Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

EXACTLY! She wasnt saying it was a bad thing to do to a person. She was saying the only problem was that it wasn't worth it for the violent teen. In other words, it was an inconvenience for him.

Students of all colors and classes have adjustments to make.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

EXACTLY! She wasnt saying it was a bad thing to do to a person. She was saying the only problem was that it wasn't worth it for the violent teen. In other words, it was an inconvenience for him.

Students of all colors and classes have adjustments to make.

Do students of all colors behave exactly the same? Do Asian students cause an equal amount of trouble as black students, per capita?
No excuses are permitted.

The student acted criminally and must be punished severely.

Tank is a fool if he thinks this is restricted to classrooms of color.

Meathead, have you been stalking Esmeralda?

Is her allegation about you true? Your doctor may have some help to add strength to your length.

It's just exactly as I said. Over a year ago, when I was first on here, I had a conflict with him on some thread and insulted his manhood. He has stalked me ever since attacking my age, my womanhood, and my mind. It goes on and on and on. I have had him on ignore for at least a year. I check the posts he posts right after mine in a thread to see if he is directing them at me. Most often, they are completely off topic and are simply direct insults to me that have nothing to do with the thread. You can see in his post just above that he thinks we have some kind of relationship. I do not address his posts, ever. I have nothing to do with him. I addressed this one because I am trying to get him to stop, and I am hoping making what he does public will do that. Being stalked is not nice. He needs to get over the insult that I posted over a year ago. He needs to leave someone alone who has nothing to do with him. He needs to stop thinking there is some kind of ongoing relationship. The only thing ongoing is that I try to get him to stop stalking me.

That has to stop. He's infringing on your USMB experience. That's wrong. No one has the right to stalk someone else because they felt insulted at some point in time or disagree politically. We're adults. A year long vendetta is not only mean spirited but ridiculous. Time for some folks to grow up.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

EXACTLY! She wasnt saying it was a bad thing to do to a person. She was saying the only problem was that it wasn't worth it for the violent teen. In other words, it was an inconvenience for him.

Bullying is bullying no matter what color their skin is. Kids of every race bully. It has to be stopped.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

EXACTLY! She wasnt saying it was a bad thing to do to a person. She was saying the only problem was that it wasn't worth it for the violent teen. In other words, it was an inconvenience for him.

Bullying is bullying no matter what color their skin is. Kids of every race bully. It has to be stopped.

Do we see the same level of violence across all races and cultures in this nation, or are black people clearly in the lead in that category? Lets see if intellectual honesty is something you are capable of. Everyone else seems to just duck the question. Will you do the same?
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

If you know of an example of a White student shoving an aged Black or White teacher to the ground tell us when and where.

This is one more example that shows the ******* are out of control. And the sad thing is their uncivilized behavior will eventually reflect badly on decent, law-abiding Black people whose kids would not behave this way. What we are seeing in this video are a bunch of ghetto ******* who belong in a concentration camp.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

It was sad to see no one step up for the teacher in the video.
Predators that disrespect authority are a menace to society.

LMFAO hahaha. F*** authority.

That video was fucked up. He just pushed her though, he didn't beat her down. Still though. They should charge him a fine and give him a misdemeanor. Maybe six months to a year of juvenile incarceration. His actions aren't felony worthy yet. But people been sent to jail for less. He should be more careful when being a "menace to society". You know. Carefully formulate and strategize his nefarious intentions and execute them in a fashion that won't attract law enforcement. That was too sloppy. He should be punished more for being a poor criminal than for pushing the old lady.


If that was my grandma I would f***ing ruin his life
No excuses are permitted.

The student acted criminally and must be punished severely.

Tank is a fool if he thinks this is restricted to classrooms of color.
If you know of converse examples of the criminal conduct we've seen here in recently posted videos of Blacks brutalizing Whites, either post the evidence or don't expect your comments to be considered credible.
It was sad to see no one step up for the teacher in the video.
Thats what I was thinking, instead it seemed as if the kids were enjoying it.

