Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

Third: Meathead: you and I have never had any 'talk.' We don't talk. You are on ignore. I read only the posts you post while you are stalking me. Boys, about a year ago, I made a comment suggesting Meathead couldn't get it up. Must have been true, because he has been so upset about it, he has stalked me for a year, constantly calling me names and pretending we have some sort of relationship. I am just trying to ignore the pathetic old bastard. It's not my fault I was correct about his sexual disfunction. But it is really, really pathetic to follow someone around this board so you can pretend there is some kind of relationship when all you are to me is a little ratty piece of shit who won't leave me alone. Go away. Crawl back in your hole.
You know, I wouldn't comment on anything you had to say if your comments weren't so patently stupid. It started with your first question which was if I "even'had a passport. I then decided that you were a pompous ditz, but reading your idiocies I could not help but come to the conclusion that you are a full-grown dingbat too boot.

I've tried to help, but keep up the dingbat platitudes if you must, just don't get bent out of shape when you're called on them.
Meathead, have you been stalking Esmeralda?

Is her allegation about you true? Your doctor may have some help to add strength to your length.
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No excuses are permitted.

The student acted criminally and must be punished severely.

Tank is a fool if he thinks this is restricted to classrooms of color.

Meathead, have you been stalking Esmeralda?

Is her allegation about you true? Your doctor may have some help to add strength to your length.

It's just exactly as I said. Over a year ago, when I was first on here, I had a conflict with him on some thread and insulted his manhood. He has stalked me ever since attacking my age, my womanhood, and my mind. It goes on and on and on. I have had him on ignore for at least a year. I check the posts he posts right after mine in a thread to see if he is directing them at me. Most often, they are completely off topic and are simply direct insults to me that have nothing to do with the thread. You can see in his post just above that he thinks we have some kind of relationship. I do not address his posts, ever. I have nothing to do with him. I addressed this one because I am trying to get him to stop, and I am hoping making what he does public will do that. Being stalked is not nice. He needs to get over the insult that I posted over a year ago. He needs to leave someone alone who has nothing to do with him. He needs to stop thinking there is some kind of ongoing relationship. The only thing ongoing is that I try to get him to stop stalking me.
Some like Meathead, or some like Yurt, simply cannot accept being delivered to them what they dish out to others. Such folks always come out looking worse for wear. Always.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

The guy needs expelled, charged with assault.

He shoved her hard and if her head hit a desk or a floor, she could have brain damage or even killed. I don't give a damn about the color of either the predator or the victim. Wrong is wrong, evil is evil and for you to dismiss this as "this kind of thing happens" is pure bullshit and dismissive on your part. I believe you are taking the slant because of the predator's skin color. You are disgusting if you can't see the seriousness of this kind of attack. Predators that disrespect authority are a menace to society and so is your attitude.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
My parents were both teachers and I have many friends who are teachers, and this video and many other videos is just more proof of why teachers try to avoid these type of schools
Some like Meathead, or some like Yurt, simply cannot accept being delivered to them what they dish out to others. Such folks always come out looking worse for wear. Always.
A person has to be effing sick when someone ignores and ignores and ignores them and they still keep going after them. And this pretending we have some kind of relationship is really sick. I do not have any kind of ongoing conflict with this guy, except that he stalks me. If I don't like someone, I simply ignore them. Period. I am not interested in having any contact with people I don't like.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

The guy needs expelled, charged with assault.

He shoved her hard and if her head hit a desk or a floor, she could have brain damage or even killed. I don't give a damn about the color of either the predator or the victim. Wrong is wrong, evil is evil and for you to dismiss this as "this kind of thing happens" is pure bullshit and dismissive on your part. I believe you are taking the slant because of the predator's skin color. You are disgusting if you can't see the seriousness of this kind of attack. Predators that disrespect authority are a menace to society and so is your attitude.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Yep, shit happens. We should expect this kind of behavior in classrooms today, I mean come on, she took his cell phone.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

You got any videos?

And race was never mentioned.....
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Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?
By the way, I don't agree with those here who say race has nothing to do with this.

