Election depression

A lot of people feel the same way, PF. We know what we would get with Hillary and it's unacceptable. We can't do worse than her. She is probably the only person in this country who would actually be more detrimental to our nation than Obama. Trump may not be ideal but he's sure as hell better than Hillary Clinton.

Plus, if Clinton wins (please don't let it GOD) ..... we are all in for a Third World Atomic War.

For sure.

OK. Is there a point at which you will finally admit your claim is stupid? After a year that she doesn't cause an atomic war, will that be enough? 2 years? Her second term? Just how quick do you think she will do that. Is there an expiration date on your crazy claim, or is it open ended like all your other conspiracy theories?
She's itching to use nukes.

Nothing more dangerous than a psychotic bitch president with an inferiority complex trying to deal with REAL LEADERS like Putin etc....she will have the US nuked in no time....
How sad it is that things have come to this in this country. We have a lying, cheating, power hungry, criminal, vs a lying, loud mouth power hungry, jerk.

Neither are fit to be POTUS in any way shape or form.

I will be voting for Trump solely for the SCOTUS picks he might have. If he sticks to the list he has and picks conservative judges, I don't give a rats ass what he does after that. He could run through the White House naked, give all of his SOTU speeches shit faced drunk, and have a harem of prostitutes in the Lincoln Bedroom, and I won't care.

I'm not panicked about anything else because I know that the president is not Caesar. He cannot just do whatever he wants to. Trump will be opposed by the left and the right in probably everything except his SCOTUS picks.

No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.

Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.
That Republicans are depressed with the prospect of losing the election is understandable – but Republicans have only themselves to blame, the consequence of having nominated someone completely unfit to be president.
A lot of people feel the same way, PF. We know what we would get with Hillary and it's unacceptable. We can't do worse than her. She is probably the only person in this country who would actually be more detrimental to our nation than Obama. Trump may not be ideal but he's sure as hell better than Hillary Clinton.

Plus, if Clinton wins (please don't let it GOD) ..... we are all in for a Third World Atomic War.

For sure.

OK. Is there a point at which you will finally admit your claim is stupid? After a year that she doesn't cause an atomic war, will that be enough? 2 years? Her second term? Just how quick do you think she will do that. Is there an expiration date on your crazy claim, or is it open ended like all your other conspiracy theories?
A figurative atomic explosion is how Hillary reacts when faced with a valid question for which she may be held accountable.

Somehow the possibility of Hillary getting angry about something doesn't sound quite as bad as the claim that she would cause an atomic war.

I was taking your post seriously until I saw that Chicken Legs thanked you.
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If you are a Trump supporter, this should cause you depression. Is this looney tune posting here?

‘Finally. Someone who thinks like me.’
That a significant number of Trump supporters are just plain crazy goes without saying;

‘[Melanie’s] hips were still sore from a series of injections intended to calm her. She had gotten them in February, during a difficult time in her life, when she had been involuntarily hospitalized for several weeks after what she called a “rant,” a series of online postings that included one saying that Obama should be hanged and the White House fumigated and burned to the ground.

“It never crossed my mind that I’m losing it,” she said several months after her release, and a big reason for this conviction was the rise of Donald Trump, who had talked about so many of the things she had come to believe — from Obama being a founder of the terrorist group ISIS, to Hillary Clinton being a co-founder, to the idea that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia may have been murdered in a White House plot involving a prostitute and a pillow.

To Melanie, this was the glory of the 2016 presidential election. The truth about so many things was finally being accepted, from the highest levels of the Republican Party on down to the grass roots of America, where so many people like her didn’t care what some fact-checker said, much less that one day Trump would suggest that Obama wasn’t born in America.'
A lot of people feel the same way, PF. We know what we would get with Hillary and it's unacceptable. We can't do worse than her. She is probably the only person in this country who would actually be more detrimental to our nation than Obama. Trump may not be ideal but he's sure as hell better than Hillary Clinton.

Plus, if Clinton wins (please don't let it GOD) ..... we are all in for a Third World Atomic War.

For sure.

OK. Is there a point at which you will finally admit your claim is stupid? After a year that she doesn't cause an atomic war, will that be enough? 2 years? Her second term? Just how quick do you think she will do that. Is there an expiration date on your crazy claim, or is it open ended like all your other conspiracy theories?

My crazy claim???

I don't think so.

Did you know that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford , warned Congress that the implementation of a No Fly Zone, a centerpiece of Hillary’s foreign policy strategy, would result in World War III ????

The warning came while he was answering questions from Republican Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi while testifying before the Senate Committee on Armed Services on Thursday.

Crazy Crooked Clinton is a warmonger and yes, she is itching for a war with Russia! She is a sick, sick woman in and out!

A lot of people feel the same way, PF. We know what we would get with Hillary and it's unacceptable. We can't do worse than her. She is probably the only person in this country who would actually be more detrimental to our nation than Obama. Trump may not be ideal but he's sure as hell better than Hillary Clinton.