I wonder if their attitude would have been different if it had been a big white kid pushing down a little old black lady in front of them?
Do we see the same level of violence across all races and cultures in this nation, or are black people clearly in the lead in that category? Lets see if intellectual honesty is something you are capable of. Everyone else seems to just duck the question. Will you do the same?

Do we see the same level of penis size across all races and cultures in this nation, or are black people clearly in the lead in that category? Lets see if intellectual honesty is something you are capable of. Everyone else seems to just duck the question. Will you do the same?
By the way, I don't agree with those here who say race has nothing to do with this.

It may have not, but it's also very possible that the punk has been raised to have zero respect for white people, thus why it was easy for him to attack.
There is no question that this young ****** has been raised to have no respect for anyone, including himself. He respects nothing but bigger, badder, armed *******.

As for White people, have no doubt he's been raised to despise them -- as have the rest of the young mau mau acting out in that classroom.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKGuCQHyuB8]Teacher Attacked for Being White - YouTube[/ame]
Some like Meathead, or some like Yurt, simply cannot accept being delivered to them what they dish out to others. Such folks always come out looking worse for wear. Always.
A person has to be effing sick when someone ignores and ignores and ignores them and they still keep going after them. And this pretending we have some kind of relationship is really sick. I do not have any kind of ongoing conflict with this guy, except that he stalks me. If I don't like someone, I simply ignore them. Period. I am not interested in having any contact with people I don't like.
You weren't ignoring me. You kept negging me with notes like "asshole" and other petulance. I have never attempted to neg nor send you a message in response, nor have I addressed your sex life, or lack thereof in any way. That you have the caliber of posters like Jake Starkey on your side says a great deal about your "relationships". You're both pretty much the bottom of the barrel.

If you keep up with your dingbat posts, feel free to think we have some kind of relationship or that I'm stalking you or whatever else helps you with your pathological insecurities.
Do we see the same level of violence across all races and cultures in this nation, or are black people clearly in the lead in that category? Lets see if intellectual honesty is something you are capable of. Everyone else seems to just duck the question. Will you do the same?

Do we see the same level of penis size across all races and cultures in this nation, or are black people clearly in the lead in that category? Lets see if intellectual honesty is something you are capable of. Everyone else seems to just duck the question. Will you do the same?
:lol: Sounds like you know, so you tell us?
Bullying is bullying no matter what color their skin is. Kids of every race bully. It has to be stopped.
We recently have seen several videos showing egregious acts of bullying. In each example the bullies are Black and the victims are White. If you know of any videos showing Blacks being bullied by Whites or Asians, please post them.

Otherwise what you've said is empty nonsense.
EXACTLY! She wasnt saying it was a bad thing to do to a person. She was saying the only problem was that it wasn't worth it for the violent teen. In other words, it was an inconvenience for him.

Students of all colors and classes have adjustments to make.

Do students of all colors behave exactly the same? Do Asian students cause an equal amount of trouble as black students, per capita?

You missed the point. All students as do all citizens have similar adjustments to make. Race is immaterial.
EXACTLY! She wasnt saying it was a bad thing to do to a person. She was saying the only problem was that it wasn't worth it for the violent teen. In other words, it was an inconvenience for him.

Bullying is bullying no matter what color their skin is. Kids of every race bully. It has to be stopped.

Do we see the same level of violence across all races and cultures in this nation, or are black people clearly in the lead in that category? Lets see if intellectual honesty is something you are capable of. Everyone else seems to just duck the question. Will you do the same?

Those like you who are emotionally unbalanced because of issues of race no longer make the decisions and never will again. You know that.
Did you also notice the girl that was interviewed was explaining the school policy about confiscating cell phones, and then when she describes what happened instead of saying the punk was in the wrong, she say's "for him to act out the way he did, it (the policy) wasn't worth it" ?

It was sad to see no one step up for the teacher in the video.
What we saw was mau mau behavior. Based on what we've seen here recently, along with other items of indisputable evidence I'm aware of, there is no doubt in my mind there is an emerging mau mau culture in America and it needs to be dealt with asap. It's time to put an abrupt end to the PC brainwash. It clearly has been counterproductive.

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