Hey Ashtara. You do realize that a fall at that age can cause some serious damage right?

Yeah. So?
This kid needs more than counseling. He needs to be expelled and he needs to be placed in detention. May be the beginning of a long criminal history, unless someone stops him now.
LMFAO hahaha. F*** authority.

That video was fucked up. He just pushed her though, he didn't beat her down. Still though. They should charge him a fine and give him a misdemeanor. Maybe six months to a year of juvenile incarceration. His actions aren't felony worthy yet. But people been sent to jail for less. He should be more careful when being a "menace to society". You know. Carefully formulate and strategize his nefarious intentions and execute them in a fashion that won't attract law enforcement. That was too sloppy. He should be punished more for being a poor criminal than for pushing the old lady.


If that was my grandma I would f***ing ruin his life

Hey Ashtara. You do realize that a fall at that age can cause some serious damage right?

Yeah. So?

Yeah. So? What a well thought out response. Probably had to think that one over for a while, huh?
So because she wasn't beaten like a dog what this kid did was fine?....
So because she is a substitute teacher and she should expect to be walking into a war zone?

Teachers can't look at a kid the wrong way these days but it's OK for a student to lay their hands
on the teacher..not once,not twice,but three times.
The first two times he wasn't happy...

The kid should be expelled and there should be criminal charges.
LMFAO hahaha. F*** authority.

That video was fucked up. He just pushed her though, he didn't beat her down. Still though. They should charge him a fine and give him a misdemeanor. Maybe six months to a year of juvenile incarceration. His actions aren't felony worthy yet. But people been sent to jail for less. He should be more careful when being a "menace to society". You know. Carefully formulate and strategize his nefarious intentions and execute them in a fashion that won't attract law enforcement. That was too sloppy. He should be punished more for being a poor criminal than for pushing the old lady.


If that was my grandma I would f***ing ruin his life

Hey Ashtara. You do realize that a fall at that age can cause some serious damage right?

Yeah. So?

Ah so you dont have a problem with little old ladies getting beat on. Gotcha.:cuckoo:
LMFAO hahaha. F*** authority.

That video was fucked up. He just pushed her though, he didn't beat her down. Still though. They should charge him a fine and give him a misdemeanor. Maybe six months to a year of juvenile incarceration. His actions aren't felony worthy yet. But people been sent to jail for less. He should be more careful when being a "menace to society". You know. Carefully formulate and strategize his nefarious intentions and execute them in a fashion that won't attract law enforcement. That was too sloppy. He should be punished more for being a poor criminal than for pushing the old lady.


If that was my grandma I would f***ing ruin his life

Hey Ashtara. You do realize that a fall at that age can cause some serious damage right?

Yeah. So?

Sounds like ashtray needs a good ass kicking to adjust that attitude.
He's being charged with injury to the elderly? Someone needs to get on the phone to the Governors office there. This is a aggravated assault against a woman teacher. He has to be expelled. They should hold him in Juvenile detention until he is old enough to be sent to jail to finish out his sentence.

I'm sure plenty of lawyers have contacted this woman. A huge lawsuit will come in play over this.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

How ignorant are you? The kid should be expelled!!!
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved.
Well...that changes everything i guess!

and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

How many videos/news sources can you produce then, of White kids doing this in the last decade?
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved.
Well...that changes everything i guess!

and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

How many videos/news sources can you produce then, of White kids doing this in the last decade?

Do you mean assaulting the teacher or shooting up the entire school?
This incident is more proof why segregation of the schools is making a comeback. Michelle Obama acknowledged it last night at a commencement address to some 1,200 seniors.
She meant it wasn't worth it for the substitute teacher to force the issue. Subs are just baby sitters. Many are former teachers and take the job very seriously. The school policy is to take away cell phones. Students get very angry about that because it is personal property and the kids are highly attached to their phones. The student who was interviewed was suggesting the sub would have been better off 'picking her battles' rather than adhering to school policy. She could have told the student to turn it off and put it away, for example. She was dealing with a brutish kid much larger than herself and it wasn't a wise move. The girl who was interviewed was being quite intelligent and reasonable about the situation.

Yup it's the teachers fault for getting her ass kicked.

That's just the way it is now.

That is not what I said at all. Are you really too stupid to understand the point I am making? Does it have to be spelled out for you in kindergarten blocks? Do you not understand the concept of 'pick your battles.'

No it isn't the teacher's fault. But it would have saved her from the assault if she had not forced the issue. If you go into a bar and someone starts to pick a fight with you, if you feed into that and end up hurt is it your fault? No. If you walk away and leave the bar unhurt, aren’t you better off? Yes. Pick your battles. Be wise. That's what the point is.

I never said or implied that the teacher is at fault for getting hurt. If you really believe that, you are an imbecile

I am done here. You people are not worth trying to talk to. Picking my battles: talking to you fools is just not worth my time or energy. Be idiots. Go for it.

I get the concept of picking your battles, but maybe she is required to enforce all rules, and maybe the school has had so many problems with classroom cell phone use, that this particular rule of no cell phones is right at the top.
Maybe the school or school district strictly enforces it, and she was simply doing her job.

You on the other hand are practically suggesting it's her fault that she was attacked.

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