Plus, if Clinton wins (please don't let it GOD) ..... we are all in for a Third World Atomic War.

For sure.

OK. Is there a point at which you will finally admit your claim is stupid? After a year that she doesn't cause an atomic war, will that be enough? 2 years? Her second term? Just how quick do you think she will do that. Is there an expiration date on your crazy claim, or is it open ended like all your other conspiracy theories?

My crazy claim???

I don't think so.

Did you know that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford , warned Congress that the implementation of a No Fly Zone, a centerpiece of Hillary’s foreign policy strategy, would result in World War III ????

The warning came while he was answering questions from Republican Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi while testifying before the Senate Committee on Armed Services on Thursday.

Crazy Crooked Clinton is a warmonger and yes, she is itching for a war with Russia! She is a sick, sick woman in and out!

Good post that for reminding us all of Hillary's craziness

"Democrats Aren’t on Board With Hillary’s No-Fly-Zone Plan
Hillary Clinton is trying to distance herself from Obama on Syria, but members of her own party oppose greater U.S. military involvement.


Democrats Aren’t on Board With Hillary’s No-Fly-Zone Plan
Seriously. If he picks from the list of judges he was given, he could hold a press conference and moon the whole nation and I wouldn't care.

Someone should ask him to name three of those judges he listed in an interview. I'll bet he can't.

Doesn't matter. If he has lost the list, I'm sure he can be provided with another.
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How I feel when I think of a Hillary presidency....100% like that because I will have NOTHING to do with it nor will I abide by ANY laws she passes signs etc. She can go fuck herself with regards to my 2nd amendment rights and my free speech rights.

I hope you are serious about that, because I am. I'm even willing to go to jail.
No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.
Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.

You can thank Baby Bush for the terrorists. And anybody who says they are voting for Trump has no right to call others idiots. None at all...

You think that all the terrorists in the world started when Bush was potus? You are a simpleton.
Nothing more dangerous than a psychotic bitch president with an inferiority complex trying to deal with REAL LEADERS like Putin etc....she will have the US nuked in no time....

I doubt it. Putin knows that if she's elected, the US will destroy itself. All he has to do is wait. What good is taking control of a country that is radioactive?
How sad it is that things have come to this in this country. We have a lying, cheating, power hungry, criminal, vs a lying, loud mouth power hungry, jerk.

Neither are fit to be POTUS in any way shape or form.

I will be voting for Trump solely for the SCOTUS picks he might have. If he sticks to the list he has and picks conservative judges, I don't give a rats ass what he does after that. He could run through the White House naked, give all of his SOTU speeches shit faced drunk, and have a harem of prostitutes in the Lincoln Bedroom, and I won't care.

I'm not panicked about anything else because I know that the president is not Caesar. He cannot just do whatever he wants to. Trump will be opposed by the left and the right in probably everything except his SCOTUS picks.

No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.

Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.
That Republicans are depressed with the prospect of losing the election is understandable – but Republicans have only themselves to blame, the consequence of having nominated someone completely unfit to be president.

You are continuing to experience reading comprehension handicaps.
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How I feel when I think of a Hillary presidency....100% like that because I will have NOTHING to do with it nor will I abide by ANY laws she passes signs etc. She can go fuck herself with regards to my 2nd amendment rights and my free speech rights.

I hope you are serious about that, because I am. I'm even willing to go to jail.
I got a lot to lose but they will be lost if I don't stand up. As the man of the house its my job to protect my family. At all costs.I don't think jail suits me. I would prefer to die standing on my own 2 feet if it came to that. Jail SUCKS
How sad it is that things have come to this in this country. We have a lying, cheating, power hungry, criminal, vs a lying, loud mouth power hungry, jerk.

Neither are fit to be POTUS in any way shape or form.

I will be voting for Trump solely for the SCOTUS picks he might have. If he sticks to the list he has and picks conservative judges, I don't give a rats ass what he does after that. He could run through the White House naked, give all of his SOTU speeches shit faced drunk, and have a harem of prostitutes in the Lincoln Bedroom, and I won't care.

I'm not panicked about anything else because I know that the president is not Caesar. He cannot just do whatever he wants to. Trump will be opposed by the left and the right in probably everything except his SCOTUS picks.

No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.

Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.
Trump only has the slightest chance of winning and then only if all his TV viewers turn out everywhere and vote for him. Most of these people have never voted in their life however.

Trump is not prepared to be POTUS. He is inept.

Hillary is one of the best prepared people to be POTUS that ever ran for the office. She is just not well liked due to her lack of honesty.

Between the two of them, Hillary is still the better choice.
If you are a Trump supporter, this should cause you depression. Is this looney tune posting here?

‘Finally. Someone who thinks like me.’

