Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

I'm not pushing down little old black ladies
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AjR3AeZQ9U]Black Teenage Gangstas attack 61 year old teacher. - YouTube[/ame]
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

Making excuses I see, thanks for playing.

Yeah, I'm kind of dumbfounded. This is the only time I can think of that Tank didn't mention race.
Putting aside everything for a minute please - the boy is looking for attention - he is probably abused at home and has learned the behavior at home - he comes to school and for whatever reason he decides to challenge the authority of this woman teacher. He is clearly looking for an audience. Clearly holding anger issues. Clearly a danger to himself and others. He needs to be expelled and charged with assault. His own actions show that bully thing going on... he is a bully. Examine the video again.

Well, something needs to happen. Perhaps remove him from his home and put him in an institution where he can get the help he needs. Oh wait, we closed those institutions...nevermind.
Some like Meathead, or some like Yurt, simply cannot accept being delivered to them what they dish out to others. Such folks always come out looking worse for wear. Always.
A person has to be effing sick when someone ignores and ignores and ignores them and they still keep going after them. And this pretending we have some kind of relationship is really sick. I do not have any kind of ongoing conflict with this guy, except that he stalks me. If I don't like someone, I simply ignore them. Period. I am not interested in having any contact with people I don't like.

A person has to be pretty sick to make excuses for a 300 pound student to attack a teacher 3 times, eventually knocking her completely to the ground and saying "this kind of thing happens" then goes on a rant about how the person who posted the video is a racist when race was not mentioned in the OP at all. Me thinks if this had been a white student, you would have been all over it with no excuses whatsoever.
Bullying is bullying no matter what color their skin is. Kids of every race bully. It has to be stopped.

Do we see the same level of violence across all races and cultures in this nation, or are black people clearly in the lead in that category? Lets see if intellectual honesty is something you are capable of. Everyone else seems to just duck the question. Will you do the same?

Those like you who are emotionally unbalanced because of issues of race no longer make the decisions and never will again. You know that.

Don't confuse race with culture. Im saying "black people", but I certainly don't think it has anything to do with their skin color. Black CULTURE is the problem. Its a really REALLY bad problem. Must you pretend like that isn't true in order to take your position? Being honest in a debate isn't an easy thing to do, but its how you gain credibility. Can you be honest right now and agree that black culture is in shambles?

Not all facts are fun, but that doesn't mean they aren't facts.

Blacks behave the way they do because of low IQ and high testosterone levels on average.

And their "culture" reflects that

Blacks behave the way they do because of low IQ and high testosterone levels on average.

And their "culture" reflects that

I think we will agree to disagree. A black kid raised in white culture wont sucker punch you for fun.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

You got any videos?

And race was never mentioned.....

That you try to defend Tank reveals what you are. Yes, the videos are posted, yes, the context is given, and to suggest race was not mentioned only reveals what you are.

Please point out where race was mentioned in the original OP.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

You got any videos?

And race was never mentioned.....

That you try to defend Tank reveals what you are. Yes, the videos are posted, yes, the context is given, and to suggest race was not mentioned only reveals what you are.

You're a joke. You negged me for calling assleper a ****** after he called me a cave monkey. Where's the outrage on the cave monkey comment?
You're a hypocrite of the highest order and I take nothing you say seriously.:fu:
Predators that disrespect authority are a menace to society.

LMFAO hahaha. F*** authority.

That video was fucked up. He just pushed her though, he didn't beat her down. Still though. They should charge him a fine and give him a misdemeanor. Maybe six months to a year of juvenile incarceration. His actions aren't felony worthy yet. But people been sent to jail for less. He should be more careful when being a "menace to society". You know. Carefully formulate and strategize his nefarious intentions and execute them in a fashion that won't attract law enforcement. That was too sloppy. He should be punished more for being a poor criminal than for pushing the old lady.


