Election depression

How sad it is that things have come to this in this country. We have a lying, cheating, power hungry, criminal, vs a lying, loud mouth power hungry, jerk.
I don't know that, or believe that.

I do believe he HATES watching the fall of the country under this man who is rapidly dismantling every aspect of the country that made it great.

Like TENS OF MILLIONS of us out here, he wants to stop the decline.

I believe he fundamentally LOVES this country. Obama does NOT. Neither does Hillary.

For this reason, Trump can count on my vote.
Many people think both Trump and Clinton are horrible. But consider: the established media has constantly, unfairly attacked Trump while often covering up for Hillary. So Hillary's reputation is deserved.

Remember Trump was a racist because he didn't disavow David Duke?

All nonsense.

Remember how Trump treated Alicia Machado so terribly?

More nonsense.

This I KNOW. Trump is not NEARLY as bad as the Clinton networks say, and Hillary is not NEARLY as good.

For this reason, I'm voting Trump.
How sad it is that things have come to this in this country. We have a lying, cheating, power hungry, criminal, vs a lying, loud mouth power hungry, jerk.
I don't know that, or believe that.

I do believe he HATES watching the fall of the country under this man who is rapidly dismantling every aspect of the country that made it great.

Like TENS OF MILLIONS of us out here, he wants to stop the decline.

I believe he fundamentally LOVES this country. Obama does NOT. Neither does Hillary.

For this reason, Trump can count on my vote.

I agree that he loves his country.

I agree that he wants to make it great again.

I will be voting for Trump, because of how important the SCOTUS picks are.
Please name an Obama regulation that put people out of work and on welfare. In doing so, tell us how many people were displaced and demonstrate that it was said regulation that directly led to the displacement.

Obama Offers Welfare To Miners Out Of Work From EPA Regs

Nope. You cannot attribute job losses to any specific regulation. The OPINION PIECE that you cited even used the term "in part" to place blame for job losses. If there we no other factors impacting the coal industry.....such as the rise of alternative sources of energy...you might have a leg to stand on.

You didn't.....nor did the cited work....identify a particular regulation and draw a relationship with it to job loss.

Try again, please.
Nope. You cannot attribute job losses to any specific regulation. The OPINION PIECE that you cited even used the term "in part" to place blame for job losses. If there we no other factors impacting the coal industry.....such as the rise of alternative sources of energy...you might have a leg to stand on.

You didn't.....nor did the cited work....identify a particular regulation and draw a relationship with it to job loss.

Try again, please.
Nope. You get what you got. If you can't understand how regulations destroy business/jobs, I can't help you.
Nope. You cannot attribute job losses to any specific regulation. The OPINION PIECE that you cited even used the term "in part" to place blame for job losses. If there we no other factors impacting the coal industry.....such as the rise of alternative sources of energy...you might have a leg to stand on.

You didn't.....nor did the cited work....identify a particular regulation and draw a relationship with it to job loss.

Try again, please.
Nope. You get what you got. If you can't understand how regulations destroy business/jobs, I can't help you.

I can understand how regulations CAN cause job loss. They can also cause job gains....and save entire industries. You haven't given me a single regulation that you can state led DIRECTLY to job loss. Until you do....you have no case.
Nope. You cannot attribute job losses to any specific regulation. The OPINION PIECE that you cited even used the term "in part" to place blame for job losses. If there we no other factors impacting the coal industry.....such as the rise of alternative sources of energy...you might have a leg to stand on.

You didn't.....nor did the cited work....identify a particular regulation and draw a relationship with it to job loss.

Try again, please.
Nope. You get what you got. If you can't understand how regulations destroy business/jobs, I can't help you.

I can understand how regulations CAN cause job loss. They can also cause job gains....and save entire industries. You haven't given me a single regulation that you can state led DIRECTLY to job loss. Until you do....you have no case.

Excessive regulations can make it very difficult for someone with an idea to get the product to market. If he can't get it there or if the fees are high and the process is complicated, it can lead to a scaling back of plans by the inventor and possibly fewer employees.
Nope. You cannot attribute job losses to any specific regulation. The OPINION PIECE that you cited even used the term "in part" to place blame for job losses. If there we no other factors impacting the coal industry.....such as the rise of alternative sources of energy...you might have a leg to stand on.

You didn't.....nor did the cited work....identify a particular regulation and draw a relationship with it to job loss.

Try again, please.
Nope. You get what you got. If you can't understand how regulations destroy business/jobs, I can't help you.

I can understand how regulations CAN cause job loss. They can also cause job gains....and save entire industries. You haven't given me a single regulation that you can state led DIRECTLY to job loss. Until you do....you have no case.

Excessive regulations can make it very difficult for someone with an idea to get the product to market. If he can't get it there or if the fees are high and the process is complicated, it can lead to a scaling back of plans by the inventor and possibly fewer employees.

I agree. They CAN. Now....please provide an example of an Obama sponsored regulation which did this to an industry. I am very willing to concede any verified examples.
Nope. You cannot attribute job losses to any specific regulation. The OPINION PIECE that you cited even used the term "in part" to place blame for job losses. If there we no other factors impacting the coal industry.....such as the rise of alternative sources of energy...you might have a leg to stand on.

You didn't.....nor did the cited work....identify a particular regulation and draw a relationship with it to job loss.