LOL! “I would,” Melanie said to the TV. “I would, Donald.” would what? ahhh, OK<>

She was a 52-year-old woman who had worked 20 years for the railroad, had once been a Democrat and was now a Republican, and counted herself among the growing swath of people who occupied the fringes of American politics but were increasingly becoming part of the mainstream. Like millions of others, she believed that President Obama was a Muslim. And like so many she had gotten to know online through social media, she also believed that he was likely gay, that Michelle Obama could be a man, and that the Obama children were possibly kidnapped from a family now searching for them. sounds like she could be posting here?
How sad it is that things have come to this in this country. We have a lying, cheating, power hungry, criminal, vs a lying, loud mouth power hungry, jerk.

Neither are fit to be POTUS in any way shape or form.

I will be voting for Trump solely for the SCOTUS picks he might have. If he sticks to the list he has and picks conservative judges, I don't give a rats ass what he does after that. He could run through the White House naked, give all of his SOTU speeches shit faced drunk, and have a harem of prostitutes in the Lincoln Bedroom, and I won't care.

I'm not panicked about anything else because I know that the president is not Caesar. He cannot just do whatever he wants to. Trump will be opposed by the left and the right in probably everything except his SCOTUS picks.

No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.

Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.
Trump only has the slightest chance of winning and then only if all his TV viewers turn out everywhere and vote for him. Most of these people have never voted in their life however.

Trump is not prepared to be POTUS. He is inept.

Hillary is one of the best prepared people to be POTUS that ever ran for the office. She is just not well liked due to her lack of honesty.

Between the two of them, Hillary is still the better choice.

Disagree. Her corruption, lying, and thirst for power make her the worst sort of person to hold the position. Trump is no less qualified than 0bama was. Hillary has the exact WRONG kind of experience.
How sad it is that things have come to this in this country. We have a lying, cheating, power hungry, criminal, vs a lying, loud mouth power hungry, jerk.

Neither are fit to be POTUS in any way shape or form.

I will be voting for Trump solely for the SCOTUS picks he might have. If he sticks to the list he has and picks conservative judges, I don't give a rats ass what he does after that. He could run through the White House naked, give all of his SOTU speeches shit faced drunk, and have a harem of prostitutes in the Lincoln Bedroom, and I won't care.

I'm not panicked about anything else because I know that the president is not Caesar. He cannot just do whatever he wants to. Trump will be opposed by the left and the right in probably everything except his SCOTUS picks.

No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.

Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.
Trump only has the slightest chance of winning and then only if all his TV viewers turn out everywhere and vote for him. Most of these people have never voted in their life however.

Trump is not prepared to be POTUS. He is inept.

Hillary is one of the best prepared people to be POTUS that ever ran for the office. She is just not well liked due to her lack of honesty.

Between the two of them, Hillary is still the better choice.

Disagree. Her corruption, lying, and thirst for power make her the worst sort of person to hold the position. Trump is no less qualified than 0bama was. Hillary has the exact WRONG kind of experience.
Trump doesn`t lie? 1 WEEK, 38 LIES – Trump Lies
Obama knew how govt. works before he was elected president because he actually held public office. Trump and Putin don`t know shit.
Trump is not prepared to be POTUS. He is inept.

Hillary is one of the best prepared people to be POTUS that ever ran for the office. She is just not well liked due to her lack of honesty.

Between the two of them, Hillary is still the better choice.
I'll take the inept businessman that that built and empire over the old corrupt politician that know how to line her pockets. You and I are different folks. What are your achievements anyway? Just curious since Trump is inept to you.
How sad it is that things have come to this in this country. We have a lying, cheating, power hungry, criminal, vs a lying, loud mouth power hungry, jerk.

Neither are fit to be POTUS in any way shape or form.

I will be voting for Trump solely for the SCOTUS picks he might have. If he sticks to the list he has and picks conservative judges, I don't give a rats ass what he does after that. He could run through the White House naked, give all of his SOTU speeches shit faced drunk, and have a harem of prostitutes in the Lincoln Bedroom, and I won't care.

I'm not panicked about anything else because I know that the president is not Caesar. He cannot just do whatever he wants to. Trump will be opposed by the left and the right in probably everything except his SCOTUS picks.

No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.

Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.
Trump only has the slightest chance of winning and then only if all his TV viewers turn out everywhere and vote for him. Most of these people have never voted in their life however.

Trump is not prepared to be POTUS. He is inept.

Hillary is one of the best prepared people to be POTUS that ever ran for the office. She is just not well liked due to her lack of honesty.

Between the two of them, Hillary is still the better choice.

Disagree. Her corruption, lying, and thirst for power make her the worst sort of person to hold the position. Trump is no less qualified than 0bama was. Hillary has the exact WRONG kind of experience.
Trump doesn`t lie? 1 WEEK, 38 LIES – Trump Lies
Obama knew how govt. works before he was elected president because he actually held public office. Trump and Putin don`t know shit.

1. I never said Trump doesn't lie.
2. Your link is bull shit.
3. Obama's "Public Office" was a joke. He was a no-show most of it.
4. Wtf does Putin have to do with it?

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