It may have not, but it's also very possible that the punk has been raised to have zero respect for white people, thus why it was easy for him to attack.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

She meant it wasn't worth it for the substitute teacher to force the issue. Subs are just baby sitters. Many are former teachers and take the job very seriously. The school policy is to take away cell phones. Students get very angry about that because it is personal property and the kids are highly attached to their phones. The student who was interviewed was suggesting the sub would have been better off 'picking her battles' rather than adhering to school policy. She could have told the student to turn it off and put it away, for example. She was dealing with a brutish kid much larger than herself and it wasn't a wise move. The girl who was interviewed was being quite intelligent and reasonable about the situation.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

She meant it wasn't worth it for the substitute teacher to force the issue. Subs are just baby sitters. Many are former teachers and take the job very seriously. The school policy is to take away cell phones. Students get very angry about that because it is personal property and the kids are highly attached to their phones. The student who was interviewed was suggesting the sub would have been better off 'picking her battles' rather than adhering to school policy. She could have told the student to turn it off and put it away, for example. She was dealing with a brutish kid much larger than herself and it wasn't a wise move. The girl who was interviewed was being quite intelligent and reasonable about the situation.

Yup it's the teachers fault for getting her ass kicked.

That's just the way it is now.
This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this.

Show us a video, then. IF you are able to find the video you are looking for, I will then post another video of a black student being violent. Who do you think will run out of videos first, me or you?

Quit making excuses for the rampant bad behavior in the black community, and quit acting like black students behave the same as white students. They don't. We all know they don't. YOU know they don't.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

She meant it wasn't worth it for the substitute teacher to force the issue. Subs are just baby sitters. Many are former teachers and take the job very seriously. The school policy is to take away cell phones. Students get very angry about that because it is personal property and the kids are highly attached to their phones. The student who was interviewed was suggesting the sub would have been better off 'picking her battles' rather than adhering to school policy. She could have told the student to turn it off and put it away, for example. She was dealing with a brutish kid much larger than herself and it wasn't a wise move. The girl who was interviewed was being quite intelligent and reasonable about the situation.

Seriously?? That attitude is exactly why some classrooms are out of control-they know certain teachers let them control the room, rather than the other way around, and they ruin the possibility of any learning actually going on for those kids that actually want to.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

She meant it wasn't worth it for the substitute teacher to force the issue. Subs are just baby sitters. Many are former teachers and take the job very seriously. The school policy is to take away cell phones. Students get very angry about that because it is personal property and the kids are highly attached to their phones. The student who was interviewed was suggesting the sub would have been better off 'picking her battles' rather than adhering to school policy. She could have told the student to turn it off and put it away, for example. She was dealing with a brutish kid much larger than herself and it wasn't a wise move. The girl who was interviewed was being quite intelligent and reasonable about the situation.

Yup it's the teachers fault for getting her ass kicked.

That's just the way it is now.

That is not what I said at all. Are you really too stupid to understand the point I am making? Does it have to be spelled out for you in kindergarten blocks? Do you not understand the concept of 'pick your battles.'

No it isn't the teacher's fault. But it would have saved her from the assault if she had not forced the issue. If you go into a bar and someone starts to pick a fight with you, if you feed into that and end up hurt is it your fault? No. If you walk away and leave the bar unhurt, aren’t you better off? Yes. Pick your battles. Be wise. That's what the point is.

I never said or implied that the teacher is at fault for getting hurt. If you really believe that, you are an imbecile

I am done here. You people are not worth trying to talk to. Picking my battles: talking to you fools is just not worth my time or energy. Be idiots. Go for it.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

EXACTLY! She wasnt saying it was a bad thing to do to a person. She was saying the only problem was that it wasn't worth it for the violent teen. In other words, it was an inconvenience for him.
Some like Meathead, or some like Yurt, simply cannot accept being delivered to them what they dish out to others. Such folks always come out looking worse for wear. Always.
A person has to be effing sick when someone ignores and ignores and ignores them and they still keep going after them. And this pretending we have some kind of relationship is really sick. I do not have any kind of ongoing conflict with this guy, except that he stalks me. If I don't like someone, I simply ignore them. Period. I am not interested in having any contact with people I don't like.

That is all you can do, unless you like toying with them now and them, then smack em down and move on.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

You got any videos?

And race was never mentioned.....

That you try to defend Tank reveals what you are. Yes, the videos are posted, yes, the context is given, and to suggest race was not mentioned only reveals what you are.

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