Elderly Teacher Beaten In Class (video)

Ya, and Dr Dre is a real doctor and Queen Latifah is a real Queen
You're just a typical negro boy, all talk
There are a ton of videos of teachers and students brawling all over the world. This one is my favorite.

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You're just a typical negro boy, all talk

Your just a typical white piece of trailer trash, all talk.
You're always trying to tell people how successful you are in you're personal life, who knows and who cares, you can be as successful as you want, we are on the internet.

Dont be mad that I am successful. Its all relative. I just used myself as an example in contrast to your situation where you wipe peoples asses for a living. If whites were so advanced and Blacks were not how is it I can make more in a month than you can in a year?
How successful and happy can you be when you think you're better than people who help the elderly, children and disabled.

You do know that the the mark of a civilized society is how well they treat their weakest people, compassion is the greatest sign of intelligence.

I know your type very well, I have caught you in a few lies about your personal life claims, it is your negro nature.

Your jive ass bullshit ain't fooling me
How successful and happy can you be when you think you're better than people who help the elderly, children and disabled.

You do know that the the mark of a civilized society is how well they treat their weakest people, compassion is the greatest sign of intelligence.

I know your type very well, I have caught you in a few lies about your personal life claims, it is your negro nature.

Your jive ass bullshit ain't fooling me

Dont be ashamed you wipe asses for a living. I think that is commendable. Somebody has to do it. The only problem is we know you do it out of necessity and not goodwill. You have no other skills. You are a virulent racist and thats why I know I am a better person than you.

Black people have long cared for their elderly while white people tend to stick theirs in nursing homes. Please dont preach to me about compassion.

Among other demographic features of this 90-plus population: Most are widowed white women living alone or in a nursing home.

I know your type well as I have caught you in numerous lies. You are upset Black people are no longer a stepping block for you and it angers you that you have to work with Black people, some making more money than you.

Your weak attempts at trying to navigate around your intellectual superiors is amusing but everyone knows you probably haven't completed your GED yet.
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You can make me into whatever you want, just as you do with yourself.

You used to say I worked at Burger King and lived in a trailer.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScnKgfL5HFA]Kalulushi Children's Feeding Center in Zambia, Africa - YouTube[/ame]
You can make me into whatever you want, just as you do with yourself.

You used to say I worked at Burger King and lived in a trailer.

Thats one of the lies i caught you in. I always knew you lived in a trailer but now I know you are a CNA.
I can't prove that you are lying about who you say you are, but I know for a fact you are lying about who you say I am.

And if you're willing to lie about a perfect stranger, odds are you are doing the same with yourself, this is something a licensed behavior specialist would understand.
They should air that stuff in Africa. Maybe they'll stop coming to Europe in droves for looking for scraps. In Europe they live 12 to a room and spend all day trying to sell trinkets produced and imported by the far smarter, more organized and industrious Chinese, and they think it's luxury.

It might work, they're about as intelligent and worldly as you.
You're just a typical negro boy, all talk

Your just a typical white piece of trailer trash, all talk.

Do not allow that weakling to provoke you into feeling racist, Asclepias. Not all "white" people see things as poorly as he. If you respond with a racist attitude, you are only giving him what he wants.

Tis amusing to me how blindly narcissistic some people choose to feel about their race. Race and gender is only an illusion. Our mortal vessels deceive us! We are luminous beings! Not this crude matter, of flesh and blood. Your mind controls your body- can you really assign a gender, "race" or a color to your mind?

Let that scum bathe in his own feces. You needn't join him. But do as you will. :)
She wasn't beaten, she was shoved. This kind of thing happens, especially to substitute teachers, and I can garantee you it isn't just black kids doing stuff like this. You are a racist, Tank. There is no one worse on the planet than people like you. You really are not in any ethical position to criticise anyone else. The incident seen here happens in America's public schools. The kids who do it come from all races. That is the truth. And you are disgusting.

Attack the messenger and give the idiot a pass. Typical libtard!!
I'm not a CNA and who knows or cares what you say you do.

Why are you trying to make this about just you and me?

Facts are White men have advanced society far beyond the dreams of your monkey people

The reason I ask is because if whites were advanced none of them would be on welfare or do any of the things that would be considered inferior right? How is it possible that whites are advanced when they only built on the knowledge given to them by Black people?

"How is it possible that whites are advanced when they only built on the knowledge given to them by Black people?"


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