Election depression

No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.
Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.

You can thank Baby Bush for the terrorists. And anybody who says they are voting for Trump has no right to call others idiots. None at all...

You think that all the terrorists in the world started when Bush was potus? You are a simpleton.
Says the guy who says "threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that."

Those in glass houses...
Good to see that some of the Drumpf boot lickers are beginning to recognize the writing on the wall. And frankly, its so very satisfying because he was clearly an inferior candidate supported by people who are clearly mentally inferior to most. The best candidate to seek office since Bush 41 is going to win a resounding victory and it proves that Americans are interested in effective, competent leadership, interested in taking their place in the rest of the world, and can still recognize that the promises of security based in fear are hollow.

I do love how the same people who are pledging to never support the President will be the first ones to brand her as being divisive. As I said, they are mentally not up to par.
How sad it is that things have come to this in this country. We have a lying, cheating, power hungry, criminal, vs a lying, loud mouth power hungry, jerk.

Neither are fit to be POTUS in any way shape or form.

I will be voting for Trump solely for the SCOTUS picks he might have. If he sticks to the list he has and picks conservative judges, I don't give a rats ass what he does after that. He could run through the White House naked, give all of his SOTU speeches shit faced drunk, and have a harem of prostitutes in the Lincoln Bedroom, and I won't care.

I'm not panicked about anything else because I know that the president is not Caesar. He cannot just do whatever he wants to. Trump will be opposed by the left and the right in probably everything except his SCOTUS picks.

No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.

Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.


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