Try again, please.
Nope. You get what you got. If you can't understand how regulations destroy business/jobs, I can't help you.

I can understand how regulations CAN cause job loss. They can also cause job gains....and save entire industries. You haven't given me a single regulation that you can state led DIRECTLY to job loss. Until you do....you have no case.

Excessive regulations can make it very difficult for someone with an idea to get the product to market. If he can't get it there or if the fees are high and the process is complicated, it can lead to a scaling back of plans by the inventor and possibly fewer employees.

I agree. They CAN. Now....please provide an example of an Obama sponsored regulation which did this to an industry. I am very willing to concede any verified examples.

I cannot because I am not in the business field. That said, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't concede anyway.
Nope. You cannot attribute job losses to any specific regulation. The OPINION PIECE that you cited even used the term "in part" to place blame for job losses. If there we no other factors impacting the coal industry.....such as the rise of alternative sources of energy...you might have a leg to stand on.

You didn't.....nor did the cited work....identify a particular regulation and draw a relationship with it to job loss.

Try again, please.
Nope. You get what you got. If you can't understand how regulations destroy business/jobs, I can't help you.

I can understand how regulations CAN cause job loss. They can also cause job gains....and save entire industries. You haven't given me a single regulation that you can state led DIRECTLY to job loss. Until you do....you have no case.

Excessive regulations can make it very difficult for someone with an idea to get the product to market. If he can't get it there or if the fees are high and the process is complicated, it can lead to a scaling back of plans by the inventor and possibly fewer employees.

I agree. They CAN. Now....please provide an example of an Obama sponsored regulation which did this to an industry. I am very willing to concede any verified examples.

I cannot because I am not in the business field. That said, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't concede anyway.

Of course I would. I understand that you don't like me....and that I regularly make you look foolish....but you've absolutely no cause to say that I am dishonest or wouldn't keep my word. That is just you expressing sour grapes.

Now....you can't provide a single example of burdensome Obama regulations....but yiu just know they exist.

That is awesome.
How sad it is that things have come to this in this country. We have a lying, cheating, power hungry, criminal, vs a lying, loud mouth power hungry, jerk.

Neither are fit to be POTUS in any way shape or form.

I will be voting for Trump solely for the SCOTUS picks he might have. If he sticks to the list he has and picks conservative judges, I don't give a rats ass what he does after that. He could run through the White House naked, give all of his SOTU speeches shit faced drunk, and have a harem of prostitutes in the Lincoln Bedroom, and I won't care.

I'm not panicked about anything else because I know that the president is not Caesar. He cannot just do whatever he wants to. Trump will be opposed by the left and the right in probably everything except his SCOTUS picks.

No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.

Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.
This just isn't true. We have a great candidate. You would never vote for any democrat and you know it. So what you are admitting to us is you hate your nominee

If you're referring to the corporate whore as a great candidate, you are a loon. She's a corrupt old liar who is no more worthy of being President than Trump is. Vote JILL, not hill.
You may as well vote for Donald.

Jill sucks so bad Gary Johnson would beat her
Nope. You cannot attribute job losses to any specific regulation. The OPINION PIECE that you cited even used the term "in part" to place blame for job losses. If there we no other factors impacting the coal industry.....such as the rise of alternative sources of energy...you might have a leg to stand on.

You didn't.....nor did the cited work....identify a particular regulation and draw a relationship with it to job loss.

Try again, please.
Nope. You get what you got. If you can't understand how regulations destroy business/jobs, I can't help you.

I can understand how regulations CAN cause job loss. They can also cause job gains....and save entire industries. You haven't given me a single regulation that you can state led DIRECTLY to job loss. Until you do....you have no case.

Excessive regulations can make it very difficult for someone with an idea to get the product to market. If he can't get it there or if the fees are high and the process is complicated, it can lead to a scaling back of plans by the inventor and possibly fewer employees.

I agree. They CAN. Now....please provide an example of an Obama sponsored regulation which did this to an industry. I am very willing to concede any verified examples.
obama's epa put coal out of business JUST AS HE PROMISED. He tried to bribe them by offering to make them government dependents ((future Democrat voters). Because you need to reject that doesn't mean you "won" anything. Pretending you did only makes you look foolish.
Nope. You get what you got. If you can't understand how regulations destroy business/jobs, I can't help you.

I can understand how regulations CAN cause job loss. They can also cause job gains....and save entire industries. You haven't given me a single regulation that you can state led DIRECTLY to job loss. Until you do....you have no case.

Excessive regulations can make it very difficult for someone with an idea to get the product to market. If he can't get it there or if the fees are high and the process is complicated, it can lead to a scaling back of plans by the inventor and possibly fewer employees.

I agree. They CAN. Now....please provide an example of an Obama sponsored regulation which did this to an industry. I am very willing to concede any verified examples.

I cannot because I am not in the business field. That said, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't concede anyway.

Of course I would. I understand that you don't like me....and that I regularly make you look foolish....but you've absolutely no cause to say that I am dishonest or wouldn't keep my word. That is just you expressing sour grapes.

Now....you can't provide a single example of burdensome Obama regulations....but yiu just know they exist.

That is awesome.

You are confused. I never claimed there were any. That was someone else.

Don't take it too personal that I don't like you, I don't like any progressives.

Only in your dreams do you have a chance of making me look foolish.

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