If that was my grandma I would f***ing ruin his life

Hey ashtray. You do realize that a fall at that age can cause some serious damage right?
Do we see the same level of violence across all races and cultures in this nation, or are black people clearly in the lead in that category? Lets see if intellectual honesty is something you are capable of. Everyone else seems to just duck the question. Will you do the same?

Do we see the same level of penis size across all races and cultures in this nation, or are black people clearly in the lead in that category? Lets see if intellectual honesty is something you are capable of. Everyone else seems to just duck the question. Will you do the same?

Cant say for sure. I dont go around staring at dicks myself.
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

Everyone knows Tank is a racist. The kid should go to juvie to think about what he did. It was malicious and the charge is ridiculous. Its flat out assault.
Putting aside everything for a minute please - the boy is looking for attention - he is probably abused at home and has learned the behavior at home - he comes to school and for whatever reason he decides to challenge the authority of this woman teacher. He is clearly looking for an audience. Clearly holding anger issues. Clearly a danger to himself and others. He needs to be expelled and charged with assault. His own actions show that bully thing going on... he is a bully. Examine the video again.

Well, something needs to happen. Perhaps remove him from his home and put him in an institution where he can get the help he needs. Oh wait, we closed those institutions...nevermind.

The help this vicious monkey needs, dear Shiela, is an intensified Parris Island style learning experience, in which he'll be tortured in one of many imaginative ways for doing so much as blinking his eyes too much or breathing too deeply. And if that doesn't teach him some personal discipline, the only place for his kind is a concentration camp where he can spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement -- with a suicide option.

His kind deserves nothing more civilized.
First, I never said it was acceptable. I said that there is a difference between being beaten and being shoved. If you guys can't see that, you need to go back to kindergarten. The use of the term beaten is hyperbole and is meant to make the incident look like something different than it is. I am not making excuses for anyone; I am pointing out reality instead of fiction.

Second, I brought up race because Tank is the board's resident major racist: he would not have posted this article if the kid had not been black. We all know that, though I'm sure all the other racists on this thread will protest that as you are all intellectually dishonest about your racism.

Third: Meathead: you and I have never had any 'talk.' We don't talk. You are on ignore. I read only the posts you post while you are stalking me. Boys, about a year ago, I made a comment suggesting Meathead couldn't get it up. Must have been true, because he has been so upset about it, he has stalked me for a year, constantly calling me names and pretending we have some sort of relationship. I am just trying to ignore the pathetic old bastard. It's not my fault I was correct about his sexual disfunction. But it is really, really pathetic to follow someone around this board so you can pretend there is some kind of relationship when all you are to me is a little ratty piece of shit who won't leave me alone. Go away. Crawl back in your hole.

I believe this student should be punished. I don't think it is okay at all, and I never suggested such a thing if you read my posts with intellectual honesty. What I object to is the obvious racism and describing this as a beating when it is not.

And I'm done with thread and all of you because it is obvious not a one of your will discuss this issue honesty, except Jeremiah.

Sorry Es, but when a 6ft 3in, 325 lb kid does what I can see with my own eyes to a 66 yr old woman...
Putting aside everything for a minute please - the boy is looking for attention - he is probably abused at home and has learned the behavior at home - he comes to school and for whatever reason he decides to challenge the authority of this woman teacher. He is clearly looking for an audience. Clearly holding anger issues. Clearly a danger to himself and others. He needs to be expelled and charged with assault. His own actions show that bully thing going on... he is a bully. Examine the video again.

Well, something needs to happen. Perhaps remove him from his home and put him in an institution where he can get the help he needs. Oh wait, we closed those institutions...nevermind.

The help this vicious monkey needs, dear Shiela, is an intensified Parris Island style learning experience, in which he'll be tortured in one of many imaginative ways for doing so much as blinking his eyes too much or breathing too deeply. And if that doesn't teach him some personal discipline, the only place for his kind is a concentration camp where he can spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement -- with a suicide option.

His kind deserves nothing more civilized.

Somebody call animal control. The cave simians are out again. ^^^^

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